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Sweet Alien Savage (Zerconian Warriors Book 4)

Page 6

by Sadie Carter

  Koran bowed. “I understand.”

  “I will say this slowly.” Zoey placed a hand on her stomach, grimacing. “Women like to be dated, romanced, to feel like we have a choice.”

  “But if she is my mate then there is no choice.”

  “No, but that doesn’t mean she’ll accept that. Give her a chance to get to know you first before you spring all this ‘you’re stuck with me forever’ stuff on her. Mind you, giving her a chance to know you better may not be the best idea. She might run the other way.”

  Dex shook his head. “They may not have much time. Not if the mating demands begin.”

  “I will not allow her to suffer.” He would protect her. Even from herself. Jumping over terraces was a thing of the past for her.

  Zoey attempted to sit up. Dex rushed over to help her. “Use what time you have wisely. Romance her. Buy her flowers. Ask her to dinner. Tell her she’s pretty. Things like that.”

  Dex nodded. “Female Earthers enjoy flowers. Also food under the stars.”

  Flowers? Food under the stars? Romance?

  This was going to be the toughest assignment he’d ever undertaken.

  “How is the investigation progressing?” Dex asked.

  Koran almost sighed with relief at the change in topic. Now this was something he understood. Unlike women.

  “So far I have not discovered any leads.” Which baffled him. “If I could interview some of the ambassador’s staff—”

  “No,” Dex said. “Unfortunately, the ambassador made it clear that we were not to scare her staff.”

  “I would not scare them.” Although he had noticed they were rather wary and closed mouthed around him. Even after five days.

  “They probably wouldn’t talk to you anyway,” Zoey said.

  “They appear to be more talkative after some alcohol.”

  Zoey grinned. “Great idea. Get them drunk then question them. Except that wouldn’t stand up in court.”

  “Court?” Koran asked.

  “It’s a human thing. Any lawyer would get that thrown out of court and the guilty party would go free.”

  Koran scowled. “If someone admits to a crime, then they are guilty. They should be punished.”

  Zoey just shrugged. “It might seem stupid, but if you find this person they’ll be subject to Earth law. You need to find what evidence you can then give it to the ambassador.”

  “Our next step is to access the mainframe and see if we can trace it back from there. Unfortunately, the ambassador is stalling our efforts to access the area.”

  “Why?” Zoey asked. “Do you think she has something to hide?”

  “I do not know. I shall push harder.”

  He signed off.

  Reaching down, he picked up the black shoe he’d found in the garden. It had a slight heel and was covered in dirt.

  Tomorrow, he would speak to the ambassador again about the investigation. Then he would figure out what to do about Mila.

  Chapter Five

  “Sleep with him.”

  “What?” Mila turned to look at her sister in shock. “What did you just say?”

  “I said tonight I’m going to sleep with Koran. He asked to talk to me about his investigation so I’ve invited him to my quarters and arranged for dinner to be delivered.”

  Mila barely resisted snapping at her sister to keep her hands off Koran. He wasn’t hers.

  There was no reason he would choose to sleep with her when he could have Aline. She was beautiful, smart, and successful.

  Mila was aware that she wasn’t any of those things.

  And yet he kissed you.

  And then you fainted.

  She touched her lips. They still tingled from his kiss. In fact, her whole body felt more alive. Dreams of Koran had plagued her for most of the night. Having him touch her, kiss her, caress her.

  With a shiver, she crossed her arms over her chest to hide her swollen nipples. What was wrong with her? She’d never been this attracted to a man before. It was disturbing.

  Especially when her sister was getting ready to sleep with her lust-crush.

  A knock on the door made Aline smile. “Answer that, Mila, then make yourself scarce.”

  Mila moved to the door. Her feet felt like they were laden with concrete, every step harder than the last. She opened the door and looked up into Koran’s handsome face.

  He frowned down at her.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked abruptly.

  “What?” she asked, startled by the harsh demand.

  “You appear worried and you are pale. More pale than usual.”

  She was? She did feel a bit light-headed. Perhaps she should have eaten some lunch.

  “I’m fine. Aline is through here.”

  He held out his arm as she went to pass by. “You do not stay?”

  Mila snorted. “No. This is not something I want to see. Excuse me.”

  “Mila, wait. I must speak to you.” He grabbed hold of her arm and she winced.

  He studied her burned hand. “What is this? You have hurt yourself?”

  “It’s nothing. I just spilt some coffee on myself. I need to go.” She slipped away, aware he watched her go.

  Aline glanced up with a cool smile as Koran walked into her quarters. He had expected this meeting to take place in her office. Koran felt torn. He needed Aline’s permission to access the mainframe. But Mila had appeared so upset that it pulled at his protective instincts. He wanted to go to her, demand that she tell him what was wrong so he could fix it.

  “Mila looked unwell.”

  Aline frowned slightly. “What? Mila? Oh, she probably just skipped lunch. Come and sit down.”

  Koran sat on the chair across from Aline.

  Her gaze narrowed and he got the feeling she was irritated at him. Then her gaze cleared and she smiled.

  Her smile didn’t reach her eyes.

  “We need to talk, Ambassador. About the investigation.”

  “Yes, I heard it’s not going well.”

  He frowned, wondering who had told her that. “I would not say that exactly.”

  “Oh, so you have some leads?”

  “No.” He gritted his teeth.

  “Right. But you have some ideas of where to go next?”

  “Yes. I have one idea.”

  “Just the one.” Her voice was unimpressed. There was a knock on the door. “That will be dinner.”

  Dinner? He thought they were having a meeting to discuss the investigation.

  “I did not realize you were organizing dinner,” he said after the servers had gone. The dining table was laden with dishes.

  He didn’t have time for this. He needed to find Mila.

  “We both have to eat. We might as well eat as we talk.”

  He counted ten different dishes as she lifted the lids.

  “Please sit down, Koran. Make yourself comfortable.”

  He supposed it was efficient to eat and talk at the same time. Sitting, he watched as she served them both.


  “No. Thank you. About the investigation—”

  “Can it not wait until after dinner? There must be something more pleasant we can discuss.”

  He thought the point was to work while they ate. But he could not force her to co-operate. They discussed a few things through dinner from politics to cultural differences. By the end of dinner, he was bored and desperate to leave.

  “Why don’t we make ourselves more comfortable in the sitting room?” Aline suggested with a smile.

  “And then we can talk about the investigation.” He hated sitting around and talking. He was a man of action.

  “Yes, yes, of course.” She waved her hand over to the sofa. “Come now, don’t be shy.”

  Feeling awkward, he sat at on the sofa, wishing it was bigger as Aline plastered herself to his side, leaving him little place to move.

  “We need access to the mainframe,” he told her.

  “Hmm, I don’t think s
o. All of our classified files are stored there.” She walked her fingers up his chest.

  “We are not interested in your files. Just where that transmission originated from.” She leaned into him.


  “Shh.” She placed a finger across his lips then quickly replaced them with her lips.

  He froze in shock as her lips moved against his. She prodded at his lips with her tongue, but he didn’t respond. This didn’t feel right. She didn’t make his soul shiver. She didn’t stir him.

  Not like Mila did.

  Aline pulled back, glaring up at him. “What is wrong with you? Don’t you know how to kiss?”

  “I know how to kiss. I just do not wish to kiss you.”

  She scowled, standing. “Is that so? You don’t want me? Are you gay? Yes, that must be it. You are into men.”

  “No. I am not.”

  “Then what is it? Or who is it? Is there someone else? Some little Zerconian woman back home, barefoot and pregnant?”

  Why would she be barefoot? If his mate were pregnant, she would be pampered. She would want for nothing. Including shoes.

  “There is no one back on Zerconia.”

  “Then what?” Aline looked confused.

  “Have you never been refused before?”

  She frowned. “No. Never. I am beautiful and successful.”

  She was. But there was also something cold about her. He hadn’t noticed to begin with, but she lacked warmth.

  “There is someone else.”

  “Who is it?”

  “I cannot say. Not until I speak to her.”

  Aline’s gaze turned calculating. “So you don’t know if she wants you? You’re not committed? That means you can sleep with me without any repercussions. She need never know.”

  “It would be impossible for me to cheat on her whether she knows or not.” Why was she so desperate to sleep with him? He got the feeling there was more to this than a need to join with him.

  She scowled. “Then I demand that you tell me who this female is. It is only fair since you led me on and made me think you were available.”

  Had he done that? He could not recall doing anything to lead her on. However, she obviously believed he had.

  “I apologize if I gave you any false impressions as to my availability. But I cannot tell you the name of my mate.”

  “Your mate?” She raised her eyebrows.

  “I have not told her, but yes, I have met my mate.” And she deserved to know first.

  “I cannot force you to tell me her name. I also cannot allow you access to our mainframe.” She moved towards the door and held it open. “You should leave.”

  He ground his teeth together. To think he had admired her logical mind. This was not a logical reaction. She was acting on hurt feelings and preventing his investigation from going forward.

  Koran opened his mouth to argue when her communicator beeped and she frowned as she glanced at it. Then his communicator beeped as well. It was the emergency signal.

  He answered. “Yes?”

  “Commander, come quickly,” Darac stated. “There is a dead body and they believe I killed her.”


  Mila stared down at the lifeless body in shock. She could hear her heart pounding, people talking, but it all sounded like it was a long way away.

  “Mila! Mila, are you well?” Someone grabbed her, turning her. Hands felt their way down her body and finally jolted her from her weird out-of-body state.

  “Koran? What are you doing?” she asked in surprise.

  “Are you hurt?”

  “What? No, I’m fine. It’s Sally. She’s dead.” She barely bit back a sob.

  “What happened?” Aline asked, her voice brisk. “Who is she?”

  “You do not know her?” Koran asked. “She is not from here?”

  “Yes, of course, she is,” Mila answered. “Sally was one of the chefs. I can’t believe she’s dead.”

  “But you are well,” Koran stated.

  Physically, she was. “Yes. Just in a bit of shock, I think. Sally didn’t turn up for her shift in the kitchen tonight and she wasn’t answering any of our calls.” Mila glanced over at Darac, who stood next to the wall, two human guards watching him. “When I arrived, the door was open and Darac was standing over her.”

  Sally’s lifeless body lay on the bed, her eyes staring at the ceiling.

  “There is bruising on her neck, it appears as though she was strangled,” one of the guards said as he stood from inspecting her.

  “Has the doctor been notified?” Aline asked.

  “He’s on his way,” Mila told her, trying to pull herself together. “What do we do now?”

  Aline glared at Darac. “Arrest him.”

  “You have no proof,” Koran stated, stepping forward.

  Oh, crap. Things were about to get nasty.

  “He was standing over her,” Aline stated. “He was found with the body.”

  “But that doesn’t mean he killed her, Aline,” Mila stated. She knew Darac, knew he couldn’t harm a female.

  “I was sent a note asking that I meet her here. She was already dead when I arrived,” Darac stated.

  Aline scowled. “He would say that. Arrest him.”

  “Aline—” Koran began.

  “No.” Aline held up her hand, her eyes flashing. “I am in charge here. Take him away.”

  The guards led Darac off, who didn’t resist, despite the fact that he could have easily taken the two smaller guards.

  The doctor arrived along with Zac, the head of security. Aline started barking out orders as Koran pulled Mila to one side. “Did you see anyone else? Anyone that was close by as you arrived?”

  She glanced up with sympathy. “No, no one. I know Darac couldn’t have done this.”

  “Aline does not see it that way.”

  “I’m certain if anyone can convince her otherwise, it will be you,” she said coldly, pointing at his cheek. “You have a bit of lipstick on your cheek. I take it that dinner was successful.”

  He rubbed at his cheek. That shade of red was very familiar. It had been her sister’s favorite date night lipstick since they were teenagers.

  “I need to go speak to Zac.” She turned away, trying to hide her pain. She had no right to be hurt. He wasn’t hers.

  “Mila, wait.” Reaching out, he grabbed her arm. “I need to speak to you.”

  “I’ve told you everything I know.”

  “I have something else to discuss with you.”

  “Later. I have a headache and I’ve just lost a friend. Please, let me be.”

  Koran silently cursed Aline as he swiped at his cheek again. The pain in Mila’s gaze convinced him that she did hold feelings for him. She had to feel the mate bond as well, although she wouldn’t know what it was.

  And now she thought he had been kissing Aline. Well, he had, but not through any desire of his own.

  “Mila, you must allow me to explain.” He moved up behind her.

  “Must I?” she asked without turning. “I don’t have to do anything you say.”

  “You have misunderstood.”

  “I’m not sure what you’re talking about.” She gazed down at her dead friend, her breath shuddering. “I need to get out of here.”

  “You are upset.”

  “Yes, I’m upset!”

  “Getting upset will not help your dead friend.” And it was only making him want to hurt someone.

  Turning, she glared up at him. “Of course, it won’t, but I am entitled to be upset! My friend is dead and another friend has been accused of killing her.”

  Darac was her friend?

  “You have not known Darac long.”

  “Doesn’t mean he’s not my friend. Please, just go to Darac. Find out what he knows.”

  Koran was reluctant to leave her, but he also had a duty to Darac.

  “Fine, I will go. But only if you promise that you will go nowhere alone. Stay with Aline.”

sp; She nodded. “Sure, I’ll keep Aline safe.”

  That wasn’t what he meant, but she moved away before he could explain.


  “Explain what happened,” Koran demanded, sitting across from Darac in the holding cell, which was actually just a room without any exterior walls. There was no need for a prison on Zazarn.

  “I received a note. It was from Sally, or, at least, I thought it was, asking me to meet her in her quarters. When I got there, the door was ajar, so I walked in.”

  “You knew her?”

  “She has been preparing our meals. I have spoken to her a few times.”

  Koran raised his eyebrows. “Enough to go to her room when summoned?”

  “I thought it odd, Koran. But I did wonder if she needed my help. There were times when I noticed bruising on her body. She was very upset when I asked her about it. I thought someone might be hurting her and I told her if she ever needed help then she could come to me.”

  Koran frowned. “Do you think she sent that note or that it was a set-up?”

  “The body was cold when I arrived. It had been there for hours. I believe it was a set-up. Someone is framing me.”

  “Why you?”

  Darac shrugged. “Maybe Sally told them what I said to her? They chose me because I am an outsider?”

  Koran paced back and forth.

  “The investigation should show that she died hours ago.” Darac sat back with a sigh.

  “Yes. But I do not know if that is enough to save you. Do you have an alibi?”

  Darac stared at the opposite wall. “I have been having trouble holding onto my temper lately. I find myself set off by the smallest things.”

  “But you did not do this. You could not.”

  “No. But I spent the day alone. I did not trust myself to be around others.”

  “Do not tell anyone that. It will be used against you. I will clear your name,” Koran promised.

  Darac nodded. “I know that you will. What I do not know is if there is any point. I am close to the edge, Koran.”

  “We will find your mate.” Koran squeezed his shoulder. He had lost friends to the mating madness and he would not lose any more.


  “Do you suspect anyone?” Dex asked, pacing.


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