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Vengeance in Blood (Book 2): Tribulations

Page 21

by Thomas A. Watson

  “I wanted to be, but I was outvoted,” Kenneth said, looking up but still holding her. Besseta’s body started to shake as she cried in his chest. “Shh, it’s going to be okay,” Kenneth soothed her. “I know we can’t just go to the doctor, Besseta,” Kenneth huffed.

  “I should’ve seen that,” Tiffany said, collapsing back to the couch. Thankfully, the puppies weren’t there anymore.

  “Well, I say let’s go to sleep and see what more develops,” Kenneth offered.

  “What more develops?” Tiffany asked.

  Kenneth nodded. “I noticed changes in Besseta starting the third day each time she did it, and it was done the first time in eight days. The second time, it was over in one week.”

  “Besseta said it was longer than that,” Tiffany said.

  Squeezing Besseta tight, Kenneth said, “Maybe for her to understand them, but she quit changing. Like I said, I know my girl.”

  “Well, seems we can only wait to see what new abilities you come up with, little Besseta,” Tiffany said, picking up the puppies.

  Kenneth busted out laughing. “No, I don’t think it will make you taller. Besides, I like my girl’s body just the way it is.” Besseta squeezed him as he looked over at Tiffany. “Good night,” he told her. “Bonnie, Clyde, bedtime,” Kenneth called out and heard the scampering coming down the hall.

  The dogs shot past him as Kenneth carried Besseta to bed still latched to his chest. When they were upstairs, Tiffany picked the puppies up. “I’m glad I read those books Besseta gave me,” she told the puppies, who just panted at her. “Let’s go read some other stuff,” she said, getting up and carrying them downstairs.

  Chapter 13

  Seeing light through her eyelids, Besseta burrowed under the covers. Man is she sexy, she heard Kenneth.

  Stretching out her arms, Besseta groaned. “Keep talking like that, and I’ll have to work on being careful again.”

  “What, baby?” Kenneth said, stepping out of the bathroom.

  “I said keep on, and I’ll have to be careful again,” she said, lifting her head and looking at him.

  “Hey, I’m game,” Kenneth grinned, diving on the bed. “You know this being able to hear your thoughts has some definite advantages. I like having instructions.”

  Throwing the covers over her head, Besseta squealed. “I thought you just got really good.”

  “Well, I did when you tell me what you want,” Kenneth laughed, pulling the covers down to see Besseta covering her face with her hands. “No, I love that,” he said, answering her thought. “To be honest, it takes pressure off when the orgasms start early.”

  Parting her hands, she looked at him with a blush on her face. “Maybe for you, but I thought my heart was going to stop,” she said and closed her hands.

  Then I would give you mine, she heard.

  Pulling her hands off her face, Besseta smiled. “That was very sweet but kind of morbid.”

  “What?” Kenneth asked, smiling, and the smile fell off his face. “I thought that, baby,” he said, hearing her thought. Can you hear me? he thought.

  Yes, my love, Besseta thought and smiled, looking at him.

  Leaning over, Kenneth kissed her and thought, Well, you will now get to hear how much I stare at you.

  She wrapped her arms around him. Well, now I will know when I’m hurting you, she thought, and Kenneth jerked back, jumping off the bed.

  “No,” he said in near panic. “You can’t do that.”

  Besseta sat up, looking at him. “Baby, I don’t like hurting you. It kills me seeing the bruises on your body.”

  “Hey,” he snapped. “Did you hit me making them?”


  “I’m not talking about the one on my butt.” Kenneth smiled, making Besseta relax. “Even though I liked that one,” he smirked.

  Besseta laughed. “Baby, what?”

  Kenneth took a deep breath, “You gave me these hugging me, kissing me, holding my hand, tickling me, squeezing my head wh—”

  “Hey,” Besseta smirked, her blush returning with a vengeance. “You built the picture, stud, so what are you saying?”

  “You gave me these because you love me and you don’t know your strength,” Kenneth told her.

  Besseta shook her head. “You know, I saw a movie once, and the battered wife said the same thing.”

  “Babe, I’m a cop, remember? I know how it sounds, but that’s how I see it. Now, do I want a broken bone? No. But you always stop right before you really hurt me,” Kenneth tried to explain.

  “It hurts seeing them, baby. What if I break a bone? Even Tiffany’s told me to be careful with you,” Besseta said then gasped. “You think you have three broken ribs and a fractured forearm?” She jumped up. “We’re going to the hospital.”

  “Will you stop?” he shouted. “We aren’t going to the hospital. Look, I can use my arm and hand.”

  “Yeah, but it hurts,” she said and vanished.

  Spinning around, Kenneth didn’t see her. “Where the hell did you go?” he asked and stopped. He walked over to the closet and opened it, seeing Besseta pulling clothes down.

  “Get dressed,” she said, throwing clothes at him.

  “No,” he said, letting the clothes hit the floor.

  “I’ll dress you,” Besseta threatened.

  Crossing his arms, he said, “Not if you love me.” Besseta stopped getting dressed.

  Tears rolled down her face. “Baby, you could be hurt bad. Please?”

  He walked over and held her. “Baby, I know your body, but I also know mine. I’m okay, so relax.”

  “I can’t lose you,” Besseta cried. “I would go insane.” Then he heard, I asked Tiffany to stay with me after you passed to make sure I don’t hurt innocent people. I know I’m going to go crazy. Just the thought of being without you makes me want to die.

  Holding her tight, Kenneth closed his eyes as tears ran down his face. “I’m fine, baby.” He felt her fear of being without him. “Tell you what,” he said, wiping his face then pulling her back. Besseta wouldn’t look up at him.

  She was inside his mind and could feel the fear of forever on Earth. Kenneth had his visions of the afterlife and seeing his family. The only thing in his mind that pulled him toward forever was her. Reaching down, Kenneth lifted her chin until she was looking at him.

  “I’ll make you a deal. Don’t worry about hurting me, and I’ll really consider the change,” he told her.

  “Really?” She gave a hopeful smile. Kenneth closed his eyes and showed her. Besseta gasped and hugged him tight, only relaxing slightly when she heard, Ow. “Thank you,” she sobbed.

  “Nothing’s too good for my girl,” he said. “I need some water.”

  “I’ll get it,” she said and vanished, filling the walk-in closet with a gust. Before Kenneth turned around, she reappeared, holding a glass of water. “Here, baby.” Kenneth just stared at the glass then started looking around but not at anything.

  What are you trying to figure out? Besseta thought.

  Kenneth looked at her. “You got this water from the downstairs bathroom,” he stated.

  “Yes, Tiffany was bathing the puppies in the sink— Wait, how did you know that?” she asked.

  I felt where you were, he thought.

  He took the glass. “Run anywhere on the island, and stop then come back,” he said, and Besseta vanished then returned. “The large rocks on the north end of the island,” he said, and she vanished again.

  Kenneth turned up the glass as Besseta appeared. Cellar, Kenneth thought, finishing the water. “Ah,” Kenneth said, lowering the glass as Besseta vanished and reappeared.

  “You ran across the water? Really?” he said.

  “I’ve always been able to do that,” she said and heard, Front gate. “Okay, how are you doing that?” she asked.

  “Will you run back to the front gate and stay there for a minute?” Kenneth asked.

  “I think I will need to put something on for that,
” she smiled. “Someone sees a naked woman running through the woods will think the druids have returned.”

  “What?” Kenneth said, intrigued.

  Putting on her bra and panties, Besseta grabbed her shirt and looked up at Kenneth to find that wicked grin on his face. “Wow, so that’s what you’re thinking.” She smiled, and the grin fell off his face.

  “That’s not fair,” he protested.

  “Shit, I’m not wearing anything else from now on,” she said with her face brightening up. Kenneth just stared at her. “Of course, I’ll wear something when we go out or if someone comes here,” she said to his thoughts.

  Spinning around, Besseta slowly pranced toward the door. Keep that up, and we’re going back to bed, Kenneth warned in his mind.

  Besseta gave a shudder at the emotions accompanying the thought. “Oh man, this is great. I’ll be right back, and we’re going back to bed,” she said and vanished.

  Can you hear me? Kenneth thought attentively and knew she was standing on the right side of the gate.

  Yes, are you still naked? Besseta thought.

  Kenneth laughed, feeling her emotions. Why would I want to get dressed?

  Besseta was suddenly in front of him. “I like it when you take this off,” she grinned.

  An hour later, Kenneth walked down, carrying Besseta latched on his chest. Tiffany looked up from the table and smiled at them then continued brushing the puppies. Besseta jumped down, and Kenneth laughed.

  Tiffany looked up as the two moved around the kitchen. Neither spoke out loud, but it was clear they were communicating. “So you can hear his mind now,” she stated.

  “Yep,” Besseta said and gasped, looking over at Kenneth, who winked at her as he fixed his coffee. As Kenneth took a sip, he snorted, spilling some of his coffee then looked over his shoulder to see Besseta cock her hip to the side. Besseta laughed and started pulling stuff out to cook.

  Tiffany watched the wordless exchange then looked at Kenneth sipping coffee in shorts, grimacing at the new bruises over his body intermingled with the old ones. “Anything else?” Tiffany asked.

  “Well—” Kenneth started.

  “Don’t you dare tell her that,” Besseta cried out. “I would have to go and hide.”

  “Well, it is a major plus having instructions,” Kenneth told her.

  “Baby please, I wouldn’t be able to look at Tiffany again if you told her that,” Besseta begged then smiled. “Thank you.”

  “I can tell where Besseta is at when she isn’t where I can see her,” Kenneth said. “You have some names?”

  “Oh yes,” Tiffany clapped and jumped up, grabbing the puppies. “This is Jack and Jill,” she said, holding them out.

  “I like that,” Kenneth said, rubbing their heads.

  “I read some last night, and it really isn’t an ability among werewolves. Let me guess; you two can feel each other’s emotions?” she asked, and they nodded.

  “Boy can I, but yes we can,” Besseta said, flinging her hair back then smiled. “No, I’m wearing this. Tiffany’s seen it, and she’s family, not a guest,” Besseta said.

  Tiffany grinned. “In werewolf society, when the alpha male and female mate, they are bound for life to each other mentally.”

  Besseta grinned. “See, you are mine.”

  “You don’t see me complaining, do you?” Kenneth said, leaning over and kissing her. “Did you read anything about abilities werewolves develop?”

  “Nothing more recent than three thousand years ago, and unlike us, as werewolves age, their senses and abilities get stronger. They physically get stronger as they get older. The abilities I found were like faster healing, harder to hurt, and stuff like that. Since all werewolves have a telepathic link to their pack, I don’t think that counts.”

  As Besseta started breakfast, Kenneth walked over and sat down on a bar stool, watching her. “Have you two been keeping up with the reports on the internet?”

  Tiffany shook her head. “Like what?”

  “The reports of really big, wolf-like creatures in Wisconsin and North Dakota,” Kenneth said, taking a sip of his coffee.

  “They have that in the internet news?” Tiffany asked, amazed, as Besseta froze.

  Feeling panic grip Besseta, Kenneth got up and ran up behind her. “Relax, there were reports of them around here a week ago,” Kenneth told her, rubbing her shoulders. Feeling his presence and soothing thoughts, Besseta relaxed under his hands.

  Just as fast as Besseta’s body relaxed, Kenneth felt her muscles turn to rock under his hands. “That’s why you didn’t say anything about us taking so long to come home!” she shouted. Never feeling Besseta move, Kenneth was suddenly looking at her face. He looked, and his hands were still on her arms, caressing them.

  Shaking his head, he smiled. “You are getting way too fast.”

  Looking up at Kenneth, Besseta’s face was set in stone. “You can’t block it forever, so quit trying,” she warned. A flood of jumbled thoughts filled Kenneth’s mind, all of them his voice shouting different thoughts. “Quit it,” she growled.

  “You’re right,” Kenneth said, hugging her. The flood of thoughts in Kenneth’s mind stopped to just a few. “I didn’t want you two to return home so quickly.”

  Feeling his worry, Besseta hugged him back and relaxed again then tensed. “You saw one!” she shouted, squeezing him. Kenneth grimaced, feeling a lower rib pop, and Besseta dropped her arms, stepping back. “Baby, I’m so sorry,” she cried out, bringing her hands to her mouth as tears welled up.

  Ignoring the pain, Kenneth started getting angry. “Don’t,” he said, hardening his eyes. “It was an accident. You know it, and I know it.” Suddenly, Besseta was gone. “Besseta, get back here!” Kenneth snapped, but she didn’t appear.

  Calmly walking over to the counter, Kenneth pulled open a drawer and pulled out a really large knife. Laying his left hand on the counter, he raised his right hand, holding the knife, and drove it down as Tiffany screamed, trying to move.

  As Tiffany started to move, Besseta appeared, diving for Kenneth’s right hand and stopping it a fraction of an inch over his left hand. “Are you fucking insane?” Besseta screamed, knocking the knife out of his hand.

  “Don’t run off,” Kenneth said, stepping back. “Now quit it.”


  “Stop it, or I’ll drive that knife through my leg,” Kenneth snapped.

  “I’ll tie your ass up,” Besseta threatened, arguing and listening with Kenneth in her mind as well. “I’ll put a pillow under your head so you can’t bash your brains out.”

  “So you’re going to just tie me like a pet?” he asked, crossing his arms, and Besseta dropped to the floor, crying.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” she bawled out as Kenneth lowered himself next to her.

  He took her face in his hands. “You haven’t yet,” he told her calmly. You can only hurt my heart, she heard. Kenneth picked her up in his arms, holding her tight. “Seeing and feeling your remorse for something like that is more than I can take, baby. So let’s both stop and continue the day.”

  Feeling and hearing how much Kenneth didn’t care about the pain of his body in his mind made Besseta shiver. “I don’t deserve you,” she mumbled. Looking up at Kenneth in anger, she growled, “Touch that knife. I dare you.”

  Only hearing some of the argument and feeling helpless, Tiffany jumped up and shouted, “Stop it, both of you!”

  Startled, Kenneth turned around with Besseta still in his arms. “Don’t do that,” Kenneth told her. “I’ve already got someone screaming at me.”

  “Besseta!” Tiffany snapped. “Stop it right now!” Besseta just looked at Tiffany like she was crazy. “I mean it, both of you,” Tiffany said, stomping her foot. “Both of you, sit down now,” she said, pointing at the table. Not seeing Kenneth or Besseta move, she said, “I can make you.”

  Kenneth ran over and put Besseta in a chair then sat beside her as Tiffany put the puppies on the floor.
“Now,” Tiffany said, throwing her hair off her shoulders as she took a seat. “First, Besseta, Kenneth is a big boy. He knows you’re strong, so quit moping, and just try to be gentle. He loves you and knows it’s not intentional. If he doesn’t mind and asks you to stop, you should just enjoy being with him. Just try to think, ‘be gentle.’” Kenneth grinned with the reprimand.

  “Kenneth!” Tiffany snapped, wiping the grin off his face. “It makes her feel bad knowing she hurt you. How would you feel if you hurt her?” Tiffany asked, and Kenneth hung his head. “I’ve known little Besseta a long time and have never seen her happier, and it’s because of you. She doesn’t like the idea of hurting what makes her world.”

  Seeing she had both of their attentions, Tiffany let out a breath and started. “Guys, I’ve only seen one other vampire/human couple in love, and that was a long time ago. It is a difficult union and will take work from both of you. You two are so in love I have to admit sometimes it makes me sick. No more fighting,” she told them, and both just looked down at the table.

  “You’re talking to each other in your minds, and it doesn’t look like it’s nice,” Tiffany grumbled. “Talk out loud around me, please, unless it’s the lovey dovey stuff.”

  They looked up with sad eyes. “Okay,” they said in unison.

  “Now, Kenneth, you saw a werewolf?” Tiffany asked, picking up the puppies as Bonnie and Clyde came in the kitchen.

  “Yes,” Kenneth responded, and Tiffany raised her eyebrows, wanting more. “The afternoon you two left, there were people posting about really big animals running through the countryside. Since I was already headed to town, I picked up the surveillance system and mounted it when I got home. I took some bleach and stuff and sprayed down the dock and peed everywhere I could.”

  “That’s why it smells like that?” Besseta asked, looking over at him.

  “Besseta,” Tiffany snapped, “let him finish; then we can ask questions.” Shocked at Tiffany’s attitude, Besseta nodded.

  “Well, it was the next night when a motion detector went off by the gate, and I saw a big animal at the gate. I thought it was a bear, but when it turned, I knew it wasn’t. It wasn’t there long, and I don’t know if it was the same one or a different one, but the camera at the dock showed one walking across the parking area.” Kenneth got up and walked over to the monitors. He put a flash drive in and pushed some buttons, and one of the screens showed them what he saw.


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