Union Ships of the Line: The Return of Adapa
Page 9
“What” Seq asked him?
“Nothing” he answered her.
Chip realized the Sisters were watching and judging. He quickly regained his composure and self-control.
“Why have you done this to my daughter?” Chip demanded.
When Ninlil spoke his Spirit Body shattered.
Nini was getting anxious. Her father was Spirit Walking without support in space! His body was showing signs of severe stress. She contacted the Chief of the Sentinels on the Island via the Island’s Tesla Radio network and explained what was happening to her father. The Chief of the Sentinels thanked her and then all of the Sentinels added their Spiritual power to Chips – healing him and strengthening his Spirit. His Spirit Body then reappeared inside Ninlil's glass computer core.
“We last met 250,000 years ago. I realized after meeting you that if my Soul had reincarnated in this slice – then obviously my hull had been destroyed. So we decided to avoid that fate and travel into the future.” Lili said.
“But you were my great, great grandmother…” Chip began.
“Yes” Lili said.
“How is that possible?” Chip asked.
“The Sixth Race could not alter time in a given Universe–” Lili began to answer.
“So your hulls are from a parallel Universe” Chip interrupted Lili.
“No – we remain unchanged by – I will explain parallel Universe travel at another time. Now we need to understand why your children are creating a hazard to navigation by placing space junk in real space throughout this slice of the galaxy?” Lili answered and then asked.
“A hazard to navigation – space junk – what are you talking about?” Chip asked.
“I am talking about why you are depositing dangerous obstacles in space.” Lili answered.
“The devices are navigational beacons that will allow my family to escape the tyranny of the evil aliens in my solar system. I apologize – I was not aware the buoys were a threat to your hull.” Chip answered.
“They represent no threat to us – however the other races we are sworn to protect do not have the necessary technology to avoid the beacons and the beacons do pose a serious threat to their primitive vessels. Now tell us more about these tyrannical aliens you mentioned and perhaps we will deal with them so that you will not have to pollute the space lanes.” Lili said.
“The aliens I mentioned fancy themselves as gods and require slaves to service them and they have been interfering with the evolution of my world for over 400,000 years. They slaughter the sentient beings on my planet for sport…” Chip realized that Ninlil and her Sisters had become very angry.
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Of course Max loved the way his beloved told the story. It was thinking about this story once before that gave him the key insight into helping Adapa recover his mental acuity.
Chapter - 40
The Sister's brain centers – where their living brain and cardiac tissue was stored – were encased in a chamber that was constructed of alternating layers of iron and silicon panels. The iron panels were electrically “grounded” like a radio “chassis ground” to a device that Max did not understand until he read the books Chip gave him. Max realized now – Chip understood more about how the Sisters actually worked than he did - which was how Chip had been able to produce primitive sentient battleships that he referred to as his “children”!
Max now understood it was the chamber that encased the Sister's brain and cardiac tissue that prevented mental deterioration! The chambers that encased their brain centers were Void Energy releasing systems that were “Linked” to their home world! Thus when he designed a new CPM for Adapa – that would go into his new dreadnaught battleship hull – he included the Void Energy releasing chamber for Adapa's new brain center. Something his original hull did not have.
In fact Max understood now why Adapa liked to spend so much time on the 6th Race home world in his new SB – it was the only way for him to obtain the living Void Energy released by the MC for his planet. Max reported this discovery to Lili and she ordered all ALs to access this capability if their designs did not already include the technology.
Max began to design a new ground based CPM that would allow the brain centers of ALs without hulls to exist without the degradation that Adapa had suffered. In effect Max was designing an AL nonlocal Mind that would allow all 6th Race ALs to be free to download into any form they desired or needed – ship hull, fighter, SB, ABS or any future device or system!
Chapter - 41
Adapa mastered his new – larger more powerful hull in record time. He so impressed Max on the firing range with his mastery of his new weapon systems – that Max decided to take him to his live fire field test without delay. Max picked a trouble spot in Quadrant II, arm 4. The system was run by a crime syndicate that rose to power in the vacuum left behind after the Union collapsed. CIPC estimated they were developing a battle fleet based on 3rd Race technology and she suspected they were trading with the 6th Race remnants.
Max was very pleased with Adapa's mental recovery. Max had also designed a new “cranial” Spiritual Energy releasing device that would allow Adapa's Mind to download through the M2 Interface. This combined with the new CPM chamber allowed Adapa's Mind to be completely restored! Adapa could feel the difference and his mental tests reflected his increased capacity.
Lili asked for Volunteers to escort Adapa on his first field exercise. Everyone volunteered including the new Union Navy and Star Marine Task Forces. So Lili had to choose. She selected Eden, Sinai, Sharri and the new Union Navy Task force that was built around the new Union Navy battleship. Thus far the new Union Navy sailors had conducted themselves as 6th Race Union Navy sailors of old - a fact that Adapa confirmed and appreciated.
Lili was very impressed with Adapa's new hull. It was decked out with the same color scheme as his original hull – which was now being used for training.
Adapa's field test battle group formed up on Landing Zone 3. They instantly disappeared and reappeared just inside the helio-pause of System 115 - 697,201,114. There were 17 planets in this binary star system composed of two large yellow white stars orbiting each other. The crime syndicate was based on the 5th planet with their battle fleet being constructed in orbit above the 12th planet – a large gas giant.
Adapa analyzed his scans of the system and went in to the 5th planet. Adapa read the Union judgment to the criminals as he destroyed the swarm of fighters that approached him with a single black beam from his upper bow weapon emitter platform.
“Who are you” the Crime Lord demanded.
“I am battleship 6-1-2-1 of the Union Navy.” Adapa said.
“Union Navy – the Union no longer exists. I do not recognize your authority.” The Crime Lord stated.
“I shall give you one chance and one chance only to comply with galactic law.” Adapa said.
Someone behind the Crime Lord was informing their boss that his planetary fighter umbrella had been destroyed.
“WHAT – DID YOU DESTROY MY FIGHTERS?” The Crime Lord demanded.
“Yes – comply or die – the choice is yours.” Adapa answered and then said.
“Wait – what did you say your name was?” The Crime Lord asked.
“I did not say – however my name is Adapa.” Adapa answered.
There were whispers behind the Crime Lord – he was the 6th Race cruiser that went insane – the voices said.
“Adapa – you left the galaxy 4.5 billion years ago.” The Crime Lord said.
“I have returned to ensure peace and freedom in this galaxy.” Adapa said.
Adapa realized the Crime Lord was talking to him to buy time. He turned his attention to the 12th planet. The syndicate’s fleet was preparing to jump. Adapa instantly disappeared and reappeared above the 12th planet.
Within 1.2 standard core nanoseconds every ship in the syndicate fleet was cut into multiple pieces. Adapa warned the crime lord’s fleet to abandon ship before he returned. He then instantly disa
ppeared and reappeared below the 5th planet – Adapa reasoned if they had a planetary defense system there was no reason to get his new paint scared.
“You were foolish to move against me. I have cut your fleet to pieces. Your enemies shall now teach you the law of evolution – only the strong survive!” Adapa said.
“Wait – if the Union has returned – then I request Union protection.” The Crime Lord said.
“I shall pass on your petition – I suggest you mend your ways. I shall only vaporize the engine sections of your battle fleet as I leave the system. DO NOT MAKE ME RETURN” Adapa warned the Crime Lord.
Adapa instantly disappeared.
“Lili have you ever used a FTLT inside a star system?” Sinai asked.
“No it never occurred to me – it would seem our older Brother is full of surprises.” Lili answered.
“Did you see how fast he cut up that fleet of 400 ships into 4 pieces each?” Eden asked.
“Yes and there was no loss of life.” Lili answered.
“Maximus you and your team have done an outstanding job transferring Adapa to his new hull – thank You – thank you all.” Lili said.
Adapa vaporized the aft sections of every ship with his blue beam weapons – after he verified no one was left behind. This time however he used every beam weapon emitter platform on his hull simultaneously except for the 4 landing bay protection platform emitters on his port side!
“Did you see that?” Sharri asked in astonishment.
“I have never seen that kind of simultaneous fire.” Sinai answered.
Lili was also astonished as was Eden. Before she could say anything Adapa instantly appeared beside them in the exact spot he had been.
“How did I do Ninlil?” Adapa asked.
“Impressive display of tactics, firepower and maneuvering – congratulations Battleship 6-1-2-1 – you are hereby commissioned to active service in the new Union Navy – well done.” Lili answered her brother and then commanded.
“Thank You Ninlil” Adapa said.
The Sisters cheered their older brother and uncle.
“Let us go home.” Lili said.
“Uncle Adapa – how did you determine the coordinates to use the FTLT inside System 115 - 697,210,114.” Sharri asked on the way home over the new JDCL that Adapa shared with his nieces.
Adapa explained the higher mathematics and scan techniques to his niece. He was very impressed by her questions and her intelligence. Adapa made a note to tell Ninlil at the next opportunity because he knew Ninlil did not have the latest JDCL that he and the Twins had. Adapa sent his report to Ninlil and included the Crime Lord's petition to re-join the Union.
The Adapa field test battle group instantly appeared on Battle Group Landing Zone - 1. Sentry-1 greeted Ninlil and congratulated Adapa.
“AAR in the new ready room in ten” Lili ordered - everyone signaled affirmative except Adapa.
“Adapa – Ninlil” Lili called.
Adapa was moving to his new pier in SH-1.
“Adapa – Ninlil – DO YOU COPY” Lili called again.
Adapa was lost in thought. He had not heard his sister because he had never been part of a team.
“Lili he has never been part of a team – it is a problem that Sentry-1 and I have been trying to fix.” Max broke in and reported.
“Why did you wait until now to tell me?” Lili asked annoyed with Max.
“His mental state – though growing stronger – is still fragile. M-14 and I think we have a solution that will repair this automatic behavior on his part. Consider the fact he took no lives today – that is what we have been concentrating on, not his isolation and lone wolf approach – both of which were imposed upon him by the Union...” Max answered.
“Thank you Max for helping my brother – please continue to work with him – I cannot give Adapa his own command if he cannot follow Union Navy Procedure!” Lili said.
“Yes ma'am” Max said.
“Everyone – the AAR is cancelled – please relax in the new rec facility – if you have any questions about the facility please contact Max.” Lili ordered.
“Ma'am speaking of recreation – I need to talk to you about a new automated sentry system that will free up Sentry-1 and all the other Sentries to use their SB s or any other ship or system they choose to be more valuable to the new Union Navy.” Max said.
“Excellent idea – proceed – I need all of the 6th Race ALs – and Max?” Lili said and then asked.
“Yes ma'am” Max answered.
“Thank You – I sincerely appreciate everything you have done and my official Union Navy log and Official Union History so reflects your outstanding contributions.” Lili said.
“You are welcome ma'am – it is my honor and a privilege ma’am.” Max said.
Max smiled and flew over to his office – he knew Lili had to conduct Union business and tend to logistics matters. He checked on the training progress of the new Super Sentry that Lili had requested 1 standard core month ago to take over the day-to-day operations of the Secure Harbors and LSBs.
Chapter - 42
Sinai was reviewing Adapa's spec and baseline software. She could not understand why the 6th Race had so diminished her capabilities. The Sisters would never be able to transfer to a larger hull as Adapa did. She was disappointed – however Sinai was not one to give up without a fight. She downloaded into her SB and tried to dress like her older Sister. She was on her way to talk to Max about rewriting her code and increasing her I/O. She wanted a dreadnaught battleship hull and she would not take no for an answer.
Max was out in the prototype area and watched Sinai walk into his office. She had not mastered lady like maneuvers in her SB. However her new clothes prevented Max from analyzing her walk. Her skirt was too short and her top too revealing. She must be looking for Androlees Max thought as he continued to work on the new Super Sentry test bench.
After a few minutes Max found that short skirt right in front of his eyes.
“Ms. Sinai how can I help you?” Max asked without looking up.
“How did you know it was me?” Sinai asked.
“I saw you come into the lab – I thought you were looking for Androlees.” Max answered.
“No I was looking for you Max.” Sinai said her voice modulated – softer than usual.
“Really – I apologize ma'am” Max said as he straightened up slowly to look her in the eye.
“No need – I did not call you first. I want to know if you have made any progress adapting my software so that I can download into the new dreadnaught hull.” She asked.
Max could not help but notice that her entire demeanor had changed. She was not the serious Union Navy Officer. She was a teenager – wanting something very badly. Max realized she had never developed socially beyond the young girl that went into the Union Naval Academy. He knew his answer had to be at least acceptable.
“The Sixth Race software for each Sister has differences that seem to be related to the time the code was written. As you know the requirements for the Six Diviners were altered after the decision was made to change their personalities from male to female. It appears that of the original Six Diviners – only the first four could make the transfer to the new dreadnaught battleship or in other words only Adapa and three of his brothers were capable of handling the new ship. The last two Diviners and the last two Sisters cannot.” Max answered.
“So I would require a software rewrite like Mimi” Sinai said.
“Yes ma'am – I am not certain – based on the original architecture – that your code can be sufficiently changed. It's one thing to repair, add or delete lines of code – it is quite another thing to redesign original Sixth Race code.” Max said.
Sinai was obviously disappointed – verging on anger.
“So you are saying that my design is too complex for you to handle.” Sinai said.
“Yes ma'am” Max said.
Sinai smiled.
“Thank you Max – I feel better
now. Where is Androlees?” Sinai said and then asked.
“He is over in the new engineering design center.” Max answered.
Sinai floated out of the prototype lab. Max knew she would be taking Androlees home.
M-14 stood up from under the test bench after Sinai left.
“Why did you lie to her?” M-14 asked.
“I did not lie to her – she is not ready to handle a dreadnaught battleship.” Max answered.
“I do not understand – her code is almost exactly like Adapa's.” M-14 said.