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Deny: A Dark, Erotic Motorcycle Club Romance

Page 15

by Jade Chandler

  Sick of my own company, I pulled over and called Dare, telling him two things—to come get drunk with me and that Mama needed to make a barbecue happen tomorrow. I needed distraction and company, so I’d entertain.

  By the time I made it back to the club, Dare and Bear’s bikes were in the lot. I parked next to my brothers’ bikes and headed inside, needing the numb of whiskey and the harsh reality both fuckers dished out.

  I’d drank a bottle of bourbon and lost a thousand dollars in the first hour, which did nothing to improve my fucking mood.

  “Spill it,” Bear sneered. “Or just hand us your fucking money.”

  “I want his money,” Dare piped up.

  “Fuck off.” I headed to the bar for my second bottle and thought about what to say.

  I sat back down, and looked them in the eye. “I asked Marr to be my old lady.”

  Bear smacked the table and barked out a laugh. “Tell me she turned you down.”

  “She did but not cold, she was almost mine, then I fucked it up.” I told them about her requirement and my inability to agree. “She fucking asked I swear on the Brotherhood and I couldn’t lie, but no way I’m a one-woman man even when that woman is a goddess.”

  Dare shook his head in disgust and threw back his drink, draining the glass. He grabbed my bottle and filled his tumbler. “Does she know you were using her as one of your game pieces?”

  “Fuck, she figured exactly how I wanted to use her, and that wasn’t the problem—she’s got a temper and says jealousy trips it worst of all.”

  “Then she did you a favor. You know she’s a black belt, a Master and general badass. She’ll feed you your balls on a plate.” Bear chuckled. “Ollie knew her when she worked at Xclusive in L.A. Man her temper was a thing of legend. I heard she’d cooled down over the years.”

  “What?” I didn’t know shit about her past.

  “He told me she started there young and worked to Master from slave, just like I did at Dungeon. He was already a Master in both clubs, knew us both. He admitted he never wants to be on the bad side of her temper. She castrates first and asks questions later.”

  Dare shook with laughter. “You two are a matched set—matched for self-destruction.”

  “Fuck off, I need her to stabilize Bound, and to stop all the back-biting in the old ladies. Mama’s great at a lot, but it’s too much for her to do.”

  “But you gotta give up the other pussy and you couldn’t do that if you tried.” Bear leaned back and crossed his arms.

  “Sure, if I tried, but who wants to be miserable.” I could do anything I wanted to do, but I had no desire to stop my parties with the sheep, and Marr had no desire to be by my side 24/7 so I needed a new plan. “But it won’t work, so I need a new candidate, another kick-ass bitch to be my old lady.”

  “Jayna wants the job.” Dare arched a brow. “Man, there’s no tough bitches in our club, the Old Man didn’t allow it, and Marr’s the top of Bound, so you best figure out a way to get her or pick another plan.”

  “Fuck off, and let’s play cards.”

  “Fuck that.” Dare held up his glass. “I challenge you fuckers to a drinking contest. If I’m missing my own pussy, then I need to be too drunk to fuck.”

  “Now you’re talking.” I turned to Bear. “Don’t try and get out of this.”

  “Fuck.” He picked up his phone and called Ollie.

  A beeping wouldn’t go away and my head pounded in time with my heartbeat. Blurry eyed, I turned to see my alarm read eleven thirty, fuck, church in less than two hours. I had to move my ass. Beside my alarm set Mama’s hangover cure—two bottles of water, vitamin B, ibuprofen and Tylenol. I inhaled but didn’t smell the sour scent of puke, that was a plus.

  It pissed me off that despite my years of drinking my body refused to adapt, instead it fucking rebelled with horrible hangovers. Not that it stopped me from indulging but it irritated the fuck out of me.

  I ran fingers through matted hair and tried to remember the night before. I remembered Bear going down, but I couldn’t even remember Dare. Fuck, we’d tied one on. I sat up and my head hammered with pulses of pain as I chewed the pills and swallowed the water. I forced down the two bottles of water despite my stomach’s protests and stumbled into the shower.

  After a shower, coffee and more water, I was ready to face the day, at least with my aviators on, the fucking sun was a killer on my bloodshot eyes. I opened my door and Dare stood there hand up ready to knock.

  “Thought I’d better check on you.” He wore his sunglasses. “You feel like shit too?”

  “Some asshole dared me to drink myself sick.” I punched his arm. “Let’s do this shit.”

  The main room was full, fuller than it’d been last Sunday. The news about Weasel must’ve interested more than a few. Dogg was here as was Gimp and Buzzard. Viper met my gaze and turned away, a grin on his cocky face. Our threesome flashed in my mind but I shut it down, now was the time for business.

  “Glad to see so many brothers here today.” I spotted Renegade in back by Ghost. “We have record attendance, but then when a brother goes black, it brings everyone together.” I addressed it head-on. “Weasel went rogue, acted against us. We voted no drug sales as a club, and the bastard was selling to our brothers, no less. I give less than a fuck what you do when you’re at home and you don’t even fucking wanna know what I do.”

  Bikers shifted and several chuckles mixed in with the low rumble of voices.

  “But I care if a brother steps outside our boundaries. Anyone else doing shit like Weasel, going rogue, know I’ll find you and black patch you too. Angel left, even before we got back to their place, so she made her choice—she’s out too.”

  I scanned the room. “Any questions?”

  “What’s the proof?”

  I saw red. “Get him, Thorn.”

  A scrawny biker, another of Romeo’s, backed up but the Brotherhood closed around him, he had no way out. Thorn picked him up with one arm and carried him to me on the stage.

  “What did you say to me?”

  “ proof of his crime.” His face reddened and he wouldn’t meet my eye.

  “You question that shit, you call me a liar. Do you think your Prez lies?” I shouted not a foot from his face.

  “I di-didn’t say that, but when—”

  My fist connected with his jaw and he flew across the stage, knocked out.

  I stared at my brothers. “I don’t question your word, and I won’t tolerate that disrespect.”

  Mumbles of approval sounded in the group.

  “Now, I got one more announcement before we open it up for discussion. Tonight we’re roasting a hog and partying so stay, come back, you know whatever fucking makes you happy.”

  Whistles and yells from my brothers. “Any questions for me?” I eyed each one of Ren’s sympathizers, hoping I’d get to punch another out. That had felt damn good.

  “Reports.” I jerked my head and Bear started with his business.

  After the reporting out on business by the officers and a few more questions, church was out. Pizza waited out on the tables, which was more than I expected since Mama was planning a dinner with no notice. I should ask Dare about it, but no doubt she was already on it.

  I saw the smoke from where Wheeler and Smoky cooked the hog in the huge pit we had for hog roasting.

  Maybe Marr was up for a visit, I’d like another taste of her cunt. I grabbed my phone and texted: Want to fuck me? And hit send.

  “I was wrong about you.” Dogg clasped my shoulder. “You’re twice the leader your pa was.”

  I glanced up and grinned, I preferred him on my side, the old goat had lots of clout.

  “Good move getting Weasel gone. How’d you find out?” He walked with me toward the bar.

I laughed. “Someone in Ardmore told me, thinking he was sanctioned by us.”

  “You need me to help anywhere, I meant what I said, I’m active again.” Dogg sat next to me.

  “You keep the two girls safe, can’t put you in Bound now. Viper needs to stand alone right now, but I need you, I’ll call. Could use Janie helping out Dare’s old lady.”

  He met my gaze. “You need an old lady.”

  “Working on that too.” I slapped his back and moved on.

  My phone pinged. Waiting, naked.

  That fast my dick turned hard. I typed back. Be there in an hour. Then stared at my phone. Son of a bitch. I was begging like a dog less than twenty-four hours after she’d pissed on my proposal. Where was my rage? The need to teach her a lesson. Gone. All of it was gone but the longing to bury my dick inside her. That was too fucked up, but no matter what I should do, what message I should send, I was going to fuck her and hope like hell I figured out a way to change her mind.

  The next forty minutes were the slowest of my life as I smiled and talked, shoving in a couple pieces of pizza between conversations.

  I stopped by to see Mama and Dare on my way out. “Break that shit up.” They were almost fucking in the middle of the crowd.

  Dare growled and looked at me. “What?”

  “I’m headed to Ardmore. Mama, shit covered for tonight.”

  “Got it, it’s costing you, but I hired in all the other food. The boys got offended when I suggested letting someone else roast the hog.”

  I laughed. “Make me pay. Thanks for keeping all this shit running for me.”

  Her green eyes, similar to Marr’s, stared into me. “You’re welcome, now leave me to my man.”

  I rode out of the club while the lunch was still in full swing, something I rarely did, but my woman was naked and waiting. When I parked, I saw her front door open. That was dangerous, what if Renegade stopped by. I wanted to scold her but needed to fuck her more. I strode through the door, locking it behind me and walked back to her bedroom.

  I stopped, unable to move. Marr lay on top of her spread, hands on her tits and a vibrator buried between her legs.

  Her gaze flicked to me. “You like watching.” She arched her back as she flicked her nipples. She wore the expression that said coming was seconds away. Watching her masturbate did something to me. I undid my jeans, pulling out my dick as her hand snaked down between her bare lips to find that nub.

  I stroked my cock and she moved faster, faster.

  “Yeah mmmm.” She moaned, her tongue flicked out, licking her lips. “I want that dick in my mouth.”

  I grinned. “I want it in your cunt.”

  I jerked harder, as I saw her face change, build and then she came undone with her orgasm. I loved the open enjoyment that flashed on her face as she shivered and pumped up into her hand.

  I was finished watching. I shucked off my clothes and grabbed the condoms I’d brought before I joined her on the bed, taking the place of her vibrator, showing her just how much better the real thing could be. I was a demanding Master, not satisfied until she screamed my name again and again.

  Once we’d satisfied all our itches, I lay in bed with her draped over my chest, swirling fingers over her back.

  “Come to the party tonight.”

  She climbed atop me. “I don’t want to do the Brotherhood thing with you, I’m not one of your women. The only way I’ll be there is with your patch on my back.”

  I sucked in a breath as she slid down on my cock. “So you think you’ll say yes then.”

  She shrugged. “That’s up to you.” She worked my dick as she spoke. “But I’ll never be one of many.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  After more mind-blowing sex, Jericho left, and I hadn’t heard from him in two weeks. I resisted the urge to call the bastard, not until I had something to report about Renegade. I hadn’t meant to piss him off when I refused his party invite, but I’d slap the shit out of the first woman that glanced at him. He was mine. He’d come back when I’d said no to being his old lady, why was this refusal the one that sent him away. I smacked my empty tumbler on the bar for Gigi to pour me another.

  “You look like you got man troubles.” She drew those words out and I considered smacking the saucy smile off her wide lips.

  “I’m not in the mood.” I made myself sip the whiskey instead of gulping it down again.

  “Tell me what’s bothering you, sugar pie.” She patted my hand and winked.

  “You have much to do with the Brotherhood?”

  She rolled her eyes like I was insane. And I was. “You saw their Prez in here at the Masquerade?”

  “Uh-hunh, big, mean and handsome as sin with that hair.” She fanned herself and poured me more Jameson.

  “We’ve been hitting it, but shit, he asked me to be his old lady, but I refused. Those bikers are too dangerous and crazy.”

  “But you want that man just not his club.” She shook her head at me. “Bet that’s a packaged deal.”

  I told her about the weekend where all we’d done was fuck, and now silence for two damn weeks.

  “Your fingers broke?” She fisted hands on hips and frowned at me. “Call that man, no hot and bothered top dog going to do all the chasing.”

  “I don’t fucking chase anyone, I’m a Domme.” I belted back the Jameson and worked my way toward mad. “You chase me, end of story.”

  “Ha.” She reached out and smacked the back of my head. “That man is a Master, pack leader and badass. He’s been chasing, girl, you best get your head straight and return the favor.”

  “Did you smack me?” I tried to sound outraged but I had to laugh at the smug expression on her face.

  “And will again if you need it.” She shook her finger at me. “Fine man chasing after you, give him something for his bone.”

  My phone trilled and I had to swallow down my laugh before swiping to answer.

  “Marr, I need help.” Avery’s frustrated tone wasn’t like her.

  I stood from the bar and headed down to my domain for privacy and quiet.

  “I need to get Rock’s head out of his ass.” I could almost see her stomping her foot in anger.

  “Fuck him.”

  “He says I’m too hurt to fuck.” She literally growled, doing a great imitation of the Brotherhood bikers I’d met.

  “How’d you get hurt?” I backtracked.


  “What happened?” I interrupted her. I hadn’t heard anything about any problems at the club.

  “You’re going to make me repeat it?” She blew out a breath. “Fine. Short story. My father, the prick, comes in my shop pissed I’m in the club with Rock, smacked me around, I hit my head, wind up in the hospital. Dumb shit cops arrest Rock and I had to get him out of jail, but that was all last week. I’m fine now, well still pissed, but I’d be better if some stupid, stubborn, lunkhead would fuck me already.” She spewed out the whole story in a single breath.

  I sifted through what she’d said and suddenly Jericho’s absence made a lot more sense. “Sweetums, I’m sorry you got hurt and even sorrier you got stuck with such a shitty father.”

  “Yeah, yeah—focus on my problem.”

  I laughed at the attitude Avery threw off. It hadn’t taken her long to assimilate.

  “Don’t ask. Do. Take out your tools, close the door and go to work. He won’t be able to resist. You’ll get rid of this aggression and peel the guilt off him at the same time—then don’t let him leave until he fucks you proper.”

  “You think?” She sounded hopeful. “He won’t bolt.”

  “Nah, he wants the pain—guilt is its own kind of fucked up pain. Give him the clean pain of your paddle and he’ll set the rest aside.”

  “Ok. Gotta go.” She hung up before I said goodbye.

  I slipped my phone in the specially sewn pocket and headed for Viper. I knocked and he motioned me back to his office.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about Avery?”

  He tilted his head. “Who?”

  “Pixie, Rock’s old lady. You know, the one that was in the hospital.” I wanted to strangle him.

  He sat behind his desk, leaning back in his chair. “Not my place to tell you, you aren’t in the club. Shit goes down at Bound, I’ll let you know.”

  “Is this because of Weasel?” I stood, hands on his black-topped desk.

  “Fuck yeah, and about you balling the Prez. You’re ass deep in our politics and that’s a fucked up place to be. When you went to Jericho, you made your choice clear.”

  “Is this about sex?” I was totally lost.

  “It’s about some fucking respect,” he yelled, slamming his hand on his desk as he stood. “Some fucker dealing drugs in my place and I hear it from Jericho, not you.”

  “I thought you knew!” Then I clamped my mouth shut. Because I’d just insulted him even more. “Fuck, I wasn’t thinking. You’re the one who put me in Jericho’s crosshairs. It came up while I was talking to him about Ren. That was your fucking play.” I fumed.

  He spun away from me and paced across the small space. “I hate complicated shit, and you’re that as long as you and my Prez are tight. I won’t tell you shit about the Brotherhood—I can’t.”

  My pulse pounded in my ears and anger warred with common sense. What he said made sense but I didn’t like it. “He asked me to be his old lady.” Shit that wasn’t what I was going to say.

  Viper shook his head like he didn’t understand. “And?”

  “I said only if he was exclusive.”

  He bent forward laughing. “Shit, you’re trouble. He said no I take it.”

  “Yeah, then I thought he was fine with us, but he’s been silent for two weeks, now I find out it’s because of club shit. I’m so confused.” I threw my hands in the air.


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