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The Sheikh's Virgin Mistress 3 (Jatar Sheikh Series Book 3)

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by Jessica Brooke

  My ankle was healed, but I couldn’t walk in high heels, which I thought was ironic since it was one of Omar’s only rules. He adored high heels and even now, while I remained in flats and sneakers, he scowled down at my feet. “Have you tried?”

  “Yes, I have. Yasmin helped me and I nearly broke my neck. I just can’t keep it at that angle yet. Someday though, darling, someday.”

  He scowled and nodded, “Very well. Those are,” He wrinkled his nose, “I suppose the word is, cute?”

  I shook my head, “Yes, they are ballet flats and yes, they are adorable. I know it makes me much shorter than you, but really Omar, you won’t die if I don’t wear high heels tonight.”

  I spun around and made the full skirt of my dress flow out like an open umbrella. Then I cupped my breasts and leaned towards him, jiggling them for him seductively. “These are front center though, you know how much the girls distract you. Just stare at my boobies Omar.”

  He relaxed and guffawed, “You do make me laugh Anna. You are correct too. With the girls on display I will soon forget about your incorrectly shod feet.”

  “There ya go big guy. Way to get with the program.” I chided.

  We were going out tonight. One of my first forays out of the penthouse, let alone the building. Omar planned an elegant dinner at a waterfront restaurant and had reserved the entire place just for us. I was part excited and part petrified. Whenever I thought of going outside at all, my heart would pound and my breaths would hitch uncomfortably. I was determined though, so I persevered and had spent a good part of the late afternoon getting ready.

  Yasmin had done my hair the best she could, given it was quite short still, but there was a small band of flowers that ran from ear to ear, over the top of my head and matched the flowing whites and pinks of the gown. She’d opted for dramatic eye shadows today and big earrings that dangled and shimmered. They’d been another gift from Omar just last week and were pink diamonds set in platinum. Needless to say they were the most amazing earrings I’d ever seen. I could feel them now as they brushed against my neck, reminding me I was decorated like a freakin Christmas tree.

  We left the penthouse as a procession, with me and Omar in the middle of over twenty men. Once in the car, and alone, I asked him, “Have you increased the guard detail?”


  “Because of me?”


  “Could you say more than yes, please? Do you really feel this is warranted? I was alone last time, fair game.”

  He turned to me and his forehead wrinkled, “This is none of your concern Anna. My decision to implement a stronger security detail, felt warranted. I’d appreciate you not questioning me on this matter again.”

  I cringed and looked out the window. I really hated it when it didn’t tell me what was going on, but I also knew it wasn’t my place and I needed to let it go. When we got to the restaurant however, I saw a gathering of what we would call protesters in the states. They weren’t holding signs, but they were definitely assembled as a group, and it was all men in robes and full head coverings. I got a militant feeling from them and I was suddenly afraid.

  Omar saw them too, and instructed me to stay in the car as he departed. Within seconds, Armand entered our limousine and nodded at me. I whispered, “Who are they Armand?”

  He whispered back, so I knew he wasn’t really supposed to tell me. “The infidels are loitering in hopes of influencing his highness.”

  “I thought you killed them all?” I squeaked in horror.

  He shook his head dramatically, “No Anna. We only killed the idiots that took you. The organization has grown and gained strength over the past five years. What happened with you was just the beginning.”

  “Oh god Armand, what will happen?”

  “We will deal with them. There are plans in place. His majesty will vanquish them in time. Never fear mistress, you are safe.”

  Omar opened the door and his battalion of men surrounded us. Armand took up on my left and Omar held my hand on the right, and we made our way through the mob. They began shouting at us in Arabic, but I didn’t know what they were saying. Omar squeezed my hand harder and when I dashed a look up at him, his strong jaw was pulsing in anger.

  Once inside the restaurant, and once the door was locked behind us and armed men were stationed at every possible point of entry, Omar settled and refocused on me. He apologized.

  “My dear, there is unrest in the country. That is all, as there is always unrest among the poorest inhabitants of any country, so it is here in mine as well. Do not stress on this matter, none of this will affect you, and I would wish to keep you from it.”

  “Okay Omar. If you say so, but if you need to discuss anything, you know I am here for you. I did minor in communications so I kinda know how to do that.”

  “Communicate?” He asked.

  “Yes, haven’t you noticed I like to talk?” I joked.

  “Ahhh, indeed the females do love a good conversation. The men are more apt to act rather than discuss.”

  I bit my lip, “I would love to be that for you too Omar, among other things.” I pursed my lips and blew him a kiss.

  “You are stunning tonight.” He said.

  “Yeah, Yasmin is a miracle worker.”

  “Ahhh, she had a pristine canvas to work on.” He reached across the table and took my hand. “Anna, you are my life, you know this as fact. Do you doubt me in anyway?”

  I batted my lashes in confusion, “No Omar, not a hint of doubt. You’ve given me more than anyone ever could.”

  He came around the table and bent down on one knee. In his upraised hand was a black velvet ring box. My hand went to my chest. “Anna, will you do me the honor of marrying me?”

  “Omar, yes, of course! I told you I would marry you. I love you.” I sort of choked out.

  He popped open the box and for a moment I thought I might faint. The ring inside was the most enormous hunk of compressed coal I’d ever seen, even in pictures. The term, Crown Jewels came instantly to mind. It must have been well over five carats, probably more, and the inner radiance of the diamond was unbelievably bright. I was speechless as he took my left hand and slid it over my knuckle.

  I began crying and he leaned up and cupped my face, “You are my heart now and I want the world to know you are mine.” He kissed me and I returned his kisses with a passionate fervor I’d feared might never return. He went back to his seat and champagne was brought and poured. “In two weeks’ time we will have a private ceremony at our estate in the desert.”

  “Two weeks?” I croaked and coughed as I choked on my champagne.

  “Yes, I wish for a private, intimate gathering with just my family.”

  “But what about my family?”

  He grinned, “Never fear my love, I plan on us having at least another lavish ceremony, perhaps two or three others. We can have one for the public in Dubai, and another in the states with your family and friends, or we could fly them all here and have a third private gathering at the penthouse. There is also the big island and we could host a retreat for as many friends and relatives as you wish. But in two weeks, it will be simply you and I, and my family.”

  I took a deep breath. “Okay, I guess. I suppose you’ve already purchased the dress?”

  He looked like the cat that ate the canary, he was so pleased with himself, “Yes, you already know me so well. Yasmin and I could not decide, so we bought four dresses. I suppose that means we must have four ceremonies!” He laughed animatedly and toasted me with his champagne flute.

  We ate like literal kings and soft music played in the background. In between courses we slow danced in the middle of the room. Omar was incredibly affectionate and I ate it up as my body began to fully wake up and ache for more from my fiancé.

  I whispered at his ear as he expertly spun me around the room, “Omar, I want to come back to your bed.”

  He stopped dead and his expression was concerned, “Are you certain my love? I
do not require anything from you that you are not fully ready to give. Of course though, yes, to have you in our bed once again will be the answer to all my prayers.”

  He pulled me even tighter to his front and lifted me off the ground, twirling us like figurines on top of a music box. I threw my head back and laughed, “Yes Omar, I am ready!”


  The gathered men were gone when we left the restaurant and we sped home through mostly deserted streets. I hadn’t been paying much attention to times of day or night as of late, but I figured it must have been quite late.

  Omar carried me upstairs and directly to his massive suite. He carefully set me on the bed, and then stared down at me. His chest was rising and falling from the exertion of carrying me up such a long flight of stairs.

  “You won’t hurt me Omar. Just take your time, be slow. I know I will be fine. I might have a moment or two, just kiss me, let me catch my breath. I’ll be fine.” He nodded and his shoulders relaxed. I giggled and teased, “No rough stuff though. Not yet.”

  He sucked in his chin as if that were the farthest thing from his mind, but then his expression lightened and he grinned mischievously, “Someday though? My hands indeed desire to discipline you a little.” He gritted his teeth and knelt at my knees, resting his hand on the outsides of my calves.

  “Anna, if you never wish for me to touch you that way again, I will understand. Is that clear? You may tell me at any time to stop or cease, and I will instantly. You are far more important to me than my desire to inflict. Are we clear?”

  I leaned forward and cupped his face in my small hands, “Omar, you are the most amazing man I could have never dreamed up. And I want it known right now that I was enraptured with what you elicited from my body five short weeks ago. Please know that as soon as I can emotionally take it, I will let you know.” I pecked his mouth and then gently took his bottom lip between my teeth, mumbling, “I decided I like the kind of pain you are dishing out, so don’t worry, someday you can spank me again.”

  He pushed into my bite and then owned my face with his mouth. He climbed up against me and hovered there in a hunch while his hands roamed my sides to gently cup my breasts, and his tongue entered my mouth. I accepted him as if he were the cure to all that ailed me, and my body prepared itself for my lover’s entry.

  I gasped as my center flushed with moisture and lubrication and my nipples tightened down behind the restrictive strapless gown. “Oh god Omar, yes, I’ve missed you.”

  “Anna, Anna, Anna, you’ve no idea how I’ve craved your body around mine. To be inside you is my nirvana.”

  There were few words after that, but our bodies both thrummed to life under the others caresses and sounds of need. He helped me get out of the gown, and I had a moment of hesitation when I was finally standing before him in only my lace panties. I was suddenly acutely aware of my scars and the lingering places on my body that were discolored. I was especially upset about the bite scar on my breast that insisted on remaining an angry red color.

  Omar stepped back and dropped his clothing in a pool at his feet and then he stepped up to me, erect and jutting. I stood and shivered from fear that he would find me repulsive, but he didn’t falter once as he gently found and kissed every single mark he could find. Even the ones that were years older scars or dents in my flesh. He then danced his lips against mine and the swollen tip of his cock skidded up my belly. I inhaled sharply and reached for him. He stalled and waited as I wrapped my shaking hand around his hardness.

  His hips bucked uncontrollably and he made that sound. My heart thrilled at the resurrection of our electrical connection and my body puddled hotly at the apex of my thighs. I stroked him and fondled him for long moments, staring down at his third eye and reveling in his size and hardness and all those beautiful veins that caressed around his manhood. I muttered, “Omar, you are so beautiful.”

  He petted down my hair and then my neck and ended with his hands softly cupping my breasts. He traced a meaty thumb over my nipples and they lifted for him. I trembled and he immediately stopped. “No, not fear. Need—need you.” I clarified.

  His exhale was dramatic and full of concern. I picked up his hands and put them both back on my tits, and he hesitantly continued. My body was bursting to life under his touch and I wondered how I was still able to stand. I did sag then, perhaps reminding my legs they had no business keeping me in an upright position. He supported me and then pushed me back onto the bed.

  I butt scooted out to the middle and he cat-like stalked up and over me. He lowered his abdomen to mine, pinning himself between us, and then he began a slow roll with his hips. Grinding and rubbing himself against me, but not in me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and offered him my entrance. He ignored me and his mouth went to my left nipple. He suckled on me and his right hand roamed my body, stroking, caressing and gripping. He continued to slide against the skin at my lower belly and the top of my pubic line, but never near my actual opening.

  “Omar, oh god Omar.” I panted.

  Between his ever increasing urgent kisses he questioned, “Are you okay my love?”

  I could only nod as goosebumps ran up my legs and arms. His hand was between my legs and his fingers had just discovered all my soaking need. He made that sound. I almost had an orgasm from how intensely I was feeling everything. It was almost as if this were my first time, all over again.

  His large middle finger stroked over my threshold, again and again he fondled me and rubbed around all my wetness, and then he slowly slid his lone digit into my body. My mind flashed for a second and a brief moment of horror washed over me. I tried to not let it show, but Omar was really studying me for any sort of trigger. He immediately withdrew and I whined.

  “No, don’t stop. I am fine. Just a moment, keep going, I will get through this.” I insisted.

  He grumbled and leaned back on his shins, stroking himself and giving me a visual invitation to watch. I did just that and sat up on my elbows, admiring his virility and how much it turned me on to see his hand glide up and down his long shaft. There was something about the tendons and veins in his wrist throbbing in harmony with what was obscenely pulsing under his palm.

  I groaned and touched my own clit, needing the kind of release that I knew only Omar had ever elicited. I whispered, “I want you inside my body Omar.” He continued to slowly slide his hand over his hardness. “I want you more than I want to listen to the fear in my head.”

  “You are a warrior, Anna.” He said.

  Then he came back to me, laying over me and holding me close with his heartbeat and heat pressing against my entrance. He was so careful that I helped him by pushing myself onto his engorged crown. He made a sound of concern and froze. I leaned up and kissed him, and again bit him lightly on his bottom lip.

  He growled, “Goddess, do not force this.” He gritted his teeth and a shudder ran through his body because of his immense restraint.

  “Omar, I’m okay. I need you. Please enter me, please fill me up. I need you. Please Omar. Only you can make me feel what I need to feel.”

  He kissed me back and shuddered again. “Anna—only pleasure—Anna, I do not want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t Omar. Please!” I pled with him and he relented.

  With a shiver sparking between us, he pushed himself partly into me. I could feel him shaking right along with me. My body melted around him as if he were the catalyst and I nothing more than butter. I sighed and then giggled as I felt my entire being realign with Omar.

  He must have felt it too, because he gritted his jaw in pleasure.

  I arched my back and seated more of him inside my tight sheath, and then he took over and slid all the way to his groin. We both gasped and my internal muscles pulsed up and down the intrusion, filling me up and pressing against my softest flesh.

  I wallowed in that feeling of being occupied and possessed. I kissed at Omar’s collar bone and clung to his body, undulating with him as he began to take
slow, gliding thrusts in and out of my soaked sheath. I followed him as he departed and then braced into him as he advanced, pushing farther and deeper with each gasping buck of his hips.

  His hands wrapped over my shoulders from behind my back and he held me tightly, pinning me and growing more and more urgent in his thrusts. He began saying my name with every shove. I began moaning, and that orchestra in my belly picked up every instrument and pushed wands to strings, sticks to skins, and lips to wind, and then they began to play.

  It was quiet at first, subdued and melodic, but then as Omar began making more of his dominant sounds of need, they picked up the tempo and the pitch, until I was screaming for release. “Oh god Omar—oh god—oh god!” He slowed and I whined, “No, harder! Take me Omar!” I wailed.

  He took the moment as comedic and then with a chuckle of amusement, he did as I’d pled. He released the beast that I’d come to appreciate, and he fucked me harder. He stopped saying my name and now, at random intervals he simply said, “Mine!”

  “Yes Omar, Yes, oh god—no…! My air was severed as the climax rushed up my body. I held my breath and my neck flew back. My eyelids slammed shut and I wailed as the intensity of the orgasm shocked me.

  Omar seized within seconds of me cresting and his sounds of release triggered multiple aftershocks up through my core. He groaned and grunted and his hips jerked as if he were possessed. His release flooded my insides with warmth and heat and this intangible, difficult to describe feeling of renewal.

  When he was spent, he laid half on me and stroked my cheek. We kissed and touched and made sounds that perfectly translated to how much we enjoyed and loved the other. I was going to be fine, and I was now one hundred percent certain of that fact.


  The household was collectively a buzz in the days following our official engagement. Yasmin was out shopping, which I wanted to do as well, but I still didn’t feel like being out and around that many people. Dubai is a crowded and bustling city, and whenever I went out, I inevitably had minor anxiety attacks that would wear me out and require I sleep an exorbitant amount of time. So, Omar and I decided to let Yasmin do the gathering and then later in the evenings, I would model my new clothes exclusively for Omar.


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