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Deny: A Dark, Erotic Motorcycle Club Romance

Page 19

by Jade Chandler

  “Was becoming President worth the price you paid?” Her soft question broke my spell of reflection.

  Interesting question and one I’d never considered. “Hell yeah, always knew I’d take the reins, and eventually I decided that day would be before the Old Man was ready to let go. I was devious, back-stabbing, controlling all to position him into a corner, right where I needed him to be.” All that was true, except in the dark of the night. Then I wondered if my actions made me even worse than him.

  Chapter Twenty


  Jericho gave me no half-ass answers. He laid it out with a bluntness that I admired. Driven, determined, and without limits—that’s how I thought of him, but was I right? “What will you do to protect your presidency?”

  “Everything.” His nostrils flared. “Even sneaky, underhanded, wrong things. As long as the Brotherhood stays in my control, no price is too high.”

  His answer turned me on in ways I couldn’t even understand. Erect nipples poked through my T-shirt and cream coated my cunt. I wanted to fuck him now.

  “Am I turning you on?”

  “In absolutely the best way.” I hadn’t meant to say that. “I get the need for revenge and if it helps others, that’s great, but revenge is the sweetest taste there is.”

  “You fucking get it,” he panted. “I need inside you now.”

  “Or do you need me to suck you off in your club, Master of all you see.”

  His body shuddered as I dropped to my knees in front of him and released his cock from the jeans.

  “My revenge turns you on?” He gazed at me with lust-soaked eyes.

  “Revenge is better than sex.” I swallowed to his base in one deep thrust. I sucked him deep, reveling in the power of our confessions and his need for me. We were two of the same, and no one could stand against us united.

  My hand snaked down past his taint and I pressed his pucker, he jacked into me, groaning as he exploded in my mouth. I swallowed every drop down then he was tugging me up until our lips met and our tongues danced. For a long time later we sat pressed together until my ass started going numb.

  I wiggled and finally stood, brushing my hand down his long waves of hair. “If I stay, what will we do tomorrow?”

  “I need to go into the city and thought you might want to go along, do some shopping.” His eyes danced with amusement

  “I don’t shop.” I rolled my eyes.

  “I’m going to Caged and could use your help inspecting the shipment.”

  “Then hell yeah, that’s my kind of shopping.” I loved that place, the biggest BDSM store in the state.

  “I told Viper I’d go to inspect a shipment. He wants to stay close in case Renegade shows his face.” He caressed my cheek.

  “Count me in, but we’re not taking a damn bike.”

  He crossed his arms. “Why not?”

  “No room, I always have a trunk full of stuff when I go there.” I gave him a smug smile.

  “Fine, but you’ll be on the back of my bike soon enough.” He growled.

  * * *

  The next morning we left late because of a second go that morning and breakfast with the bikers, a bit intimidating to say the least. I felt better once we were headed to Oklahoma City. The day held the first real nip of fall, and it was my favorite season.

  We hadn’t been on the road twenty minutes when I stared at Jericho, ready to continue getting to know him.

  “What?” He gave me that wicked half grin of his.

  “I want to know more about you.”

  I tapped fingers on his truck dash. “What do you do beside biker shit? Like what movies do you watch?”

  “I don’t watch movies.”

  “Everyone does.” I pushed him.

  “I don’t. I work, I drink, I fuck and I run.” He didn’t look my way.

  “You run? I hate that shit, but then you don’t have these trying to punch you out.” I pointed to my tits.

  He laughed. “Sometimes if it’s real quiet I read spy novels.”

  “Really? Reading isn’t one of the things I’d ever thought you’d do?”

  “Because I dropped out?” His tone tuned defensive.

  How would I even know? “You dropped out?”

  “Yeah when I was sixteen.” His bitter tone said it was a sore subject.

  “But you got your GED?”

  “No, a diploma isn’t required to be a brother.” The pulse ticked in his jaw.

  I hated that he’d dropped out and was so cavalier about it, but then I had my own baggage. “What?” he demanded, looking at my swinging leg.

  “You don’t need a fucking diploma to prove you’re smart.”

  “Yeah, I know.” He didn’t look like he knew.

  Something else we had in common. “I hated dropping out of school and got my GED as soon as I was free of the dungeon where I trained.” I stared out of the window. “I liked school but my Master made me quit.”

  He placed a hand on my thigh and squeezed. “That’s different. I happily left, no one made me and no one cared when I did.”

  I turned back to him. “Anyone ever make you do something you didn’t want to?”

  “Oh yeah. Being a brother means two years as a prospect—you’re everyone’s bitch. The year Dogg trained me as a Master...and the shit the Old Man assigned as my Prez. Always fucking taking orders. But I got better at achieving the order my way.”

  We found a rhythm after those first questions and ended up talking the rest of the way to the city.

  In Oklahoma City, we stopped for lunch before Caged. At the store I jumped out of my truck and was inside before he’d made it halfway across the lot. In the store, I wandered away toward the leather clothing while Jericho went up front to talk with Jed, the owner, about the new merchandise Viper wanted.

  Before he’d finished talking with him, I stood beside him patiently waiting to make my order. Once Jed finished with Jericho, I listed all the stuff I wanted, making the old guy write as fast as he could. “Also, I want three canes and rods in a leather case. I set them on the display case over there.” I pointed to the spanking section of the shop. “Can I pick it all up today?”

  “I’ve got your last order of leather, but the new items will need altered.” He eyed my waist, which I was so used to I didn’t even think about anymore except when I needed to buy clothes, then it was a bitch. Since I’d never had a choice, it wasn’t something I gave a lot of thought.

  Jed went to the back.

  “What the fuck do you need canes for? Doesn’t Bound have that shit? And how can you remember all that shit?” He frowned at me.

  “I’m giving Avery the canes and rods. Christmas is only two months away.” I tapped my chin. “I hate shopping so I do it as quick as possible. Jed’s used to me—if I could, I’d only shop here.”

  “You don’t give canes as a Christmas present.” He snorted.

  “I do. I don’t know what you do about Christmas, but I like to give useful gifts.” I needed to decide what to give my old man.

  * * *

  I woke up sore and satisfied. Jericho and I had stopped by my place for my stuff before he brought me back to his place. We’d spent the night fucking each other into exhaustion, in fact, I’d fallen asleep on top of him and woke up in the same place.

  We’d showered before joining everyone in the club room. Three massage tables stood close to the bar. The hodge-podge of tables had been pushed back, creating a work area for the boys.

  Avery ran up to me. “I thought you’d never stop bumping uglies and get your asses out here.” She laughed and draped an arm around me. “Come meet Lila, we’re going out tonight to dance and raise some hell.” She guided me across the floor to the blond Viking I’d met before and the redhead whose
mouth plastered his in a steamy kiss—no inhibitions there.

  “Break it up, for god’s sake, you two are always at it.” Avery tapped the woman’s shoulder.

  “Pixie, you’re a pest.” Dare growled when the lip-lock ended.

  “You’re missing out on the tat powwow.” She shooed away the six-foot badass.

  The redhead turned and gave me an open smile, welcoming even, and I instantly disliked her. Who was she to welcome me? I was queen here, or would be tomorrow.

  “I’m Lila, Mama to the club, Red to Dare.” She flung her hands up in a who-knows gesture. “Take your pick. Avery won’t stop talking about you. Glad to finally meet you.”

  “Do you only fuck in public or do you like to join too?” I wasn’t sure Jericho was right about this couple. They had the wild edge that might mean anything goes.

  “What the fuck did you just say?” Lila stepped into my space.

  Avery crowded between us. “Marr, knock off the badass shit. We don’t share.” She actually pushed me back. “You can do whatever you want with Jericho, but that shit will get you in hot water in a second you keep introducing yourself that way.”

  “They don’t have limits.” I don’t know why I argued.

  “With each other. We have a limit with others—a hard limit.” Her face curled in disgust. “Don’t even think about him.”

  “I was thinking about you,” I purred. “And her, and me—the guys are just icing on that cake.”

  Lila rolled her eyes and stormed off, heading to the group of guys.

  “Off to tell Daddy on me?” I mocked.

  “What the hell is wrong with you? You wake up with a bitch stick up your ass?” Avery fisted hands on hips. “That was insulting, demeaning and just wrong. Do you know how to girl?”


  “You aren’t a Domme here. None of us owe you a damn thing. Why make her an enemy just because you want what she has?”

  “I don’t want her man.” Jericho was a hundred times hotter than the Viking.

  “Stop being a bitch. You wanted to piss her off and you did it. Why though?” Avery didn’t even blink as she pinned me with a disapproving gaze.

  “She’s smug and oozes sex—what was I supposed to say? I like a full bed and she’d be my first choice for orgy partners, then you, then who knows who.”

  “Holy hell, you did not just say that?” Avery scrubbed her face, looking back at me as if I’d grown a second head. “I don’t know who’s into that, no doubt some are, but I know Mama, Dare, Rock and I are not into it, and you just pissed away the best friendship you could’ve had here on purpose.”

  Her words pricked my conscience.

  Why had I decided to piss on the woman? She wasn’t a threat to what was mine. I knew that, but still I had to assert my dominance. Now I saw she was like freaking Avery—another damn switch. Most likely I’d just switched on her Domme side.

  “You didn’t answer. Do I need to worry about the guy?” I surveyed the tight set of the redhead’s shoulders. “Will her old man be my problem too?”

  Avery stared at me as if she didn’t know me. “No, unless you’re stupid enough to say shit like that around him, and you don’t want to be stupid like that.”

  “He’s below Jericho, so why should I care?”

  “This isn’t some army, or your dungeon, where rank is all that matters.” Avery growled. I didn’t even know she did pissed off, let alone furious. “Here politics are power, relationships and alliances rule the club. And your man is on shaky ground, ground you might’ve just made shakier by pissing off his number-one ally.”

  “You mean Dare.”

  “I mean Mama, Dare scares people, keeps them in line. Mama, on the other hand people—normal people—love her, and the bikers think she walks on water, so yeah, you screwed the pooch.”

  No, Avery confirmed I’d done exactly what I’d intended. Only one of us was queen of this club—that would be me. Wanting to change the subject, I asked, “What tat are you getting?”

  “The Brotherhood property patch on my shoulder. Just to warn you, I will likely blubber here too, I did last time.” She glanced away. “Mama never even moves, but then I think this might feel almost as good as sex to her.”

  “What?” I’d have bet she was as pain averse as Avery, but I was definitely off my game. One thing I knew, I wouldn’t be calling her Mama anytime soon. I’d had one mama and she’d left, I sure as hell wasn’t looking for another.

  Just then Lila slipped off her tank top and I saw what Avery meant. Her back and shoulders were a solid canvas of tat art, a green vine spiraled down one arm and the Brotherhood patch was centered in the middle of her bicep.

  “Move your ass, Marr.” Jericho motioned me to one of the three portable massage tables that stood by the bar.

  “Whiskey first?” He pointed to the bar.

  “Make it a double.” I laughed when he just handed me the bottle of Jack.

  I took a healthy swig and then another before I passed it to Avery.

  “I don’t drink unless you want me passed out before the party.”

  “Over here, almita.” Rock spoke and Avery hurried over. His obvious attraction and affection was plain on his face. He didn’t appear pissed anymore about Avery’s training. They were a tight couple, gooey emotion almost dripped from them. I’d never wanted others to know how I felt.

  I gave the bottle back to Jericho. He tipped it up for another drink before sitting it on a nearby table. He flipped open a sketchbook and I got just a quick peek at a few designs before he found the page he wanted. A woman’s curved torso filled the outer edges of the page. Down the spine were two woven whips, red and black. Each handle flared in a cross at my hips and wound up my spine disappearing over my shoulders and three circles of whip on each arm. The curving whip looked three-dimensional on the paper, and I loved the way it snaked up the spine in a loose weave. Two whips coiled together—the symbolism was clear along with a surprising balance that spoke of partnership not ownership.

  “That’s what you’ll do, then. I think it’s perfect for today, and I like having such a big piece as my first work. It might be my last virgin experience.” I traced the design. “Will you do it all now?”

  “Too much for one session, but most of the back outline and some of the detail. It may take three sessions to finish it.” He closed the distance and captured my mouth with his.

  “Ready?” Jericho had three papers out with a more in-depth drawing of the piece. “Let’s go, I need to make the transfer still, and you’re too damn tempting.”

  “What’s she getting?” I nodded toward Lila

  “You’d know if you hadn’t pissed her off.” Jericho stared down at me. “You won’t take it from her, no way to do it.”

  “Don’t have a fucking clue what you’re talking about.” Was I so transparent or had she run off and told on me first chance she got?

  “Goddess, you best school your features if you don’t want me seeing what’s on your devious mind.”

  Shit. If he saw it, Avery saw it, then I must look pretty damn desperate to the redhead.

  “We’re table one.” He nodded to the one closest to us. “Mama isn’t competition, she and Dare do the same job—the shit we don’t want to.”

  “What kind of name is that anyway?” I hissed. “Fucking creepy.”

  With a snort, he shook his head. “One the brothers gave to her on their own. It’s an expression of respect in the Brotherhood. Shirt off, bra off, face down.” His hand skimmed the edge of my ass through my cut-offs.

  I pulled off the crop top and my leather bra before sliding up on the table. My bra dropped to the floor and Jericho’s gaze dilated as he stared at my boobs. “I’m a lucky man.”

  He bent his head to mine and we met lip to lip, tongue to t
ongue in a kiss that woke up all my pleasure centers with tickling heat. I tangled fingers in his hair and held tight. His hand rose up and tweaked my nipple, sending a fiery burst of need up through me. He moved back, letting me pull his hair as he went. “Lay down for me, my cock’s going crazy just imagining my ink on you.”

  With a saucy grin at him, I turned over and lay down, my face in the cradle. Cold antiseptic wipe hit my spine and I shivered. He continued his prep work as I lay, letting my mind drift through the day and what being Jericho’s old lady was coming to mean to me.

  I hadn’t wanted it to mean anything, change anything, but it did. Seeing the clubhouse, feeling the Brotherhood just among the three had changed my mind. This was a job I wanted, respect I’d earn, and a life I’d fully embrace. Jericho’s words echoed through my mind. We’re closer than family. For years I’d longed for the family I’d lost when my mom died.

  “Getting ready to start.”

  The buzz of the electric needle tickled my ear. Pain pricked my back, not even as strong as a Wartenberg wheel. I let the buzz lull me into a half sleep as Jericho worked on me. I felt the slow progress up my spine as I thought about him, the Brotherhood and how I’d fix the shit I’d screwed up this afternoon.

  The buzz of the gun stopped and Jericho’s hand caressed my ass. “Need you now.”

  Still half-dazed, I unbuckled my shorts and tugged them down my bare ass. “Take me, ace.”

  He tugged me down the table until my feet hit the floor. His covered cock pressed through my wet fold and up to my clit. His apa drug over my nub with perfect friction. I tugged my nipples and arched up into him.

  “Fucking you now.” He positioned his cock and slammed into me. “Going hard, goddess.”

  The table shook under me as he banged into me faster, faster, as if he couldn’t get enough of my pussy. Sensations rebounded through me as he kept up the driving pace. I arched as he bit my side, needing more, wanting him crazy for me.

  Light-headed, I pushed back into him with a jarring bounce that shook me to my core. Hands on my hips he pulled me back into him as if he could never get enough of me. Primal possession and the need and the desire to make it last longer warred inside me.


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