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The Ultimate Romance Box (6 Bestselling Romance Novels)

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by Eckhart, Lorhainne

  Scottish History—Conquering Passion, A Man of Value, Sweet Taste of Love

  European History (Holy Roman Empire)—Carried Away

  Danish History—Wild Viking Princess

  Spanish History—Dance of Love

  Ireland—Dark Irish Knight

  If you like to read about historical characters:

  William the Conqueror—Conquering Passion, If Love Dares Enough, Defiant Passion

  William Rufus—A Man of Value

  Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy—Passion in the Blood

  Henry I of England—Passion in the Blood, Sweet Taste of Love, Haunted Knights, Hearts and Crowns

  Heinrich V, Holy Roman Emperor—Carried Away

  Vikings—Wild Viking Princess

  Kings of Aragon (Spain)—Dance of Love

  The Anarchy (England) (Stephen vs. Maud)—Hearts and Crowns

  If you like erotic contemporary romance, try Boom! Listen to Your Heart, by Roxanne Rogerson.


  CP=Conquering Passion

  AMOV=A Man of Value

  ILDE=If Love Dares Enough

  PIB=Passion in the Blood

  DP=Defiant Passion

  DB=Dark and Bright

  WTH=The Winds of the Heavens

  CA=Carried Away

  STL=Sweet Taste of Love

  WVP=Wild Viking Princess

  DOL=Dance of Love

  DIK=Dark Irish Knight

  HK=Haunted Knights

  HC=Hearts and Crowns

  Abbaye aux Dames—An abbey for women built in Caen by William the Conqueror ILDE, PIB

  Abbaye aux Hommes—An abbey for men built in Caen by William the Conqueror ILDE, PIB

  Abbey—Agneta’s mare in AMOV

  Abbot—Caedmon’s roan stallion in AMOV

  Abertawe—Welsh name of Swansea in south Wales DB

  Adam de Montbryce—Son of Antoine and Sybilla PIB; hero of Haunted Knight

  Adelaide (Matilda/Maud)—Daughter of King Henry I; married Holy Roman Emperor, Henry V CA; later betrothed to Geoffrey of Anjou HC

  Aediva Melton—Sister of the Saxon heroine in ILDE

  Aegir—Norse god of the sea DOL

  Agnes—Norman scullery maid at Domfort Castle ILDE

  Agnès—maidservant of Maudine in HK

  Agneta Kirkthwaite—English Heroine of Danish and Saxon descent in AMOV

  Aidan Branton FitzRam—Son of Caedmon and Agneta, twin of Blythe; named for Agneta’s brothers slain at Bolton. AMOV, CA; hero of STL

  Aiweeda—elderly nun in DIK

  Alain Cormant—steward at East Preston HK

  Alban—first English martyr; the city of St. Albans grew around his shrine HK

  Alexandre de Montbryce—Eldest son of Robert and Dorianne. Heir to the title Comte de Montbryce. Born in Caen during his father’s incarceration PIB

  Alfonso Sánchez—King of Aragón DOL

  al-Kindi—historical figure born in Basra; medieval Islamic physician; DOL

  Alnwick—in Northumbria. Site of a battle in 1093 between Roger de Mowbray, Earl of Northumbria, and Malcolm, King of Scotland. Malcolm and his son were killed. Agneta rescues Caedmon from the battlefield and tends his injuries. AMOV

  Alphonse Revandel— father of Letyce HK

  Álvar Fáñez—historical figure; Spanish hero of the Reconquista, cousin of El Cid

  Alys—maidservant of Peridotte HC

  Amadour de Vignoles—Norman comrade of Caedmon during Crusade; hero of Civitote AMOV; DOL

  Andras ap Rhys—Welshman—Friend and comrade of Rhodri ap Owain in CP and DP

  Aneurin ap Norweg—Welshman—Friend and comrade of Rhodri ap Owain in CP and DP

  Angeline Hugo—Norman peasant, rape victim of Arnulf de Valtesse CP

  Anjou—Geographic area of France south of Normandy. Its people are called Angevins. Normans and Angevins were traditional enemies. ILDE; HC

  Anna—Dieter’s housekeeper, CA

  Annalise de Vymont—Heroine of DB. Niece of the Earl of Chester.

  Antoine de Montbryce—Norman hero of ILDE; brother of Rambaud and Hugh

  Apollo—Izzy de Montbryce’s horse DOL

  ap Owain—Welsh patronymic—son of Owain

  Aragón—Medieval kingdom in northeastern Spain DOL

  Ariel—Rhodri’s Welsh pony DP

  Arnulf de Valtesse—Norman half brother of Mabelle de Montbryce, heroine of CP. Bastard son of Guillaume de Valtesse. Murdered in CP by Simon Hugo

  Artus Aubin—Norman steward of Giroux Castle DOL

  Arundel Castle—famous Norman castle in Sussex HK

  Ascha (Bronson) Woolgar—Saxon mother of Caedmon; in CP and AMOV

  Aurore de Pontrouge-mother of Peridotte HC

  Badajoz—city in Spain DOL

  Barat Cormant—Norman steward brought to England by the Montbryces for Sussex properties; ILDE; son of Michel, brother of Théo.

  Baudoin de Montbryce—Norman born in England; second son of Ram and Mabelle de Montbryce; becomes 2nd Earl of Ellesmere; marries Carys verch Rhodri; appears in CP, AMOV, DP and PIB.

  Beal—coastal village in Northumbria close to Holy Island STL

  Belatucadros —Welsh god of war and vengeance on enemies HC

  Belisle Castle—Antoine’s castle in Normandie

  Bemia Melton—Saxon sister of heroine of ILDE

  Bernard Chauvelin—Norman soldier at Montbryce Castle PIB

  Bernard de Montbryce—Father of Ram, Antoine and Hugh. Dies in 1066 while his sons are fighting in England.

  Bernadine de Montbryce—daughter of Antoine and Sybilla

  Bernhardt—Dieter’s valet, CA

  Berthold de Quincy—Hospitaller Knight DOL

  Bertrand de Poitou—herald of King Henry HK

  Bileaud—Norman steward at Domfort Castle ILDE

  Blythe Lacey FitzRam—Daughter of Caedmon and Agneta, twin of Aidan. Born in AMOV. Heroine of CA

  Boadicea—warrior queen in ancient Briton; also Boudicca HK

  Boden—English mastiff in ILDE

  Bolton—Village in Northumbria; location of Kirkthwaite Hall AMOV;STL

  Bonhomme—Normans; family name of the stewards of Montbryce and Ellesmere.

  Brémonde—Norman; one of Ram’s commanders at Ellesmere CP

  Brevis—Denis’ horse HK

  Brigantia—English mastiff in ILDE

  Brindis—Ram de Montbryce’s horse in CP

  Brother Christian—religious name given to Aidan when he enters the monastery STL

  Brother Tristan—Cellarer in charge of mead making at Lindisfarne STL

  Caedmon Brice (Woolgar) FitzRam—Illegitimate son of Ram de Montbryce and Ascha Woolgar. Appears in CP, PIB & CA; hero of AMOV

  Cairdis—Ronan’s sword, a gift from Rhodri, means Friendship DIK

  Cantabrian Sea—today known as the Bay of Biscay DOL

  Carnac—village in Brittany; site of ancient monoliths HK

  Capilla del Relicario—Reliquary chapel, Santiago de Compostella cathedral DOL

  Caryl Penarth—Welsh healer; appears in CP and DP

  Carys verch Rhodri—Welsh; healer; daughter of Rhodri and wife of Baudoin de Montbryce. Becomes 2nd Countess of Ellesmere. Appears in PIB, DP and DB

  Catherine de Montbryce—Daughter of Robert and Dorianne PIB

  Chaca—Aragonese name for the ancient town of Jaca DOL

  Civitote—site of the heroic rescue of thousands of crusaders by Caedmon and Amadour AMOV

  Clito—see William Clito

  Coll de Lladrones—Hill of Thieves DOL

  Commote—A Welsh area of administration, similar to a county.

  Conall MacCathail—steward’s son DIK; helps Ronan escape

  Cormant—Normans; family name of stewards at Alensonne in CP and at East Preston in ILDE

  Coventina Brightmore—Saxon; friend of hero and heroine in AMOV; marries Leofric Deacon

  Curia regis—Latin for King’s Court ILDE

  Curthose—see Ro
bert Curthose

  Daegal—Saxon brigand DIK

  Dagfinn Alfredsen—Dane; ally of Reider in WVP

  Dagfrid—Dane; cousin of Kjartan in WVP

  Dareau Revandel— brother of Letyce HK

  Dda—Welsh surname of Rhonwen and Myfanwy; CP and DP and DB

  de Valtesse—Maiden surname of heroine of CP

  Denis de Sancerre—Angevin; son of Sybilla and adopted son of Antoine de Montbryce; dwarf ILDE & PIB; hero of HK

  Devlin de Villiers—villain of HC

  Devona Melton—Saxon; heroine of ILDE; marries Hugh de Montbryce

  Dieter Von Wolfenberg—German hero of CA; marries Blythe FitzRam; appears in WVP

  Dominguez—Aragonese; King Alfonso’s lieutenant DOL

  Dorianne de Giroux—Norman heroine of PIB; marries Robert de Montbryce

  Dubh Linn (or Dyflin)—Dublin DIK

  Earl of Chester—Hugh d’Avranches. Historical figure. Known by the Welsh as Hugh Vras (the Fat) PIB, DIK

  East Preston—Sussex village; sight of fictitious manor deeded to Antoine HK

  Edgar the Aetheling—Saxon; historical figure. Claimant to throne of England taken by William the Conqueror. Aetheling is a Saxon term for “next in line”; appears in CP and AMOV

  Edwin FitzRam—English; brother of Blythe, Aidan and Ragna; son of Caedmon and Agneta STL

  El Batallador—nickname given to King Alfonso, means “The Battler” earned because he fought the Moors DOL

  El Cid—historical figure; Spanish hero of the Reconquista DOL

  Eldwyn—Saxon brigand DIK

  Elenor de Giroux—Norman; mother of Dorianne de Giroux; wife of Francois. PIB

  Ellesmere—Location of castle given to Ram as a reward by William the Conqueror. Ram and Mabelle eventually turn a derelict Anglo-Saxon earthwork into a vibrant, thriving castle.

  Empress Maud (see Adelaide)

  Emrys—Cook at llys Powwydd. DB

  Emyle Bossuet—Norman commander of mercenaries in Ireland DIK


  Enid—Saxon maid of Ascha Woolgar. CP & AMOV

  Ermintrude de Calumette—Empress Maud’s confidant HC

  Espérance—Cat who brings solace to Robert during his imprisonment. The word means ‘hope’. PIB

  Étienne Robert de Montbryce—Second son of Baudoin and Carys; DB,STL; HC

  Farah—Aragonese; heroine (María Sancha Tarazona) Arabic word meaning ‘joy’DOL

  Felicia de Roucy—historical figure; mother of King Alfonso of Aragón DOL

  Felicité—Gallien’s treacherous first wife HC

  Fernand Bonhomme—Norman; second generation of his family to be steward of Montbryce Castle. Father of Mathieu and Honore. Married to Vangeline.

  FitzRam—Norman patronymic surname bestowed on Caedmon by Ram. AMOV

  Flandres—medieval county of Flanders HC

  Fleurie Mabelle de Montbryce—Daughter of Baudoin & Carys. Her mother almost dies giving birth to her. DB

  Florymonde de Montbryce—daughter of Antoine and Sybilla

  Fortis—Black stallion; Ram’s favourite mount; saves his life at Hastings CP

  Fortissima—Rhoni’s mare, descended from Fortis DIK

  Fothud MacFintain—villain DIK

  Francine Beaujoie—lady-in-waiting to Empress Maud; friend of heroine HC

  François de Giroux—Norman father of Dorianne and Pierre PIB; sworn enemy of the Montbryces ILDE

  Frederika—Dieter’s first wife, CA

  Freyja—Norse goddess of fertility;WVP

  Fulk—Count of Anjou; father of Geoffrey HC

  Gabriel Duquesne—Norman Captain of Rhoni’s bodyguard DIK

  Galicia—kingdom/region in the west of Spain DOL

  Gallien Rambaud de Montbryce—Eldest son of Baudoin and Carys DB, STL; hero of HC

  Gareth Bronson—Saxon brother of Ascha Woolgar; takes Ascha to Scotland. CP & AMOV

  Gawain Bronson—Saxon nephew of Ascha Woolgar; CP & AMOV

  Geoffrey of Anjou (the Handsome)—Angevin betrothed to Maud, Henry’s daughter.HC

  Georges de Giroux—Norman, Crusader. Reappears in DOL

  Gervais—Norman soldier; Ram’s second in command; CP & DP

  Gerwint Isembart de Montbryce (Izzy)—Second son of Hugh and Devona. Named for his grandfather and great grandfather, and the rat catcher, Jubert. Prefers to be called Izzy.PIB; Hero of DOL

  Gerwint Melton—ILDE Saxon grandfather of heroine

  Gicotte—Norman soldier at Montbryce Castle; PIB

  Giroux—Norman surname of the family sworn to avenge Valtesse's cruelty to their ancestor; CP, ILDE & PIB

  Giselle—Norman maidservant who accompanies Mabelle to England and becomes chatelaine of Ellesmere; kidnapped with Mabelle; CP

  Glain verch Llewelyn—Welsh bonesetter in DB

  Gorm—villain of WVP; step brother of Reider

  Grace Mabelle Carys de Montbryce—daughter of Gallien and Peridotte; twin of Rodrick HC

  Grouchet—Anglo-Norman baron, villain of STL

  Guillaume de Terrence—champion supposed to guard heroines in HK

  Guillaume de Valtesse—Norman father of Mabelle; his cruelty begins the feud between the Valtesses and the Giroux family; CP

  Hastings—Site of a historic battle in 1066 that changed the history of England and Normandy CP

  Heinrich—Historical figure; Holy Roman Emperor; CA

  Hel—Norse word for Hell WVP

  Hélène de Fleury—Norman wife of friend of Montbryce brothers killed at Hastings. CP

  Henry Beaumont—Earl of Warwick; historical figure; DB

  Hospitallers—Knights of the Order of St. John DOL

  Hugh de Montbryce—Norman-virgin hero of ILDE; brother of Antoine and Ram CP, PIB

  Husembro—hidden cove on Danish coast WVP

  Hylda—Christian name of Mabelle’s mother, purported to have been strangled by her husband, Mabelle’s father.

  Hylda Rhonwen de Montbryce (Rhoni)—Daughter of Ram and Mabelle born in captivity in Wales; CP, AMOV; heroine of DIK

  Iftikhar ad-Daula—historical figure; governor of Jerusalem DOL

  Ingram Maknab—Scot; son of Neyll. STL

  Isembart Jubert—Rat catcher from Montbryce; instrumental in saving the lives of Hugh and Devona; ILDE

  Isolda verch Llewelyn—Welsh healer, heroine of WTH

  Ivar Sigurdsen—Dane; captain in WVP

  Jacquelle—Rhoni’s maid DIK

  Jennet—Northumbrian peasant woman STL

  Johann Dieter Marius von Wolfenberg—Dieter’s son by his first marriage, CA

  Johara—Arabic name given to María Catalina; means ‘jewel’ DOL

  Joleyne—Norman mistress of Ram de Montbryce before he meets Mabelle; CP

  King Harald Hardråda of Norway—Historical figure; pretender to the English throne; killed by King Harold’s army at Stamford Bridge; CP

  King Harold II of England—Historical figure; Saxon brother-in-law of Edward the Confessor. Claimed the throne on Edward’s death; slain at Hastings by the Conqueror’s army; CP

  King Henry I—Norman king of England; son of William the Conqueror; known as Henry Beauclerc; succeeded his brother William Rufus on the throne. Historical figure; PIB;HK;HC

  King Malcolm Canmore of Scotland—Historical figure. CP & AMOV

  Kingston Gorse—Sussex village, site of fictitious manor deeded to Antoine ILDE;HK

  King William I of England—William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandie. CP, ILDE; historical figure

  King William Rufus—William II of England; son of the Conqueror; AMOV; historical figure

  Kirkthwaite—Surname of Agneta’s family AMOV

  Kirkthwaite Hall—Ancestral home of Agneta’s family, destroyed in a raid by the Scots AMOV

  Kjartan Eldarsen—Danish; comrade of Reider in WVP

  Kolbrand’s Path—fictitious seat of the MakNab clan on the coast of Scotland STL

  Köln—German (Saxon) town, known as Cologne in English; CA

  La Blanche Nef—Infamous White Ship that sank in 1120 taking with it hundreds of sons and daughters of the English nobility, including the Crown Prince, William, son of Henry I STL

  La Cuisinière—Legendary Norman cook at Montbryce Castle; her name means ‘The Cook’ CP

  Lande Pourri—A wooded area outside Caen PIB

  Laurent Deschamps—military commander at Montbryce in Ram’s absence CP

  Le Manio—ancient giant monolith in Carnac HK

  Leofric Deacon—Saxon friend of Caedmon AMOV; badly injured at Alnwick; marries Coventina Brightmore; appears in STL

  León—kingdom/region in central Spain DOL

  Les oreillons—mumps HK

  Letyce Revandel—villainess HK

  Lindisfarne Abbey—historic Benedictine monastery on Holy Island STL

  Llansanfraid—site of Myfanwy Mabelle’s priory DIK

  Llys (plural Llysoed)—A building that served as a royal court for a commote in Wales. Stone castles were virtually unknown in England and Wales before the Conquest

  Lope Velasco—known as The Wolf; looks like a crow; henchman of Vermudo Díaz DOL

  Lorcan MacFintain—villain DIK

  Lothar von Süpplingenburg—Saxon Duke who became Holy Roman Emperor CA

  Löwe—Dieter’s Rottweiler, CA

  Lucien Lallement— brother of heroines of HK

  Lux—Rosamunda’s palfrey HK

  Mabelle de Montbryce—Norman heroine of CP; wife of Ram de Montbryce; Countess of Ellesmere and Comtesse de Montbryce; AMOV, PIB, DP

  Mabelle de Valtesse—Maiden name of Mabelle de Montbryce; CP, AMOV, PIB, DP

  Magnus Braunschweig—Dieter’s comrade, CA

  Malraux de Carnac—Breton, villain HK

  Màni—Norse god of the Moon

  Marc Lallement—father of heroines of HK

  Margaret, Queen of Scotland (Saint Margaret)—AMOV, CP; historical figure known for her piety; Saxon; second wife of King Malcolm Canmore; sister of Edgar Aetheling.

  Margit Hansdatter—Dane; villain of WVP

  Marguerite de Montbryce—Daughter of Robert and Dorianne

  María Catalina Tarazon—Aragonese mother of Farah; DOL

  María Sancha Tarazona—Farah; DOL

  Martin Bonhomme—Norman steward at Ellesmere; son of Mathieu

  Massilia—now known as Marseilles, France DOL

  Mathieu Bonhomme—Son of Fernand; goes to England to be steward at Ellesmere, father of Martin Bonhomme

  Mathieu de Montbryce—Son of Antoine and Sybilla. PIB; HK

  Matilda (see Adelaide)


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