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Deny: A Dark, Erotic Motorcycle Club Romance

Page 13

by Jade Chandler

  “Serious shit going down, hunh.” I bet anything it was Weasel.

  He downed the whiskey and tilted his head toward me. “What do you know?”

  “Nothing, boss,” I chirped. “Just reading your face.”

  “And I’m reading you got fucked finally.” He shot up his eyebrow. “About damn time.”

  I laughed because it was too true, two years too long. “Yeah, shot my girl fantasy all to hell, looks like dick beats pussy.”

  He chuckled. “Not all of ’em are created equal.”

  Speaking of unequaled dick, Jericho strode through the front door with that strut I bet he didn’t even realize he had. But it declared him the biggest of all the badasses. A promise I’m sure was true. He was the kind of man who was all in in everything he did and was by far the best there was. Behind him three brothers walked in, I knew two—Dare and Bear, the giant behind them made Jericho look small. Hell, they were a four-person army.

  “Fuck me,” Viper whispered and downed more whiskey.

  “You can only have him if you share with me.” I poked his ribs. “Cause I’m not giving up his dick anytime soon.”

  Again the side-eye glance. “That good. And you share?” Interest lit up his voice.

  “If he does.” I winked. “Three is fun and four’s a party.”

  The four-man army took a table and soon the dancers surrounded them. I clenched my fists and tried to resist the urge to plant a foot in some dancers’ asses.

  As if my thoughts cued all the action of the night, Renegade walked in with swagger but not the same caliber as Jericho. He stopped by the guys’ table before he headed straight for me.

  “Hey, lass, you look sexy tonight.” Ren kissed my cheek. “Give me a bottle of tequila,” he told the bartender. “Good to see the leadership where they belong. Why own the best pussy in three counties and not use it?”

  “I may make you pay for that comment.”

  Ren laughed but booked it away from me, not that he was scared of me as much as he wanted me happy. A happy Marr happy to beat the shit out of him.

  “When did you get in the middle of all our shit?” Viper murmured.

  “When some prick gave me up to his boss.” I elbowed him.

  “You should’ve told me.”

  What was he talking about? I didn’t get a chance to find out because he strode off just then, a call in his earpiece, I bet.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “Why the fuck am I here again?” Dare groused at me. “I can beat ass and black out ink in Barden.”

  “We’ve been over it all.” I rolled my eyes. “Terrible when a brother is so fucking pussy whipped he don’t even enjoy the show.”

  “I enjoy knocking people’s heads together,” Dare shot back. “Yours if I don’t get me someone else to beat, and soon.”

  “Boys, quit bickering, your prey has arrived.” Bear leaned forward. “Let me start this, please.” He paused. “He called Ollie his fucking queer slave.”

  “We want him alive,” Dare deadpanned. “Let’s go, like we said.”

  All four of us stood as one and turned to face Weasel, who already skittered to the side, trying to sneak past. Dare grabbed one arm and Bear the other, they lifted him up and walked him back out of the club. Thorn and I followed looking around the club, no one came forward, and no Angel.

  In the parking lot, Dare had him pressed against the wall while Bear emptied his pockets. Packets of pills, weed, coke and meth littered the ground.

  “You’re done, blacklisted.” I was done with him.

  “But he said you’d—”

  “Who said what?” I leaned in, dwarfing the shorter biker.

  “Nothing. Whatever, you want me gone, I’m gone.” He struggled to walk past, but the two brothers held him in place.

  “Blacklisted isn’t a voluntary thing, and you’ll wish you’d died before we’re done with you,” I sneered. “You fucking, backstabbing coward.”

  Weasel jerked his head in defiance, meeting my gaze. “You aren’t gonna be in charge long, so best mind your threats.”

  “Disappointing, J, he seems to be on team Renegade.” Bear’s dry wit was lost on Weasel.

  “I ain’t no team player, just earning a little side cash.” He jutted his jaw but I saw the fear in his eyes.

  “Carry him to my dungeon, it’s soundproof there.”

  Thorn hoisted Weasel over his slab of a shoulder and set off for the room. The others followed behind. Dare bent to pick up the drugs before he followed after him. Once we were in the dungeon, I hooked Weasel up to my restraints and tightened them.

  “Weasel Brian Simons, you have been blacklisted—selling drugs, cowardice and general shittiness have led you here tonight.” I stared into his frightened face.

  “Man, I been doin’ this a long time, your Old—” he pleaded.

  “Was a drug whore, and you’re done.” I cut him off. “Is Angel part of this?”

  “Yeah, she likes the money more than me.” The stupid shit just sold out his woman like it was nothing.

  “When we’re done, you have three hours to clear out and stay out of my four counties. Thorn will make sure you and Angel clear out.”

  I walked up until we were eye to eye. “No one deals in my club.” I punched him right in the eye. “Thorn, strip him. Dare, black him out.”

  “Does that mean I get to beat the fucker?” Bear’s voice was deadly.

  “Be my guest.”

  Thorn stood in back with his thick bowie knife and sliced through the back of Weasel’s leather cut.

  “You motherfuckers. When Ren takes you down, I’ll laugh.” He pulled on the restraints but he wasn’t going anywhere.

  Renegade was becoming more of a problem every damn day, but tonight I was fixing a problem and putting a serious dent in Ren’s comfort—getting his drugs from the city would be a bitch.

  Thorn ripped off his T-shirt next, and Bear stepped forward. “This is for Pixie, you fucking coward.” He landed a right hook to Weasel’s gut.

  Puke flew out of his mouth, but Bear jumped out of the way. He backhanded the chained man and blood flew. “For being a shitty human.”

  “My turn.” Dare came forward with the ink gun in hand, he had it plugged into an orange extension cord. The needle was the broad one we used to color in tats. He scraped the needle across his shoulder, starting the drawn-out process of blacking the Brotherhood logo, then he had two on his arms and one on his heart. It’d take hours.

  “We should torch it,” Thorn growled.

  Dare arched a brow. “It’ll be hours this way.”

  Why would I make a brother spend hours on such a maggot when there was a simpler, although crueler alternative. It made a statement—the right statement. Others would stop and think twice for dealing inside my damn club. “Do it,” I told Thorn. “Far back cabinet is my big torch.”

  Dare looked up and winced. “I’ll move to the front.”

  “No, man, no, don’t fucking burn me—you’ll fucking kill me.”

  Thorn laughed, but it wasn’t a pleasant laugh. “You’ll only wish you were dead.” He flicked on the torch.

  Weasel screamed when the flame touched his skin. It wasn’t the last time he screamed that night. By the time we were done, Weasel was out cold and not even freezing water woke the little bastard. Thorn carried him out to his Jeep and threw him in back, promising to make sure he ended up out of our territory whether he was awake or not.

  I watched the Jeep’s taillights and waited for Dare to say what was on his mind.

  “That your plan for Renegade and his guys?” Dare scuffed the gravel.

  “They deserve it. Weasel deserved it.” Bear jumped in.

  I saw Dare nod out of the corn
er of my eye.

  “You should’ve told me.” He turned and glared at me.

  “I hadn’t thought it through,” I told him honestly. “Until Thorn suggested it, I wasn’t even thinking about melting it off, but it was the right call and will be again.” I sucked in a breath and wished I had my smokes, I was too worked up.

  “What’s this about?” Bear said into the silence. “With Weasel, what was his sin?”

  I understood what Bear asked, and it was a good question. Brothers would demand to know. I was within my rights, but that didn’t mean I’d be popular, so what message was I sending.

  “No one operates outside the club—no sidelines, no personal business that crosses club purposes. We voted no drug selling, Weasel didn’t comply.” I looked at both my brothers. “Make sure they know. We protect our women and we don’t allow rogues.”

  “Good choice.” Bear inclined his head.

  Dare scuffed his boot again. “Is that true, though?”

  Motherfucker always pushed me. “Yeah it’s true, you got a problem, know a problem that’s gonna come our way if that’s my stand.”

  He smacked my back with a hard slap. “Fuck no, but I will make sure you enforce it, even if it isn’t one of your projects. Just the kind of enforcement we need to get this club right.” He glanced from me to Bear. “We done? I got a hot body to get into.”

  “Yeah, go on, I’m going to talk it out with Viper, start spreading the word.” I turned to Bear. “You let Romeo and Rebel know.”

  “Will do, but I bet Thorn’s talked to Romeo already, and it’ll worry him since his boys have been walking the wrong side of the line.” Bear sighed. “I’m going home and will do your errands there.” He followed Dare into the night.

  I watched the red taillights of their bikes leave the lot and thought about what I was doing next. Sure, I’d tell Viper, but I really wanted to go home with Marr, spend the night, wake up and fuck her all damn day. She was my equal in bed and out—tonight I couldn’t stand one more faceless sheep.

  Shaking off the dark shit we’d done, shit we needed to do, I headed back to my dungeon, abandoned more than a decade and now used twice in the same week. Change was in the air.

  I grabbed my cut from the hook and one of the gold placards to hang on the door, letting staff know to come in and clean tomorrow. Heading upstairs, I found Viper and Marr talking as the place closed down for the night. All the patrons were gone, and the staff did the few chores they needed to close shop. “You two got a few minutes,” I asked as I walked up to the bar.

  “I was hoping you’d be back.” Viper moved from the stool and glanced to Marr.

  “Me too? I’m flattered.” She hopped down and followed Viper and me to his office.

  Once the door closed they both stared at me.

  “Don’t make us beg,” Marr purred in that special sexy way she had.

  I grinned and turned my attention to Viper. “Where’s Ren?”

  “Gone, he and his posse flew outta here like the place was on fire, took out the back door even.” Viper gave me that smart-ass grin of his. “Maybe afraid he was next for your newly opened dungeon.”

  “Weasel is blackened, and gone. It’s his life to show his face in Brotherhood territory. Thorn’s making sure he’s gone.” Damn, my throat was dry. “Have someone bring me some liquor.”

  Viper opened his desk drawer and cursed. “Be back in a minute.” He hurried out and slammed the door behind me.

  “You,” I eyed Marr, “are taking me home tonight and I’m fucking you until I forget my name.”

  Her hearty laugh lifted my mood. “That’s a plan. But I got a question.” She stared into my eyes a long second. “You like another friend in bed with us—say Viper.”

  My pulse picked up and I sucked in another deep breath. “I like that, but tomorrow, yeah. Tonight, just you. He can come over after breakfast and we’ll fuck all day.”

  Her cat eyes turned liquid with lust. “Yeah, that’s a plan.”

  The door opened and Viper carried two bottles with him, handing me one and setting the other in the desk drawer. “You were saying.”

  “He’s dark, and Angel is dirty. But this is the shit everyone needs to know. Weasel went black because he broke his bond to the brothers. We voted no to selling drugs, shit we say is what I enforce. I ain’t the Old Man and won’t turn a blind eye.”

  “Good speech.” Marr clapped with sarcasm twisting her smile.

  “True speech, and everyone gets the message.”

  “And now no one will step up and supply your rival.” Marr’s sarcastic laugh turned me on.

  “No one in their right mind,” I agreed.

  “Fuck, you know that needs telegraphed, right?” Viper said. “Ren’s out spreading his truth now.”

  “Telegraph it, brother. That’s your job.” I yawned. “I’m taking Marr home, but you get shit done.” I glanced at her one more time before I continued. “Come over, and we’ll have our own celebration.”

  Viper’s gaze ping-ponged between Marr and me. “You fuckin’ serious?”

  I gave it another second of thought—hell yeah I wanted it. Hot, dirty sex was always better with more bodies, more hands, more everything.

  “Totally, brother, let’s say noon.” I stood up, taking the bottle of whiskey with me since I’d only had one sip after all. We headed out the front door and toward Marr’s car. “You want to ride with me, or have me follow.”

  “I’ll drive. I’m not sure I’m ready to make that statement.” She stared at the other cars just starting in the lot.

  I needed to change her mind, but not when I was almost at my limit. “Not ready to be my girl?”

  “I’m nobody’s girl. Follow me home, and you’ll understand that.”

  I waited as she started her Mini-Cooper, a joke of a car, and headed out of the lot before I kicked my bike in gear and followed her. It only took five minutes to get to her house in the middle of Ardmore. I parked my bike beside her car and strode up to the front door, which was open with the lights on. I knocked and walked right in to find the sexiest woman in the world standing naked and waiting in her living room.

  “I like the way you think.” I stalked toward her. “And I’m going to give you a very big reward.”

  I picked her up and slung her over my shoulder. She laughed when I smacked her ass. “Harder, honey,” she trilled. “That tickled.”

  When my hand fell the second time she moaned instead of teasing. I headed into a hallway where four doors confused me. “Where’s your fucking bedroom?”

  “Last on the left.” She swayed in my hold.

  I clamped her legs tighter and spanked her again, and again. While I wanted to kick open the door and throw her on the bed, I didn’t, this wasn’t the club, and I had some restraint.

  I turned the knob into the most perfect bedroom I’d ever seen. A huge black wrought iron bed stood in the middle of a dark wood floor. Wine-colored walls and bedspread made the black rail less foreboding. Clean lines, with only one chest at the foot of the bed and two wrought iron tables beside the bed, a huge-ass TV hung on the opposite wall and a single door covered with black lacquer finish stood to the left of the television. There wasn’t any of the fuss of her private rooms in this room, it reminded me more of her dungeon.

  I dropped her on the bed before I shed my clothes, pulling two condoms from my wallet as I undressed.

  “Baby, you’ll be hoarse in the morning from screaming my name,” I promised as I climbed atop her.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Jericho kept his word, I lost track of the orgasms as he and I fought for control until we’d both passed out exhausted about the time the sun came up. The alarm on my phone had woken me, eleven a.m., my normal wake-up time. An hour until Viper arriv
ed. I decided it was time to move my lazy ass and prepare the full Irish fry-up for my men. They’d need the energy to please me.

  I showered quickly and shrugged on a red silk robe. When I walked through the bedroom, Jericho sprawled naked in my bed. His perfectly round ass up, but his back excited me most with the winding scene of art that covered him from ass to neck and traveled down both arms. The man lived hard and fucked hard—the kind of man I respected.

  Pulling my gaze from him, I padded into the kitchen. I placed both my cast-iron skillets on the gas stove and went in search of breakfast foods, finding sausages, ham and a bit of steak to go with the eggs and potatoes I planned along with some soda bread and tomato. Not a perfect fry-up but it’d have to do since I hadn’t planned to go all Irish today. Making an Irish fry-up always reminded me of Ma and my time in Cork before everything had gone to hell. Ma’s death, moving to America and Da’s stupid choices all collided inside me. I shook them away, I didn’t need a reminder of those dark times. I was happy today.

  I heard Jericho before he reached me then wrapped his arm around me from behind.

  “Stay back, Yank, I’m cookin’ up an Irish for you and Viper.” I turned the meats.

  “Shit, that’s enough food for twenty.”

  “Nah, boy-o, I plan to work you hard so you best eat up.”

  His deep laugh always surprised me because he sounded so free, while he appeared to be a brooding warrior that belonged on some English battlefield.

  He swatted my ass. “Where’s the coffee?”

  “In a shop, I suppose. I only got tea.” I hadn’t even considered coffee, bitter nasty stuff.

  “Fuck, I’m showering.” He grumped and left me to my breakfast.

  I was just to the eggs and soda bread when my front doorbell rang. Either Viper would come in or stand there, because this was a delicate moment in breakfast preparation, no way I’d be going to the door. I stuck out my tongue and bit down as I flipped the eggs, hoping not to cock up the yolks. They obeyed, sliding over in a nice, pretty way. I put the soda bread on the three plates and put the tomato down on the skillet to warm, even though I’d turned off the flame. Eggs out and new eggs in and then everything was ready. Potatoes, soda bread and eggs all plated up, with a separate heaping plate of meats to choose from.


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