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Chasing Bad Boys 8_A Bad Boy Romance Series

Page 12

by Kylie Parker

  I still had to wait before making my leave as Sebastian fed me curious glances and threw me dirty looks. He must have thought I was going to whore around at some cheap corner.

  The local police eventually arrived and I listened as Sebastian gave them a reason behind the false alarm. They did a quick check and left the building after resetting the code in the alarm system.

  “Can I go now?” I asked Sebastian impatiently.

  “Of course”, he said “But next time, please let me know early enough if you have any intentions to leave the house in the middle of the night”.

  “I will thank you”.

  I would have loved to stay back and argue with Sebastian some more maybe prove to him that I was not a cheap whore but I decided not to. I was running out of precious time. My car took a minute to start, given that it had not been on the road for a whole week, this gave me time to check out David’s whereabouts. He was still at the same spot which looked peculiar; you only stay in one place for that many hours if you are at a stake out.

  After a few more tries and almost giving up and instead call a taxi, my car came to life. I pulled out of the driveway and drove into the main road as I tried calling Robbie again. His phone was still off; driving alone in the night was a bit unnerving. There was almost no traffic and I got to my destination sooner than I expected. I had to spot David first without him spotting me and that could only happen with me parking at a distance and trying to spot him.

  Unfortunately for David, his rental car was conspicuous as sin and I was able to single him out from the parking lot. I had very good eyesight and waited to see if he would drive out of the parking lot. I could tell there was someone in the car but I couldn’t tell what he was doing in it. I tried to relax in my seat and went over the tracking app in my phone once again. It was right, David was only a few miles from me and I prayed he hadn’t played smart with me and placed a tracking device in my phone as well.

  After trying Robbie’s cell phone for the hundredth time that night, I replayed the conversation I had had with David earlier on at the smoothie factory. There was something he wanted to tell me about Robbie, he was never secretive with me, which simply meant it must have been something very serious.

  I deep chocolate craving overwhelmed me and I cursed under my breath; I was not at the right time or place to crave chocolate. I tried to remain focused on David and not think about a tablorene chocolate bar. I immediately noticed when there was motion from the car; the brake lights went on as he started to pull out of eth driveway and into the main road.

  I gave him a good five minutes before starting my car; my phone was displaying the direction he was heading as drove on. I could already imagine the kind of argument we would have with him if he knew I was hot on his trail but did not care. I simply drove on, determined to get the truth.



  The meeting with Brad had definitely confirmed a few of my suspicions. One of them was Robbie knowing I was hot on his trail. With this in mind, I knew the bastard would try to escape and I was right. After talking to my assistant, I knew I had to be careful and that was why I had seduced one of the geniuses from the IT department to help me track Robbie’s number. They had come up with his new burner phone number after offering her the details from my assistant. It was almost like magic to me, they had sophisticated software that could track Robbie from a million miles away.

  From the information they had given me, Robbie had been last seen leaving the mansion and heading to a small bar in the town. The bar was well known for quick drop down guns and sometimes drugs. I had to keep my cover for him not to notice me and thanked my lucky stars he had never paid attention to the model of my rental car.

  I could not make or receive calls while at the stake out and therefore regrettably ignored Marisol’s phone calls. After about fifteen minutes of being patient, I saw him emerge from the bar in a hurry and walked over to his car. The rich ass billionaire was driving himself that day even the more reason to wet my curiosity.

  He did not bother to take in his surroundings before getting into his car and driving away at full speed, he seemed to be in a great haste. I gave him a good five minutes before following suit, it was almost hard to keep track of him physically from the speed at which he was moving and but I looked to the app for assistance.

  Robbie then came to a halt at the front of yet another bar; he was following the sequence he had pursued earlier in the day. As I recalled my assistant had said it was a place known for the forging of fake passports.

  Unlike the earlier bar, he did not take long and was in and out in a few minutes. Maintaining a good distance from him was important, I hadn’t called any back up to help me arrest him but I had the numbers on speed dial if it ever came down to that. I tracked him at a safe distance and ensured that my car was hidden at least behind other two while driving. This was extremely hard because there was hardly any traffic in the night.

  I thought of Sarah as I drove on and wondered how she would react if she saw me tracking her lover. I could already hear the many insults she would hurl at me for hiding the truth from her but I had no choice. I couldn’t risk telling her, she would easily tell her boyfriend everything and jeopardize the case. People became very stupid whenever they fell in love, I knew that first hand.

  Robbie made yet another stop, this one was not at a bar neither had it been on the list we had earlier on. It looked like an abandoned house with its untrimmed hedges and uncared for porch, there was a light on in the living room however and I saw a tall sender man get the door for him. I could not really tell who the man was; he opened the door and stood aside to hide his face before Robbie strolled in.

  My first instinct was to follow him and see what he was up to inside but I decided against it immediately. I parked at a good distance away from him and waited patiently, he took a while inside which made me think he had made me. But after about forty five minutes, the fool emerged. There was nothing different about him when he stepped out neither did he carry anything on him, whatever he had gone for inside must have been a quick service of some sort, I couldn’t really tell.

  Robbie took in his surroundings this time round before he got into his car, my heart almost jumped out of my chest when he glanced my way. I almost thought he had noticed the trail by now but he got in and drove off in the same supersonic speed he had maintained through the night.

  I wasn’t sure if he would make any other stop but from the look of things, he was running toward something or rather away from something.

  I instinctively dialed a number on my phone through the car’s Bluetooth with the intentions of requesting for back up but hang up when Robbie slowed down yet again. He parked outside a bar and got out without taking in his surroundings. He then walked into the bar hurriedly with his hands in his pocket. Just as he had disappeared through the bar’s entrance a knock on my window scared me shitless and I turned to see who it was.

  “Hey there”, I was confused as I tried to look at the stranger tapping on my car window. The fool would get me exposed; ignoring him would only arouse more suspicion so I rolled down the window and fed him a dirty look instead.

  “Hey”, I answered.

  I took a good look at him now that the window had been rolled down; I was not sure whether he was a man or a woman. He was definitely dressed like a woman but his deep voice and beard line told a different story.

  “Mind if I join you?” he went on to ask “I could blow you for 20 bucks”.

  I was both confused and repulsed at the suggestion when I heard this. I looked at him more closely before noticing that there were other men dressed just like him hovering behind him. What the fuck was Robbie doing in a gay bar?

  “No thank you”, I answered.

  “Are you sure? I will make it worth your time?”

  The churning in my stomach just from looking at him made me feel nauseas and scared. I was not a homo phobic but I just never thought of going down that road. I lov
ed women, I loved tities and pussy and God knows I loved their soft thick thighs and sweet moans.

  “I am good”, I said and did not give him any room to convince me any further. I rolled up the window and stepped on the gas in search of a new hiding place. Unfortunately for me, Robbie got out of the bar just as I got closer to his car. To avoid him spotting me, I had to move past him so that I could not blow my cover. I parked a t a safe distance ahead of him and used my rear view mirror to watch him get into his car and drive away.

  With the speed he was moving at, I knew he had finished his errands. I decided to give him a five minute head start before following him and reluctantly moving at the speed with which he was moving at.



  Leaving Sarah in bed that night was both a painful and a good sight; the pregnancy had given Sarah a youthful glow. I watched her take in slow breaths as she was deep in her slumber and wished I had an option to lead a normal life with her. She lay spread on the bed in the nude with the covers carelessly covering her curvaceous body. She looked breathtakingly beautiful with her hair untangled on the pillow and her chest moving up and down as it yielded to soft snores.

  I moved closer to her and placed a warm wet kiss on her forehead before looking at her again and heading toward the door. I opened and shut it gently behind me after stealing one last glance at my darling. The pang of guilt stabbed at my heart and overwhelmed my whole being, but I had to keep moving. It had to be done, I had to leave her. The steps to the front door felt both heavy and uncertain but with every second came a new resolve. I knew this was the best decision for us and walked over to my car.

  I had told Sebastian not to set the alarm that night before going to bed as I had plans to leave the house. I stepped into the cold night after setting up the alarm, and got into the driver’s seat of my car.

  “Here we go”, I said before starting my car and pulling out of the driveway. Driving from the mansion felt nostalgic in its own way, it was like I was leaving a piece of me behind as I left Sarah. Part of me wanted to go back and wake her up and maybe convince her to come with me. I pushed the thought to the back of my head as I drove on; Sarah needed a better man not a felon like me.

  I still had a few more stops to make before making a run for it and my first destination was at my old friend’s Max. He worked in a bar and ran his business at a small room in the back. I had been there earlier in the day and all I needed to do was make my collection and leave.

  The bar was crowded when I walked in and walked straight to the back, my mind was focused on Max and nothing else. He was seated at the back with one leg crossed over the other going over a few statements on his computer. If you had no idea about his extracurricular activities, you would think Max was an accountant trying to keep a clean record of the bar’s books.

  “Hey there”, I said “You got my shit?”

  “I sure do”, Max answered and diverted his attention from the computer screen to me. I loved the fact that he respected my hurried tone and put aside what he was doing to attend to me.

  “Here you go”, he handed me a brown parcel that felt heavy in my hands.

  “Thank you”.

  I answered and turned on my heel getting ready to head back the same way I had come from.

  “Aren’t you going to test it?” he asked curiously.

  “No, I trust you”.

  I winked at him and walked back to my car with my goods in hand, I did not trust Max I was in too much of a hurry to counter check anything. I would have to deal with him later if I found out he had pulled a fast one on me.

  I got into my car and took a sneak peak of the package before placing it on the co driver’s seat. The metallic glitter of metal stared back at me and I secretly hoped Max hadn’t screwed me over. He was well known for the best unlicensed guns in the area and I had no time to start doubting him. The next stop was at Fred’s; he was known for a quick fix up of papers for the right amount and in great haste.

  I picked up my speed as I drove on; I needed to get out of the city as soon as I could. I was parked outside Fred’s in good time and walked towards his hiding place; he too worked in a bar.

  I felt weird however as soon as I stepped out of my car and headed to the noisy place, like someone was watching me. I took in my surroundings but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I was blinded by my own thoughts to notice anything and resided to my feeling being born out of paranoia.

  Fred was expecting him and wore a big smile on his face when he saw me.

  “Hey Robbie”.

  “Hey man”, I said with my hands placed firmly on my hips “You got my staff?”

  “Sure as hell I do”.

  He handed me a few papers that I quickly went over with an impressed smile plastered on my face.

  “These are really good”, I said as I went through the passport, ID and credit cards that he had made in such a short notice.

  “I know”, he beamed with pride.

  “Thanks man”, I said and headed out of the door, time was not on my side and I couldn’t spend it tapping Fred on the head like small puppy.

  The weird feeling came over me again as soon as I walked into the cold night and I again took in my surroundings. Nothing felt out of place and I blamed it on the adrenaline rush of the whole situation. I got into my car and skidded off to my next destination, I wished I had brought a bottle of scotch with me to help me through the next process.

  I parked my car at a safe distance before going into the abandon shit hole of a house. The night was cold and I was running out of time, there was a light on from the living room as I made my way to the house and knocked gently on the door to announce my presence.

  I walked into the house while rolling one sleeve up and putting on a brave face.

  “Thanks Pete”, I said as I walked into the living room with my left hand clenched in a tight fist.

  The scene was exactly as I had asked for, Brad was gagged and tied to a chair but did not look scared.

  I walked over to him and landed a hot slap across his face before looking the bustard in the eye. He couldn’t respond because of the duct tape on his mouth and I had to reap it off his mouth for him to speak.

  “Robbie Robbie Robbie”, he said with a sly smile spread all over his face “I didn’t think you still got it in you”.

  “Not the kind of reaction I would expect from a man I am about to torture”, I answered.

  “You can’t do anything to me that has not been done to me before, I thought you turned a new leaf, you know, gotten rich and shit?”

  “That does not mean I won’t crush your balls with my fist if you double cross me”.

  Brad seemed to think I had gone soft over the years but I was just about to prove him wrong. I wanted him to squirm in his seat with fear but he was an old ass hard core.

  I looked up to Pete and gave him the signal; he moved closer to Brad and punched him in his ribs a few times before taking a step back.

  “What do you want Robbie?” Brad asked after coughing out a few droplets of blood from the left side of his mouth.

  He still did not look afraid which really got under my skin, I wanted to hit him across the head a few times but knew it wouldn’t yield the desired result.

  “I want you to tell me what you know?” I said “I want you to tell me who sent you?”


  “OK??” I asked shocked. Everybody knew Brad was not a snitch; he would rather commit suicide before snitching on anyone. His easy acceptance to my question raised eyebrows, not only on me but on Pete’ as well.

  “What do you want in return?” I asked.

  “I want money and a passport”, he confessed “I want to get out of the city”.

  “Ok, tell me what you know first”.

  “You are in trouble”, he started “You are about to get yourself in some deep shit”.

  “Keep talking”.

  “There is a cop who was asking around about you”.

  “What cop?” I asked, this piece of information had definitely captured my attention.

  “Some cop, he works with the FBI”.

  “What does he know?”

  “From what I heard, he knows everything”.

  My heart constricted, I wasn’t sure whether it was Sarah or David asking around for or maybe both. I couldn’t shelter my surprise and this news only reminded me of the timer that was ticking loudly in my head. I needed to leave the city ASAP.

  “Do you know his name?” I probed on.

  “I only know his first name”, he replied “David something”.

  Fuck! The old bastard was right, I was in deep shit. I knew David had been asking around about me but I hadn’t known the extent of it. I also didn’t know if he had disclosed anything to Sarah. The thought of Sarah learning about this news after abandoning her was overwhelming. She would definitely think the worst of me.

  “Hey boss, what do you want me to do with him?” Pete interrupted my thoughts and brought me back to the room.

  I got to my feet, too confused to think or see clearly and started heading for the door.

  “Give him what he wants”, I said “But not after cracking a few of his ribs, I hate snitches”.

  I said this with a tone of finality and walked over to my car, I had one more stop to make before leaving the city. I knew I could count on Pete to get the work done as I walked out of the abandoned house. I wanted to kick myself in the nuts upon the realization of what Brad had just confessed to me. I should have been more careful and cleaned my shit up well after the vibes that David had thrown my way.

  Men, was I out of my game or what? I had always been ten steps ahead, how the hell had David known about my past. He must have used my love for Sarah to take advantage of me, he must have known it would be a great distraction and I would not pay much attention to anything else but Sarah.


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