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And Now You're Mine

Page 8

by Annie Harland Creek

  Throwing her head back, she smiled and let out a long sigh of satisfaction that almost caused him to spontaneously combust. Worse still, she added fuel to the fire by telling him, “That was nice, but when does the unimaginable pleasure start?”

  Was it the two glasses of wine loosening her inhibitions or was she warming to the idea of making love with him? Either way, he had no complaints. She hadn’t had enough alcohol to make her intoxicated, so he would not be taking advantage, and if the money was driving her desire, so be it. He would have her tonight. He matched her teasing with a taunt of his own.

  “I’m the one paying fifty thousand dollars. What do I get out of this?”

  She sat up and, as he held his breath, slipped out of the scant panties and scooted to the edge of the bed. When her hand squeezed his thigh, before travelling higher, he groaned his approval.

  “When I dreamt of the moment you gave yourself to me, I fantasized about what I would like to do to you and have done to me.”

  “You fantasize about me?” She lowered herself to her knees on the floor and positioned herself between his legs, spreading his knees with her hands before massaging her way towards his crotch. “What did I do to you, in this daydream?”

  She reached for the wine and drank from the bottle, passing it to her left hand as she continued to stroke the inside of his leg with her right.

  “I think you’re already reading my mind.” He sighed as her fingers unbuttoned his fly and tugged the zipper down. When her hand slipped inside his satin boxers and her fingers wrapped around his shaft and tightened, he groaned his instructions. “In my fantasy, you—”

  She gazed up at him, smiled, then leaned down. As her lips touched the head of his cock, she opened her mouth. Bubbles of wine enveloped him, tantalized him, as she hummed over the sensitized tip. His breath hitched, and he closed his eyes when she cupped his balls and squeezed. Her technique flawless. The pressure perfect, even as her fingernails dug a little into his responsive sack.

  “Don’t stop.” He opened his eyes and reached for her, threading his fingers through her hair, holding her for fear she might change her mind, but concerned his self-control may falter. He’d dreamt of this moment, the pleasure, the release. But in his fantasies, he always came inside her body, sharing the moment, giving as much as taking.


  When he tugged at her hair, easing her head back, her eyes widened in surprise.

  “But I thought you wanted—”

  “I want you, min dyrebare.”

  She sat back on her haunches, her hands on her perfectly rounded hips, her plump red lips pursed. Her disappointed expression almost brought him undone, and, when her pupils dilated as he stood and began to unbutton his shirt, he had his answer. She wanted him, too.

  “Fuck this.” With one almighty tug, he tore off the shirt, sending buttons flying.

  He leaned down to assist her up, and, as she rose, she reached out to touch him. Her palms traced his chest and over his obliques. His abdominal muscles tightened as her fingers gripped the waistband of his trousers together with his boxers, and tugged both down his knees. Before she went any further, he gripped her shoulders.

  “Allow me.” He stepped out of his remaining clothes and kicked them across the room. Had her lips brushed his cock again, he would have exploded. Somehow, he suspected she already knew that. He had to take back control. Prolong the experience.

  “I believe we’ve reached a stalemate.”

  “A what?” she tilted her head to one side and gazed up at him from under a fringe of long, dark lashes. Damn, she’s good at her job. He tried to ignore the coquettish fluttering of her eyelashes, and the plumpness of her full, red lips, but lowering his gaze made his situation worse. Every breath she took, drew his attention to her breasts. Her very large, very plump breasts. Control yourself, man. He closed his eyes and tried not to think of the weight of them in his palms, the taste of her nipples on his tongue.

  “Despite the fact that you’re secreting enough pheromones to call a man from a mile away, I’ve yet to hear the words I need to proceed.”

  “What makes you think I’ll ask you?”

  He moved closer until he could almost rest his chin on her head, but he kept his arms by his side. As her breasts brushed his abdomen, his cock pulsated against her belly and she gasped in response.

  “You’re touching me,” she whimpered, her voice breathless with desire.

  “I have no control over my cock. It seeks to find comfort in you. It answers your body’s call.”

  “My body’s call?” Her body leaned into his. She rested her forehead against his chest and breathed her question against his skin. “What do you think my body is telling you?”

  “The heat of your breasts scorch my skin, and peak at the thought of my lips tasting the sweet honey of your nipples while I fondle your beautiful, sensual breasts. Even as I speak, your pussy throbs as blood rushes to your clit, spreading damp heat between your legs. Tell me you want my hands to explore every inch of your body. My fingers to touch you, stroke you until you come in my hand. My tongue to taste you, my body to worship you, my—”

  “No more talk.” She pushed away from his chest to look into his eyes. “I want you, Chris. I want all those things you said.”

  “Thank the gods!”

  He cupped her head, their lips melting together in a frenzied kiss as he lifted her. With her legs wrapped around his waist and his cock drenched in her arousal, he carried her to his bed. He would honor all his promises, make her come in ways she’d never believed possible, but for now…


  No sooner had her back touched the smooth sheets of his bed, his hands were on her breasts. His tongue lapped at each breast in turn, until he chose one peak and drew it into his mouth, brushing her with his extended canine teeth. She arched her back as his fangs grazed the skin on her nipple and his tongue flicked out to lap up the droplets of blood. The sensible part of her warned herself to run. After all, he was a vampire. If he lost control, he may kill her, but dying in his arms would be worth it. He’d promised exquisite pleasure. Was this exquisite pain? If so, she liked it.


  He took both her breasts in his hands, pushing them together, lapping and sucking on each nipple, taking a droplet of blood with each nip. As his mouth travelled down to her navel and kept going, she gasped. Her pelvis tilted in anticipation and her legs parted to give him full access.

  “Yes. Sink your teeth into me.”

  Cupping her buttocks with his palms, he lifted her bottom off the bed while he stared up at her face. His smile reminded her of the big, bad wolf from fairytales about to devour his prey, eat her all up. When his tongue flicked out to dampen his upper lip, she almost orgasmed and when he sunk his fangs into her clit, she screamed. “Oh. Fuck. Yes. Yes. Oh, yes.”

  Her knees held him firm, her hands gripped his hair close to his scalp and she thrust her hips hard against his mouth as she shuddered, again and again. Every cell in her body sang his praises. Every inch of her skin cried out for attention. Barely had his mouth broken contact with her pussy and she craved more. He seemed to anticipate her every need. His cock bobbed against her leg as he crawled along her body, kissing her abdomen, lapping the sweat in her navel and under her breasts. As he bit down on her left breast, she reached down and grabbed his shaft.

  “Now. Fuck me, now.”

  He didn’t hesitate, thrusting inside her. Filling her. Stretching her. She dug her nails into his buttocks, forcing him deeper inside her as she wrapped her legs around his waist to give him deeper penetration. As she arched her back, he suckled her breasts, squeezing them together as he groaned his approval.

  “I knew they’d feel perfect in my hands.”

  She opened her eyes. “You think about me?”

  “I think of nothing else.” He sighed as his pelvis slammed into her with ever increasing speed. His hooded eyes closed and he groaned, his shuddering shaft vibrating ins
ide her, sending another wave of pleasure through her body. She dug her fingernails into the flesh of his back and rode the wave, whimpering at its climax.

  They lay together, her hands stroking his damp back. His body between her legs. Their hearts beating as one.


  Evangeline checked the time on the bedside clock. 9:00 AM. Christoff would remain asleep for hours. She, on the other hand, was wide awake, and although the idea of lying beside his perfect body was appealing, she had work to do. Thank Christ she’d left her cell phone at home when they’d gone to the restaurant. Her mother would worry if she’d missed the weekly call. Before slinking out of bed, she leaned down and stroked the stray hair from his forehead before gently kissing his lips. He stirred, deepening the kiss as he pulled her down.

  “Where are you going, min dyrebare? Come back to bed.”

  “I have to call my mother.” She reluctantly pushed herself up and off the bed. “Besides, I thought you’d be in a hurry to get your treasure.”

  “I’ve already found my treasure.” His smile made her weak at the knees until he sat up and raised an eyebrow. “Wait, you said mother?”

  Trying hard not to start another fight, she grit her teeth and scowled. “Yes, I have a mother. I wasn’t raised by wolves you know.”

  “Where is your mother? Does she travel with you?”

  “She’s not well.” Should she trust him with the truth. “Actually, she’s in hospice.”

  He reached out and took her hand, kissing it. “Her condition is terminal?”

  Her head nodded of its own accord. Strange how that word made it all seem more real. Terminal. Dying. She sucked in a deep breath. Not if I can help it.

  “Listen, Chris. I really need to talk to her, it’s important.” She slipped the dress over her head and checked under the bed.

  “Looking for something?”

  As she raised her head, he twirled the panties around on his index finger. “You can have this back, if you explain the urgency of your call.”

  Hands on hips, she challenged him. “Do you really think I’d be concerned about walking ten feet to my van, knickerless? Anyone living on the estate would be in their coffins.”

  He sat up, a bemused expression on his face. “Why do you humans insist on believing that vampires sleep in coffins. I have a perfectly nice, although half-empty, bed.” He lifted back the sheet covering his erection and patted the mattress beside him. “Come, tell me why you are avoiding the subject of your mother.”

  Despite her almost instant arousal at the sight of his naked body, his last words dampened any flames of desire. How could she think of her own pleasure while her mother clung to life? She’d been careless with the medallion and almost lost any hope of saving the only person who mattered. Christoff had provided another opportunity to redeem herself and the price was worth every cent. Biting her bottom lip, she made a decision.

  “I can’t believe I’m going to tell you this.” She lowered her chin, shook her head and continued. “I need money. Lots of it.” Sliding onto the bed beside him, she gazed into his eyes, looking for compassion and finding it. “My mother has a rare blood disease. The doctors she’s seen have no idea how to cure it.” Biting back tears, she touched her fingers to her lips before continuing. “I’ve been trying to raise enough money to get a specialist, someone from Europe or wherever the hell blood specialists live.”

  When he silently stroked her hand, she broke down.

  “No matter what you think of me, I’m not a bad person. I may scam the rich, but I don’t sell my body. The deal I made with you was out of desperation.”

  His expression changed. “Desperation? I don’t understand. Why me? Why now?”

  “Because.” With a deep breath, she confessed something she could no longer deny, even to herself. “I wanted to do what you asked. I wanted you.” She shook her head. “I know it’s selfish, but I needed one night of pleasure. One moment’s peace from the pain of knowing what’s to come.”

  “Your mother?”

  “She isn’t expected to survive the month.”

  Evangeline shuddered as the words left her lips. Somehow, saying the words out loud made it seem more real. She wouldn’t make enough money to save her mother. Time was up.

  He crept up behind her, wrapping his arms around her, holding her, as he whispered into her ear. “Then your mother shall have the best doctors and medical attention money can buy.”

  When Evangeline turned around and opened her mouth to speak, he silenced her with a finger to her lips.

  “Consider this a gift. There will be no more talk of selling your body. It cheapens our love.”

  Love? Suddenly the strength left her legs and she wobbled in his arms. “What did you say?”

  “I told you the money would be a gift.”

  “No, the other thing.”

  One side of his mouth curled. “I said I wanted no more talk of selling yourself.”

  She pushed him away with a shove to his naked chest and raised her left eyebrow when she realized. “You bastard. You’re teasing me.”

  “Perhaps, perhaps not.” Despite his taunt, he chuckled.

  “You love me?”

  “From the moment I saw you.”

  “But I thought you wanted to punish me for robbing those people?”

  “Ah, so you admit to your deceptions.”

  “You mean this.” She drew her right arm across her body and with a sideways flick of her hand, threw him onto the bed. His shocked expression brought a smile to her face. “If you want to play games, I’m happy to oblige.”

  As she knelt on the end of his bed and crawled towards him, she used her telekinetic powers to hold him down, motionless except for the throbbing of his cock.

  “Are you going to punish me?” His words cracked, sounding more like a request than a question. She had him right where she wanted him. Her smile widened as she straddled his hips, lifting her dress to remind him her underwear lay somewhere on the floor. He groaned as she pressed forward, pinning his cock against his abdomen as she rubbed her clit the length of his impressive erection.

  “Would you like me to punish you?”

  His eyes widened, and his mouth curled in a grin as wide as his face as he nodded.

  However, she wasn’t finished with him yet.

  “I’ve told you my story.” She leaned closer, her hair brushing his neck, her breath on his chest. “Tell me how you became a vampire.”

  His sharp intake of breath surprised her. She leaned back to study his face. Why was he so reluctant to tell her? So far, he’d been brutally honest with every answer, every question. Why was this time so different?

  “My story may not be to your liking.” He averted her gaze, looking down to the side. “I am not proud of the things I did leading to my demise. I doubt you would think of me the same way once you hear the truth.”

  She sat back on the bed, her bottom still between his legs and crossed her arms. “When we first met, you accused me of being a whore, but you still wanted me. Let me be the judge. I’m pretty open-minded.”

  “Very well.”


  Christoff sucked in a deep breath and closed his eyes. Would she run from him after hearing his confession? Would the truth set him free or bind him in the chains of loneliness forever?

  “At the age of thirty, I found myself left behind in a Danish seaside village after my shipmates had sailed without me. We had attacked the village, expecting an easy victory, but we were wrong. The townspeople fought bravely and drove us back to the ship. I fell and broke my leg and was left behind.”

  “No honor amongst pirates?”

  “I guess that was what we were, however, the common name for my people was Vikings.”

  “No shit? Vikings?”

  “Shall I continue?”

  “A fire had broken out, much like the one from the restaurant. I would prefer to think that they couldn’t find me. Being intentionally left sounds much worse. Regardle
ss of the reason, I found myself at the mercy of the villagers. One young lass, the chief’s daughter, took a fancy to me. With all the younger men married, she had been expected to marry a much older man, so she convinced her father that I was a better option.”

  Lines crinkled Evangeline’s forehead. “How old was she?”

  “Fifteen.” He stopped her next words with an extended palm. “I realize the age difference between us is abhorrent in this century, but it was common practice back then. Besides, the other candidates for husband were in their fifties and I was given a choice. The chapel or the gallows.”

  “So, you married her?”

  He nodded, ashamed that his words stole the sparkle from her eyes.

  “Did you love her?”

  “I loved her, but I was not in love with her. I became fond of her. She tried to be the perfect wife in every way, but in the bed chamber, she acted like the child she was. At no stage of our marriage did she ever disrobe in front of me and she always wore a long, flannel nightgown to bed to cover her body while making love.”

  “That must have sucked for you.”

  “It wasn’t ideal, especially after experiencing the pleasures of the flesh at many ports—”

  “I think you can skip that part.”

  Her expression warned him to do just that.

  “How did you become a vampire?”

  “After your reaction to my last confession, I think, perhaps, I shouldn’t go into details.”

  Her nose crinkled, and her huge eyes narrowed with her frown.

  “Fine. During my first winter in the village, a woman arrived by sea in a small vessel. She soon fell afoul of the gossip, especially as she was unescorted and preferred to sleep the days away on board her boat. At first, I pitied her as I, too, was not the most welcome of newcomers, but,” he eased back up the bedhead, trying to subtly remove his genitals from within her reach, “she was the most sensual being I had ever laid eyes on. Her face and body as smooth as marble. Her—”

  “I get the picture.” Evangeline cleared her voice. “She seduced you and you left town with her.”


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