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Page 9

by Lexy Timms

  “It sounds lovely.”

  After a long, exciting day and lulled to sleep by the sounds of nature and the lingering buzz of a little alcohol, my eyes closed in no time.

  * * *

  When morning came, I awoke to the sound of Jake stirring around. It was only five a.m., and silvery moonlight was still gushing in through the window, giving everything a haunted house glow.

  Slowly, Jake climbed out of bed and quickly slipped on a pair of underwear.

  I couldn’t help but stare at his dazzling looks, his tight six-pack abs, that muscular chest, and those hard biceps. He was adorable in his tightie-whities. “Mornin’,” I said as he slipped into his jeans and walked to my bed, still shirtless.

  “Good morning,” he said.

  I stared at his messy, jet-black hair. “Sleep good?”

  He flashed me a brilliant white smile. “Like a baby.”

  “Breakfast is in an hour,” I said. “We should go take showers and get ready. I’m starving and don’t wanna be late.”

  He gathered some cleaner clothes than the ones he was already wearing and headed outside to go take a shower.

  After I showered, I put on a pair of jeans that fit me like a second skin, and I slipped into a matching denim shirt. I pulled my hair into a long French braid and used very little makeup, since I was sure I’d sweat it off anyway.

  When Jake came back from his shower, I couldn’t help sweeping my gaze over his well-fitting jeans and white T-shirt, a classic look I’d always found sexy. The T-shirt clung to his broad shoulders, chest, and bulging biceps. His jeans fit him perfectly and emphasized his narrow waist. I knew if I didn’t stop drooling, he was going to notice.

  He touched the brim of his cowboy hat and tipped it toward me. “Ya ready to go git some vittles, pretty lady?” he asked in his best John Wayne, which was humorous at best.

  “I’m starving,” I said, smiling. “Let’s go.”

  The scrambled eggs, bacon, and coffee was delicious and helped to wake us up.

  After the scrumptious meal, I mounted my mule, and we took off on our journey out of the canyon, back to the top. The mules rested a few times as we went uphill, making for the perfect photo opportunities, allowing me to snap some fantastic pictures, memories I’d treasure forever. Again I had to be thankful for the cowboy hat, because the sun was beating down hard.

  Finally, Earl had gotten me back to the top, and I couldn’t have been more thankful. We hung out for a while, walked some trails, and observed the canyon from that perspective before we headed back to the hotel.

  * * *

  Once we returned to our far less rustic accommodations, I unpacked, took another shower, and put on clean clothes to lounge around in. I called Nadia, only to discover that she’d been going crazy trying to run the boutique all by herself.

  I looked at my watch and realized I had just enough time to call one of our vendors right before they closed. I looked up their number and dialed, only to be passed from one person to another. “Listen,” I said, “we need that material ASAP. So help me God, if this delay causes us to miss the deadline for getting this design in our collection, I will cancel all future orders and tell all of my colleagues to do the same.”

  Jake peeked in his head, excitement flooding his face. “You’ve gotta see this sunset.”

  “Can’t you see I’m on the phone?” I snapped.

  Jake ignored my hostile tone, then motioned for me to come outside.

  I just rolled my eyes at him and continued, “I need that shipment…and I need it now!”


  After I hung up in a rage, Jake softly touched my arm and led me outside. The horizon truly was something to see, with vivid, flaming reds and fiery oranges in swirls spreading out as far as my eye could see, as if the whole sky was made up of some kind of psychedelic paisley pattern that I would have killed to have in a nice cotton blend. Once again, the chasm took my breath away.

  I turned to face Jake. “This is spectacular.”

  “You miss out on so much when you won’t get off that phone of yours,” he scolded.

  I wanted to lash out at him and tell him to mind his own business while I was minding mine, but he was right.

  “When was the last time you left that stupid thing at home and actually took a look at the world around you? Before this trip, when did you take time to enjoy a forest or grasslands or all the tiny details of nature? You used to love the outdoors. Heck, we even counted ridges on a leaf once, remember? When was the last time you looked at the dewdrops on an intricate spider web or walked barefoot in the sand?”

  I bit my lip hard in thought. “So I’m a workaholic. What’s it to you?”

  “It’s just…sad. I still love to backpack, hike, and camp. It’s my way of being out here in nature. I work hard, too, but I take time out to enjoy nature’s beauty.”

  “I guess since I’ve grown up, I’ve never really slowed down enough to think about it. I feel like I’ve been on the move for years, like I’m always in a hurry, speeding down some freeway I can’t pull off of without crashing. Maybe I do need to stop and smell the roses…and the cottonwoods.”

  “Well, it’s admirable to work hard, but you should work to live, not live to work. It’s all about balance. I’ve learned a lot of lessons since you knew me before, and that’s one of them.”

  “Gee, Mr. Miyagi, now can you teach me to stand like a crane on a log long enough to kick someone in the face?”

  “Lesson not just karate only. Lesson for whole life. Whole life have a balance, everything be better. Understand?” he said, his Okinawan mentor impression not much better than his John Wayne, which made me laugh at him all over again.

  Chapter 9

  We spent a couple days relaxing and marveling at the Grand Canyon before we headed out for our next stop, the Royal Malewane, located on the Thornybush Game Reserve and adjacent to Kruger National Park in South Africa. It was one of Africa’s most popular places to stay and home to the big five: buffalo, elephant, leopard, lion, and rhino.

  When we arrived in Johannesburg, we had to take one more flight on a small plane, as that was the only way to reach our destination other than driving five to seven hours. The flight was a little bumpy, but we got there in an hour in a half, and I was thankful when we landed safely on a dirt airstrip.

  Two friendly men were waiting for us in an open-top Land Rover. “It’s so wonderful to meet you, Jake and Ashly,” one said. “I’ll be serving as your tracker and guide for the duration of your stay. My name is Anto.” He had dark skin and a beautiful smile.

  I shook his hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “This is Derrick,” Anto said. “He is your ranger.”

  I smiled and shook Derrick’s hand as well.

  They popped open the trunk and took care of our luggage, then started the engine and sped off.

  I couldn’t stop staring at the animals all around me. Shouting in excitement, I pointed to impala trampling through the bush. I looked over at Jake and saw that he was grinning from ear to ear, also enjoying our safari.

  When we arrived, we walked up a wooden walkway to the entrance, where we were greeted by smiling faces. Several people handed us cool towels and tropical fruit drinks, greeting us like royalty and instantly making us feel welcomed.

  I took a long sip of my refreshing drink and thanked the woman who had handed it to me. “Mmm! Very good,” I said, nodding at her.

  The woman’s gaze drifted from Jake to me. “You make beautiful couple,” she said.

  I bit my lip and looked at Jake awkwardly.

  He just shrugged at me, then smiled at the woman. “We are having a wonderful time together, and we can’t wait to experience Africa.”

  “It’s a beautiful place,” she said. “I hope you enjoy your stay with us here.”

  Jake went with the manager to check us in, leaving me to talk to the woman.

  She smiled sweetly at me. “Please come. I escort you to your suite.”r />
  As she led me down the boardwalk, my gaze drifted out toward the bush. Elephants roamed freely, and giraffes stretched their necks to munch on leaves. I couldn’t stop gaping; I’d never seen an elephant or giraffe roaming free, outside a cage.

  All the suites were elevated on stilts and reminded me of bungalows. Ours was spacious and decorated with dark wood furniture, a beautiful fireplace, a dining room, a kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom with a Victorian bathtub next to a floor-to-ceiling glass window and shower, antiques, and a huge canopy bed. It was more like an apartment than any suite I’d ever been in, and the whole layout took my breath away. There was a fully stocked bar, and the refrigerator was filled with soda, snacks, and candy.

  I glanced out the huge windows in the living room and could see our private outdoor terrace and a lovely view of the bush. There were no curtains, so I had a clear, panoramic view every time I looked out. We even had our own wraparound wooden deck, a plunge pool, and thatched gazebo. I couldn’t believe there was a cabana, an outdoor living area with sofas and a dining table, and even an outside shower. I smiled at the champagne chilling in a fancy silver bucket of ice.

  Sweat was pouring down my back, so I decided it was time to cool off. I quickly changed into my bathing suit and climbed into the plunge pool that overlooked a clearing in the untamed African bush. It was refreshing, and as I looked around me, I couldn’t believe where I was. I was surrounded by plush green, a choir of birds I’d never heard before, and a chorus of monkeys, as well, lullabied by the trickling, soothing water coming from the plunge pool.

  “We’re all checked in,” Jake said when he returned. “You gotta take a look around this place. There’s a library, a shop, a swimming pool, a spa, and more. I’m gonna hit the gym after we settle in.” He opened up the champagne, then handed me a glass. “Mind if I join you?” he asked casually.

  I reached for the glass and thanked him. “I’ll be out in a few minutes. Then it’s all yours.”

  He nodded and headed back inside.

  I sprawled out and enjoyed my scenic view for a while longer, until a grunt echoed in the air, causing me to drop my glass of champagne. A chill shot down my spine as I anxiously glanced around. “Hey, Jake! Something’s out here!” I shouted.

  “We’re in the middle of the bush,” Jake called back. “What do you expect?”

  “Okay, Tarzan. You don’t have to be a jackass!”

  Much to my disbelief, two elephant trunks popped up and started slurping my pool water.

  My heart raced. “Jake!” I called frantically. “Get out here!”

  He rushed out. “What’s the matter?”


  He smiled. “Looks like you’ve got company. How rude of you not to offer them a drink. They had to get their own.”

  “Ha-ha,” I said, rolling my eyes at him yet again.

  “Don’t worry. We’re high enough that they can’t trample us.”

  Jake went inside and grabbed his camera to snap a few shots of our priceless encounter with Dumbo and Jumbo. I couldn’t wait to send the photos to Nadia. I stayed still, so as not to spook them as they drank away, trying to quench their thirst. Although my heart was pounding, it was one of the neatest things I’d ever seen. Jake and I looked at each other and chuckled.

  Jake suddenly pointed down. “Your phone!”

  I followed his gaze and saw an adorable but ornery-looking monkey on the deck, playing with my most prized possession. “My cell!” I rushed out of the pool and grabbed Jake’s arm. “Jake, you have to get it. I’ll be lost without my phone. It has everything on it. It’s my life!”

  He rushed inside and came out with an apple, which he knelt down and offered to the monkey. “Hungry, fella?”

  The animal started making hooting sounds that varied in pitch and volume. Then it let out a long screech and threw the phone.

  Jake picked up the phone as the monkey snatched the apple, then darted into the trees. “You might wanna put your phone away. They love shiny objects,” Jake said. “Wouldn’t want our newfound friends playing volleyball, soccer, and basketball with this thing, now would we?”

  I wrapped myself in a towel. “Thanks, Jake. I can’t believe my cell almost got hijacked by a monkey.”

  “First elephants and now monkeys. What’s next?” he asked.

  We both looked at each other and burst out in laughter.

  * * *

  I wore a long, blue dress with a sweetheart neckline and pinned my hair in an elegant up-do. I wanted something chic and elegant, yet simple and glittery to complement my outfit. So I opted to go with my cubic zirconia collection, a diamond necklace, studs, and a tennis bracelet. Jake wore a white dress shirt with brown slacks. I could see the outline of his muscles stretching across his bulging arms and chest. I couldn’t help but breathe a little harder. It may be cliché, but he was tall, dark, and handsome.

  I could feel his heated gaze on me and looked away.

  “You look beautiful,” he said.

  “Thank you,” I said, smiling. “You look really nice too.”

  “Are you ready?”


  We headed to a lavish feast in the middle of the bush with a few other couples. Jake looped his arm in mine and we strolled down a lantern-lit pathway where intimate tables clustered around a fancy buffet under the African night sky. Everyone was happy and smiling, the mood relaxed. A woman smiled and handed us each a flute of French champagne. The place was lit up with dozens of Moroccan lanterns, hanging from the tree branches. Candles lit all the tables dressed in fancy white linens, and everything looked so romantic, elegant, and magical. I felt like I was in a fairytale romance. The tables were beautifully decorated with arrangements of flowers, fine china, and crystal glasses. The moon sliced through the darkness and illuminated the sky, bouncing its light off the stars that pierced the black velvet. We talked to the hosts and some of the other travelers. Everyone was so nice, and we all shared our stories and adventures.

  I loved listening to the harmony of nocturnal animals and insects, singing like a choir all around me. We stargazed over our flutes of champagne and made lots of small talk.

  “This is one vacation I’ll never forget,” Jake said.

  “It’s breathtaking,” I said. “I can’t wait to get back and put a scrapbook together. I’ve gotten so many wonderful and fantastic shots of the animals and landscape.”

  “I’m having the best time.”

  I glanced around. “It is the ultimate dream vacation.”

  He clanked my glass, his face beaming. “To us.”

  I didn’t know what to say to that comment. Part of me wanted to say something sarcastic and spiteful, but I refrained. I promised myself I’d be on my best behavior. So I just smiled.

  A woman came over and took our empty glasses, then offered us Dawas she had on a serving tray.

  “What’s in it?” I asked curiously.

  “It’s a popular Kenyan cocktail made with vodka, honey, lime juice and crushed ice,” she said. “It’s very good.”

  I reached for a glass. “Sure, I’d love to try one.”

  Jake gulped his right down.

  I took a tentative drink and gagged. “It’s very strong.”

  “You’re more of a wine girl,” he teased.

  I chuckled. “I think so, but I’m always up to trying a new experience.”

  “Dinner is ready,” a man announced.

  Jake grinned. “Shall we?”

  I smiled. “Yes, I’m famished.”

  Delicious aromas filled the air all around us. “Everything smells so divine.”

  “Our chef is truly amazing,” a woman said as she motioned us to the buffet.

  Our meal included salad, some local dishes and I wasn’t sure what they were, breads, goat stew, ugali, steak, ostrich, chicken, lamb, corn on the cob, tilapia, and boerewors, which was a South African sausage that I’d been dying to try.

  I filled my plate with all kinds of goodies. Jake pul
led out my chair for me to sit down and I thanked him with a smile.

  “What’s for dessert?” Jake asked our hostess as she walked by.

  “Pineapple surprise. Afolabi just has to decide how much rum to flambé it with.”

  “Tell him lots,” the blonde woman in a glitzy silver dress said.

  We all laughed.

  Every time I looked up, I caught Jake staring into my eyes. He was basking in the silver-white glow, his eyes sparking in the flickering candlelight. His jet-black hair hung in waves to his shoulders. Old memories flooded my mind as I stared at his beautiful face and soft lips. I imagined my lips pressed against his. Oh, how I wanted to taste those lips, that mouth, his kiss. I remembered his hair sweeping across my skin as he left trails of kisses down my body. I could still remember the feel of his lips. I could remember every single detail, how good it felt to have him hold me. I wanted nothing more than to embrace him in my arms.

  “This is amazing,” he said, taking my hand.

  I felt the electricity from his touch, and I was stumbling for words. I pulled away and sipped my wine. “This dinner is so elegant,” I said.

  “I can’t believe I’m getting the chance to dine under the African sky with lions, zebras, and giraffes, drinking wine with a gorgeous woman, and listening to a beautiful symphony of insects. I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

  “You’re being so sweet, but yes, this is a little slice of heaven.”

  “How about another toast?” he asked. “To making it to Africa.”

  “Cheers!” I said, clinking his glass.

  I ate my dinner rather quickly and excused myself as politely as I could. Having dinner with Jake in such a romantic setting was too painful, like being back on the beach, watching the sunset. My heart just ached, badly, and smiling through his small talk wasn’t exactly working for me.

  “Ashly, please stay,” he said. “How often does one get a romantic dinner out in the middle of the bush?”


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