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And Now You're Mine

Page 15

by Annie Harland Creek

  She held out the dagger with both hands. “What do you want me to do with it?”

  “I only need a little blood.” He told her breathlessly, making the hairs on her neck stand at attention. He couldn’t hide his excitement. She wondered if her own expression mirrored her feelings of revulsion as he leaned closer. “Just a nick at the wrist will be sufficient. When I merge with your blood, I will enter every organ in your body.” Pinching her chin between his finger and thumb, he forced her to face him. “Don’t fret, it will all be over soon.”

  With no other choice, she raised the dagger and drew the blade across her wrist. Blood immediately trickled from the wound and the demon’s eyes widened as he licked his lips.

  “Good girl.”

  The meatsuit closed its eyes and dropped to the floor as Evangeline felt the demon enter her body. Pain surged through her, driving her to her knees as she fought his control. Their spirits clashed in a power struggle while she waited for the exact moment to strike. Blood dripped onto the medallion as she held it beneath her open wrist. The seal snapped shut. Binding the contract inside. Forcing the demon to keep his end of the bargain.

  “Stop fighting me.” He screamed inside her head. “I am part of you now. You cannot drive me from your blood.”

  “Wanna bet?”

  With a quick, accurate sweep of the blade, she sliced from wrist to elbow on her left hand before swapping the dagger to her other hand to repeat the action. Blood pooled by her sides as the demon roared. “What have you done? Fool. You have killed yourself for nothing. I will return in another form once you have bled out.”


  “No, you won’t.” Christoff caught Evangeline as she slumped to the sand, kneeling beside her. “Will you let me help you, min dyrebare?”

  She stared up at him through hooded eyes and smiled. “It’s over, Chris. I had to stop him from hurting anyone else through me. I only wish I could have destroyed him altogether.”

  “It’s not over.” He lifted her, holding her tight against his chest. “There is a way to defeat him, but it comes at a cost.”

  “Anything. I’ll do anything to stop him.”

  Tilting her head to the side, he tenderly kissed her throat, briefly savoring the sweet perfume of her skin before sinking his fangs into her carotid artery. Instantly, he felt the power struggle as he drew the demon into his own body. The woman in his arms flailed a little before going limp. He prayed she would survive the experience. Without her, life as he knew it would end.

  As the demon merged with his blood, it encountered another foe. One that had resided in Christoff’s blood since the day he first became a vampire. A demon as old as time, who did not take kindly to sharing its host with another.

  Christoff fell backwards on the sand, still cradling Evangeline in his arms as he fought to hold her demon at bay. The pain cut through him like a knife as the demons battled, each wanting to control his body. When the latest intruder surrendered and tried to flee, he was forced to endure the wrath of both. No way could he let it loose, not until—

  “We’re here.”

  He opened his eyes and sighed as David and his family formed a circle around him and his love. As they joined hands, Anna nodded. Her sign to release the demon did not go unnoticed. With a roar, he expelled the demon from his blood. A dark cloud hovered over their heads. Christoff ignored it, leaving Anna to deal with the demon. Evangeline’s heart fluttered its last beat as he gnawed a gash in his wrist and held it to her mouth. The blood trickled down her chin, but she did not appear to drink. Overly cautious, he’d taken care to ensure there was no trace of the demon in her blood before attempting to turn her. A vampire with her power and a demon soul would have been disastrous. Had he waited too long? Was it too late?

  The sounds of thunder drowned out Anna’s chant. Lightning forked through the night sky and rain began to fall as the demon showered their heads with sparks of electricity. Christoff covered Evangeline with his body when Anna’s voice rose in volume and her body glowed with ethereal light. Pressure around them built, the mass above them pulsed and deepened in color.

  Beneath him, something stirred. A soft groan spoke volumes to his heart. Evangeline.

  “Help me up.” As she rose with his assistance, she took the medallion from her pocket, skimmed some of the blood from her wrist and smeared it over the embossed locket. It sprung open in her hand. “Are you ready?”

  Anna nodded in response to her question, although her focus remained on the object floating above their heads.

  “Let my blood seal your fate.”

  A gust of wind drew what was left of the demon into the locket. As it snapped shut, Anna clamped her hand down over Evangeline’s. A blinding red light burst from between their fingers as their combined power permanently sealed the locket.

  “Is it over?” She gazed up into his eyes, expecting an answer. He had none. He asked the same question of Anna.

  “Yes. It’s over.” She smiled, turning her attention back to Evangeline who was placing the medallion into her pocket. “I think I have something else that belongs to you.”

  They gripped forearms, sparks flying as something mystical seem to pass between them. Even the Corels appeared to be surprised by the phenomenon.

  “Phew. I don’t know whether to be relieved or depressed about giving that back. I’ve never felt anything like that. You’re more powerful than I ever imagined.” Anna leaned against her husband for support. “Thanks for the loan.”


  “It’s me who should be doing the thanking.” Evangeline told her. “If it wasn’t for you, all of you, I’d be dead.” She gazed at the faces of her saviors. Every one of them had risked their necks to save her.

  Anna gave her the warmest of smiles. “It’s the least we could do. Susie and the baby are precious to us. You gave your life for them. There’s no greater sacrifice.”

  “Holy shit.” Evangeline’s hand shot to her mouth. “So, I really am dead?”

  “Technically, you’re undead.” Meaghan informed her. “It takes a while to get used to it.”

  “I think I need a drink.” She slipped her fingers between Christoff’s and squeezed, grateful for the opportunity to do so.

  “Umm. What about this fellow?” David tilted his head in the direction of the discarded body on the beach. “Should we let the sharks have him?”

  “Let me clean up my own mess.” Evangeline pointed her free hand at the man who had blackened her eye at the library. The man whose soul was as black as the night’s sky. With a flick of her wrist, she set his body alight. Within seconds, not even a speck of ash remained.

  “Geez. Remind me never to upset her.” Derrick told his wife as they all headed towards the house.

  Chapter Ten

  So, this is what it feels like to be part of a family. Evangeline glanced at the sea of smiling faces as Susie and Terry were ushered into the living area. Once in their seats, Susie sprang to life.

  “Okay, spill. No one’s told me anything except that the demon is back in the medallion, buried under six feet of concrete in the garden. I want to know every detail of what happened once you left the restaurant yesterday. Don’t leave anything out.”

  Once she had the nod of approval from the others, Evangeline explained what had happened.

  “At the restaurant, the demon contacted me telepathically. It said that if I didn’t willingly sacrifice myself, it would…” The thought suddenly occurred to her. Should she tell Susie?

  “Kill you and the baby.” Christoff blurted.

  “Nice one, Chris.”

  “Well, it’s the truth.” He shrugged. “I’ll never understand why you all tiptoe around the facts.”

  Susie’s face paled and she leaned back in Terry’s arms. “I don’t know how to thank you.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Evangeline felt a tug at her heart strings. What if her plan hadn’t worked? What if Susie and the baby had been hurt?

  “I still don’t un
derstand how you outsmarted the demon,” Terry interrupted. “You thought he’d gone before and he came back.”

  “I had help,” she shot Anna a wink, “from a witch and a little black book.”


  “Perhaps it’s best you let her tell the story without interruptions.”

  That’s my man. “When I was researching the locket at the library, I found a book about witchcraft and sorcery. It mentioned that power could be shared and that covens do it all the time to intensify their magic. When I realised that I had no choice but to surrender to the demon, I contacted Anna.”

  “Through a telepathic link?” Susie squealed.

  Evangeline laughed. “No, I used the mobile phone that David gave me. Anyway, after picking Chris’s pocket and borrowing his car, I met up with Anna in a secluded area and transferred most of my power to her, keeping just enough to hold him off until she could get to me.”

  “You took a big risk,” Chris told her, his expression as serious as the grave. “If Anna hadn’t called me, you’d have died before she arrived.”

  “I did die.” She reminded him with a smile. “I died in your arms. I can’t think of a better way to end my life.”

  “Our life is just beginning, min dyrebare.” He rose and pulled her up to her feet. “Come, there is something I wish to show you.”

  They made their excuses and exited the house by the back door. A full moon illuminated the garden and a warm breeze filled the air with the fragrance of frangipani.

  “This garden is gorgeous.” She breathed in the sweet perfume as she bent down to pick up a stray flower, placing it behind her right ear. He shook his head, took the flower from her hair and placed it behind the left ear.

  “This side tells men that you are unavailable. We can’t have anyone thinking that you belong to anyone but me.”

  She wanted to tell him that she was her own woman, that she belonged to no one, but she couldn’t lie, even to herself. Lowering her eyes, she asked. “What is it you wanted to show me?”

  “Just a little further.”

  He led her by the hand, down the stairs to the beach and along the sand. Her breath hitched as she passed the patch of sand where her life had ended. Where was he taking her? She hadn’t ventured past the rocks before, having been told that this was the border of the Corel property. Had she become a bad influence on Chris? Was he planning to trespass on private property? A shiver of excitement shook her body. Did he propose to skinny dip on a private beach? The thought made her legs weak and her panties damp with desire. She’d unbuttoned the front of her shirt before he’d even noticed and had stripped down to her underwear. As he turned to her, his gaze drifted over her lacy bra and the plump skin spilling over the top.

  “You’re making this hard for me,” he groaned as he cupped her almost bare buttocks and pulled her in for a kiss.

  “I sure am.” She grinned, stroking the bulge in his jeans. “Do you plan on ravaging me on a private beach? If so, I’m up for the challenge.” Tugging at his waistband, she unzipped his fly and slipped her fingers inside the flap of his satin boxers. “What do you think the owner will do if they catch us?”

  “Let’s find out.”


  He reached down and lifted her, wrapping her long, silky soft legs around his waist, holding her with his left hand while his right unfastened her bra. The dampness of her arousal against his belly sent another rush of blood to his cock. At this rate, they’d never make it to the house.

  “Hold on.”

  He clamped his lips over her nipple, nipping the little bud between his teeth as he transported them inside the home. She closed her eyes and groaned her approval as she forced her breast against his face. By the time she’d opened her eyes, they were in the dining room. Her eyes sparkled with mischief when he lay her down on the edge of the large wooden table and removed her panties.

  “Naughty boy.” Her hooded eyes beckoned to him. Taunted him. He placed his hands inside her knees and spread her legs wide before him. When he palmed the silken triangle of hair, thumbing the sensitive, swollen bud, she arched her back and moaned her approval. “Fuck the owners. I want you inside me, now.”

  He didn’t hesitate, nor did he remove his clothes. The heady fragrance of her arousal called to him like an aphrodisiac. When she opened her arms, her beautiful flushed breasts heaving, her nipples stiff and pink with desire, his carefully laid plans went out the window. With a thrust, he entered her, groaning as her body wrapped him in a velvet glove of tight heat. With every push, her thighs tightened around his waist, her body held his cock in a vice-like grip as she screamed his name. Sweat trickled between her breasts and he lapped hungrily at the salty goodness, making a mental note to taste more of her later. As her moans overlapped and his own body began to quiver, he dug his fingers into the soft flesh of her buttocks, anchoring himself as she thrust her hips upwards. Her plump breasts bounced against his face as he tried, unsuccessfully, to grip her nipples between his teeth. His extended fangs scraped the skin of her areola and she reacted with an enthusiastic yelp, climaxing so violently, she shook the table. He came in a rush, his body collapsing against her with a final shudder.

  “Wow,” she whispered in his ear. Her soft breath sending a shiver of desire down his body. “I’d never have expected something so daring from you. Not that I’m complaining, but don’t you think we should leave?”

  “This was a delicious appetizer,” he mumbled against her breast, “but we haven’t had the main course.”

  Hands shoved at his chest. “Seriously. Shouldn’t we get going? What do you think the owner would say if he saw us?”

  “Well, to use your vernacular, he’d probably say that he wanted to bend you over the couch and fuck your brains out.”

  When her eyes widened, he couldn’t suppress his laughter. She slapped his shoulder and struggled to get off the table. He easily pinned her down.

  “I signed the contracts this afternoon. Welcome to your new home.”

  “You bought this … for me?”

  “For us, my darling. I’ve never bought a home before. If it’s not to your liking, we can always purchase another.”

  She slipped down off the table, her body still flushed and sprinkled with beads of perspiration. Her intoxicating fragrance drove him crazy with desire as she stood naked before him.

  “It’s beautiful.” She turned to him, her eyes brimming with tears. “I wish my mom had lived to see this, see how happy you’ve made me.”

  “She shall have pride of place in our garden,” he promised. “We will make the arrangements with the funeral home tomorrow.”

  “How did I ever get so lucky?” she sobbed against his chest. “I don’t deserve you.”

  “Since the moment I first saw you,” he lifted her chin, planting a kiss on her forehead, “you put a spell on me.”

  Her eyes twinkled with mischief and her smile widened as she told him. “And now you’re mine.”

  The End

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