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Year's Best SF 17

Page 7

by David G. Hartwell

  She described his thick eyebrows and slicked-back black hair, his lean muscular physique, and she told Beatrix about everything they had in common, about their three dates together—including how they’d kissed in the empty office at CE until they were interrupted by guardbots.

  Cara and Beatrix strolled arm-in-arm along the edge of a great gorge that overlooked a river. Southern Titan teemed with ridges and crevices and chasms all filled with flowing ethane and methane.

  Cara noticed that Beatrix had stayed quiet for a long time after she’d spoken about Juan Carlos. Sometimes she forgot that Bea was a Wergen, that like all Wergens she couldn’t help but love her, and perhaps be jealous of her new relationship. Maybe it had been a mistake to confide in her, but Bea was her oldest and dearest friend.

  She decided to change the subject. “How’s Ambus?”

  Beatrix stopped. She released Cara’s arm and rubbed her shoulders nervously.

  “What is it?” Cara said.

  Beatrix turned away and started walking again.

  “Tell me. What’s wrong?”

  Beatrix stood at the lip of a precipice. “You know how Ambus has always felt about humans.”

  She nodded. “Yes, he wants to avoid humans—so, of course, he lives in a colony of humans on Titan.”

  “That’s not fair, Cara. He was brought here as a child. He had no say in the matter. And now that he’s on the verge of reaching maturity … I’m afraid for him. He’s found others who believe as he does, that co-exploration with human beings was a huge mistake.”

  “Really?” Cara had always found Ambus eccentric but basically harmless. “Well, it isn’t as if Wergens would ever harm humans.”

  Beatrix looked away.


  “There’s been a drug developed offworld recently, Cara. A suppressant that distorts the way that Wergens perceive human beings. It’s horrible. It mutes our natural love for your people.”

  “And Ambus took it?”

  “Its effects are only temporary—no longer than a few minutes. He views it as a way to ‘free’ his mind. You mustn’t say anything, Cara. You have no idea of the consequences if anyone were to know. This is a serious crime.”

  “Does your father know about this?”

  “My father left a few weeks ago to start work on a new project, the construction of another cityfield over Xanadu, on equatorial Titan,” Beatrix said. “Maybe I’ll go join him. Get away from all of this.”

  “That’s really what you want?”

  After a long pause, Beatrix said, “Now that you’ve met someone … I’m not sure there’s anything left here for me.”

  “Bea, I don’t want you to worry about Juan Carlos. That has nothing to do with our relationship. We’ve always been friends and we’re going to stay friends forever. No man can change that.”

  Beatrix’s face brightened and they continued their trek along the edge of the gorge, the ethane-filled tributaries churning far below them.

  ENCRYPTED Med. Journal Entry No. 225 by Dr Juan Carlos Barbarón: Adsorption: The first step in macromeiosis is the penetration of the headtail fibers into the specific pseudo-protein receptors of the passive Wergen’s tether. Enzymes quickly dissolve the base plate, the tethers become one, triggering significant changes to the aliens’ body chemistry. (See Journal Entry No. 6.)

  Cara lowered her head and trudged forward into the driving pink snow. Her boots sank into the slushy drifts as she made it over the bend and Beatrix’s hearth came into view. The dwelling resembled the upper half of a metallic egg with two arched openings on opposite sides. The Wergens had a very rigid conception of exits and entrances.

  Juan Carlos, her fiancé, had wanted her to spend the day visiting with his parents, but she’d grown increasingly concerned over the fact that she hadn’t heard a word from Beatrix in over a week. It wasn’t like her. Usually the problem was keeping Beatrix from calling too often—something else Juan Carlos bitterly complained about. But Beatrix couldn’t help herself, Cara had explained to him for what seemed like a thousand times. She was Wergen, after all. Juan Carlos didn’t want to hear it.

  Cara stepped through the archway, stomping the snow off of her boots. Her blue-tinted bodyfield clicked off automatically.

  The welcoming bots skittered at her feet, unlaced her boots and laid out slippers for her on the scale-patterned floorboards.

  This was the only time she could remember visiting the hearth that Beatrix hadn’t been waiting for her at the entranceway. Could her friend be jealous? Is that why she’d stopped calling? When last they spoke, Cara had told her that Juan Carlos had finally proposed and that she had accepted. After expressing some confusion over how an engagement differed from dating or from marriage, Beatrix had asked whether it still meant that they would someday join a human-Wergen expedition and go colonize some strange new world together. Cara had reassured her that she and Juan Carlos had promising careers at CE and that they were both on track to join the colonization efforts.

  Beatrix emerged out of the fireroom in the center of the dwelling and Cara staggered backward.

  In all the years she’d known her, Cara had never seen Beatrix without some head covering. Usually she put on a coronatis, the leafy headdress that all Wergens wore. But today the flat top of her head was exposed and a rubbery cord extended out of her cranium, dragging along the floor to another room in the hearth.

  “Cara!” Beatrix said, smiling. “I’m sorry that I haven’t returned your messages. It’s just … these past few weeks have been a very private time for me.”

  Cara pointed to the tether. “You … you’re …”

  “Yes, it was my time.” She looked at the floor, embarrassed.

  “Why didn’t you tell me, Bea?”

  She rubbed her shoulders nervously and didn’t answer.

  Cara understood that Wergens were notoriously private about their reproductive cycle, but this was her best friend. She felt wounded by the fact that Beatrix hadn’t confided in her. Then she remembered what Beatrix had told her all those years ago about the absorption of one Wergen into another based on their genetic makeup, about encorporation.

  “Bea, tell me you’re genetically dominant. Please!”

  Beatrix continued rubbing her shoulders.

  A moment later the Wergen at the other end of the tether entered the room. He was shorter than Beatrix, with gray-flecked scales he covered with a dark blue robe.


  Cara gasped. “But …”

  “A pleasure to finally see you up close,” he said.

  But there was no pleasure in his voice, no Wergen servility. Only an undercurrent of hostility.

  Cara turned to Beatrix, eyes wide. “Your brother?”

  “Of course. There are very few of us on Titan. And we’re genetically compatible. We can safely interbreed for another generation.”

  “You don’t owe her any explanations, Beatrix,” Ambus said.

  “I apologize for his tone, Cara,” Beatrix said. “When he saw you approaching our hearth he took a dose of the suppressant. He’ll be more himself in a few minutes.”

  “What does it feel like to hold so much sway over another person’s life?” Ambus said to Cara. “Do you realize how unfair you’ve been to her? That she’s your loyal slave because she has no choice?”

  “She’s not my slave!” Cara said.

  “Your people and ours are at war. A secret war. We’re all soldiers in that great battle and don’t even know it.”

  “Bea,” Cara said, “I just wanted to make sure you were all right. I really have to get back to Juan Carlos.”

  “What, you’re leaving before we can bow down to you and wash your feet?” Ambus said.

  Cara stepped into her shoes and walked back through the archway to the hearth, which reactivated her bodyfield.

  “Cara, I’m sorry,” Beatrix said. “Don’t leave!”

  “Look, I can’t … I can’t deal with all this. I can’t believe you’re with him.
” The sight of the tether repulsed her.

  “Cara!” Beatrix shouted from behind her. But Cara marched ahead through the gusting snow without looking back.

  ENCRYPTED Med. Journal Entry No. 226 by Dr Juan Carlos Barbarón: Tether contraction can commence as early as six months (Terran) after adsorption and accelerate, bringing the passive and dominant mates ever closer together. This triggers the growth of nerve fibers on the dominant Wergen’s dermal scales in anticipation of the final stages of corpus meiosis, i.e. encorporation.

  Cara floated through the thick liquid hydrocarbons with her eyes closed. It felt like she had left the present behind, like she had traveled back to when was ten years old, hunting perpuffers for the very first time. She broke the surface of the waters and threw her head back.

  Beatrix sat on the shore, hugging her knees and watching her. She had said that it might still be possible to swim despite her tethered status, but that she preferred not to because Ambus didn’t much enjoy the lake. He sat about twenty-five feet to her left, clutching their bunched-up tether and examining a bot. They could move almost fifty feet apart given their cord’s length and elasticity. But Ambus couldn’t be far away enough as far as Cara was concerned.

  In all the years that she’d known Beatrix, her friend had never seemed more alien than she did at that moment with the flesh-colored cord dangling from her head, snaking across the shore toward Ambus. Poor Bea. How much time did she have left?

  Cara descended again, peering through the natural muck of the methane. Something caught her attention. A circular shape pulsed by her feet. She reached down, pushed her hand through the ring and the creature instinctively contracted on her wrist.

  Cara rose up out of the viscous methane and raised her fist in the air, flashing her find to Beatrix. A phosphorescent-purple perpuffer.

  Beatrix clapped her hands and shouted, “Well done, Cara! Well done!”

  How many times did they dive together for perpuffers, searching for the elusive purple one, the top prize? Cara couldn’t imagine ever doing this without her best friend at her side.

  She swam back to shore.

  Ambus moved as far away as his tether would allow, sitting on the other side of a dune with his back to them.

  “Cara, it’s lovely,” Beatrix said, fingering the perpuffer.

  Cara sighed happily. “After all of these years, I was beginning to think the purple ones were just a myth.”

  “Are you going to dive for more?”

  “No, I have to go meet Juan Carlos for lunch.”

  “Don’t go.” Disappointment washed across Beatrix’s face. “Cara, don’t take this the wrong way, but … I don’t like what you’ve told me about him.”

  Cara raised an eyebrow. It was unlike Beatrix to make a negative statement about a human being—let alone to express her disagreement so openly. Normally, if her opinion differed from Cara’s she would hesitate or turn her head away when responding. When something moved her, she would tilt her head to the left and nod. Cara had learned to read her subtle mannerisms.

  “You don’t know Juan Carlos,” Cara said.

  “Why doesn’t he ever join us?”

  “He’s busy.” Cara could never bring herself to tell Beatrix the truth. Despite Juan Carlos’s many fine qualities—his drop-dead looks, his sharp wit and analytical mind, his love for her—he had a low threshold for socializing with Wergens. He made it a point to minimize the time he spent in their presence. “They’re lapdogs, Cara,” he had said to her that morning, trying to persuade her not to visit Beatrix. “Doesn’t it offend you? That such intelligent beings can be so fatuous, so sycophantic … They’re like lovesick schoolchildren.”

  Undeniable, really. But he had never met Beatrix, and their friendship transcended that species drive. Cara had to believe that. And certainly she had no biochemical reason for the fondness she felt for Beatrix. “If it’s so offensive,” she had answered, “maybe we shouldn’t be accepting their technology, hmm?” She made a face and kissed him on the cheek. “I know you don’t want me to go, but I really need to visit Bea at the lake.” Juan Carlos’s objections had dissuaded her from seeing Beatrix over the past few weeks. “I don’t like the way I left things with her the last time we met. I’ll see you at lunch, okay?”

  Now, as she toweled off, Cara spotted a shape that Beatrix had sculpted in the sand. Instead of a spaceship, it was the familiar oval outline of a Wergen hearth. “Are you going to talk to your father about joining one of the next few expeditions?” Cara said. “Juan Carlos and I were thinking of Langalana …”

  “No, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Beatrix said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “CE doesn’t need any more Wergens. The Explorata is already swamped with qualified volunteers. Ambus thinks that we might be better off staying here.”

  Cara didn’t know how to respond. She stuffed her towel into her carrytube and said, “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  Beatrix stared in Ambus’s direction. “I found where Ambus kept the suppressant, Cara. And I threw it away. That’s why he’s keeping his distance. He knows that if he speaks to you, if he sees you up close, he’ll feel the same way that I feel about you.”

  “Bea, once you’re … encorporated …”

  “You’ll see, you and Ambus will be good friends, I know it.”

  Cara’s eyes filled, and she nodded. “Yes, of course we will.” But she said this only for Beatrix’s sake. She knew that Ambus wanted to resist falling under humanity’s spell and that she’d respect his wishes by keeping her distance. It wouldn’t be fair to him if she didn’t. Then again, how fair had she been to Beatrix all these years?

  Beatrix’s lips quivered and she reached out and clutched Cara’s wrist. “Promise me we’ll be friends forever.”

  “Bea …”

  “Promise me?”

  “Friends forever, Bea,” Cara said. She hesitated. “Does it still feel … good to hold my hand?”

  “More than you can know.”

  Maybe Cara had been fooling herself all these years. Maybe Beatrix’s loyal unconditional love was just the product of a biochemical reaction. Maybe she’d been as unfair to Beatrix as Ambus claimed.

  “I have to go,” Cara said.


  “I’m afraid so,” she answered. “I don’t want to have another fight with Juan Carlos.” She took a few steps away from the Wergens, then turned and hurried back to Beatrix. Without saying a word, she slipped the purple perpuffer onto her best friend’s wrist.

  ENCRYPTED Med. Journal Entry No. 227 by Dr Juan Carlos Barbarón: Encorporation. As the headtail continues its relentless contraction, dermal contact follows, and nerve fibers penetrate the pore receptors on the scales across the passive Wergen’s body. This quickly disintegrates cell walls as the mates merge, commencing macromitosis. Genetic materials, primarily nucleic acids, flow from the dominant to the passive Wergen and impregnation of the rear sac results. Scales along the dorsal spine grow into multiple nubs—fetuses that develop outside the Wergen’s body, attached to its back. (See Related Entry No. 195 on Multiple-Birth Wergen Broods and their Vulnerability to Dopamine Neurotramsitters as a Counteragent to Suppressor Drugs.)

  Cara and Juan Carlos stepped through the hearth’s archway as the bots skittered into the back rooms to alert Beatrix and Ambus of their arrival.

  “Five minutes,” Juan Carlos said. “Not one minute longer.” He’d only permitted her to come on the condition that he accompany her to ensure she’d be out quickly. He said he feared that they’d encounter more Wergens than necessary since they tended to mob around humans.

  “It’s not safe for you to be walking around these Wergen neighborhoods. With the terrorist bombings at the Martian colony, how long will it be before they strike here on Titan? We maybe forced to make some difficult decisions at Biotech, but we need to protect ourselves.” He turned away and tapped his eyelids to open up a retinal connection to the newscasts. “Five minutes.
” He blinked and made a connection, his eyes glazing over.

  Juan Carlos enjoyed being in control but she knew he had her best interests at heart. She thought about objecting—she had no doubt he was overreacting—but didn’t want to provoke an argument. The media had blown out of proportion an incident involving a faction of so-called ‘Wergen rebels’—an oxymoron if ever she’d heard one—that had caused some unrest on Mars and other sister colonies.

  A minute later, Beatrix and Ambus entered the room. They now stood no more than six inches apart. Their tether had lost its elasticity and Beatrix’s head drooped to one side. Her left leg had disappeared inside of Ambus’s right leg so they walked awkwardly, like a three-legged monstrosity lurching forward. In a matter of months, Beatrix, her friend, would be gone forever, absorbed into Ambus’s form and broken down into the chemical components that would leave him impregnated.

  Beatrix’s face had a semi-glazed look, a blank stare. But when she caught sight of Cara, a brightness washed over her face.

  “Cara?” she said. But then the spark of recognition faded.

  Cara stood to hug her, but couldn’t do so without also putting her arms around Ambus.

  “Thank you for visiting,” Ambus said.

  Juan Carlos blinked off his retinal connection. He had a strange expression Cara couldn’t quite identify—disgust? fascination?—as he greeted them.

  Beatrix and Ambus went to take a seat but couldn’t do so because of their physical condition.

  “It’s kind of you to come,” Ambus said. “I know how much Bea wanted to see you.” From the way he smiled and bowed his head, he clearly had no suppressant in his system.

  “Oh, Beatrix,” Cara said. “Bea …”

  “No, it’s fine, it’s fine,” Ambus said. “How have you been? How are your parents?”

  She told them about her mother’s death, about her father joining the expedition to Langalana. And as they conversed, Cara noticed that only Ambus spoke. She gazed directly into Beatrix’s eyes and tried speaking only to her. “Do you remember the seasons we spent diving off the shore of Ontario Lacus? We practically covered ourselves head to toe with perpuffers.”


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