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Sasha: The Awakening (The Wallflower Series Book 2)

Page 12

by Fletcher, R. J.

  “I think it’s a good thing that he isn’t in to black women, as you put it.”

  Lola gave her a confused look.

  “Well…those men who are tend to fetishize the idea of being with a black woman. You want him to be sexually attracted to you because of you not because of your race. And, I think with Justin, you can be sure that’s not on his agenda. I think you should give him a shot and not let race determine your romantic prospects.”

  After a bit more of a heart-to-heart, Sasha finished her work and walked out of her office. She could have been angry at Lola’s remarks, but instead she found herself happy about the way she had handled the situation. She remembered Teagan’s words after the incident with Faye. While Lola was definitely not on the same level of Faye’s seemingly inherent meanness, Sasha could have allowed herself to be angry. Instead, she had taken the time to find out that Lola’s words were not truly intended for her. They had come from Lola’s own self-doubts and guilt regarding her encounter with Justin. And had rage taken over, she not only would have never discovered the root cause of Lola’s words, but she could have possibly lost another friend as well.

  It was that very ability to forgive that had her meeting Dmitri that night. She met him with a smile on her face. Things could have been so different had she allowed bitterness and anger towards the past determine her future. She was happy in ways that she had never experienced before. Since returning to Boston, the two of them had been almost inseparable. But in these past few weeks, she realized their relationship was somehow much different than it was the first time. Maybe it was the maturity and wisdom they had gained from their first failed attempt, but Dmitri was much more open about his feelings toward her- well, as open as she could expect. And, consequently, she felt much more secure in their relationship. She finally felt like his equal; she no longer felt intimidated by his looks, wealth, or power because though it was to a lesser extent, she had her own. He was hers through and through, and this time no one was going to take him away.

  Dmitri held out his arms to her and pulled her to his chest. “You work too hard, baby.”

  Sasha scoffed. “You’re one to talk! It was only last week you were gallivanting from one client to the next at all hours of the day. Speaking of which, “she poked him in his chest, “you owe me something…” Sasha trailed off suggestively.

  A wide grin spread across Dmitri’s handsome features. At her words, he immediately recalled the night she was referring. They had been having a little fun when his cell phone had rang, disturbing their play. And to his own despair, he had been unable to end the call with one of the PR firm’s biggest clients. Though Sasha at the time had brushed it off, he knew it had stung- him choosing his job over spending time with her. Tonight, he was hoping to make it up to her though.

  “I do owe you,” he agreed. “And…” he took her hand into his own, caressing her soft palm, “I was thinking we could go back to my place where I could wine…dine…” Dmitri leaned in until his lips were merely a breath away from her own. “And pamper you.”

  In a flourish, it seemed like they were back at Dmitri’s penthouse. She expected dinner to be laid out in the dining room and was briefly disappointed. At the frown marring her features, Dmitri merely grinned,

  “I remember a few years ago…we were talking about our silly childhood dreams. You said your biggest wish as a little kid was to have dessert for dinner.”

  Sasha laughed, “I was a kid!”

  Dmitri merely shrugged, “So? I want to make all your dreams come true.” He walked into the modern kitchen, opened the freezer and refrigerator. Sasha watched in awe as he took out almost every condiment necessary to make the world’s greatest sundae. She was mildly shocked by the wave of excitement that coursed through her. Her mouth was already watering at the idea of making and eating her own.

  The excited energy she tried so hard to keep at bay became uncontrollable as she and Dmitri stood in the kitchen that night and made sundaes. He gave her serious side-eye for all the sweets she used as toppings but she ignored him, sticking her tongue out playfully. She squealed at the feel of something cold being splashed on her face. Dmitri had sprayed her with the whipped cream in response. Returning the favor, a brawl soon began in the kitchen for the canned dessert. Their laughter reverberated throughout the penthouse, interspersed with squeals from Sasha as she was picked up and spun into the air. When he heard her stomach begin to growl, Dmitri let her down so their attention could return to their meal.

  Eventually they sat down in front of the television with their delicacies. Moaning in delight at the creamy feel of the ice cream and the sweet bursts of sugar from her toppings, Sasha looked up at him and admitted,

  “This is the best dinner I’ve ever had.”

  He laughed, “I am happy to hear that.” But Dmitri’s face suddenly became serious. “It may have been a silly dream, Sasha and at first, I didn’t think there was anything unique about it. I mean, almost every kid at some point wants to have dessert for dinner. But that’s exactly it. It’s simplicity and commonality revealed to me how much your childhood lacked those small pleasures. I didn’t realize that at the time, but now I do.”

  Sasha blinked several times to prevent tears from coming to the surface. “Stop it…now you’re just being too perfect.” It was times like this Sasha was reminded of how much Dmitri had changed. She remembered the day they had spoken of their childhood dreams. At the time, it was a rarity for him to have even mentioned anything of his childhood, and she had felt that their relationship was beginning to make progress. So, she had revealed something that on the surface had seemed silly but had actually meant a lot to her. It wasn’t simply the idea of having dessert for dinner, but everything it represented: having family want to make even your smallest dreams come true. That day he had laughed at her secret and she had laughed with him. Unknowingly, the humor he found in it had hurt somewhat. She had been conflicted, upset with herself for feeling affronted by his laughter while also recognizing the absurdity in the dream. But now, Dmitri had shown through his actions that the childishness of the dream didn’t matter. What mattered was simply that it was something that had been important to her.

  At that, Dmitri settled his arm over her shoulders and pulled her into his chest. “Well, before you say that, maybe I should disclose that because I care about you, this is really just a once-in-a-year type deal.”

  Sasha laughed, “Aw, do we have to leave Neverland so soon?”

  “We do if you want to get any of this tonight,” he teased.

  “Promises, promises,” she tsked.

  That night, Dmitri set a warm bath for Sasha. As she relaxed in his arms, he caressed her skin with a washcloth. Though his words earlier had suggested they would make love, Sasha was pleasantly surprised to find that they never did. Instead of sex, Dmitri gave her intimacy. After their bath, they settled into his bed holding one another. His hands gently massaged her scalp while she breathed in his scent. It lulled her into a deep and peaceful sleep that night.

  While she slept in his arms, Dmitri looked down at her with a smile, “I love you, Sasha.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “Sasha? What are you doing? Don’t you dare!”

  Sasha squealed in delight as Dmitri tried to duck from the spray of water. The tub, though quite large, didn’t allow him enough room as she gave him a sneak attack, directing the nozzle to his face and hair. He tried to shield himself with his hands before taking the offense; he grabbed a hold of her waist between both his hands and pulled until she lay flat against his lap, the showerhead still in her hand. Before she could protest, Dmitri grinned mischievously as he gave her a firm slap on her behind.

  Sasha’s squeals of laughter changed in tone at the turn of events. She squirmed on his lap as he continued his playful abuse of her backside. “Dmitri! I give, I give!”

  At her surrender, his hand paused in mid-air. Laughing at her body’s continued efforts for release, he brought his hand down
once more but instead of a slap, he soothed the reddening skin with small caresses. Allowing her to sit up, he took a hold of her once more, making her straddle his lap. Though settling comfortably in her new position, Sasha pouted and rubbed her aching backside. His hands soon replaced hers as he smiled with no remorse.

  “Don’t pout,” he demanded. “You got exactly what you deserved.”

  She grunted in disbelief. “I think you liked that a little bit too much.”

  Not bothering to deny it, he continued to smile and winked. “You won’t hear any complaints from me.” His grasp tightened on the cheeks of her ass, pushing her closer into his chest. “You liked it.” He nipped at her bottom lip with his teeth and groaned as she responded by grinding into his hardening cock.

  “We shouldn’t,” he stated regretfully. “You’re too sore.”

  She sighed, knowing it to be true. Giving him a final peck on the lips, she stood up from the tub. Knowing that he was watching her every move, she decided to forgo the towel hanging on the wall, and instead stepped out in all her naked glory. Making sure to put on as much of a show for him as possible, she swayed her hips and released her hair from its bun feeling his dark gaze worshipping her form.

  “You shouldn’t tease me, baby.”

  The sound of his gravelly voice caused her pussy to ache. He may have won with his physical strength, but Sasha knew exactly what buttons to push for the cards to turn in her favor. Grabbing the hand towel, instead of responding to his warning, she slowly dried off the water dripping down her body. Then she reached for the lotion on the counter and slowly moisturized every inch of skin until she was glowing beneath the bathroom light. When it came time for her bottom and legs, she purposely turned away from him and bent down to the floor. Her hands caressed her thighs and calves before inching up. With her torso almost parallel to the floor, she cupped both of her cheeks in her lotion-covered palms, whilst gently rubbing the lotion into her skin.

  Right on cue, she heard the splash of water. She smiled inwardly; it worked every time.

  Dmitri grasped her arms and pushed her torso down onto the counter, his erection making direct contact with the soft skin of her ass. Slowly grinding into her, he bent down until his chest rested against her back and whispered into her ear, “You’re so needy for my cock, aren’t you baby?”

  She moaned as she felt the tip against her entrance. Pushing back into him, she nodded. “I need you, Dmitri.”

  He pulled on her right leg until her knee rested on the surface of the counter, opening her up even more. She slightly shivered at the rush of cold air but was quickly appeased by the heat emanating from his erection as he slowly entered her. Moaning all the while, she gripped the slippery surface of the counter and arched into him. His large hand rested against her upper back, pushing her down so that she was completely at his mercy.

  With the first powerful thrust, they both gasped at the intense feeling surging between them.

  “I need you too, baby.” At his confession, her walls tightened around him. Overcome by the sensation, he buried his face in her wealth of hair. “God, I love you so much!”

  After they both had reached their culmination, the death grip Dmitri had on her waist and the fingers entangled in her hair, finally loosened. Sasha could feel what was left of their union between her legs and her body was starting to feel the aftereffects of their sexual acrobatics. This time when she groaned, it wasn’t from the pleasure of sex. Seeing her discomfort, Dmitri picked her up bridal style and walked her into his bedroom where he set her down in the middle of the silk sheets.

  Sasha watched as he exited the room and came back with a warm hand towel. Gently, he opened her legs and cleaned away the evidence. Once he was done, he leaned over her so that he could enjoy the taste of her lips once more.

  “Now, this time, you’re definitely sore. You see what happens when you don’t listen?”

  She rolled her eyes at his domineering tone. “Don’t pretend you didn’t enjoy that. I have no regrets.”

  He chuckled. “Me either. However,” his face turned serious, “you have to let me know if I ever push you too hard. I don’t want to hurt you. I could never forgive myself if that ever happened.”

  With the changing tone of the conversation, Sasha sat up and rested against the pillows. “Wow, Dmitri…are you serious?”

  He gave her a look as if she were insane. “Of course, I’m serious, Sasha. I’m twice your size, and I know how rough I can sometimes get.”

  “Okay, first of all, I’m not that tiny.” She ignored him as he rolled his eyes. “And, secondly, I trust you.” Sasha grasped his cheeks in her palms and gave him a tender kiss from cheek to cheek until finally gracing his lips with her own. At their separation, she gently rubbed his nose with hers and settled her arms around his neck. “I know you would never hurt me. You like to be the one in control, and I wouldn’t have it any other way because I know where my power lies.”

  At his raised brow, she smirked. “Plus, I like it rough too.”

  They settled down into the sheets for a few until the sound of both their grumbling stomachs intruded upon their safe haven. Simultaneously, they looked at each other and broke out into laughter.

  “You get dressed. I’ll make us something to eat.”

  Sasha watched as he jumped from the bed, grabbing a pair of boxer briefs from the drawer before leaving to the kitchen. Reluctantly, she tore her eyes away from his retreating form and made her way to the closet. Since they spent so much time at each other’s homes, they had both agreed to leave space for the other’s clothes and various knick-knacks. Now, every time she woke up in her apartment, whether she was with him or not, she was greeted by the sight of his after shave and toothbrush on the counter of her sink and his suits and pajamas tucked into her closet and drawers.

  She knew based upon the general rules of dating it would seem as if they were rushing, but it never felt that way. Since that night in Newark, everything seemed to have fallen back into place; as if, instead of starting completely over, they were just continuing from the point that they had left off. And, rightly so. They couldn’t stand being apart, resorting to texts and pictures messages throughout the day while they were at work.

  However, distance was inevitable. Part of Dmitri’s job included travel now that the firm was growing its base and becoming more powerful within the marketing world. Just last week, he had been gone for several days to California. In his absence, she had only late night phone calls and his fading scent on her pillow. Those days were the worst for both of them, but they always got through it. It came with its surprises. Phone sex was a necessity during his absence. And if she thought having him physically with her was orgasmic, she had grown quite appreciative of his penchant for detail and loved hearing his voice whispering in her ear with its deep gravelly tone.

  After putting on her yoga pants and tank top, she walked into the kitchen and sat at the counter, watching him move back and forth as he cooked them lunch.

  “So, what should I be expecting from my handsome chef?” she asked with a smile.

  Dmitri turned to her and winked. “Your favorite, of course. Egg white omelet with sliced onions and spinach leaves. Would you like a peach smoothie with that, princess?”

  Sasha laughed as he bowed at the waist. “You’re so silly!”

  He handed her a plate and took a seat next to her with his own. As she took a bite, he watched her reaction, smiling at the look of pleasure that crossed her face. “Did I do good?”

  “Mmm, I love it!”

  “Glad to hear it, baby. Seems like I’m just as good out of bed as in it.” He gave her a cocky smirk and turned to his food.

  Sasha gasped at his outrageous statement, not willing to admit to herself how true it was. Knowing he was only trying to get under her skin, she playfully poked her tongue out at him before turning back to her meal.

  They ate, switching between companionable silence and interesting conversation topics at will. Thro
ughout their time together, their relationship had traversed the limitations of a romantic pairing into that of friendship. Dmitri could say with sincere honesty, Sasha had become his closest confidant and best friend. At the end of the day, she was the only person he wanted greeting him at his door, whether it was to rant at the frustrated dealings of the firm or simply to enjoy the relief of being home once more. He could distinctly remember the loneliness that had overtaken him, even during Nadia’s stay at his apartment. While Sasha may not always be physically waiting for him at the end of the day, the promise of hearing her voice that night was proving to be just as rewarding.

  After they had completed their food, Dmitri stood and placed the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. While Sasha made her way to the living room to cozy up on the couch, he returned to the bedroom for his own sweats. At his absence, Sasha’s daytime nap was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell.

  “Could you get that, Sasha?” Dmitri yelled from the bedroom.

  When she had opened the door, she was surprised to come face to face with Nadia and Dominic. The siblings stood casually at the door, their expressions of shock mirroring one another as they looked down to find the small woman once again in Dmitri’s apartment after so many years. Sasha was at a loss for words as well. She and Dmitri had conveniently neglected to discuss the possibility of her meeting his family once more. While she may not have completely forgotten the inner workings of his family drama, ignoring its impending interruption of their happily developing relationship had come naturally. Sasha didn’t want to think of history possibly repeating itself. But, this time she was ready. If Nadia and her father wanted to dish out any drama to separate her from Dmitri, they were in for a rude awakening. She was no longer the naïve, innocent, and insecure young woman they knew before. And she was confident Dmitri would fight for her as surely as she would do the same for him.

  With that knowledge and self-assuredness, she smiled at them both and opened the door wider for them to step into the apartment.


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