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The Ultimate Romance Box (6 Bestselling Romance Novels)

Page 58

by Eckhart, Lorhainne

“For a long time after that, he behaved himself. Then two months ago— after you left, Dante— he came to discuss a recent assessment. You see, he’s the treasurer of our building association. By then I had relaxed my guard. I let him in. At the end of the discussion, he helped himself to a drink and handed me one. I didn’t realize how strong the drink was. He must have spiked it with something. I fell asleep or passed out. I don’t remember anything after that until I woke up in bed with Steve.”

  She wrung her hands while staring straight ahead. Had Steve slept with her? Had he touched her intimately? The bile rose in her throat. For the life of her, she couldn’t look at Dante.

  “What happened next?” Ladd asked.

  “I was half-naked and so was he. I don’t know if he forced himself on me or not.” Shame invaded her heart as she remembered Steve half lying over her. “I jumped out of bed, called him every name I could think of, then threw his clothes at his face, telling him to get out. He apologized, saying he’d drunk too much and couldn’t remember what happened. He got dressed and left. I complained about him to Greg without telling him the whole story.”

  “Did you file a report with the police?”

  “No, I couldn’t talk to anyone about this incident.” A shudder shook her. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around her chest. “I just couldn’t repeat the details. I tried to forget the whole thing.”

  “Did Steve come back?”

  “He stayed away for two months, but he knocked on my door yesterday and today.”

  “Why did he come yesterday? And why did you let him in?”

  “I didn’t let him in. Yesterday, I left the security chain on and he talked to me through the door. He told me he’d get his divorce finalized in a few days. He was madly in love with me and would I consider marrying him. I said absolutely not.”

  “And today?”

  With a scowl, she glared at the bar and the table. Steve had stood there. “I was in my bedroom, getting ready to go shopping. I heard my front door opening and closing.”

  Alexa stared at the rug as she relived the scene.


  “Alexa, sweetie, it’s me.”

  “Damn it.” Alexa stiffened, recognizing Steve’s voice.

  The jerk. He was in her living room, uninvited and unwelcome.

  The vein in her temple pounded like a drum. She wanted to kill the bastard. Digging her nails into her palms, she stomped out of her bedroom. “Get out before I call the police.”

  In swim trunks and a matching shirt, Steve greeted her with a big smile, his sun-streaked hair falling on his forehead in disarray. A handsome hunk, who left her indifferent. Mad. Wanting to scratch his eyes out.

  “Hey, I came on a friendly, peaceful mission.” He raised his hands encumbered with a carafe of golden brown liquor and two round crystal glasses.

  “Bastard, give me my key and get out.” She uttered through gritted teeth and outstretched her open palm. Being the treasurer, he must have accessed the locked room where the manager kept spare keys for all the apartments. Tomorrow she’d change the locks.

  “Out. Get. Out.”

  “I’m here to tell you… To promise I won’t bother you anymore. You don’t want me as your husband or boyfriend. Fine. Can we at least remain good friends?” he asked with a smile that should melt an iceberg.

  But this iceberg refused to melt. “I don’t need friends like you.”

  “Just listen, please. I’m leaving Fort Lauderdale. Moving to Atlanta.”

  “Oh?” Something in her chest eased.

  “I came to say goodbye and give you back your key.” He deposited his carafe and the goblets on the dining table, and handed her a key. “I brought Amaretto, our favorite, for one last toast.”

  Amaretto had never been her favorite liqueur, but she wanted him out of her place. “I have to go in a few minutes.”

  “So we’ll make it a quickie.” He meandered to the bar, poured the drinks, and gave her a glass. “To what could have been, but will never be.”

  She snorted at the way he phrased his toast. Narrowing her eyes, she assessed his jovial smile. How could she forget the morning he woke up next to her? She'd often wondered if he’d spiked her drink to trick her into bed.

  No way would she ever swallow anything he offered her. She raised her glass halfway to her lips, determined to find an excuse to avoid drinking. The strong odor of bitter-sweet almond wafted to her nose. She almost gagged. “My stomach—”

  A cell phone ring chimed in the silence of the room, saving her the trouble to complete her sentence or to slosh the liquid on the floor.

  “It’s mine,” Steve said. “Excuse me.” He set his drink on the dining table and walked out to the balcony to take his call.

  She put her glass next to his and squinted at the twin goblets of Amaretto that challenged her commonsense. Drat. The glassware belonged to her bar. The gall of the man. Irritation zapped through her system. He must have picked them up as soon as he entered her apartment while she was still in her bedroom. A shudder raked her. Nothing good had ever come out of this scumbag. Biting her lips, she cursed herself for forgetting to hook the security chain when she came back home after lunch.

  While he still spoke on the phone, pacing the balcony, she picked up the glass he’d held and hustled to the kitchen. Determined to avoid a repeat performance of her nasty past history with Steve, she poured the drink down the sink, rinsed the goblet, and filled it with iced tea. Same color as the Amaretto.

  Her heart racing, she glided back to the dining area, with her harmless tea in hand, and settled in a chair, waiting for her nemesis to finish his call.

  Still engrossed in his telephone conversation, Steve was facing the ocean. A moment later, he clicked his phone shut and slipped it into his shorts pocket. He strolled back into the living room, an apologetic smile on his lips. “Sorry about that. It was Carter. He had a question about business.”

  She shrugged. Honestly, she couldn’t care less about Steve or his roommate.

  “Now we toast.” Steve took the glass remaining on the table and smiled. “To you and me being friends.”

  He raised his goblet and emptied it. She sipped hers slowly.

  “Go ahead, finish it,” he insisted, his hazel eyes blazing.

  “I don’t drink that fast.”

  “Okay I’ll have another with you. Then I’ll go soak in the Jacuzzi for a few minutes.”

  “It’s not good to drink and go into the hot tub.”

  “Don’t be silly. Those tubs are made for sharing a drink and fun.”

  She gulped down her iced tea. “I have to go.”

  “Me too.” He gave her a strange look. “Good bye, sweetie. I’ll sure miss you.” He kissed her on the cheek, sauntered to the entrance door, and turned to glance at her. “I may call you later.”

  “From Atlanta? Don’t. Have a good trip.”

  “Yeah. I will.” He arched an eyebrow, stared at her for a moment, and walked to the door. She slammed it behind him. About time.

  With a big humph of relief, she hustled to clear the table and left the glasses and bottle on the kitchen counter. A throbbing headache pounded at her temples. Thank God, he was leaving for Atlanta and she’d managed to survive his visit without problems.


  “I hope you didn’t wash them?” Dante asked as he and the detective leaped off the sofa.

  “I didn’t have time what with Greg and you visiting one after the other.”

  “Thank God.” Ladd grabbed his briefcase and reached the kitchen in a few giant steps, followed by Dante. The detective extracted plastic bags and latex gloves from his briefcase and deposited them on the counter top. He dug his hand into his treasure bag again and came up with a camera. After clicking a few pictures of the glasses, carafe, and the whole kitchen, he slipped on the gloves and carefully slid the carafe and two glasses into plastic bags, enveloped the precious packages with bubble wrap, and put them into another bag.

  He tu
rned around and scanned the counter top bar separating the kitchen from the living room. “Where did Steve stand when he poured the liquor?”

  “Here,” Alexa said, pointing to the other side of the bar. “He poured the drinks here, at the bar, but when the phone rang he left his drink on the table and I did the same.”

  Ladd took more pictures. “I think I’m done.” He surveyed the living room one last time. “Before I leave, would you mind if I have a look at the rest of your apartment?”

  The detective was doing his job, and she had nothing to hide. She shrugged. “Sure, go ahead.”

  Without waiting for her to show him the way, he strode to the office and surveyed the room. “Do you often work here?”

  “Not really. I e-mail my friends and order things on the Internet.”

  “Your computer?” He pointed to the desktop sitting on the humongous antique desk.

  “Actually, it’s Greg’s old one. I use the laptop.” She showed him the small PC laying on the cocktail table in front of the sofa and the wide-screen TV.

  “So the bedrooms and office face west and have views of the Intracoastal?”

  “Yes, and the living room and kitchen face the ocean on the east.”

  The detective clicked a few pictures. He did the same in the guestroom and then returned to the living room and walked the hallway leading to her bedroom. He entered, surveyed the room, snapped a couple of pictures. His camera in hand, he opened the closet and stared at the two full-size suitcases. He bent and lifted them, assessing their weight. His eyebrows arched. “Are you traveling soon?”

  “I was going to New York tomorrow to visit a school friend, but I changed my mind after what happened.”

  “It’s wise.” He shot a picture of the suitcases and continued his exploration of the bathrooms.

  “Well, I’m done with my questions. You have been most helpful, Mrs. Partson. Mr. Cantari, did you talk to Bairey in the elevator?”

  “Barely. He said, ‘What brought you back? We thought you left for good.’ He didn’t seem pleased to see me.”

  “How so?”

  “In the past, he used to be smiling and talkative, as if he wanted my friendship.”

  “You wrote on the information sheet you saw him at about 12:00 pm. Correct?”

  Dante nodded. “He got off at the fifth floor when I met him in the elevator.”

  “So he exited at the floor of the apartment he shared with Carter Morton, must have spent some time there, and then went up again to the twenty-first floor.” The detective looked at Alexa. “Why was he so intent on seeing you?”

  “I already told you. To share a drink and say goodbye.”

  “Do you really believe that?” Ladd asked with a sarcastic smile as he headed to the door.

  No, she didn’t believe it. But then, why had Steve come to see her?

  Her head spun with confusing and scary questions. Did he die because of the drinks? What if she had swallowed the Amaretto he’d served her? A cold chill snaked down her spine.

  “Earth to you,” Dante said, with a grin as he tickled her chin.

  “Let’s go out.” She returned his smile and smothered her creepy thoughts.

  After a late dinner, they walked hand-in-hand in the tourist avenue of Las Olas, paused and admired lit window-shops. By midnight, Dante yawned and suggested they hit the sack.

  With too many dreadful images twirling in her mind, Alexa knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight. “Malibu Bar has a late band. Come. I’m sure you’ll like it.” Dante obliged and they’d lingered out drinking and dancing, until the place closed.

  Silence hovered in the car as Dante drove home and later as they rode the elevator. No matter how hard Alexa tried to erase the images etched in her mind, she couldn’t forget today’s events. She opened the door of her apartment and froze in the hallway.

  “Do you want me to stay with you?” Dante asked after a big yawn.

  “You must be very tired.”

  “A bit sleepy, but that’s not a problem. I can keep you company for a while.” His sympathetic smile warmed her heart.

  “Would you mind, please?” An irrational fear twisted her insides. Maybe his presence would help her conquer her demons. “Make yourself comfortable in the office. I’ll be back in a minute. We can chat and watch a movie.”

  True to her word, she changed into decent pajamas and immediately returned. Dante peacefully slept, his head resting on the back of the couch, and his legs stretched on the cocktail table, while the TV projected an oldie from the eighties. She smiled at his peaceful, choirboy expression, and cuddled next to him.

  A tinge of guilt hit her. Poor Dante. He was exhausted and jet-lagged, and she’d submitted him to such a long night. “Sorry,” she whispered, laying her forehead against his chin. His arm automatically encircled her shoulders and a contented groan escaped from his parted lips. “Pleasant dreams, Dante.” She chuckled, and then sobered. “I hope my own are not too dramatic.”

  Chapter Five

  Alexa buried her head under the pillow, determined to slip back into a peaceful slumber. But the ringing continued, persistent and annoying, until she reached for the phone and squinted. Sunrays filtered through the shades and bathed her bedroom in a subtle glow.

  “Wake up, sleeping beauty. Did you have a good night? No nightmares?”

  “None.” Was there anything more delightful than to be awakened by Dante’s cheerful voice? “Boy, did I sleep well.” Better than she had in a year.

  But he wasn’t here now. “Uh...” She didn’t recognize her husky voice and cleared her throat. “When did you leave?”

  “Not sure. I woke up in the middle of the night to find you asleep in my arms in your office. I carried you to bed and went home to collapse.” Dante’s chuckle faded. “Alexa, the detective called me. He’ll be here soon.”

  “Damn it, can’t he leave us in peace. I told him everything I know.”

  “Still he has to come back. See you in a moment.”

  The hot spray of the shower relaxed Alexa’s sore muscles but did little to lighten her worries. Wrapping a bath towel around her like a toga, she fetched her clothes and quickly got dressed.

  After drying her hair, she applied her eyeliner and lipstick. Just as she was spraying a whiff of perfume on her neck and wrists, a soft knock alerted her and she opened the apartment door. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of a showered Dante, his hair wet and tousled. A delicious smell wafted from the covered skillet in his hands.

  His eyes skimmed over her, and he smiled broadly.

  “Do I pass inspection?”

  “Oh yes. You’re lovely as usual.” His gaze rested on her décolletage. “Good thing I have a healthy heart,” he added with a chuckle that made her blush to her ears. “Let’s eat. Yesterday, I picked up a few things on my way home from the airport.”

  Dante had cooked a delicious omelet with sausage, cheese, and tomato. His stomach rumbled. “Dio, I’m hungry.”

  “Why is the detective coming back?” Alexa asked as she brought plates, napkins, and silverware and set them on the kitchen table in front of the bay window, while Dante toasted the bread.

  “They finished the autopsy. He wants to discuss a few things.”

  Sitting in front of her plate, she played with her fork. “Why couldn’t he say it over the phone?”

  “Routine procedure. Eat your omelet. I guarantee it’s good.” He made a show of taking a big bite, sighed, and licked his lips. “Honestly, it’s a chef’s masterpiece. As good as the ones my nonna makes.”

  She didn’t smile, but worked a bite into her mouth and slowly chewed as if her stomach had knotted. Dante finished the food on his plate just as someone knocked. Alexa pushed back her chair and darted to the door.

  “Good morning. Come in, Mr. Ladd.”

  “Am I interrupting your breakfast?” He glanced at his watch, reminding them it was already 10:30 am.

  “We’re done.” With a wave of her hand, she invited
him to sit in the living room. “So what did they find?”

  “The autopsy revealed that he passed out and drowned,” the detective announced as he dropped into a leather chair.

  “Really?” She frowned and crossed her hands in her lap.

  Dante chided himself. He should have warned her not to reveal her feelings so openly. He came to sit beside her on the sofa.

  “The autopsy also revealed a substantial level of alcohol and a high dose of an antidepressant drug. This combination and the high temperature of the hot tub must have made him drowsy.”

  “Which drug?” Dante asked as he extended his arm behind Alexa’s back, his fingers gently pressing against her side. The less she said now the better.

  “Valium, also called diazepam. Mrs. Partson, did you know if Bairey was taking Valium?”

  “He never said anything about it. Julia should know.”

  “She already told us neither she nor her husband had ever been prescribed this drug.”

  The blood drained from Alexa’s face, and she stiffened.

  The detective peered at her like a cat about to hypnotize a mouse. “Have you ever taken Valium? Would we find the drug in your personal pharmacy?”

  Alexa stared at him and turned to face Dante. She seemed unable to part her lips.

  “Tell him if you remember.” Dante understood her shock, but her facial expression could be mistaken for fear. Smiling at her, he nudged her in the side.

  “My doctor prescribed Valium two years ago when I was stressed because of the divorce, but I never took it. The pill bottle is in the bathroom, in the medicine cabinet.”

  “You never took any of it?”

  She shook her head. “Nope.”

  “Alexa is not the only person who has Valium in her pharmacy,” Dante hastened to point out.

  “Dianna mentioned she was given some,” Alexa agreed with him. “We have the same doctor.”

  “Yes, she admitted having a few pills left in a bottle,” Ladd concurred.

  “What now?” Dante asked. “Are we still required to stay home waiting for further interrogation?”

  “You are free to come and go as you please, but don’t leave town until this investigation is closed. I have your cell phone numbers. I’ll call you if I need you.” He stood to leave. “I’d like to take your bottle of Valium with me.”


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