Revolution. French Revolutions of 1789, 1830, 1848
road building 46, 78–80 and English compared 80
rural industry 81–82, 186–87, 189
Second Empire 4, 181, 192, 204, 207, 211, 214–16, 220, 281, 283, 290, 317, 359, 393, 419, 473, 508, 579
Second Republic 192
social classes, vocabulary 197–98
socialist organizations 218–20 and liberals 219–20
state finance 62, 83–85, 99
taxation system 75, 80
Third Republic. 203 See also Gambetta, Thiers, Dreyfus Affair, France: political parties
educational system 214
Franck, Adolphe 394
Franco-Prussian War 361
Frankfurt 154, 230, 236, 244, 287, 383, 442, 533, 557
Frankfurt School 481
Frederick II (Hohenstaufen) 116
Frederick II of Prussia 387
French Revolution of 1789 3, 15, 73, 85, 91, 99–106, 144, 213, 261, 317, 388 “Tennis Court Oath,” 100
and Germany 132
and Kant 349
cultural policy 421
viewed by Saint-Simon 108
French Revolution of 1830 2, 4, 106–07, 213
French Revolution of 1848 4, 23, 193, 202, 213, 349, 424
Freud, Sigmund 375, 406, 408
Frevert, Ute 315, 326, 358
Freytag, Gustav 169 Debit and Credit (Soll und Haben) 147–49
Fryer, Peter 372
Furet, François 215–16
Gaillard, Jeanne 205–08, 210, 281, 470, 508
Gambetta, Léon 214–18, 251, 529, 539
Garrioch, David 90
Garve, Christian 128, 141
Gaumont Palace (Paris) 472
Gautier, Théophile 498 Mademoiselle de Maupin 498
Gay, Peter 232, 336, 357, 370, 440, 446, 448
Gazette des Tribunaux 469
Geertz, Clifford 128
gender relations 34, 306–35 and childhood mortality 315–16
and education 326–30
and family life 308–13
and family size 325–26
and ideologies of difference 316–19
and laws on married women’s property 331–32
and liberalism 317, 319–21
and motherhood 315
and suffrage reform 333–34
women and business 321–23
Germany 50–51, 114–49, 224–64 See also bürgerliche Gesellschaft
Agrarian League (Bund der Landwirte) 240, 246
Bildungsbürgertum 119, 245
Bundesrat 240
“Bülow Block,” 255, 259
bureaucracy 118–19, 121–22, 134
bureaucrats 122–23, 233 in Hegel 138–39
in Riehl 145–46
Center Party 239, 245
Centralmarzverein 244
citizenship rights 120–32
civil code (bürgerliches Gesetzbuch) 260
Conservative Party 246
dueling 231–32
Enlightenment (Aufklärung) 123–31
General Electric Company (AEG) 236
General German Workers’ Association (Allgemeine deutsche Arbeiterverein) 243
Goethe League 480
Gründerkrise 232
guilds 50–51, 127, 132
Heinze Law 480
history of money in 285–86
industrialization 134–35 and railroad building 225–27
and science 233–38
debates in 1840s 228–30
Kulturkampf 245, 254
League of German Workers’ Associations (Verband deutscher Arbeitervereine) 243
liberalism 133, 224 See also Hegel
and Bildungsbürger 245
and Bürger politics 252–58
and party organization 243–44
and Realpolitik 230
and Social Democrats 370
and state power 254–55
National Liberal Party 244
masonic lodges 128, 404
“movers and doers,” 133
national market 135
National Socialism 246, 376
National Society 171, 224, 245, 403
“new liberalism,” 258–60
political parties and interest groups 239–40, 246–48
railroad building 225–27
Realpolitik 230
reform movements of early nineteenth century 131–34
Reichsbank 285
Reichstag 240
Residenzstädte 115, 117
Second Empire (1871–1918) 239–52 constiution 240
Social Democrats 172, 241–42, 329 and “trash” culture 480
and liberals 242–43
social liberalism and Social Democrats 370
Social Policy Association 256
socialists. Social Democrats
Sonderweg 225
universities 118–19
Volkspartei 244
Weimar Republic 245, 333
Wissenschaftsideologie 235
Gide, André 472
Giessen, University (Hesse) 234
Girardin, Émile de 291, 417–18, 444
Gissing, George New Grub Street 466
Gladstone, Herbert 182
Gladstone, William Ewart 162, 175, 528–29 and Irish Home Rule 180
Gluck, Christophe Willibald 441
Goblot, Arsène 314
Goblot, Edmond 6, 327, 543 La barrière et le niveau 314
Godwin, William 366 Enquiry into the Principles of Political Justice 349–50
Goehr, Lydia 433
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 403, 436, 465 Wilhelm Meister 586
Goodyear, Charles 369
Goubert, Pierre 4, 85, 541
Goudeau, Émile 475
Gournay, Vincent de 82
Graetz, Michael 394
Gransci, Antonio “hegemony,” 260–61
Grands Magasins du Louvre 209
Grassby, Richard 47
Grassi, Marie-Claire 439
Gray, Marion 308–09
Great Recession (2007) 262, 272
Greenwich Mean Time 269
Grendi, Edoardo 28
Grey, Earl Charles 162
Gribaudi, Maurizio 27
Guerin, Eugénie de 440
Guesde, Jules 219
Guibert, Yvette 474
Guinness Brewing Company 292
Guizot, François 107–08, 110–13, 185, 197, 214, 220
Gunn, Simon 179, 429–30, 443–44
Gutenberg, Johannes 532
Gutzkow, Karl 354
Guys, Constantin 475, 513
gypsies (Roma) 489
Habermas, Jürgen 14, 92–93, 96, 554
Habsburgs 116, 270, 387, 407
Hachette, Louis 419
Hacohen, Malachi 408
Halévy, Fromental La Juive 443
Hall, Katherine 315
Hall, Leslie 342
Halle 119, 130
Hallé, Charles (Karl) 430
Hamburg 46, 115, 117, 121, 123, 126, 154, 258, 343, 377, 383 Enlightenment in 128–31
Hamerow, Theodore 225
Handel, Gerorg Frideric 426
Hanley, Sarah 311–12, 362, 374, 527
Hannover 383
Hansabund 247
Hardie, Keir 173
Haskalah 391
Haskell, Thomas 344
Haupt, Hans-Gerhard 249
Hauptmann, Gerhard 135
Hausen, Karin 318
Haussmann, Georges-Eugène 197, 205, 424 See also Paris, rebuilding after 1850
Haydn, Franz-Joseph 426–27, 441, 598, 600
Hazareesingh, Sudhir 215
Hazlitt, William 354
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 2, 29, 41, 112, 114–15, 123, 133, 135, 137–43, 145–46, 229–30, 469, 486 on bürgerliche Gesellschaft 137–42
Philosophy of Right 137–42, 484
Heidelberg 330
Hein, Dieter 523–24
Heine, Heinrich 287, 354
Heitling, Manfred 136
Hellmuth, Eckhardt 124
Henrich, Dieter 348
Herbert, Robert 208, 503, 508–10
Herder, Johann Gottfried 128, 414
Herzl, Theodore 397
Hesse 287
Hippel, Theodor von 319
Hirsch, Max 256
Hirschfeld, Magnus 364
Hobhouse, L. T. 181–82
Hobrecht, Arthur 254
Hobsbawm, Eric 173–74, 261
Hobson, John A. 181–82
Hoffmann, E. T. A. 433, 446 Kreisleriana 442
Hohenberg, Paul 195
Holker, John 82
Holy Roman Empire 116
homosexuality 367
Horney, Karen 582
Horowitz, Helen Lefkowitz 587
Horowitz, Joseph 454
Huard, Raymond 222
Hugo, Victor 419, 465, 486, 488–90
Hull, Isabel 120, 122, 125, 228, 435–37, 448
Humboldt, Wilhelm von 122, 233
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk 598
Hunt, Lynn 317–19, 555
Hunt, Margaret 309–10, 343–44, 374
Huysmans, Joris-Karl 499, 524 Against Nature (À Rebours) 487
impressionism 499–510
International Harvester Company 292
internet 10, 31 and “cultural capital,” 535
and the history of networks 537–38
Israel, Jonathan 382–85, 388, 391, 397
Jackson, Robert Max Destined for Equality 330–32
Jansenism 90
Jaurès, Jean 173
Jefferson, Thomas Louisana Purchase 288
Jelavich, Peter 472
Jensen, Robert 497
Jews 34, 121, 126, 326, 376–410 and capitalism 380–82 See also Sombart, Werner
and Reform Judaism 391
and state finance 382–84
economic advance in nineteenth century 379–80
in England 388–92
in France 392–98 Dreyfus Affair 395–96
in Germany 398–410 and Bildung 399–405
and Reform Judaism 406
and Schiller 403
bürgerliche Verbesserung 399
Johnson, James 441, 443
Jones, Colin 96, 98
Jones, E. L., The European Miracle 37
Joseph II 420, 450
Journal des Débats 197, 426
Joyce, James 466
Juarés, Jean 219
Kant, Immanuel 18, 119, 124, 127–28, 319, 344, 347–49, 433, 443, 446, 459, 524, 557 and morality 347–48
Critique of Judgment 348, 432
Kaudelka-Hanisch, Karin 231
Kautsky, Karl 173
Kingsley, Charles 353
Klimt, Gustav 333, 425, 515–19, 609 University panels 516–19
Knigge, Adolf von 117
Kocka, Jürgen 26, 134, 232, 236, 311, 331, 405, 543
Koditschek, Theodore 310
Kokoschka, Oskar 519–20 Murderer the Hope of Women 519
The Dreaming Boys 519
Köllman, Wolfgang 250
Königsberg, University 118, 128
Kraft-Ebbing, Richard von 364
Krupp metals firm 227
Krupp, Bertha 322
Kuznets, Simon 156
La Vopa, Anthony 122
Labrousse, E. H. 202
Lafarge, Marie Cappelle 588
Laforgue, Jules 498
Lancet, The 356
Langer, William 152
Langewiesche, Dieter 243, 257, 528, 557
Langham Place, “ladies of,” 324
language and class difference 458–62
Lapauze, Jeanne 466
Laqueur, Thomas 435–37, 448
Lassalle, Ferdinand 243
Lässig, Simone 401–02, 405
Latour, Bruno 544
Lavoisier, Antoine 99, 200
Lazare, Bernard 396–97
Le Creusot 82, 189
Le Play, Fréderic 189
Le Rouge, Gustave 466
League for the Protection of Mothers (Bund für Mutterschutz) 369
Leblanc, Maurice 466
Leeds 429–30
Lees, Lynn 151, 195
legitimacy, political 12–14
Legrand, Louis 582
Leipzig book fair 416
Lenin, V. I. 172, 261, 483
Lepetit, Bernard 79, 98, 204
Lequin, Yves 186
Lessing, Gottfried Ephraim 127, 143, 387
letter-writing 438–41 and literature 439
family letters 313–15
Levine, Lawrence 453
Lévy, Calmann 419
Lévy, Michel 419
Lewis, Gwynne 86, 99
Lhopiteau, Romain 322, 567, 580
Liebig, Justus 234
Liebknecht, Wilhelm 243
Lilley, Samuel 53, 153
Linke, Angelika 458–59, 461
List, Friedrich 144
Liszt, Franz 427, 443, 446, 597
Lloyd George, David 181
Loane, M. E. 602
Lockwood, Lewis 601
London 44–46, 124, 275, 343 and anti-Corn Law movement 166
guilds 50
London Dock Strike (1884) 452
Lorraine 392
Louis XIV 13, 37, 76, 87, 89, 92, 382, 386
Louis XVI 420
Louvre Museum 421–22, 451
lower middle class 248–51 and politics in France and Germany 251–52
Lübeck 494
Lumière, Louis 471
Luther, Martin 144
Luxembourg Palace 420–21, 450
Lyons 186, 220
Macaulay, Thomas Babbington 160–62, 389
Macleod, Diane 505
Magasin Pittoresque 489
Modernity and Bourgeois Life Page 81