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A Home for Christmas

Page 10

by Vaughn, Ann

  She took her seatbelt off and lunged over into his arms, kissing him so hard she was sure she bruised her lips but she didn’t care. No one had ever been so openly giving and kind to her and Cam before. Several cars honked as they sped by, no doubt seeing them locked in their passionate embrace but at that moment, Jenna could have cared less.

  “I take it you’re OK with me giving that to him,” he said when she pulled back.

  “Yes. Thank you for thinking of him.”

  “If it gets me kisses like that, I’ll send him every chance I get.”

  Jenna laughed, wiping tears from her cheeks. “I’ll give you a tip, Big Guy. You don’t need to earn any extra brownie points to get kisses from me.”

  “No?” he asked, nipping at her lower lip.

  She shook her head. “They are all yours for the taking.”

  He sucked her lower lip into his mouth and then kissed her even more deeply than she’d kissed him, leaving her panting and clutching his shirt.

  “Good to know. Now, settle back for me. Just a few miles to go.”

  She kissed him once more then settled back in her seat and put her seatbelt back on. Riley lifted her hand to his lips, kissed the back of it, then eased them back out on the highway, but didn’t release her hand. It wasn’t long before he exited and began driving down where she knew to be several ranches. When he pulled up to a security gate and paused for it to open, she knew where they were. There were Christmas lights everywhere! He hadn’t been kidding that his father really got into Christmas. The amount of displays were mind-boggling, all, she was sure, from Mr. Murray’s warehouse.

  “This is your parent’s house?”

  He glanced over at her. “I figure after what you just went through, meeting my folks is no big deal.”

  She smiled, loving the warm feeling that snaked through her at his words. “You want me to meet your folks?”

  “I do…for several reasons, not the least of which is that if my mother hears about you from Mrs. Sheffield or Mr. Murray before she hears about you from me? Well, let's just say I’d rather not have that happen.”

  “And should I be nervous about this?” she asked when he parked.

  “Heck no. My mother is going to take one look at you and scream.”

  He wasn’t kidding. They walked into the house. Riley’s mother rounded the corner to come to the door. She took one look at their joined hands, dropped the book she’d been holding and let out an ear-piercing scream, bringing his dad running into the foyer.

  “Paige! What the heck?” Brody Stanton asked.

  “Riley has a girlfriend!” Paige exclaimed.

  “Well, don’t scare the poor girl away,” Brody said.

  Paige narrowed her eyes at her husband. “If Riley hasn’t scared her away by now then nothing I do will change that.”

  “Gee, thanks, Ma,” Riley said.

  His mother then fully looked at Jenna and she saw that look pass over her face that she’d seen on several people ever since she launched her Maids to Go TV ad; that look that said, I know you but I’m not quite sure where I know you from.

  “Mom, this is Jenna Blackwell. Jenna, my mother, Paige, and my dad, Brody.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Jenna said, smiling at them.

  “Jenna Blackwell,” his mother repeated. “Where do I know you from?”

  “She owns Maids to Go and is in a commercial for it on TV,” Riley explained.

  “That’s it,” Paige said, stepping to her to give her a warm hug.

  Jenna knew immediately that she liked both his parents. His mother didn’t quite look to her like the mother of four boys. She actually reminded her a little bit of Michelle Pfeiffer. She had blonde hair and green eyes, but Jenna would guess her to be around the same size as her, just slightly taller. Brody Stanton was an older version of Riley. Looking at him, she knew she was seeing what Riley would look like in twenty or thirty years, and was very pleased by what she saw.

  “Well, come in, come in,” Paige said, “can I get you something to drink? I just made some mulled cider.”

  “Oo, that sound really good,” Jenna said, smiling at her.

  “Come on back here then. Riley, take her coat.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he replied, winking at Jenna. He helped her out of her coat and then she followed Paige into her large country-style kitchen that Jenna immediately fell in love with. There was a fireplace near the breakfast table that an inviting fire crackled softly in. Paige pulled a stool out for her at the center island then went to the cabinet to get a mug.

  “So, tell me, how did you meet?”

  She told her about the whole purse incident, finishing up when Riley walked in. He came up behind her stool and placed his arm around her waist, so that her back was pulled up against his chest.

  “You’ve known each other how long now?” Paige asked.

  “Since Black Friday,” Riley answered.

  “And you’ve been together ever since?”

  “As much as we can. This is the first weekend it’s just been the two of us, though,” Riley told her. “Her son, Cam, is at Great Wolf Lodge with a friend.”

  “You have a boy?” Brody asked.

  Jenna nodded. “Cam is ten. His dad and I divorced when he was five.”

  “That would be Wade Blackwell,” Brody stated.

  Jenna watched recognition dawn on Paige’s face. “Wade Blackwell who was in Trevor’s class? Oh! Then you are Jenna Cameron. Your mother is Elise Cameron. I’ve worked with her on everything from PTA to the Junior League.”

  “That would be her.”

  They spent a pleasant evening with his parents. Jenna enjoyed every minute with them. She loved looking at pictures of Riley and his brothers when they were growing up. In the hallway, his mother showed her pictures of Riley in his uniform that she loved so much she told Paige she simply had to take her phone out and snap pictures of them to send to Cam. Paige relayed to her how stressful it could be to have four sons involved in the war in one way or another and admitted she was glad Riley was no longer in the Navy.

  She showed Jenna Riley’s old room which was left decorated as he’d left it when he moved out, with sports posters and pictures of him playing various sports. Jenna marveled at the changes in his body over the years. He'd been muscular in high school, but nowhere near as defined as he was now. His hair had been much blonder back then as well. She loved seeing the pictures of him and his brothers when they were little, laughing that Riley had been cotten-headed when he was young. All-in-all, it had been a very enjoyable evening and when it was time for them to leave, the hugs she exchanged with his parents were heartfelt on both sides.

  Chapter Twelve

  Jenna wasn’t sure what woke her, if it was a sound or a movement. Whatever it was, her eyes flew open and she lay for several moments, trying to figure out what felt wrong. Beside her, Riley moved and she realized that he was what woke her. Watching him a moment, she realized he was in the throes of a nightmare. His brow was furrowed and he was sweating and panting slightly.

  As gently as she could, she caressed his shoulder. As soon as she touched him, his body stilled and his brow relaxed. She trailed her hand slowly from his shoulder to his neck, caressing him gently and sensuously, wanting to dismiss the vestiges of the dream and replace them with other feelings. She couldn’t imagine, given the things he’d seen and done in the course of his career, what images still haunted him.

  She knew he was awake now but had yet to open his eyes. Wanting only to comfort him and help him relax, she began a slow massage of his shoulders and neck. He groaned in appreciation as she worked the knots from his shoulders. He looked over his shoulder at her, a slow smile spreading across his face.

  “That feels really, really good.”

  She leaned down and kissed him.

  “You were having a bad dream,” she said softly.

  He closed his eyes briefly. “I’m sorry, babe,” he whispered, “didn’t mean to wake you.”

sp; “Look at me, Riley,” she demanded. “Don’t apologize to me for that. It is not your fault. What you went through, what you saw and did during your service, it’s no wonder you have some fallout from it.”

  “I don’t have them often. Just catches me off guard every once in a while.”

  She gathered him close in her arms, cradling his head to her breast. “I don’t care how often you have them, Riley. Just know that I’m here for you. You don’t have to go through this alone, do you hear me?”

  He nodded, drawing her closer to him, just holding her tight.

  “It hasn’t been bad for me. Mike, who you met at the offices?” She nodded. “He has trouble sleeping.”

  “God, I bet so, after what you said happened to him.”

  “He had been having some problems prior to the last mission. It’s just been worse since then.”

  “Do they offer counseling services to you when you come home from combat?”

  “Yes, and we’ve all been.”

  She kissed his forehead, then tipped his head up so she could kiss his lips. Riley looked up into her eyes and he was completely lost. She was beautiful inside and out, and so strong she made his head spin. He smoothed his hand over her hair and tucked her beneath him, making love to her slowly, using all the passion and tenderness he felt toward her, hoping he could make her understand through his touch, his kiss, how much she meant to him.

  Her fingers trailed from his hair down his shoulders and back, her nails scraping against him with just enough pressure to give him chills. He felt her breath quicken, her muscles tighten, and knew she was close. Slowing, he leaned down and kissed her, loving when she folded her arms around him and held him tight.

  “Riley,” she said on a breathless note. “Please.”

  “Please, what, baby?” he asked, smiling down at her.

  “I believe this activity requires a bit more of your, shall we say, arduous participation.”

  “Does it, now?”

  “Riley!” she cried, making him chuckle.

  “Oh, I like this.”

  She groaned and then he watched a devilish gleam hit her eyes just before she pushed up on him and he allowed her to successfully reverse their positions. He laughed and then held on as she took over, taking him over the edge at a fast and furious pace. It wasn’t long before he was shouting his release and she had collapsed against his chest.

  “You are the best cure for a nightmare,” he told her, his lips against her brow.

  “I’ll fight all your demons for you, sailor,” she said, smiling. She placed a kiss to the center of his chest then disentangled herself from him and left the bed.

  “Where are you going?” he asked, watching her pull her robe on.

  “I’m hungry. Want anything?”

  “I could eat.”

  She threw his jeans at him. “Then get dressed.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Jenna looked up when Riley came into the kitchen wearing only his jeans. He came to her and lifted her up and sat her on the counter, stepping between her knees to embrace her.

  “Thank you,” he whispered, forehead pressed to hers.

  She reached behind her for a grape and held it to his lips. When he took it, she reached for the plate she’d prepared and held a square of cheese up for him. He took it, nipping her finger, making her smile. She continued feeding him for several moments, pampering him in a way she was sure he hadn’t received since leaving his mother’s home, and although she’d witnessed how much his mother loved him, with four sons all close together in age, there was no way he’d gotten the kind of one-on-one attention she gave Cam. True, he didn’t seem to have suffered for the lack of attention, but it didn’t matter to her; she wanted to spoil this man, shower him with love and attention.

  “Want some hot chocolate?” she asked, her hands caressing his face. She couldn’t stop touching him.

  “Thought you were hungry,” he said, stepping back from her so she could hop off the counter.

  “I am, but I wanted to feed you first.”

  “Not the way it’s supposed to be. The man is the provider,” he said, making her flash him a wry smile.

  “I had to rely on a man once. Didn’t work out so well for me. I know you aren’t him, but, if it’s all the same to you, I’ll keep providing for myself and my son.”

  “You’re right, I’m not him. I can take care of both of you…and yes, I know that’s not what you want. But I want you to at least know that you aren’t in this alone anymore. I know I keep saying that, but it's true.”

  She smiled at him. “I know.”

  He glanced at the clock then for the first time, and realized it was almost four in the morning. “Oh, wow. I didn’t realize what time it was. Let’s just go back to bed. Cam will be home before we know it.”

  “OK, honey,” she said nestling into his side as they walked back to the bedroom.

  When they got back into bed and she snuggled up against his chest, Riley knew he’d never be able to sleep well without her by his side again.

  The next day, Riley got up early and went for a run around Jenna's neighborhood. This served two purposes for him: one, he needed the exercise, and two, it gave him a chance to observe her surroundings. It was early Sunday morning. Some people were getting ready to head to church. Many were still in bed or just getting up. He encountered a few other joggers and dog walkers. He was pleased to see that most were friendly. He also liked that her immediate neighbors all had dogs, and that they were dogs who liked to bark when someone approached the house. This would help alert if anyone tried to approach the house. He wasn't comfortable with the whole situation that Wade was involved in and fear that it might bleed over onto Jenna and Cam was consuming him. Mike and Whit were monitoring her. That made him feel better but he was still uneasy. Drugs and gambling was never a good combination, and Wade's involvement in both needed to stop.

  After four circuits through her neighborhood, he went back to her house, surprised to find Jenna sitting on her front patio, cup of hot chocolate in her hands. He wasn't crazy about her being out in the open like that but he didn't want to alarm her...and he had to admit it was really nice to have someone there waiting for him at the end of his run.

  "Have a good run?" she asked when he got close to the porch.

  "It was productive," he answered. She smiled at him over the rim of her mug. Looking down into her eyes, he felt a warmth spread in his chest that he was beginning to recognize as something only Jenna could produce in him. He felt himself getting lost in her and it surprised him. He never really thought of himself as the settling down type before meeting her and Cam.

  "Riley?" she asked softly, head cocked to one side. "What is it?"

  He shook his head and leaned down to gently kiss her.

  "I'm gonna grab a quick shower," he said then went inside.

  Jenna got up and followed him inside. She gave him a few minutes to get into the bathroom and get settled, then she went in and stood inside the door, watching him standing under the spray in her shower. His back was to her and she stood mesmerized by the water trailing down his muscular backside. Her eyes skimmed his scars but focused more on the muscles. He was really a finely built man, lean and muscled, not an ounce of fat on him.

  He turned and his eyes locked on hers. A slow smile spread across his face.

  "Hey," he said, wiping water from his face with his hands.

  "Hey," she echoed, staying where she was, leaning against the doorjamb.

  "Need something?"

  "Just admiring the view," she said simply.

  "Yeah? Why don't you come in here and wash my back for me?"

  Jenna laughed. "Oh, no, no, no. Cam will be home soon. Playtime is over, Sailor."

  "Is that so?" he asked, running a soapy hand over his arousal.

  She groaned. "You're killing me."

  He winked. "That's the plan."

  "You are so bad!" she laughed.

  "Come on, you can't l
eave me hanging like this!"

  She bit her lip and slowly walked across the short distance that separated them. Her shower was an open entry shower, no door. She braced her hands on both sides of the opening and leaned slightly in.

  "Need some attention, baby?" she purred.

  "I'm thinkin', yeah," he said.

  "Mmm, OK. Close your eyes," she instructed.

  He offered her a sly smile, then obediently closed his eyes. Smiling, Jenna reached in and turned the hot water off, then took off at a run when he yelled as the cold water pelted him.

  "You'll pay for that, Ms. Blackwell!!" he called after her, making her laugh.

  "Hurry up and get dressed. Cam will be home within the hour," she said, throwing a towel at him when he stepped out of the shower.

  "Just you wait. I'll get you when you least expect it."

  "You gotta get up pretty early in the morning to one up me, my friend," she said, then left him to get dressed.


  "Got word that Blackwell's been checked into a rehab facility in Dallas," the man who'd been taking pictures outside of Jenna's house said into his phone.

  "Did you get payment from him?"

  "No. Didn't even know he was in Texas until he showed up on her doorstep."

  "And you said she has a nice place? Owns her own business?"

  "I sent the pics I took. Her house isn't huge but it's newer and it's nice. She's also got her a man who looks like he's seen some action."

  "Jenna Blackwell has a boyfriend?"

  "He was at her house at seven in the morning and came out barefoot. So, I'd say so."

  "I don't want to tangle with him...what about the kid? Does he have security on him or anything?"

  "No. She takes him to school but he rides the bus home and is home alone for an hour or two sometimes before she's there."

  "Nab the kid, then."

  "Come on, Boss, really? I'm not into hurting kids."

  "I don't want to hurt him. Just use him for leverage. She'll flip out and go to Blackwell for the cash to get him back. She gets her kid and we get our money."

  "What if she don't pay? I'm tellin' ya, Boss, the boyfriend had that look about him. Cop, military, something. But he definitely had that 'don't mess with me vibe' going."


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