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His Absolute Arrangement: A Scandalous Billionaire Love Story (Jessika, #1)

Page 12

by du Lys, Cerys

  He had his hand between my legs again, digging and prying at my slick folds. One finger inside of me, pumping in and out, fast, my arousal coating it. Then another. Fuck. This was...

  "Asher," I whispered and whimpered. "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. You can calm..."

  "No," he said, breathing hard against my cheek. "Jessika, I want you so much I can barely stand it. I want to be rough with you."

  He hesitated for a second, somewhat. At least I had a chance to breathe now! I could breathe before, but everything was so fast and sudden and... and fast. Doubly fast. I felt like I could barely keep up, but to be honest I didn't know if I wanted to keep up, either.

  "What do you want?" I asked, cupping his cheeks in my hands, making him look at me. "Tell me what you want. I want to give it to you, too. I want you just as much, but I just think maybe we should get you out of your pants first."

  He laughed at that, a goofy, silly grin slipping through his otherwise serious and urgent demeanor.

  "I want to have a baby with you," he said. "I want to make a baby with you. I want to fill you with my seed. I know it'll take time, but I want to know, right here and now, or later, whenever, that this time, or that time, that we gave everything, all of our selves, our bodies, our hearts and our souls, into having a baby together. In a month from now, or a few months, whenever it happens, I want to be able to remember the exact moment that I got you pregnant. I want to be able to remember how I felt when I was on the brink or orgasm, and then right when I came inside you. I want to remember all of it, and then when I see you, your stomach just barely beginning to bulge, when I touch you, feel your new mother's curves, I want to know that it was me."

  I smiled at the silly, excited look on his face, then I kissed him quick. "Well, it's certainly not going to be anyone else's child but yours," I said.

  "Mine!" he said, practically growling the word.

  "Yes, yours," I said. "You, Asher. Caveman. Take me. Wife?"

  He laughed and kissed me softly. "Your wish is my command, Mrs. Landseer."

  "Just please take your pants off first. I don't want your knee or your hand anymore, Asher. I want you inside of me..."

  He pulled away from me and did as I asked, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, then letting them fall to the floor. He kicked off his shoes, peeled off his socks, and stepped out of his fallen pants.

  "What do you want inside of you?" he asked, coy.

  "You," I said, grinning, mischievous. "I want your cock, Asher. How does that sound? I want your cock deep inside of me."

  "And then what?" he asked.

  "I want it so bad, so deep. I want you to pump and thrust and drive your hard cock in me. I want you to cum inside of me. I want you to make a baby in me, Asher."

  "Our baby," Asher said, grinning. "Yours and mine."

  "Ours," I said. "I do, Asher, I want it so much."

  "Me, too," he said. "Do you know what else I want?"

  "What?" I asked, suspecting but unsure.

  "You," he said. "I want you. All of you. And I'm going to have you, Jessika."

  "Take me," I said. "I'm yours."

  He dropped his underwear, revealing... oh God. I'd seen Asher erect on more occasions than I could honestly count, and um... well, he was quite a bit more erect at the moment. His cock bounced to attention, the tip glistening with a generous, insatiable amount of precum. He watched me staring at his erection for a second, grinning at my dumbfounded look.

  I mean, sex, um... yes? Yes, sex. I enjoyed sex.

  That was the last thought I had before Asher returned to me on the bed. He crawled up my body, covering me with his tight muscles, his demanding strength. Without a word or a thought, he pried my legs apart, lifted me up and pulled me closer to him, pressed his mouth to mine, and thrust perfectly inside of me. Usually we had a little more pretense than that, but today was not a day for waiting, for hesitating, for contemplating. We'd done all of that already. We'd planned this, went through this.

  I was Mrs. Jessika Landseer now, wife to Asher Landseer, and we were trying to have a baby together.

  Asher slammed hard into me, sending me bouncing and reeling across the bed. He pushed me, with his cock and the rest of his body, until my head pressed hard against the pillows. The headboard rebounded, snapping between us and the wall, but someone had the foresight to keep it, just so, away from the wall enough that couples could more than enjoy themselves without alerting anyone nearby. Or, sort of.

  The bed still rocked and creaked beneath us, mattress and springs groaning beneath our lust-filled abuse. Asher's body pounded hard against mine, filling the room with slap, slap, slapping sounds. I pressed and gripped against his cock, my arousal-slick sex adding slippery shlicking sounds to the orchestra of ecstasy building all around us. Rock, creak, groan, bound, slap, shlick...

  But there was no hard smack of wooden headboard slamming against the wall, which was probably a good thing because we were making more than enough noise otherwise. Asher grunted and groaned into my lips, barely able to hold some semblance of a kiss between us. I gave up and buried my face into his cheek and down towards his neck, opening my mouth to let out a loud moan into the flesh of his throat. He swallowed hard suddenly, and I could feel his throat move and work beneath my lips and my tongue.

  "Fuck," Asher said. "I'm sorry, but I hope you're close or you want to go again after this, because I'm too worked up, Jessika."

  "Yes," I said. "Yes, yes. Asher, it's alright. It's fine. I... please. Cum. Cum for me, baby. I want it. Inside me. I want you."

  "I want you, too," he said. "Soon."

  I squeezed and clenched against his cock as he rocked and pounded into me harder and harder. I didn't know what had come over him, what had forced this man—my man, my husband—into this insane fit of unstoppable need, but I loved it. The cloth of my panties grinded against my clit with each of Asher's thrusts. My other garter belt snapped loose suddenly, falling free like the other one.

  I wondered if anyone could hear us. If there was anyone in the hallway, they definitely could. Were they listening? That sounded weird, but a part of me thought it'd be exciting and the other part thought it would be horrifying. I didn't have time to consider the latter, because the former took over. I was close, so close. Very very close...

  Asher pushed hard into me one final time, holding himself there. I felt his cock surge and swell inside of me before letting loose and filling me with his strong, fertile seed. Yes... yes, this. I needed it and I wanted it. I clenched against him harder. He rocked his body back and forth, rubbing his pelvis against the cloth of my panties and my clit. That was enough; I only needed a little more.

  My orgasm rose up, convulsing around him. Asher filled me and I squeezed against him, begging him for more. Our bodies knew what we wanted without being told; and I thought they must instinctively want the same things. This was nature, it was natural, and while it came about form insane lust and maddening ecstasy, it also came from love. Love and trust and hope and...

  I felt all of it. Everything. Asher's ecstasy and my own, his love and mine, our pleasure, our passion. Everything... it filled me up, making my entire body tremble, pushed past the edge and then some. I lifted my hips to meet his, grinding my crotch against his, trying to pull his cock deeper and deeper inside of me. He was already as far as he could possibly go, and he was inside of me as far as I could possibly let him, but I wanted more. I wanted him, his seed, his love... I wanted to know that in a month or two my stomach would start to swell, from him and him alone, I'd start to have a little bulge that Asher could caress and run his hand across with loving care.

  We were married now. I was his wife, Mrs. Landseer. He said that wouldn't change anything between us, and I hoped that was true. I didn't want anything to ever change between us. I wanted his love. I wanted to make love to him. I wanted sex. I... I wanted to fuck with reckless abandon. I wanted to cuddle and kiss and nuzzle and watch movies and play with our future children together, to gro
w together, to...

  I collapsed onto the bed, orgasm fading, memories and ideas floating every which way in my mind. I couldn't think of any one thing in particular, because I was currently thinking about everything possible. My mind was a mess, my body tingling and tensing. Asher's cock stayed tight inside of me, refusing to leave me. His arms wrapped tight around me, refusing to let me go.

  "I love you," he said, whispering into my ear, then kissing my cheek.

  "I love you, too," I said, kissing him back, suddenly tired and sleepy. "Do you want to take a nap like this?" I asked, half laughing at myself, and half serious.

  "A quick nap sounds nice," he said. "I want to warn you that when I wake up I'm planning on ravishing you again, though."

  "And then what?" I asked. "Will we take another nap?"

  "That sounds like it might lead to a vicious endless cycle," he said. "I'm fully prepared to begin it if you're willing and able, though."

  "Oh, I'm sure you are," I said, grinning. "I think that's what you planned from the start, isn't it? We're just going to stay in bed all weekend, sleep and make love and sleep and make love, and..."

  Asher chuckled. "I think we could manage to get up and out of bed for some of the time," he said. "There's a man who offers romantic, starry night carriage rides. I asked him to reserve tomorrow night for us."

  I looked side to side, shifty-eyed. "Is it a closed carriage? That sounds like it could be fun..."

  "Possibly. Hm, which is better? Looking at the stars, cuddling, and enjoying each other's company, or working up my wonderful wife until she can't stand it, and then watching her rip both of our clothes off once we return to our room, seeing her ride atop me with wild lust?"

  "Ooh," I said. "I can be on top? You won't be a crazy caveman the whole weekend?"

  "Maybe," he said, a wicked glimmer in his eyes. "A crazy caveman needs a crazy cavewoman at his side, doesn't he?"

  "Yes," I said. "That's true. You make a good point."

  "Nap, then? And after, we..."

  "Yes," I said.

  Asher grinned. We managed to slip beneath the covers, cuddling close, each of us claiming a pillow for ourselves. I didn't much need my pillow, though. I nuzzled against Asher, resting my head in the crook of his neck. He grabbed my thigh and pulled my leg up and around him, holding me tight and close.

  "Don't let me sleep too long," I said. "I'm a little hungry and I don't want to miss dinner."

  Asher laughed at that. "Neither of us is going to miss dinner," he said. "Don't worry. I've got a few secret plans for tonight, too."

  "Oh?" I asked, curious. "What sort?"

  "Secret ones," he said. "You'll find out when you wake up."

  "Alright," I said. "Asher?"


  "I love you, my husband."

  He smiled and kissed my cheek softly. "I love you, too, my wife."

  A Note from Cerys

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  And so it begins...

  I've been working on the idea for this story for awhile and it's taken a bit more planning and effort than anything else I've ever written, but I think it's going to be worth it.

  At this time, I'm planning on between five and seven books, depending on how the story progresses. I know how I want it to go and how I plan to end it, but sometimes when you're writing, a story can take slightly different twists and turns compared to what I expected. Instead of forcing the story into something that might not be as good, I like to try and let it wander a bit so I can make it into something more. In addition to that, I try to use reader feedback if you liked something in particular, so I can make the story more to everyone's preferences. It's sort of a balancing act, but I really enjoy it, and I want to provide you with the highest quality writing that I can possibly provide.

  And... this story is going to be a little different right from the start. This is obvious from Jessika's perspective, with Asher in there, too, but I'm going to be writing a concurrent storyline following alongside it with Elise and Lucent.

  Basically, His Absolute Arrangement is focused on Jessika, right? But what was Elise doing throughout the day? Where are Elise and Lucent now, and what happened to them at the party?

  You'll soon find out!

  That side of the story begins with His Absolute Assignment, so definitely check that out if you'd like to read a little more about what's happening overall.

  It's kind of like alternating perspectives in a lot of ways, but you won't have to read both, you know? If you prefer Jessika and Asher, just stick with them! If you like Elise and Lucent, you might not be reading this, haha. You can just stick with them instead, though! Or if you like both couples and you want to find out every detail about everything the stories have to offer, you can read both.

  In addition to that, if you haven't read The Billionaire's Ultimatum or The Billionaire's Paradigm yet, I'd definitely suggest checking those out, too. They aren't 100% required reading to get into this new storyline, but you can find out how Jessika and Asher came together, and how Elise and Lucent met. Both of those are available as The Billionaire's Ultimatum: His Absolute Need and The Billionaire's Paradigm: His Absolute Purpose.


  I didn't want to end the story on too much of a cliffhanger, because I'm not a huge fan of them. I tried my best to tie up some loose ends and make sure everything was going to be alright, but I know there are a lot of questions left unanswered, too. Who broke into Jessika's office? And who caused the fire at the mansion? Where are Elise and Lucent? Could they be the ones behind the fire, or...?

  I left a few hints throughout the story, but they might not be super obvious yet. If you think you spotted one, feel free to let me know, though! I'm going to make this story as exciting and as mysterious as possible, while still maintaining the romance and steaminess that I know everyone's looking forward to. I hope you enjoyed this new beginning to Jessika and Asher's story, and I hope you'll stay with me through the entire thing. If you'd like updates for new releases to find out when more comes out, definitely sign up for my newsletter. I send weekly emails, along with new release emails if you want to opt in for those.

  If you did like this story, I'd love if you rated and reviewed it, too! Reviews help me out a lot, and I love reading everyone's comments and feedback. If you'd rather email me, you're more than welcome to do that, too, and you can reach me at:

  I check reviews and read emails at least once a day, so if you have any questions or comments, I'll try to respond as quickly as possible!

  Thanks for reading His Absolute Arrangement! I hope you loved it!

  Sample (Sequel)

  Please enjoy this sample from the sequel to this story, "His Absolute Insistence," the second part of Jessika's Love Story: The Billionaire's Continuum, by Cerys du Lys


  I stood in the elevator at Landseer Tower, riding upwards. Soft music spilled through the speakers above me, barely more than quaint murmur in the background. The elevator car rose high, higher, heading towards...

  I didn't know. I didn't remember getting into the elevator. It seemed like one moment I was somewhere else, then suddenly I was here, standing, waiting. Alone. Being alone in the elevators at Landseer Tower wasn't altogether a strange occurrence, but for some reason it felt ominous and dark now. How, though? I didn't know that, either. The bright lights above, shimmering and shining, illuminating the entire car, stood in stark contrast to the shadows lurking in my mind.

  I looked towards the buttons to see which one I'd pressed. All of them. They were all lit up, but the elevator didn't stop. It just kept going higher and higher. We passed the fourth floor, then the fifth, sixth, seventh. More. Where w
ould it stop? There were fifty floors at Landseer Tower and I passed by most of them before the elevator finally came to a halt.

  I didn't remember which floor I'd just gone past. I didn't know what floor I was on. I looked up to check the blinking red sign above the elevator doors to see where I was.

  The sign flashed at me, over and over. No numbers, nothing that made sense, nothing good at all.


  Over and over, accusing me of infidelity, accusing me of immorality, accusing me of everything. The doors to the elevator opened and an invisible force pushed me forward, sending me crashing into the halls. My knees scraped against the rug and I scrambled to stand and climb to my feet but something or someone kept forcing me down. Trying to get away, crawling on hands and knees, I stumbled down the hallway.

  Doors opened as I crawled past them. Every door, every single one, and employees of Landseer Enterprises stood there, watching me struggle. I looked at them, or I tried to, and they laughed. I couldn't see their faces; I didn't know if they had faces. I couldn't lift my eyes above their waists, couldn't see anything more than the shoes of men and women staring at me, laughing at me.

  They shouted. The doors in front of me opened. I didn't know if the doorways themselves or the people standing in them were berating me. Some laughed, and others screamed. Accusations echoed through the halls, clamoring against shouts and shrieks and laughs.




  "Gold digger!"

  I didn't know who said what or where the shouts were coming from. Everywhere, from everyone. They sounded far off and quiet, then up close and right in my ear. I cried, tears streaming down my cheeks and falling to the floor. Cuts and scrapes on my knees pressed against the salt of my tears on the rug, sending stinging pain through my legs. Up ahead, I saw the door to Asher's office. Gold light pointed the way towards my sanctuary, towards freedom from this harassment, and I tried... I tried so hard to get there, but it didn't matter.


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