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The Originator Wars: Search for the Lost: A Lost Fleet Novel

Page 33

by Raymond L. Weil

  “They’ll be here in six more days,” Jackson said. “Councilor Bartoll has been pressing the shipyards building them to hurry. I think we’re going to have one very relieved Originator councilor when he hears the Eternals have left the system.”

  Jeremy nodded. In a short while there would be twelve million Originators at the Communications and Transport Hub. He walked over to his command chair and sat down. It didn’t feel quite right and he realized the beam, which had crushed Ariel’s AI body, had damaged it. Looking around the Command Center he saw most of the smoke was clearing out. Part of the crew were back at their stations and several had been taken to the med bay.

  “How badly is the Avenger damaged?” asked Jeremy, looking over at Ariel.

  Ariel slowly shook her head. “We’re lucky to still be alive. I don’t believe the Avenger will be leaving this system.”

  Jeremy let out a deep sigh. It looked as if when he returned to the hub he would need a new flagship. However, this time he was going to demand certain changes in the weapons for his new ship.


  Rear Admiral Barnes was listening to the latest report on the condition of the fleets protecting the planet. It frightened her to realize how close the Eternals had come to winning. If Admiral Jackson had arrived twenty or thirty minutes later the only surviving ships he would have found would have been part of Rear Admiral Mann’s command and maybe the Dominator.

  “Commander Zafron lost 714 of his 1,200 battlecruisers. Many of the survivors are heavily damaged,” reported Commander Grissim. “Only the Dominator escaped unscathed.”

  “Commander Belson lost 207 of his 242 ships. Belson’s flagship was so heavily damaged in the final battle a tractor beam had to be used to drag the ship away from the planet before it crashed.”

  Kathryn shook her head. So many people had been lost. “Go on.”

  “All of Admiral Pence’s ships are gone as well as the Admiral. His fleet was too close to the Eternals.”

  Kathryn was going to miss Admiral Pence. He had been a good admiral and well liked by his crews. “What about Fleet Admiral Strong and the Avenger?” Kathryn knew the Avenger had been heavily damaged.

  “Fleet Admiral Strong lost 411 heavy dreadnoughts out of 620 and 1,400 battlecruisers out of 1,800,” replied Commander Grissim.

  Kathryn drew in a sharp breath. Out of her own fleet she had lost four out of ten exploration dreadnoughts and 729 battlecruisers out of 1,640.

  There had also been one dark energy beam station which survived.

  Including Rear Admiral Mann’s fleet that meant only 4,400 ships out of the 15,000 which had started the battle survived.

  “It was close,” Commander Grissim said, shaking her head. “There was a moment there when I didn’t think we were going to make it.”

  “I think we all thought that,” replied Kathryn.

  Clarissa stepped over closer to Rear Admiral Barnes. “I have communications with the Avenger and Ariel. Fleet Admiral Strong is okay though Ariel’s AI body was destroyed. She’s using holograms at the moment. I informed her we already have medical personnel on the way. The Avenger is heavily damaged and Ariel doesn’t believe it will be able to return to the hub. Fleet Admiral Strong will shortly be transferring his flag to the Dominator, and the Avenger will be scuttled.”

  “That’s two flagships in a row Jeremy’s had shot out from beneath him,” Kathryn said with a deep frown. “He’s either going to need a bigger ship or stay at the hub where he will be safe.”

  “I think he will be staying at the hub for a while,” said Clarissa with a knowing smile. “Don’t forget; Kelsey, Katie, and Angela are all pregnant. I believe he will be staying close to home for the birth of all four children.”

  Kathryn hoped so. It would have been devastating to morale if Jeremy had been lost. There was so much that still needed to be done. They needed his leadership against the Eternals. One other thing Kathryn knew; when the Distant Horizon returned to the hub she would be requesting some serious R & R. She was going to spend some time with her father and then spend a few weeks at one of the new resorts.

  Squaring her shoulders Kathryn looked over at Commander Grissim and Clarissa. “Let’s get this fleet reorganized. We have a lot of work to do.”


  Jontel had been quietly observing Rear Admiral Barnes and her command crew. Camlin, Sible, and the other Originator AIs didn’t seem to hesitate following her orders. He thought back about the Originators’ distant past. There was a time when his people were very similar to these Humans. Young, vibrant, and full of life. It had been a time when the Originators had spread across their galaxy and then on to many others. They had sent out countless exploration missions to millions of worlds. As their life spans expanded and many of the frailties of life were eliminated that youthful exuberance had gradually disappeared. They had built the Shrieels and withdrew into them, leaving the galaxies to fend for themselves. The only time the Originators had left their sheltered Shrieels was for the war with the Anti-Life. Jontel was beginning to believe they had made a serious error in not being a guiding force in the galaxies they controlled.

  After witnessing this battle and seeing how the Humans had been willing to sacrifice themselves to save his people, Jontel realized he would do whatever it took to support them. While his people were very skilled at research and the arts they were still a very old race. Perhaps they needed the younger blood of a race such as these Humans to work side by side with to take the Originators to even newer heights. He had a strong suspicion the blossoming friendship between the Originators and the Humans was in its infancy. When he returned to the Communications and Transport Hub, he intended to recommend the Originators join with the Humans as equals. While not all of their advanced technology could be shared with the Humans immediately over time it could be gradually introduced. Jontel was convinced the youthful vitality of the Humans was exactly what his race needed.


  Three weeks later Jeremy stood in the Command Center of the Dominator. Ariel, Aaliss, Commander Malen, Kevin, and a few others from the Avenger’s command crew were present watching the massive viewscreen. In the center of the screen was the Avenger.

  “We’re ready at your command,” said Commander Zafron.

  Kazak looked over at Fleet Admiral Strong who slowly nodded his head. “Do it.”


  From the Dominator a single blue energy sphere launched and struck the Avenger on the bow. The blue sphere flattened out and began to destroy the bonds of the atoms that held the warship together. In moments the bow vanished to be replaced by a dark dust. The ship continued to disintegrate until the only thing left was a drifting cloud of space dust.

  “She was a good ship,” said Kevin, as he stared at the screen. He had gotten out of the med bay on the Distant Horizon the week before. His injuries had been more serious than just a pierced lung.

  “There will be more Avengers in the future,” said Ariel. The console that protected her computer crystal had been moved to the Dominator.

  “Yes, there will be,” said Jeremy. “However, I believe it’s time for us to go home. Councilor Bartoll is waiting for his twelve million Originators. Let’s not disappoint him.”

  Commander Zafron nodded his agreement. “The fleet is ready and we will destroy all traces of our presence when we leave. “Admiral Mann is staying behind with the four Originator construction ships, which will be dismantling the Accelerator Ring. They will then proceed to Ornellia and use that ring to come to the Communications and Transport Hub.”

  Jeremy looked at the massive viewscreen, which covered much of the wall in the Dominator’s Command Center. Thanks to the Eternals there was not going to be much to destroy. A Devastator Three missile would be set to detonate in the heart of the underground stasis facility. It would completely obliterate the facility leaving no traces of what had once been there.

  A careful sweep had been made of the orbital space around the planet making sure no useful pie
ces of technology were being left behind. A blue energy sphere would also be used to destroy the lone remaining dark energy beam station.

  Jeremy watched the viewscreen as the Accelerator Ring activated and a deep blue vortex formed. With a smile he said, “Let’s go home.” It was time to return to Kelsey and wait for his first child and heir to be born.


  Councilor Bartoll, Councilor Trallis, and Councilor Castille stood in the Communications Center in the Tower. On the main screens, over two hundred large transport ships were exiting the Accelerator Ring. They were being escorted by thousands of Originator battlecruisers and a few hundred dreadnoughts as well as the Dominator. Those cargo ships contained the stasis chambers of the lost Originators. Already word had spread across the hub as to what the emerging fleet was bringing home.

  “All twelve million of our people are safe,” said Bartoll with tremendous relief in his voice. “I never would have believed it was possible. Rear Admiral Strong and Commander Zafron have saved our race.”

  “The Humans from their Federation are remarkable,” said Councilor Trallis. “I have spoken to Commander Belson and Jontel, and they both believe in these Humans. The same for Commander Zafron of the Dominator. I had hoped when we were awakened things would be like they once were. Now it seems the Anti-Life are not going to allow that to happen. I believe the future of our race is now linked to the Humans. Every one of our race who comes into contact with them seems to believe that.” He had used the intergalactic communications system in the Communications Center to speak to Commander Zafron, Commander Belson, and Jontel.

  Bartoll shifted his eyes to Councilor Castille. “What do you think?”

  Councilor Castille sighed deeply. “I despise war and violence, but the Anti-Life are the responsibility of our people. We must do whatever it takes to remove that threat from the universe. If that means working with these Humans then I will do so.”

  Councilor Bartoll nodded. “I had already reached that same conclusion. Fleet Admiral Strong will be coming in soon on the Dominator. Once he arrives we will meet with him and decide what the future holds for our two races as well as the Altons and the Carethians.”

  The other two councilors nodded. They all knew the Shrieels would never be the same, not with the presence of the Humans and now the growing threat of the Anti-Life. Changes would have to be made if they wanted to survive.


  Later that day Jeremy was in his office in the Tower. He had business to finish and then he was taking off for two weeks to spend some much needed time with Kelsey. He shuddered realizing how close he had come to not coming home at all. When he had actually seen the damage the Avenger had suffered Jeremy had been stunned. The ship had come unbelievably close to being destroyed.

  Jeremy was anxious to finish his work and go home to Kelsey. She was not going to be pleased when she found out what had transpired in the star cluster. He was already rehearsing what he was going to say. His thoughts were interrupted as his door opened and Ariel came in.

  She paused and turned posing with her hands on her hips. “How do you like my new AI body?”

  Jeremy grinned. Ariel was beautiful and if she were Human would be difficult to ignore. “Just great. Have you been by to see Kelsey yet?”

  “Of course,” Ariel said, with a glint in her eyes. “Clarissa and I both have checked on Kelsey, Katie, and Angela. Kelsey and Katie are both thrilled you and Kevin are back though I suspect Katie’s going to be peeved when she finds out what happened to Kevin. Kelsey’s not going to be happy either when she finds out how close we all came to being killed.”

  Ariel’s eyes suddenly widened. “Commander Belson and Jontel are coming to see you.”

  “Why?” asked Jeremy. “He hadn’t spoken to either of them since the fleet had left the star cluster. He knew before they left they had spent a considerable amount of time sending messages to the Originator Councilors at the hub.

  “Leeda has been speaking to them about the possibility of hidden stasis chambers on the Dyson Spheres. She thought they might know something.”


  A few moments later the two Originators came into Jeremy’s office.

  “We have been talking,” Commander Belson said as he stopped in front of Jeremy’s desk. “Leeda said you believe there might be some hidden stasis chambers on the Shrieels.”

  “We think it’s a possibility,” Jeremy replied. “We know the Defenders of Zorn had at least one.”

  “Before I left the dark matter Shrieel there was talk about establishing a few hidden stasis chambers on some of the other Shrieels. Whether that actually happened I don’t know. The situation in the Shrieels was getting chaotic, and there was growing fear a cure was never going to be found before the pathogen finished running its course killing everyone.”

  Jontel laid a miniature computer drive on Jeremy’s desk. “I had a close friend who spoke of building a small stasis facility for his family and friends. This drive contains the coordinates on one of the Shrieels where he planned to build his facility. If he did and he survived he might know of others.”

  Jeremy took the drive, looking at it. He would get it to Reesa and Leeda. He wanted the possible facility checked out as soon as possible. This could be their first real lead to finding more Originators on the Dyson Spheres. He would make sure Major Wilde went as well with an appropriate security detachment. After what had happened at the fake facility and the escape of Commander Alvord, he was not going to take any chances. “What do the two of you think is the possibility of other stasis chambers existing on the Shrieels?” Jeremy was curious to hear if these two thought there could be any hidden stasis facilities.

  The two looked at each other and then Commander Belson spoke. “One hundred percent. I was surprised none have been activated until I spoke to Leeda. I greatly fear we have not heard the last from the Defenders of Zorn.”


  It was later than Jeremy expected as he stepped into his home to be met by an aggravated Kelsey.

  “Two weeks at least,” she said, her eyes drilling into Jeremy’s. “I want you for two solid weeks without any interruptions. If I have to go speak to Governor Barnes and Admiral Kalen I will!”

  “Two weeks,” promised Jeremy. He had made a quick report to Admiral Kalen and Governor Barnes about the events in the star cluster. He had already sent them a more detailed report that he had put together over the weeks since the battle. He had even taken the time to meet briefly with Leeda, Reesa, and Major Wilde. He had handed over the small computer drive and ordered them to check it out. “Would you like to go to a resort?”

  “Maybe later,” said Kelsey, touching her stomach which had a slight bulge. That bulge hadn’t been there when Jeremy left. “Right now you have a lot of making up to do. Then we’ll discuss going to a resort.”

  Jeremy took Kelsey in his arms and kissed her deeply. He knew he had come very close to not coming home at all. Jeremy was determined he would stay at the Dyson Sphere at least until his child was born. It would also take awhile for his new flagship to be built.

  In the meantime Governor Barnes and Admiral Kalen would be meeting with the three Originator Councilors to talk about contacting the Federation. They were going to discuss what to offer the Federation Council for their help. With any luck they would soon have an influx of new personnel from the home galaxy.

  Ariel suddenly popped in with a big smile on her face. “I’m glad I caught the two of you together. I want to discuss the training schedule for your member of the new Special Five.”

  Kelsey and Jeremy both started laughing and then a frown passed briefly across Jeremy’s face. “Later,” Jeremy said. “Right now Kelsey and I have some personal business to attend to.”

  Ariel’s face turned red and she promptly vanished.

  “I was hoping you would say that,” Kelsey said with a happy smile.

  Ariel’s use of the words Special Five had briefly shaken Jeremy.

  With a deep
sigh, he knew the children of the Special Five would have a destiny. Someday they would lead the Originators and their allies to victory over the Eternals. However, that would be a long time in the future. For now he had Kelsey to deal with and he knew exactly how to take care of that and begin the long process of making up.


  Far away on a distant Shrieel Commander Alvord was deep underground in a secret stasis facility for the Defenders of Zorn. He had just finished activating one of the stasis chambers and was waiting patiently for the Originator inside to wake up.

  “The cure?” asked the Originator in a weak voice as he slowly sat up.

  “I have it here,” said Alvord, holding out an injector. “One injection and you will be back to normal within a week.”

  The Originator took the injector and then turned to face Alvord. “You have done well. The Shrieels will soon be ours.”

  “I live to serve you, Councilor Zorn,” Alvord said reverently.

  Councilor Zorn nodded. “Let’s awaken the rest of the Defenders of Zorn. Our time has finally come.”

  The End

  The Originator Wars: Conflict Unending (Book Five) coming in November of 2017. This will be the exciting conclusion to the series.

  The lost Originators have been taken back to the Communications and Transport Hub. New and larger warships are under construction as more powerful weapons are being produced to end the threat of the Eternals.

  Even as Fleet Admiral Strong and the Originators prepare to fight their greatest battle an old threat, in the form of the Defenders of Zorn raises its dangerous head. Councilor Zorn has his own plans for the Shrieels, and it does not involve the Originators at the hub or the Federation races who have joined them.

  The fate of the Originators and perhaps the entire universe depends on the decisions Fleet Admiral Jeremy Strong and the rest of the Special Five will make. Can Jeremy save the universe from the Eternals or have they grown too powerful to stop? Will Councilor Zorn bring everything crashing down in his quest for power. Find out in The Originator Wars: Conflict Unending.


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