Sasha: The Awakening (The Wallflower Series Book 2)

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Sasha: The Awakening (The Wallflower Series Book 2) Page 3

by Fletcher, R. J.

  As she was about to turn and exit, Teagan called out to her, “I got a call from Jaelynn to meet up. She said Faye would be coming too. I haven’t seen them in a long time.”

  Sasha halted and, maintaining her breathing, she asked in an emotionless tone, “When?”

  “Actually, they told me to invite you as well.” Teagan looked at Sasha’s stiff back. It seemed that despite the years that had passed, there was still a grudge between her friends. It had put Teagan in an awkward position not knowing the exact cause of their falling out. But there was no way she was willing to choose between Sasha and her other two friends. What had happened? And could she fix it?

  “I thought it would be nice if we all went out to dinner together. How does that sound? I would really like to hang out with all my girls. Do you think you could sit through a dinner with them?”

  Sasha turned to Teagan with a forced smile. “Why wouldn’t I?” she asked rhetorically. “Just make the plans and I’ll be sure to be there. Now, it’s getting late so I’m going to head out.”

  “Good luck! Have fun!” Teagan barely got out before the front door slammed closed.

  Within the next hour, Sasha impatiently tapped her fingers on the table as she waited anxiously for Carter’s arrival. Her mood had turned sour following her conversation with Teagan despite her best efforts to remain unbothered by the invitation. It may have been several years since her last encounter with Faye and Jaelynn, but she hadn’t forgotten their ill treatment and her weak acceptance of it. Unlike Dmitri, she had never gotten the opportunity to put them in their place. And to this day, that bothered her.

  With a rough sigh, she closed her eyes and decided it best to take in several deep breaths. Her focus was ruined at the sound of someone clearing his or her throat. Opening her eyes slowly, she was first met with the sight of a broad chest and slim hips in a rather form-fitting suit. Her gaze followed up the form until she met Carter’s dark eyes. There was no denying his attractiveness, especially when he smiled. But as he greeted her warmly, she couldn’t help but notice the lack of her body’s response. Could she go through with this? Should she put in a greater effort at getting to know this man when he didn’t incur the same overwhelming physical response Dmitri had?

  Inwardly, she groaned at the direction of her thinking. Ever since her encounter with Dominic, Dmitri had leapt his way into her thoughts continuously. And to her disappointment, thoughts of him were not instantaneously met with anger anymore. It seemed that every time he crossed her mind, she focused less on the pain and more of what she missed. He may not have loved her but there was no denying that being with him had been some of the best moments of her life. Could she get that back with someone other than him?

  “Hello, Sasha. It is so good to see you again,” Carter purred. He took her hand in his strong grasp and leaned over to peck her on the back of it.

  Watching him closely, Sasha wanted to scream at herself. Could this man get any more perfect? How could she not feel anything?

  Carter stood up once more. “Thank you for meeting me here. I thought it best for us to get dinner before heading over. I’d rather spend at least a little bit of one on one time together.”

  As he took a seat, she asked, “What is it exactly that you’re expected to do there?”

  Carter grimaced slightly, “Well, if I am to be frank: kissing ass. I am required by my company to be there and…try to befriend the head marketing manager for future business opportunities and a potential partnership.”

  Sasha frowned at that slightly. “I’m sorry to hear that. But, you seem to be a very approachable and friendly individual. I’m sure you’ll have no problem getting and keeping their attention.”

  “Most definitely. Especially with you as my date. I’ll grab all their attention.” He flirted.

  Laughing self-consciously, Sasha deemed it best to change the subject. Despite her previous doubts, their date continued in good spirits. Conversation easily flowed between them, a continuation from their previous encounter.

  “You mentioned on our last date that you were worried about your friend…Diana wasn’t it?”

  “Dina.” Sasha corrected.

  “Did you hear from her yet?”

  Touched by his concern, Sasha smiled warmly. “No, unfortunately, I haven’t. But I’d really rather not push too much into her personal life by calling constantly. Especially with the time difference. Apparently she has found an amazing opportunity in Italy and won’t be returning ‘til she takes full advantage of it.”

  Carter was silent for a while, contemplating this. “What took her to Italy of all places?”

  “Well, she got the offer from her job as a curator. Unfortunately, she had to choose between Italy and her life and relationships here.”

  “Oh, like you and her boyfriend.”

  With a sad smile, she nodded. “I miss her but I know she did what was best for her. And I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same.”

  “Yes, but unfortunately, I’ve had the same experience. That is, being forced to choose between career success and love. And I can’t say now that it was completely worth it in the end.”

  Hearing his use of the word ‘love’, Sasha was hesitant to continue the topic of conversation but mentally shrugged her worry away and decided to bite. “Really? Why not? Aren’t you doing what you’ve always wanted?”

  Carter took a drink of his wine with a nonchalant shrug. “Yes, of course I am. But at what cost? I am a man in his mid-thirties who has no family in the immediate area and no one to go home to. For most men, living the life of a bachelor is always pleasurable. I guess I am the exception in that I haven’t found it to be that enjoyable anymore.”

  He leaned over the table, his hands reaching out to take hers within their grasp as he continued softly, “I can see within you the same drive I had when I was your age. This tenacity to succeed and have everything we were deprived of as children. But, when I remember the love within my parents’ eyes when they looked at each other, I am continually reminded that despite the financial difficulties they may have had to overcome, they had one another to fulfill any supposed gaps the lack of money may have caused. For them, life has been enjoyable despite its hardships. Can you honestly say that reaching the peak of your success will fulfill everything you have ever wanted? What is your heart’s truest desire? And don’t let logic be the determining factor.”

  Sasha was at a loss for words with the sheer sincerity in his voice as she met his unfaltering gaze. Her immediate thoughts were ones she couldn’t delve deeper into out of fear.

  “What if what I want…would end up hurting me?”

  Releasing her hands and sitting back in his seat, Carter raised a brow and asked, “Will it really? Or is that what you are telling yourself so as not to face desiring it?”

  Still not ready to answer, she turned the question back to him. “What about you though? What is your deepest desire?”

  He answered immediately, without a second of hesitation. “Love and family.”

  “I wanted that one day. But…sometimes it’s best to just realize that not everyone can be gifted with love and family. I’ve accepted the absence of it in my life-or at least, I may not have love in the exact way I would have wanted but it exists in other forms. Like friendship. I shouldn’t be greedy.”

  Carter noticed that as she spoke, it was as if she was speaking to herself. Her gaze had wandered off and her hands shook slightly. Before he could stop himself, he asked,

  “Who was it?”

  Knowing of whom he referred, Sasha merely shook her head and wiped at her eyes before the tears could fall. “No one. Just life.”

  He smiled at her attempt to keep the subject of her hurt secret. “I admire you, Sasha.” When she only gazed questioningly at him, Carter continued, “It’s because of how much you’ve been through. You may not have stated the exact details but I know growing up in the system wasn’t easy. And yet, look at all you have accomplished. Look at how far you’v
e come. I can’t say the same being from the normal nuclear family. We may have been low middle-class but I never exactly wanted for much. And now, I don’t have to worry about money.” He harrumphed and smiled to himself. “Yeah, you are one special woman.”

  Feeling a blush rising to her cheeks she cleared her throat and shook her head. “No, I am not. But, thank you for saying as much.”

  Knowing it was best not to argue the point, Carter accepted her response. “Well, if we are going to make it on time, we should go soon.”

  When they arrived at the site, Sasha felt anxious. Networking events sill weren’t her strong suit despite her going as merely a date. She looked over to Carter and found him smiling at her in assurance before opening the driver seat and circumventing the car to assist her. His manners were still a welcomed surprise.

  “Sorry we had to leave your car in the parking lot. Invite only event,” he grimaced.

  “No worries,” she whispered back to him as the valet drove off in his sports car. It was neither ostentatious nor plain but classic with its sleek lines and clear coating. While not a car connoisseur, Sasha could recognize an expensive and dependable vehicle when she saw one. It was truly a reflection of its owner. Carter, she had come to find, while he made no qualms about his financial success, was still every bit the down-to-earth man of his modest upbringing. He could easily traverse the snooty parties his job required but felt more at home at the backyard barbeques he grew up with as a child.

  Listening to him speak of his childhood, Sasha felt a connection to him despite the obvious differences. When she had told him about growing up within the foster care system on their first date, she was taken aback by his response. There were no signs of pity as she had often faced but respect. His recent words of praise had felt uncomfortable because she had rarely had them said to her. The confidence she had nurtured for the past several years had been self-imposed. She had learned to face the lack of recognition head on, to not let it falter her belief in herself. But for the first time, someone had acknowledged her fight for her.

  And she had been left speechless.

  “Now, this is meant to be a somewhat casual event, so don’t feel any pressure.” Her right hand was tucked into the crease of his elbow as they walked. While Carter was of average height, she was still thankful for the heels she wore to make up the difference.

  “Oh don’t worry about me. I feel more nervous for you. Networking takes a social awareness I am not too skilled at analyzing.”

  Carter laughed. “You’ll do fine. Just be you. The key is to never over-analyze. You end up being your own worst enemy that way.”

  When they entered the garden, Sasha saw people scattered around, a spewing fountain in the center of the large courtyard. Rushing amongst the guests were ushers dressed in red vests, plates of snacks and refreshments held carefully on their fingertips. The ambience was not nearly as stuffy as she had presumed and she automatically let out a breath of relief. Feeling her relax at his side, Carter only smiled.

  “The person I’m looking for will probably be surrounded. So we may have to slowly make our way over.”

  She looked up at him. “What’s our strategy?” Sasha asked in a playful manner.

  Leaning further into her, he grinned mischievously. “Well, why don’t we work counterclockwise around the fountain? Being bombarded probably won’t give him much opportunity to move throughout the night and we don’t want to seem too eager. I can’t lay all my cards on the table at once.”

  Teasingly, she patted him on the cheek. “Poker face.”

  When they mirrored each other with the same blank stare, they couldn’t help but to burst out in laughter, receiving rather odd looks from those around them. “Yeah, we’re going to need time to work on that one. It may be best to take the long route,” she sputtered between chuckles.

  Despite their mission, Sasha found herself enjoying being in Carter’s company and seeing his easygoing nature with others. She could tell immediately why he was good at his job; people couldn’t help but respond to his warm smile and approachable nature. She was happy to be his companion for the night.

  She was listening to him tell a joke when the hairs at the back of her neck stirred in warning. Curious as to her body’s innate response, she searched for the cause but came up short. The same feeling coursed through her continuously throughout the night as they made their way closer to the large group formed around who she supposed was the marketing manager Carter had come to see. From what she had heard from several others that night, the public relations firm was not only one of the best in the country but had easily gained a foothold in the international market within the past few years. And at the forefront of this change was the most sought after guest tonight. Yet having not heard his name, she was growing suspicious.

  In her mind, the pieces were slowly coming together but even as she bothered to consider who he was, she continually denied it to herself. Boston was too big of a city and they had never run into each other before. There were probably many famous marketing managers at top-notch PR firms. What were the chances? But the infuriating feeling of being watched had yet to go away. Finally, she asked,

  “Carter? Who exactly is the man you came to see?”

  He grinned. “You know, I never did tell you his name. Maybe you’ve heard of him. Dmitri Durand. His father is Nikolai Vikhrov, the owner of that hotel chain.”

  But by that point, all the color had drained from her cheeks. As soon as she watched his lips form Dmitri’s name, her ears had become almost clogged as panic raced through her veins and she felt the distinct urge to run. Her arm loosened from his hold and she made a faltering step back.

  As Carter began to ask her what was wrong, he felt a familiar set of arms wrap around his neck and ruffle his head playfully. Immediately grinning, he turned to see his friend, unaware of Sasha’s abject look of horror.

  As soon as she saw the tuft of black hair and the familiar stature of the man behind Carter, she gasped and desperately searched for a way out. At the same time, she mentally analyzed why she was reacting so strongly to his presence. But before she could delve deeper into answers, the man holding Carter showed his face and her sense of urgency dissipated slightly.

  “Dominic! What the hell man! What are you doing here?” Carter pulled his friend into a hug.

  Returning the friendly embrace, Dominic patted Carter on his shoulder and responded, “You know, I’m always where I have no business being.” Casually, he looked over at Carter’s companion and visibly shook at the sight of the small woman. “Sasha?”

  Shyly and without much sincerity as she was still in a state of anxiety, she smiled, “Hello, Dominic.”

  He looked between his friend and Sasha, the wheels turning in his head before it clicked. “Holy shit!” were the only words he was at first able to utter. “Are you two together?”

  Carter immediately asked, “Wait. You two know each other?”

  Before Dominic could get a chance to answer, Sasha took over. “Yes! Dominic was dating my friend Dina.”

  Raising a brow at her watered down explanation of their relationship, Dominic only nodded, considering it best not to say anything more on the subject.

  “Huh, well what a small world. I wonder why we never met sooner.” Carter grinned suggestively at Sasha.

  She shrugged her shoulders. “Umm, I’m sorry to cut out early, but I think I should get going. That way, you two can catch up.”

  Knowing whom she was trying to avoid, Dominic said nothing to the contrary. However, Carter was unsurprisingly taken aback by her abrupt need to end the date. “Really? Is something wrong? Are you okay?”

  Sasha had to admit to herself that she felt guilty escaping in such a way, inadvertently hurting Carter. “I’m so sorry. I-I just…”

  But then everything she was trying to avoid came to fruition. Carter and Dominic’s attention was removed from her as they turned to the sound of the intruder. Sasha felt as if the ground had been swe
pt from beneath her feet; her body visibly quivered at the sound of his hypnotic voice. And their memories together flooded to her mind as if his voice had unleashed the floodgates she had so tenaciously held until that moment.

  Knowing she could not continue to avoid looking up at him, she slowly raised her gaze. And the sight before her was even more beautiful than she had remembered.

  “Oh no,” she thought to herself. “Please don’t let it happen again.”

  Chapter Four

  Dmitri had noticed her the moment she entered the courtyard. His shock was palpable as he literally had to hold himself back from immediately approaching. While he would willingly admit to having thought of her often since the fateful day in his office, he was unprepared for his physical and emotional response to her nearness after so many years. While her hair was still dreaded, it was shorter, only falling a little below her shoulders as opposed to down her back as he remembered. But that wasn’t all that was different about her.

  Dressed in a simple black dress with a plunging neckline, he noticed that her figure had changed. While not exactly much skinner, there was a distinct firmness and musculature where before there had been an almost cherubic softness to her features and stature. Dmitri visually admired her as she walked amongst the crowd; her head held high, regal in her gracefulness. Above all, that was the greatest difference he took notice of. Just as when she had so determinedly marched into his office, Sasha moved now with confidence and a self-assuredness she had lacked upon their first meeting. She no longer seemed to cower into herself and avoid the gaze of others. It was almost as if she challenged them to look.

  Surrounded by so many people clamoring for his attention, Dmitri almost didn’t see the man she held onto. But when he finally did, there was no way he couldn’t immediately remove himself from conversation. Like stalking prey, he had slowly followed them, blatantly ignoring the people calling his name. There was determination in his every step.


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