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Thieves 2 Lovers

Page 14

by J. D. Hollyfield

  She nods and we make a pit stop at the mirror to fix our makeup before heading back to the table.

  “Everything okay?” Ram stands to greet his fiancée when we return.

  “Perfect,” Dani responds and lands back in my brother’s lap once he sits back down. I take my seat, ignoring Linc’s amused grin. I know my brother is assessing, along with Andie, so it’s best I keep my focus on anything but them.

  “What did I miss?” I ask.

  “Well, I was going to suggest strippers for after the barbeque,” Linc says. “Possibly a cowgirl and a naughty robber.”

  I nearly choke on my wine, drawing the attention of everyone at the table.


  “Sorry, wrong pipe.”

  Linc is so dead. I am never playing cowgirl for him ever again.

  Andie tosses her olive at her brother. “Dude, this isn’t House Party. No strippers. Don’t make me go into my story about when Rom—”

  “NO!” We all say in unison, knowing the story about Roman and his attempt at stripping for Andie when he knocked over the billions of candles he had lit, setting the rug on fire, and almost burning his junk off by trying to put it out. The mental picture of his privates practically on fire caused me sleep issues for months.

  “Geez, I wasn’t going to bring it up,” Andie says dramatically and her lip curls up in disgust. “But the smell of burning pubic hair is nasty.”


  Thankfully, the waitress shows back up and refills all our drinks. We drop the stripper and burned body hair talk and chat about flowers and matching bow ties. The girls aww at the plans Dani has for the moms and the guys give Ram shit for the song they have to walk out to.

  By the time the check comes, I’m pretty toasty along with everyone else at the table, minus my sexy sober driver. We’re all heading toward the exit when Dani grabs my hand, swaying into me. “I am soooo happy for you. Love is wonderful,” she slurs, resting her head on my shoulder but slipping and giving me a head butt to the boob.

  “Happy about what?” Roman asks, tugging his wife along with him.

  Andie smacks him. “Happy that she’s in the wedding, you big oaf.” She looks at me and winks.

  Dani tries to stand on her own but wobbles. Ram is by her side immediately. “Yes, that too. I just can’t wait for it to be her day. It will be soon. I bet you and—”

  “Speaking of weddings,” Ram interrupts, “I should get my future bride home. Thank you all for the fun night.” He escorts Dani out of the restaurant and into the night. I turn to Linc, carelessly gawking at him. Before I can even paw at him, my brother steps in front of us.

  “Are you sure you don’t want us to take you home? It’s on our way.” I look at Andie who is shaking her head and mouthing no.

  “Like I said before, I’m fine. Linc hasn’t had a drop. Safe as can be.” I slap Linc on the shoulder.

  “Geez, woman.” Linc groans, rubbing at his shoulder.

  Roman takes the opportunity to throw a jab. “See, he doesn’t look okay to drive.” He points to Linc. “Can’t even take a little slap from a girl.”

  Throwing his arm around me, Linc taunts Roman. “You’re so cute when you’re drunk, man. But I have to hurry and get your sister home. Got to get to robbin’ some homes after I drop her off.” At that I bust out laughing. If Roman only knew.

  I wave to Andie and pull on Linc to take me home. I can’t wait to play cops and robbers and test out the handcuffs he brought home last night.

  He helps me gently into the passenger seat before taking his own and we begin our drive home. I can’t help the smile on my face. It might be the five glasses of merlot I just had, but it’s also because I’m just plain old happy. I look over at Linc. He looks happy too. Content. I can’t wait to get home and show him just how happy he truly makes me.

  Okay, so maybe I can’t wait until we get home. I blame the wine. I lean over, placing a kiss to his neck.

  “You’re very tasty,” I mumble while dragging my tongue down his neck. I scoot closer to him, bringing my hand to his thigh. My fingers slide to his inner leg and I can already feel his lovely man monster growing in his pants.

  “What are you doing, beautiful?” Linc chuckles, trying to keep his eyes on the road.

  “I’m trying out something else on my list.” I reach over and try unzipping his pants. Damn, these things are harder when you’re inebriated and in a car. I’ve never attempted giving a blow job in the car before but I think now is the perfect opportunity.

  “Babe, I think this may not be the time to test out your road head skills.”

  “No way. We’re doing this. I just need to get this zipper—”

  Before I even get a good latch on it, someone crashes into us from behind.

  Best Friends Until the End

  “FUCK!” I ROAR AND HIT the accelerator.

  Reagan shrieks and twists around to look behind us. “That person just hit us!”

  “I know,” I grumble as I switch lanes. The headlights behind me keep up with my every movement.

  “Why aren’t you stopping? Why are they chasing us?” she asks, terror in her voice.

  “It wasn’t an accident.”


  Ignoring her question, I swerve between two cars and then haul ass when I get an opening. The car gets caught up between those vehicles but eventually makes it over. It gives me a little bit of a head start. I’m going nearly eighty miles per hour but I can’t afford to slow down.


  That motherfucker and his men are thorns in my side. I thought I’d done a good job of hiding from them. Apparently, they stop at nothing.

  “Lincoln,” Reagan says in a firm tone. “What is happening right now? What aren’t you telling me?”

  I hit my hand on the steering wheel and curse. “Just let me think. Please.”

  She sits quietly, and fuck if I don’t hear her sniffling. Guilt consumes me, but I can’t comfort her right now. I need to save her. If that car catches up to us, we’re screwed.


  I’m caught off guard when the car speeds up and pulls up in the lane beside me. The car is most definitely one of Louie’s. This is confirmed when the window rolls down and someone sticks their arm out. A gun points straight for us.

  “Oh my God!” Reagan screeches.

  I slam on my brakes and pull the steering wheel hard to the right. There just so happens to be an exit, and I take it. The other car misses the exit so it buys me some time. Weaving in and out of neighborhoods and backstreets, I finally make it to Reagan’s bungalow not fifteen minutes later.

  “Linc,” she murmurs, her voice shaky. “Talk to me.”

  I grit my teeth. “Not here. In the house.”

  Climbing out of my car, I stalk over to her side to help her out. She’s still drunk as shit, so I end up scooping her up in my arms so we can get into the house faster. Once we’re inside, I set her down and make sure the doors are locked.

  “You promised you’d talk,” she reminds me. “That was really scary. You’re keeping something from me.”

  I palm the back of my neck and stare down at my shoes. Fuck, I can’t tell her. Not in a million years. The less she knows, the better. If Louie ever got ahold of her…

  Jerking my head up, I pin her with a firm stare. “I can’t.”

  She gasps as if I’ve slapped her and her bottom lip wobbles. “What?”

  “I fucking can’t, Rey,” I growl.

  Tears quickly form in her eyes making me feel like a total asshole. “Tell me,” she tries again, stepping closer to me. Her palms find my chest and she slides them around the back of my neck. “Please.”

  I close my eyes when she kisses my lips. I know what she’s doing. And normally, when it comes to anything else she wanted to get out of me information wise, I’d fall into her trap and blab my fucking head off.

  Not this.

  “I can’t.”

  “You can,” she murmurs.
/>   “Jesus, Rey,” I snap. “I said no, okay?”

  Her eyes find mine and a tear slips out. “Wow.”

  “Babe—” I start, but she pushes away from me.

  “No,” she hisses and points her finger at me. “I thought you were my best friend. I thought we told each other everything.”

  I scrub at my face with my palm. “Rey, it’s not that simple.”

  “It is that simple. You tell me. I can handle whatever it is. I’m here for the long haul but I can’t deal with this.” She waves at the window. “I’ve been through too much to have the person I care about most lying to me.”

  “Reagan,” I bark, my tone making her wince. I soften my voice. “I just can’t.”

  She blinks at me as her tears roll down. Without another word, she turns on her heel and stalks to her bedroom. Seconds later, the door slams shut. I pull out my phone and type out a text.

  Me: Louie’s men nearly ran me and my girl off the road.

  The phone pings back immediately with a response.

  Detective Dickhead: Good.

  I clench my jaw and shake my head. I can’t deal with this motherfucker tonight. After turning off the lights, I try Reagan’s door but it’s locked. I can hear her crying beyond the door. Leaning my forehead against the doorframe, I close my eyes and wish I could just spill everything to her.

  I simply can’t.

  One day, maybe.

  But not today.

  With a sigh, I go into the guest room and take a quick shower. Looks like I’ll be sleeping alone tonight.

  I toss and turn until her crying stops.

  Fuck this.

  Throwing back the covers on the guest bed, I stalk through the dark house on a mission. In a hallway closet, I find what I need. With a long flathead screwdriver in hand, I make my way back to her door. I used to break into Mom and Roger’s room all the time when I needed extra cash. Reagan’s door is similar to theirs. I wedge the flat part into the crack of the door near the knob. Then, I jimmy it inside until it presses against the latch. It takes a few tries of simultaneously working the latch and leaning my shoulder on the door, but I finally pop it open. When I step inside her room, her soft breathing tells me she’s still asleep.

  I set the screwdriver on the dresser and make my way over to my side of the bed. Yeah, it’s my side. Everything about her and her world is mine. We don’t exist without the other. It’s Rey and Linc. Always. Thick as thieves. This shitty fight we had is simply a blip.

  She sleeps in nothing but a silky pair of panties. I’m wearing a pair of boxer briefs. So when I curl up behind her, our bodies meld together, and I can feel her every curve. A ragged sigh escapes her in her sleep. It’s a sigh I know well. The contented kind. She feels safe with me, and goddammit, I want to keep it that way. This bullshit with Louie needs to go the hell away.

  With my nose nuzzled against her soft hair and my arm curled around her in a tight embrace, I am finally able to fall asleep.

  I wake when the sun rises and I’m glad she’s still sleeping. After a quick piss and brushing my teeth, I abandon my boxers and crawl back into bed with her. Since she’s still out, it gives me a chance to stare at her. Her chocolate brown hair is messy on the pillow and her plump lips are parted. She’s lying on her back. The full, luscious tits I love so much are exposed and on full display.

  “I love you,” I murmur, my voice barely audible. I know she can’t hear me, and it’s probably the wrong time to say the words but I needed to let them out. One day I want to tell her those words as she stares at me with her big brown eyes.

  I kiss her softly on her lips and then along her jaw. When I kiss her throat, a low moan escapes her. My lips make their trek down her neck to her collar bone. The moment my mouth finds her breast, she lets out another moan.

  “Linc,” she whispers.

  I dart my eyes up to meet hers as I suck her nipple into my mouth. She bites on her lip as she watches me. One of her hands runs through my hair in that affectionate way I love so much. I continue kissing her tit as I let my palm slide down her flat stomach to her panties. Her breath hitches when I slip it underneath the silky fabric so I can touch her pussy. My tongue dances lazy circles on her nipple as I pleasure her clit.

  “Take them off,” she orders, her words almost a whine. When she lifts her ass off the bed, I grab her panties and pull them down her thighs. Once they’re kicked away, she spreads herself open for me.

  “I’m sorry,” I murmur, my finger sliding deep inside of her wet channel.


  I fingerfuck her slowly because I want to draw out this moment with us. It’s just us. No tension between us.

  “You’re perfect, baby,” I praise. I urge another finger inside her and use my thumb to massage her clit.

  Her body jolts and jerks against my touch. When she comes with a shriek, I massage her as she rides out her orgasm.

  “Linc,” she pleads. “I need you.”

  I slip my soaked fingers from her and settle myself between her parted thighs. Her brown eyes are sad as she stares at me. Fuck if it doesn’t make me feel like shit. I hold my throbbing cock as I inch myself into her tight heat. Once I’m settled inside my woman, I grab her hands, thread our fingers together, and pin her hands to the bed. Slowly, with my eyes on hers, I thrust against her.

  We fuck.

  A lot.

  This morning, though, is different.

  Deeper and full of unnamed emotions.

  Our bodies connecting in a way they never have before.

  I can’t voice what I want to say to her but I hope my eyes convey that message. I hope she sees how sorry I am that I was a fucked-up loser in my past—that I only ever want to be good enough for her.

  “Oh, Linc,” she whispers, tears making her brown eyes look like melted chocolate.

  “Shhh,” I coo. “Let me love your body.”

  I lean forward to kiss her, my naked flesh pressing against hers, but I don’t let go of her hands. My grip tightens. The message now is, I’ll never let you go. Our mouths are greedy for one another. She’s sobbing and it breaks my fucking heart. I kiss her with as much passion I can express. I kiss her and try to show her what love tastes like.

  “Ohhh,” she cries out, another orgasm trembling through her, making her heels dig into my ass.

  I groan and my nuts tighten. A second later, I’m releasing my own blissful climax. My hot seed spills into her, and one day, I hope I can go the whole nine yards with this woman. Marriage. Babies. Forever. She makes me so fucking happy.

  Our mouths break apart so I can lick away her salty tears. It’s the least I can do. I put them there. Her arms are wrapped tight around my middle. I trail soft pecks along her cheekbone to her ear.

  “I only ever want what’s best for you. Always. I want to protect you, Rey. Always. Even if that makes us fight, it’s worth it to me because it means keeping you safe.” I sigh when she tenses. “Please trust me that if I could tell you, I would.”

  Her fingers thread into my hair. “Why don’t you trust me? I would do anything for you.”

  My chest aches at her words. “I do, beautiful. Fuck, I do.” I kiss her neck. “It’s more complicated than that, though. My past…”

  “Does not define you,” she finishes. “You’re amazing, Linc. You’re amazing and mine. I want to share the bad parts with you right along with the good parts. How can you not see that?”

  I lift up and stroke her messy hair from her face. “My past is embarrassing. I did a lot of shit I’m not proud of. Everything from stealing from my own mother to trying to set my principal’s car on fire. One stupid ass mistake after another. If I didn’t have Andie, I’d have probably done even stupider shit. My sister talked me out of doing some bad stuff. Problem is, she wasn’t always around. Andie had a life and a future. I was just her fuck up brother.”

  Reagan shakes her head. “You’re not a fuck up.”

  I drop a kiss to her mouth. “I was. I’m trying not
to be anymore. When I met you, everything changed for me. I knew you deserved better so I was okay with just being friends at first. But then I realized how perfect you were and how much of a better person I wanted to be. I was captivated by you. Wanted to spend every waking minute with you.” I rest my forehead against hers. My cock has softened but I’m still nestled inside her. I can feel our juices trickling out between us. “I didn’t understand what to make of our friendship. It always felt like more. Now I know it is more. You’re my life, Rey.”

  She palms my cheek. “You’re my life too, Linc. Everything about my life has become happier since I saw you that first day, getting your ass kicked by my brother.”

  I chuckle. “Get your story straight…I was the one kicking ass.”

  “Not how I remember it,” she teases.

  We’re both quiet and my thoughts drift back to the day we met.


  I jerk my gaze away from this asshole who claims to be my sister’s baby daddy, even though I’ve not heard a goddamned thing about it, and lock eyes with the prettiest woman I’ve ever seen. She stares at this prick—Roman—as if she’s horrified at his behavior. He releases me and I blatantly stare at the woman. Her brown hair is smooth and silky. I can’t help but wonder what it feels like.

  With confidence, she walks into the office with her hands on her hips. “What the hell is going on in here?”

  I can’t help but smile at her. I want to taste her, too, but smiling will do for now. “Just having a talk with Andrea’s psychotic ‘boyfriend.’” I take a step closer to her. “But I’d much rather talk to you.”

  Her brown eyes that seem to sparkle with interest linger at my mouth before she looks over at that growling beastly motherfucker. When her eyes flit back to mine, questions dance in her gaze. “You know Andie?”

  I nod and fixate on her plump pink lips. “I do. And I love her.” With a shit-eating grin, I flash Roman a triumphant look.

  He charges like a goddamned bull.

  But this tiny little thing steps between us. To defend me. Nobody ever defends me.


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