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Unforgettable Heroes II Boxed Set

Page 162

by Elizabeth Bevarly

  “Gas or coals?


  “How about gas instead?”

  “I guess you don’t have grill tools?”

  “What do you mean, you don’t eat hamburgers?”

  “Who in their right mind would eat a turkey burger?

  “Do you really eat that stuff?”



  “Lemonade? Really?”

  Dia knew the other patrons were as amused as she was. Ryan decided he had to have a gas grill and searched the aisles like a little boy on a treasure hunt for a cover and the large tools to cook with. When they went from the lawn and garden section of the store to the grocery section, he turned his nose up at anything she suggested that might be a healthy alternative to the pork and beef he was loading up on. She kept her thoughts to herself, since he was obviously having a ball, but she couldn’t help but laugh when he looked confused once they reached their transportation. There was nearly too much to load into the small cargo space and back seats. Of course, the box containing the grill they’d have to put together took up a considerable amount of room. He’d somehow forgotten they weren’t feeding a family of twelve and had chosen the largest one the store had.

  She grinned at him as they sorted, packed, pulled things out, and then repacked them again.


  Dia glanced up to find him watching her. “I guess you love to grill out.”

  Ryan looked at the purchases and grinned sheepishly. “I’ve never grilled out in my life.”

  Stunned, she stood back. “Are you serious?”

  Ryan nodded, frowning. “Yep. My mother hated the outdoors, movies, socializing, and pretty much everything, so we never went anywhere when she wasn’t at work and I was home from school or on summer break. I learned to entertain myself with books mostly. I eventually badgered her into getting me a computer by telling her it would help me in school.” He grinned.

  “She only agreed because she couldn’t argue with the perfect grades I’d gotten from the start. I didn’t get to watch much TV, but, as often as I could, I’d sneak out and get a horror movie from the grocery store a block from our home while she was at work. It never failed, though. My mom would eventually find them, then put me on restriction. Which was really a joke since I didn’t get to do much of anything but study, and there was nothing to take away from me, except the movies she already wouldn’t let me watch. Once I had the computer, I downloaded some she never knew about. But by then I was almost out the door anyway.”

  “She sounds…um…” Dia shook her head, unable to say what she was thinking.

  “Mean? Yeah, I thought she was, too. Still do at times. I want to blame her sometimes for my social awkwardness. I ended up being this nerdy kid who got fantastic grades but had no idea what to do with people.” He studied her, his brows pulled together. “With girls in particular.

  “It was only after I left home that I had the opportunity to try to change. By that time I was pretty set in my ways and felt like such an outsider that I just stuck with what I knew. Other than finding other older nerdy college kids to hang out with, who also thought being in the sun was a health hazard, I didn’t really embrace the experience most kids did. I entered computer and math competitions, built robots for the annual robot wars, and dreamed of being someone other than who I was. That’s what got me interested in the project I want to show you. It will show you who I am beneath the glasses. I guess, at heart, I’m a dreamer.”

  Dia walked around the Jeep to stand before him. “I’ve had the world handed to me, but I don’t think we’re really all that different. In my own way, I guess I’m kind of a nerd too, except I’m not nearly as smart as you. I screw things up. All the time, according to my family.”

  Ryan shook his head. “I don’t believe that. I think you’re perfect.”

  Dia laughed. “Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you. When we go to put that monster grill together, you’ll probably be ready to run me off with a stick before it’s done.”

  Ryan pulled her into his arms and gently lifted her chin. “I would never run you off, with a stick or anything else.”

  He lowered his head and took her lips with none of his earlier hesitation. Dia melted into him, delighted with the gentle assault, but needing more. As if he’d read her need, Ryan lifted her so she had to lock her ankles around his narrow hips, and she felt his growing erection between them. She gasped, taking his breath within her, as she rode both shock and pleasure. She tightened her thighs and pulled him closer with her calves, making the gasp his this time.

  Her tongue tasted and tussled, teased and was tormented as the kiss deepened, eased, changed to frantic pecks, then deepened again. She lost the strength in her legs, in her entire being actually, and had no choice but to let her legs slide down his, until she was dangling in his arms. He finally loosened his hold enough to allow her feet to touch the asphalt. Gasping for breath, she laid her head against the thunderous heartbeats coming from inside his hard chest. Her own heart was going as wild and she knew she was lost, as she desperately tried to catch her breath. When she found the strength to look up, he swooped her into his arms and placed her in the driver’s seat. Dia laughed helplessly and watched as he rounded the Jeep. She waited, enthralled, while he took his seat, pulled her to him for one quick hard kiss, and then snapped his seatbelt buckle in place.

  “Get us home, woman.”

  Thrilled with the possessiveness in his voice, thinking he definitely had no trouble knowing what to do with girls, at least this one, she threw the Jeep into gear and headed toward the mountain. Normally uncaring of her speed, as faster was always better, tonight she kept to the town’s speed limits until she finally reached the usually empty lake road. Dia didn’t want to take the chance of being stopped. Not because of the price of a ticket, but because she was desperately eager to have Ryan’s lips, and hands, and God help her, his body, all over her again. Getting a ticket and being chatted up by some lonely officer, would simply take too much time.

  It didn’t help that Ryan couldn’t keep his hands to himself, that each touch threatened to break what little concentration she had. As she headed up the mountain they continued to play, or he did, mostly, while she drove the increasingly curving road. She laughed with him and swatted at him when she wasn’t shifting, but she had no desire for him to stop. Before she started up Dead Man’s Curve she glanced at him threateningly, though it was all she could do not to laugh.

  “You’re going to get us killed!”

  He laughed, as she was smiling when she’d said it, and settled back in his seat.

  “Okay. I’d rather not do that. I have a completely different evening planned.”

  She glanced at him once more and caught his wink. Dia shook her head and slowed as the hairpin curve took all her concentration. She downshifted, eased up on the gas, and downshifted again until they’d passed the most dangerous section of roadway on Mystic Mountain. Once she was able to increase her speed, she still kept her eyes on the road. Though the threat of deer was small, there was always the off chance another nocturnal animal had found its way onto the asphalt, and she didn’t want to chance hitting anything. Just the thought of killing one of her forest friends sent shivers down her spine.

  She sighed in relief when they were once again on safer ground and slid him a glance. “Only about another ten minutes to your place.”

  Ryan smiled, and though the glint of pleasure was still in his eyes, they’d lost the playfulness. “I can’t wait to get to yours.”

  It took just a little longer than she’d told him, and the remaining drive seemed endlessly long, but they finally made it to his cabin. She pulled out the flashlight she always carried in the Jeep and handed it to him. “Do you need help?”

  Ryan shook his head as he leapt from his seat and rounded the vehicle to give her a quick kiss and take the flashlight. “No, just keep all your engines running. I’ll be right back.”

ia laughed at his joke and bit her bottom lip. She couldn’t believe what she was about to do, and she knew she’d still have to be careful not to reveal anything mystical to him, but there was no way she was backing away from the most exciting thing to happen in her life. The most exciting man, she corrected. She had no desire to coat it as anything other than what it was, at least not to herself.

  Ryan thrilled her to the bone, whether kissing her or not. He was everything she hadn’t known she’d been missing in her life. He was nice, in a world where people often weren’t. He was extremely handsome, though he had no idea of it. And he treated her like she was something.

  As much as she loved her family, none of them understood her. They loved her. They tolerated her mistakes, mostly. At least they always had before now. But they didn’t identify with who she was. Her mother’s amused indulgences, her father’s unwavering adoration while he looked the other way, Jewell’s acceptance that she was a screw-up, and even Sapphire’s bare tolerance were what she’d always known. But not one of them questioned why she needed things they didn’t, or why she couldn’t settle for whatever life wanted to throw at her. She knew they thought her dumb at times. Although she’d never let it bother her—much—until now, having someone think her wonderful made their actions hurt all the more. She now realized none of them respected her.

  But more than all those things, he was hers. As much as she wanted to deny she felt that way, there was no way to avoid it. She wanted him. And not just for a couple of weeks, even a month. She wanted the cute nerd, the awkward man, the genius who could dream for a lifetime. And there was no doubt in her mind he wanted her as desperately.

  And thee shall be mine!

  Dia shivered as goose bumps covered her body. She took a shaky breath as he returned to the car. She tried to smile at him as he loaded his things in the back and finally succeeded once she told herself to get a grip. Magic had always denied her, and now she was going to deny it!

  There was no way she’d allow herself to believe she had put a love spell on him. Not after every other thing she tried had failed. There was just no way she would believe it… No way at all!

  Chapter Seven

  The drive to her own cabin was short and sweet, as Ryan kept taking her hand and kissing the back of it, or the palm, or even squeezing it in a way that conveyed his excitement to be with her each time she released the shifter. She pulled to a stop before the old cabin that had been built generations ago by the Whitehawk family, and smiled when Ryan exclaimed in wonder at the scene revealed by the Jeep’s headlights. He turned to her, his eyes alight with excitement.

  “This place looks like it’s lost in time.”

  Dia grinned. “I know. Wait until you see inside. You may decide you prefer your place.”

  Shaking his head, Ryan looked into her eyes. “I don’t care if the floor is dirt. As long as it has you and electricity, I’m here for as long as you’ll have me.”

  Laughing, Dia placed her palm on his cheek. “You bowl me over with the romance of knowing electricity and I are equally important to you.”

  The seriousness of his gaze bespoke regret. “I didn’t mean it that way.”

  After leaning in to give him a gentle kiss, and then another, Dia shook her head. “I was just kidding.”

  He grinned suddenly. “So was I. Electricity is much more important.”

  Dia laughed and smacked at him playfully. “You’re going to eat those words.”

  “I’m counting on it.”

  He jumped out of the Jeep and was at her side instantly as Dia struggled to unlock her seatbelt. But the more she struggled, the more stubborn it seemed to be. She turned to him in a panic. “It’s stuck!”

  Ryan looked from her to it. “I’ll bite it off with my teeth.”

  Dia chuckled. “No you won’t. This thing is fairly new.”

  “Then let me try. I’ll not be defeated by a strap with a buckle.”

  Dia was released immediately and scooped into his arms. She glanced back and almost reminded him the lights were still on, but then changed her mind. It could wait until they were inside and she had turned on the floodlights. He sat her on her feet at the door and took her mouth in a kiss she felt all the way to her toes. When he released her, she figured the battery could die for all she cared, until she tried to open the door. Laughing at herself, she looked up to him. “The keys are in the ignition.”

  Ryan grinned. “Why does this always go more smoothly in movies?” He jogged to the Jeep, turned off the lights, throwing them in complete darkness.

  “Maybe that wasn’t such a good idea.”

  As her eyes adjusted, Dia could see a sliver of the moon’s reflected light on the hood of the Jeep. “Stay there. I’m used to this.”

  She walked to the Jeep and slid her arms around his waist. “Just to let you know it’s me.”

  Ryan kissed the top of her head. “Hi you. I’m starting to see, a little, now. Should we go on and carry everything in?”

  “Maybe so. Everything except the grill?”

  “Sounds like a plan.” He lifted her hand and placed her keys in it. “Want me to turn the lights back on until you get in the door?”

  “Not necessary. I’ll turn on some once I get inside though. Give me just a second.”

  Dia hurried to her cabin and was inside in seconds. She flipped on the outside security lights her father insisted she needed, and she now fully appreciated, then hurried back out to help carry all their purchases in. Several trips later she laughed with him over the assortment of things he’d bought, some of which he didn’t even remember putting in their cart. Ryan looked at her a little sheepishly when he realized she’d only picked out an assortment of fresh fruits, and then his eyes lit up when he saw she’d snuck in a can of whipped cream as well. They joked and jostled each other playfully while they tried to store so much, in so little room.

  Once they’d accomplished their goal, Ryan took her into his arms as if he’d just been waiting for the opportunity, and covered her face with kisses. He pulled back to look deeply into her eyes. “Tell me you want this. That you have no second thoughts.”

  Dia leaned into him and hugged him tightly. “I’ve never wanted anything more in my life.”

  The truth of her words stunned even her. That she’d found something more important than magic felt like bondage, she’d never known she felt, disintegrating, and her spirit soared. She pulled his face down and took his lips pouring everything she was into the kiss. As if the earth shifted, the tone of his touch matched the seriousness of her heart, and he cherished her with his lips as well as his hands. They pulled apart, and she smiled up at him. “I want to show you something special.” When Ryan nodded, she took his hand and led him out of the cabin, and down the path that led to the hidden bathhouse. He said nothing as he followed her inside, and then laughed in delight when she showed him the modern facilities: a toilet room and the small room added for the washer and dryer.

  “Thank you! I was afraid to ask where the bathroom was!”

  Dia grinned at him. “Wait ’til you see this!” She led him to the much larger shower room and enjoyed seeing both the pleasure and speculation in his eyes when he glanced down at her.

  “I’m liking your one-room cabin more and more all the time. Who would have thought something like this was hidden just beyond the trees?”

  Dia bit her bottom lit then chewed on it. Now that they were together and alone for real, she was nervous. “Would you like to take a shower with me?”

  “You already know the answer to that.” He looked at her with love in his beautiful, honest, eyes. “I’m crazy about you fully clothed, but I’d be lying if I said I can’t wait to get you out of them. You’ve completely bewitched me.” Ryan ginned wryly, as if he thought his statement amusing.

  She didn’t as a thud hit her stomach, but she breathed through it and nodded. “Yeah. Okay, tell you what, let me run and get some towels and I’ll be right back.” She grinned at him, hoping he
r lips weren’t quivering. “That way, if you need a little privacy….”

  Ryan tilted his head. “I have a feeling privacy between us isn’t going to be a concern of mine. But let me know when you need it.” He grinned. “Whatever you want, that is mine to give, is yours.”

  Furiously holding back tears, Dia nodded as she turned quickly and headed back to the cabin. She knew that couples did all kinds of things in front of each other, but she was about to get naked in front of a man for the first time in her life. Anything else would have to wait until she was comfortable with that. But that wasn’t what had her running for cover. She suddenly needed a moment to herself. To collect her thoughts, to give him time to use the bathroom if he’d needed to, but mostly to accept she was really going to make love with a man she feared she’d entranced with magic.

  It didn’t matter—she’d told herself time and again it didn’t matter—even if it was a possibility. She wasn’t a deceptive person, and in her heart it really did matter. So much. The only saving grace was she really loved him, regardless of their short association. If in the end, she had to find a way to undo what she might have done, and he didn’t really feel what she knew he was feeling right now, at least he would enjoy their time together. Of that she would make certain.

  If I really have done this, please forgive me.

  Determined to not be a coward, Dia hurriedly collected the new towels and matching washcloths she’d bought just days before. She’d convinced herself the impulse purchase was just because she’d loved the lavender color. Now she wondered if she’d hoped to one day have someone else to share them with, since she rarely bought anything she didn’t need. Her focus had always been on magic, and since her cabin held little, and she wasn’t a clotheshorse like Sapphire, the extravagant purchase had been completely out of character. She wondered what Ryan would think if he knew she had several clean towels in the cabinets above the washer and dryer and felt ashamed she was once again being deceptive.

  Realizing she’d lingered too long, she hurried back to the shower house and sighed in relief when she opened the outer door and heard the shower already running.


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