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Deny: A Dark, Erotic Motorcycle Club Romance

Page 8

by Jade Chandler

  I attached the leather restraint over the tattoo of a naked woman laid back on a Harley. The second cuff covered a barbed bracelet that read “Deny and Conquer.” His taste in art was too damn good, the way he marked himself made him wilder, more feral, like some barbarian, long before civilization was even a concept.

  I pressed the remote attached to my skirt and the chains ascended, clinking as they wound around the rod above the ceiling. He grinned wide and stood, eyes trained on my every movement. When the chain stopped, I focused on his feet, bare and white, as if they never saw the sun. I attached the first cuff, then tapped his inner calf with the tip of my red boot. He spread his legs shoulder width apart and I attached the second one. One press of the button at my back and those chains tightened.

  “Maintain eye contact when I’m in front of you. Don’t speak, and all lights will go out when the session is done.

  “Your safe word is red. Say it.”

  He stared at me but didn’t speak.

  I huffed out a breath. “Any questions before I begin?”


  I should make him answer every question, but I gave him the respect to know his limits and not to go beyond them. “Do I have your verbal consent for the session described?”

  “Yeah.” His voice raw, it scraped my insides starting a fire down low.

  I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been turned on before I’d even struck the first blow.

  His eyes met mine and a spark of challenge lit them up. He was as turned on, if not more. His cock stood at attention. A thick, long cock, veined and pierced twice at the tip—beautiful.

  I unsnapped my whip and strode away. Circling it above my head, I let it snap on his shoulder, his eyes flared but his face was expressionless. He wasn’t one to show that was giving me too much, but not showing was its own kind of emotion. With satisfaction settling deep in me, I let my whip dance down his chest, marking him with light welts as I went.

  He stood staring at me, stoic except for the twitch of his hard cock. Yeah, he liked my whip, but then most men did.

  The whip cracked and the tip marked him as I moved up and down the front side of his body. I stopped, breath coming quickly and pulse rapid. He hadn’t changed his pose—chin jutted, hint of smile on his full lips and gaze straight ahead.

  I whirled my whip around me and to the side before catching it wrapped in a circle and attaching it to my belt. A show-off move, but one I enjoyed. Latching the whip to my side, I drew out my crop.

  I strode close, less than six inches between us and brought my crop down across his welts, playing the welts like drum beats, adding to the pain already there. I knelt and my tongue was close enough to flick his cock, not that I did. Once I’d teased the pain, I inhaled and drug my crop up his balls and cock, going straight up to his chin. I wanted to taste, but that was forbidden. I resisted licking him from root to lips, that would degrade my role as Master—give him the power—and I loved every bit of power too much to share a gram.

  Chapter Seven


  I fought my sudden urge to come when she drug the leather strips of the crop up my cock. I’d longed for her touch, and even though it wasn’t her hands on me, I battled for control over my body and almost lost. It’d been too long since I’d felt the touch of a Master, walking into the dungeon had made me hard let alone the saucy Mistress who didn’t know she showed her own need with every lash of that whip. Beautiful. Striking. The Angel of Pain.

  The music beat, my pulse pounded in my ears, and my body thrummed with what I needed. I’d last until the end and sink my dick deep and fuck her until she was like the rest—a random woman, not this fiery angel I had made her into.

  The rod cracked on my back with sweet pain. Pain I’d forgotten I loved, loved to give and to receive. How could I have forgotten that?

  The rod smacked my ass particularly hard and I imagined her smiling as she spanked me. No doubt lots thought I deserved it, then the next hit came hard and harder as she moved down my legs and up again. Perfect. My body burned. Strength, power and sweet, sweet peace filled me. Then the lights dimmed.

  “Reflect.” She whispered in my ear, so close her scent of jasmine caught my attention.

  The pain cleared my head. Life turned into simple absolutes. Absolutely, Ren would be gone, and it mattered not one fuck if he was my father. He only held the power I’d given him by fucking around with this. He’d be smashed, just like Dare said from the beginning.

  Music blared loud, lights came up and the cat jolted me. Nine tails of barbed pain shot through me, too good, too much. She attacked my shoulders with fast swipes that brought every ounce of pain to life crawling over me like a thousand stinging bees.

  She circled slowly to my right arm before I saw her again. Eyes full of lust, she wielded the cat with passion and determination. Moving lower with the fast swishing strokes, stopping right before my cock. Her eyes met mine in question and I nodded.

  Please strike me there. I wanted to shout, but didn’t.

  The cat came down on my cock, and I groaned in my effort to keep the release inside me. My body shuddered and I prayed I had enough control to deny my need.

  Her lips smashed into mine and I strained against my cuffs to reach her. She fucked my mouth, plunging her tongue in and out, biting my lip as she kissed me. This kiss even more brutal than the last. My body tensed and I held myself in check, ripping my head away from her kiss before I unmanned myself.

  “Release me. I need to fuck you now.”

  Her eyes widened and she laughed.

  Laughed? What the fuck was funny?

  “Tell me you’re my slave, mine to command, and I’ll fuck you all damn day.” Her hard, cold voice hit me like ice-cold water.

  Was she so unaffected? No, this was about power. The sadistic bitch wanted my power, for me to give it to her, even if I reclaimed it moments later. But that was a price I’d never pay, not now, not tomorrow. I’d fought scrap by scrap for every bit of who I am and no one stole even a tiny piece of that.

  Unable to deny her with words, I clamped my jaw shut but refused to look away. I let the heat, the need, the burning fucking passion, and rage play across my face, daring her to turn away from what I offered.

  She sucked in a deep breath and pulled out her crop, stepping back she repeated the teasing dance down my body and up my cock, torture, pure and simple. But I’d been raised by a bigger sadist than her, this was nothing. Just the passing thought of my old man gave me the will to endure anything.

  One last smack to my cock and the lights went black, a minute later the chains unrolled one clang at a time. When I was free, I stood there, need crashing through me, but I wasn’t giving her the satisfaction of coming in her dungeon.

  I left Bound without seeing Marr, no way I’d control myself if I saw her again tonight. And I had shit to do. Plans to make. As I walked to my bike, I tagged both Dare and Bear for a strategy session, but neither picked up.

  When I hit the club, it was dark, deserted. I parked my bike in back and left the front dark, heading straight to my rooms. I flipped on the TV and grabbed a beer, draining it and heading for a second in minutes. Red boots flashed in my mind, then the creamy skin of upper thighs and her black leather skirt. Tell me you’re my slave.

  Fuck. I threw my beer across the room and it smashed into the paneled wall. I was no one’s slave, I was the fucking Master she’d kneel to. My cock hard, my patience gone, only one thing left to do. I stripped my clothes off and hit the bathroom, hoping a cold shower would calm me down.

  Blasting the water, I stepped inside, but the icy shower did nothing to cool me down, it fueled my anger, my need to show her who was Master, but that wasn’t happening tonight. The idea of her at my knees was tempting, those full tits on display, I bet her nipples were a rosy red. I grasped
my cock and flipped the water to hot. With a rough jerk, I moved up and down my length. Relief swept through me. I squeezed my sore balls tight then jerked my shaft harder, imagining her at my mercy.

  Opened red lips, she moaned when I pinched her nipples, “Yes, Master.” Her midnight hair fell forward, obscuring her face. “Please, let me.”

  “No.” I pumped my cock. “You haven’t earned the privilege.”

  “Please, may I touch myself?” Her scent filled the room, a musky jasmine that drove me wild.

  “You may, but don’t come, that orgasm is mine.” Her red-tipped fingers slid down her stomach, lower through a small nest of black curls.

  “Yes, thank you.” Her breathy voice drove me on.

  “You want to taste me, admit it.”

  “More than anything.” Her head fell back as her hand worked faster. The curve of her neck drove me wild. I wanted to taste, to fuck, but this was her punishment. I moved faster, excited to discipline her. Her pleasure drawing me deeper, deeper until my balls tightened. I stared at her tits. “Hold ’em up and together,” I commanded. “Now.”

  She hurried to comply. My seed spurted across those delicious tits, marking her, claiming her as mine.

  “Mine, goddammit. You’re mine.” I grunted the words as I came, alone in the shower. The empty pleasure of release was gone quicker than it came, but the satisfaction of my fantasy remained. She’d find out I wasn’t the slave. I wouldn’t even make her say it aloud, just as long as we both understood who was in control.

  * * *

  I fell asleep with Marr on my mind so it was no wonder I woke restless and worked up. Not even my morning run set me right, but then that woman had wormed under my skin in a way few ever had.

  I sat at my desk and made out lists—a list of Romeo’s boys in town, a list of Renegade’s other allies and a list of the man’s weaknesses. Drugs, women, violence. It should be fucking easy to remove him from this club, but I knew it was going to be harder than removing the Old Man’s bloated fingers from the helm. Ren knew I was coming for him, and that made a big difference.

  A knock at my door then Dare strode inside the room. “You called?”

  I told him what I’d learned.

  “Sounds like Romeo has his fingers in both pots.” Dare raided my fridge and came back with two cans of beer. He threw one to me. It’d be beer for breakfast today.

  “I don’t want to believe that shit, but maybe it fits too well.” I swallowed a mouthful of Bud. “We meet in a couple hours and he’ll be there, but man, I don’t want to think he’s going rogue.”

  “Don’t think want is even an issue.” Dare cocked his head. “Why you strung so tight?”

  Was I so fucking transparent? I hated anyone knowing my feelings, even my best friend. “Shit. All angles I can figure, this shit with Ren is an entrenched battle, no easy way to get him out and not break this club in two.” I scrubbed my face.

  “Yeah, he’s got too many followers to just kick his ass out on some trumped up charge.”

  At least my brother didn’t say I told you so. He’d advocated making the fucker disappear even before we sent the Old Man away.

  “Let’s go to the lake, just let this blow over, take some time to relax, move the shit away from here. Besides all this tension, we need to blow off steam.” He finished off his beer.

  “Best plan I heard this week.” I grabbed us two more cans of beer. “We announce it at Council, pull together a party Sunday and we head out Tuesday for the week.”

  “Righteous.” He stood. “I need some fucking breakfast.” He left me sitting there wishing I had a certain ebony and fire-haired woman on the back of my bike for the week. But that was a bigger fantasy than her agreeing to be my slave.

  I knocked back the rest of my beer and headed to the Council meeting. I was the last one in the door and shut it with a thump. Everyone looked up at me as I entered and a few smart-ass remarks flew my way.

  “Let’s start with business reports.” I’d kept the Old Man’s tradition of having each brother report on income and profit gain or loss—it kept them honest and engaged. Bound was up the most now that it wasn’t a personal harem for the Old Man’s friends. Viper had a good head on his shoulders, but what surprised me most was that Rock’s report had Marked Man up a great chunk, second in fact. It was hard to outpace Bear and Romeo.

  When Romeo gave his numbers, he twitched and fidgeted. “I need to be out on the road checking on my guys.”

  I smacked the table with my hands, leaning in. “The only way you go out on the road is if you give up leading the security business. You need to be here and you need to be getting those boys of yours on the right side of this equation.”

  Romeo looked away. “I ain’t their mama or their nursemaid, they’ll decide what’s right on their own.”

  The way he said it pissed me off, I leaned up over the table. “You think I’m not right? You think it, you say it.”

  He exploded out of his chair, face going red. “I didn’t fucking say that. I said I can’t keep my boys from siding with Ren. Hell, keeping them out of trouble here and at Bound is more than I can seem to fucking do right now.”

  “So to be clear, where do you stand?” I needed to hear these words, look in his eye to see if I believed him.

  “I fucking stand for the Brotherhood and that means fucking loyalty to the leadership—that’s you.”

  The way he said it was strange, roundabout, and I didn’t like it one bit. But if I pushed him more we’d be in a fight and he was a mean son of a bitch. I backed off for now.

  “Well if any of you think Ren’s the better choice speak up now, I want no fucking surprises from the brothers at my back.”

  “Ain’t ever siding with that prick.” Bear spit on the floor.

  “My loyalty is on my back and in my fucking fists.” Dare brought fist to chest.

  Rock grinned a cocky-ass grin. “He can suck my dick, only pussies hurt women.”

  “Well, I’ve made my feelings clear. Let’s get the fucker out of my club first.” Viper spoke around a mouthful of breakfast.

  Rebel stared at each of us. “He’s wrong and we all know it.”

  Thorn met Romeo’s gaze. “I’ll personally knock out anyone here that sides with that bastard.” Tension was thick between the two of them and I didn’t know why.

  “I’ll join you.” Romeo nodded.

  Thorn snorted. “Like I need your help, old man.” Definite tension there.

  “Anyone got intel on what Ren’s up to or how we might pry him out of Bound?”

  Silence met my question although Thorn and Romeo had a stare off before Thorn glanced away.

  “Fine then, last order of business, we’re headed to the lake next week, so pack your shit, close your shops and get ready to party!”

  Rebel whooped.

  Rock grinned wide. “I can’t wait to tell Avery.”

  “Dare, have Ollie organize shit,” I told him as I stood. My stomach grumbled, so I wanted to find some food.

  “Mark can help,” Rock added.

  I nodded as I left the room. Breakfast was put up so I headed to the kitchen, hoping for pie.

  “Hey, Mama,” I greeted Dare’s old lady who had her hands in pie dough. “Any pie done? Any biscuits left?”

  “Yes to both. There’s banana cream pie in the fridge and a bag of biscuits on the counter over there.” She directed me to the counter with a tilt of her head.

  “I’m taking both.” I grabbed a spoon and stuck it in the center of the pie before I picked up the bag of leftover biscuits. “You’re the best.”

  “Uh-hunh.” She rolled her eyes. “Tell my man it’ll be at least an hour.”

  “Got it.” I headed back to my table to find Dare and Viper already there.

��You ain’t gonna eat the whole pie?” Dare growled.

  “I might,” I shot back. “Thought you’d be headed home already,” I told Viper.

  “Soon, but first we need to talk about Bound.”

  “More problems?” I scooped up a big bite of banana goodness. “Oh, Mama says an hour or so before she’s ready to jet.”

  “You could call it an opportunity—one you’ve been missing.”

  “What?” I stopped with the spoon halfway to my lips.

  “Ren almost lives at Bound, so it’d be good if you showed up there a lot more often, hung out in the lounge. It’s great you’re doing sessions with Marr, but you need to be visible.” Viper said it straight up and gave me that deadpan stare of his. The one that said I should’ve figured this out myself.

  And he was right. Avoiding my Dom lifestyle had me blacklisted at Bound too. With the Old Man gone, I had no reason to stay away and every reason to be there. Viper shouldn’t have had to tell me.

  “Summer masquerade is Saturday.” Viper stuck a finger in my pie and ate the glop of banana and whipped cream. “Good pie.”

  He turned to Dare. “You and Mama coming to the masquerade?”

  “No fucking way.” He pinned me with a stare. “Take Bear or go alone ’cause we’re not down with that shit.”

  “You could demonstrate ropes,” I teased. But deep down I wanted him by my side. Dare balanced me, kept me from going too far. Letting my Dom side loose was something I’d sworn off because I’d blown past all limits last time. How would I keep from doing that again?

  “I will be in my fucking bedroom.” Dare gave me a big grin and leaned back in his chair. “Besides Red would kick the ass of the first woman who touched me, she’s got a temper.”

  His woman had unleashed that temper on me, and I wouldn’t be riling her again. I turned to Viper, knowing there was only one answer. “I’ll be there. Thanks for the reminder.” I pulled my pie closer and dug into it.

  Viper gave me a two finger salute and headed out the door.


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