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The Dungeon Fantasy Club

Page 66

by Anya Summers

  Before Elise realized it, she had scarfed down every crumb on her plate. With a spring in her step, she showered and dressed, then headed to her workroom. In an hour, she had accomplished more on Zoey's dress than she had in half a day previously. Shaking her head, Elise realized she'd not only been burning the candle at both ends, but had in fact used up every bit of that candle and had been attempting to burn air. So it really shouldn't have come as any surprise that, after the first good sleep she'd had in months, she felt like a fully charged Energizer bunny.

  A knock came on her workroom door.

  "Come in."

  She straightened in her seat, stretching her back as she did so as Jared peeked his head in the door.

  "Miss Beauregard, Miss Mills would like you to join her in the library."

  "Oh, ah, okay." She put her reading glasses on the desk, pinned her spot, and went to the door to follow Jared.

  "Right this way."

  "You can call me Elise, by the way," she murmured to Jared as they walked down the hall.

  He sent her a crooked grin with a slight nod. Gosh, he really was pretty. If Tyler didn't have her all twisted up inside, and Jared wasn't currently spending time in her client's bed, then she would like to think she would have made a play for this one. He really was too handsome for his own good.

  "Here you are, Elise." Jared winked and gave a small nod of acknowledgement to Zoey as he left her at the door to the library.

  "Elise, come have a seat and eat some lunch with me."

  Feeling a bit of dread rise up, Elise tamped it down, stiffened her spine, and walked to the table with far more confidence than she felt.

  "This looks wonderful. Thank you."

  She sat in the offered chair and felt her mouth water at the sight of chicken salad finger sandwiches, roasted new potatoes, and berries. It was the second time in one day she'd felt hunger pains, which here, lately, was setting a record for her.

  "Great. Please eat." Zoey gestured, picking up a fork.

  "I wanted to inform you that Declan and I are being featured for an interview in Modern Du Jour for the wedding. I wanted to make you aware of this because they want to know who designed my wedding gown, and I plan to provide them with your information."

  "Wow! Modern Du Jour, that's one of the top fashion magazines in the world." Elise almost choked on a bite of potato. Before it became lodged in her throat, she washed it down with some water.

  "Yes, it is, apparently. I'm not one for keeping with all the latest trends, but as Declan's fiancée, there seems to be a certain clout and esteem that I have to present to the world. This just happens to be one of them. The journalist, Martine Simon, is bringing her photographer, and wanted to know if she'd be able to get a shot of me in my wedding dress for the spread. Do you think you could have it ready the day before you're scheduled to leave?"

  "Certainly. Zoey, thank you so much. You have no idea what this means to me."

  Zoey's gaze met hers. "One bad review, Elise, shouldn't make or break your life."

  Elise sucked in a breath. Zoey knew. "How did you know?"

  "Tyler told me. And then I heard from Kara, as well."

  "So this magazine thing, was this something that you were already planning to do before you found out about the review?"

  "Elise, I know only all too well what can happen when someone slanders your name and drags it through the mud. Us subs, we need to stick together. I've seen the quality of your work first hand, and your dedication to your craft. I don't need a review to know that I'd hire you again in a second."

  "Thank you, but you didn't answer my question."

  "Consider it a gift from a friend."

  Elise blinked back tears and nodded. "Your dress will be ready in time, and it will be fabulous."

  "Of that, I have no doubt."

  And Zoey moved the conversation onto some of the subs' antics in the Dungeon Fantasy Club that had her laughing as they ate. Elise was touched by Zoey's generosity, not only in the aid she offered that would boost her company, but the unequivocal offer of friendship.

  By the time lunch was finished and Elise was back in her workroom, marveling over the fact that she'd eaten more than one meal that day without needing to reach for her handy dandy roll of Tums, there were a few things that had become startlingly clear. The magazine interview, while Zoey might have arranged it, wouldn't be happening if it weren't for Tyler. Tyler had done this, fixed her world with a simple wave of his hand.

  Elise made the decision during the afternoon that she was going to stop fighting her attraction to him. Not that she'd been doing much in the way of stopping it, but she wasn't going to question it or agonize over the eventual separation that would come. All she was going to do, for however long she had with him, was enjoy and surrender to whatever he wanted.

  She wanted to learn more about him, and after finishing the sash for the second time, sat down and did an Internet search on him. What she found amazed her. He was at the forefront of sustainable long-term solutions for agriculture with his ranch enterprise, Hope Frontier, which would help curb greenhouse gas emissions—from wind power technology to pesticide usage and GMO-free farming. Did the guy have any flaws?

  She dug through Internet files and was brought up short when she came across an article with the title, Hope Frontier CEO Tyler Jenson to Divorce. He'd been married? She clicked on the article, which didn't provide her with much information other than a picture of Tyler with a blonde woman who looked like a cover model leaving a courtroom in Denver. The article was dated five years ago. She wished she had the courage to ask him about his ex-wife. Even with the level of intimacy they'd shared, it wasn't like they had discussed his back-story, or much of hers, for that matter. This was a short-term arrangement with him and she couldn't forget that.

  For once in her life, she didn't have a plan in place or an expectation about her relationship with him. In this instance, Elise was just going to enjoy it for what it was instead of trying to make it something. It was a little bit like playing ostrich, she realized that. Except, she didn't want to question or analyze the way he made her feel. She would far rather enjoy it while it lasted. Create a memory that she could take out and relive when she was home in Manhattan and alone.

  Elise closed out of the Internet browser and shut down her computer when she checked the time. She had just enough prep time to get herself ready. With not a moment to spare, she left her workroom, satisfied with the day's progress, and with her life in general, extolling her good mood.

  She ordered dinner after she entered her room, a little amazed at the return of her appetite. It was all Tyler's doing, all of it. She couldn't stop the warmth that spread from her chest through her limbs. He intrigued her on so many levels. She sat at the vanity in the bathroom and applied makeup with an edge toward sultry. Elise hadn't purposefully primped herself for a man in what seemed like eons. But she wanted to, for Tyler.

  God, that man looked at her with his soulful blue eyes and it made her hot. Even thinking about him, she felt moisture between her thighs. And he'd barely shown her the tip of the iceberg when it came to the BDSM lifestyle. Although she planned to encourage more instruction tonight, which was why she was taking extra care with her appearance.

  He was intelligent. There was no way he would be as successful as he was, or that his company would be that successful, if he weren't. And some of the technology and engineering he was doing with his ranch was so cutting edge, Elise knew she'd have to ask him about it.

  Instead of selecting an outfit, she wrapped herself up in one of the guest robes the manor provided. The plush black fabric was feather soft against her naked body. She planned to show up at his door in nothing but a bathrobe, and drop it the first chance she had. Elise had never done anything so scandalous in her life.

  She entered her room just as Mrs. Stewart was delivering her soup.

  "Here you are my dear. Is there anything else I can get for you this evening?"

  "No. Tha
nk you, Mrs. Stewart."

  "Have a nice night."

  "You do the same." Because Elise certainly planned on it. She ate her soup with an eye on the time. The last thing she wanted to do was be late for their scheduled meeting.

  At a quarter to eight, Elise left her room, anticipation humming in her body at the upcoming night. Would he be pleased? The fact that she wanted to please him was odd, considering how short a time they'd known one another. She knocked on his door on the third floor, holding her breath as she waited for him to answer.

  His door swung open and she sighed. He was gorgeous. In nothing but a pair of jeans riding low over his lean hips, he was sexier than any of the men she passed in Manhattan wearing designer suits.

  "Come in." He stepped to the side, allowing her entrance to his room.

  Elise didn't hesitate. She wanted this. Wanted him with every fiber of her being. She gingerly walked past him, feeling the heat of his appraising stare tingle along her spine. A quick survey of the room told her Tyler already had black restraints set up on his bed, with the covers completely removed, and in the corner where he'd had the exam table the night before stood an erect metal stand that made her shiver. Whatever he had planned for her tonight, she was game.

  Drawing up her courage, she stopped by the foot of the bed and unbelted her robe, letting it slide into a heap on the floor. And then she sank to her knees, going into a slave pose she had researched on the net earlier as well.

  "Very nice. I see someone has been studying. Rise for me, Elise."

  "Yes, Master." She pushed up off her knees, accepting his outstretched hand without question. She didn't miss the approval that flashed in his gaze at her obedience.

  It was a heady, powerful experience for Elise. In giving up her need to control and allowing him to lead their lovemaking, she actually held more power than she thought. The fact that the simple act of doing what was expected of a submissive could bring Tyler that much pleasure was an intoxicating thought.

  He led her over to the tower.

  "This is called an orgasm tower," he said as he fastened her wrists into the cuffs attached to a bar about eight inches wide, above the swell of her rear. Tyler moved her feet until they were spread a few inches wider than shoulder width apart, and fastened cuffs around her ankles. When both of those restraints were fitted, and he'd tested that they were secure, he circled her neck with a leather collar and then hooked it at the back to the metal tower.

  "The purpose of the tower is, of course, to bring you to orgasm while I watch. You aren't the only one who enjoys watching others."

  "Remember, your safeword is red." He set a massage wand into the middle bar that extended out between her legs. The rounded head the size of a fist was put into position between her spread thighs. The curved bulb of the wand was positioned so that it made contact with her mound. She panted. He hadn't even done anything yet and she was already trembling.

  He pressed the button on the massage wand and it began to vibrate on low. The rippling shock waves against her pussy as the motor hummed sent delicious swirls of pleasure straight to her core. Tyler moved away from her then, and took up position in the chair he'd placed about five feet from the tower. There, he sat back and watched. The sensations of it, as the wand sent ripples of pleasure through her system, and being secured the way she was, she couldn't move away, couldn't do anything but accept it, enjoy it. Her eyes closed of their own accord as an intense wave ceaselessly beat against her system.

  "Keep your eyes on me please, Elise."

  She snapped her eyes open at his request, wanting to follow his orders to the letter, prove to him that she could be the perfect sub. And, in some ways, repay his kindness and generosity that he'd shown her with his care.

  Tyler sat there, his eyes hooded with hunger, and watched her body, observed her as the massaging wand turned her into one big sexual nerve ending. The low setting of the vibrations were just enough to put her body on a keen sexual edge without making her come. And boy, did she want to come. She couldn't squirm, couldn't move as the waves of electricity swamped her pussy. It turned her into a quaking and quivering mess where her only objective was to come.

  Tyler hadn't even touched her and she was so near climax she wanted to scream. But instead of a scream, what came out was more of a petulant whine. "Please, Master."

  "Please, what Elise? Tell me what you want." His body seemed to vibrate and hum with expectancy. Yet he contained his hunger and his passion with a rigid control that left her awed as another wave of pleasure rattled her composure and she found herself whimpering.

  "I want to come."

  Her hands clenched in the cuffs and she panted. Just a little more friction and she'd come. If she could just move the massage wand a teensy bit, she'd get the release her body craved.

  "You'll come when it pleases me, Elise. In fact, I order you not to come."

  She whimpered.

  "What was that, sweetheart?"

  "Yes, Master."

  "Good girl. I think a bit of a flogging is in order. I want to see those beautiful tits of yours all red and swollen from my attentions."

  She groaned at the picture his words presented. He picked up the leather flogger on the table next to his chair, stood, and approached her holding the black leather instrument. His swagger was that of a man confident that his word would be obeyed without question. When he was in front of her, he cupped her jaw with one hand and took her lips in a brutally devastating kiss. If he would just keep kissing her, she could die happy. She loved his mouth.

  She felt bereft when he drew back, and then gasped as he increased the vibration speed of the wand. Liquid waves of pleasure pulsed and coursed through her body. Except now she had to fight not to let her body come. Then Tyler caressed her body with the silky strands of leather. He ran the flogger over her arms, across her breasts, and over her abdomen to her thighs. Everywhere the flogger caressed, stimulated her nerve endings into a frenzy of pulsing fire.

  Elise couldn't stop her moans, near mindless with need. Tyler pulled back with the flogger and swatted it against her breasts. The stinging, sharp pain made her gasp. He swatted her again, and the smack against the taut peak of her nipple sent lightning bolts of pleasure straight from the nipple to her core. He set up a rhythm with the flogger, striking her breasts over and over. Her boobs swelled under his touch. Her nipples turned into turgid peaks of aching flesh, which cascaded and drove the pleasure thumping in her womb higher.

  She was so near climax she hung on by a thread, wondering when the delicious torture would end and yet never wanting it to stop. The torment seemed to go on until she was a quivering, trembling mess so near the edge of climax she wailed. Only then did Tyler stop swatting her breasts, leaned in close, nipped at her chin and said. "Come."

  Her body imploded at his words.


  She wailed and bucked against her restraints and her pussy clenched and shuddered as her climax ripped through her system. Her body remade itself as she shook and canted.

  Tyler shut off the vibrator, and began unfastening her restraints. Her body quaked, and she felt like a limp noodle. She would have melted onto the floor if his strong arms had not caught her and carried her over to the bed. He lay her down on the mattress and shucked off his jeans. The sight of his erection had her licking her lips in spite of the fact that she'd just had the mother of all climaxes.

  "Get onto your hands and knees for me, please."

  She did as he asked. Tyler secured her into the restraints on the bed so that her rear was up with her legs spread wide. Her upper body was canted down so that her head rested on the mattress, and her hands were fastened at her sides. This gave him perfect access to her from behind, and she shivered.

  When she was firmly secure in the restraints, she felt Tyler's weight join her on the bed and her body shivered in delight. Then his hands were on her rear, separating the two halves, running his fingers through her folds. He startled her when he applied cold g
el to the entrance of her back channel, and she whimpered.

  "Not to worry, sweetheart, I'm not going to fuck you here tonight. But I am going to use a plug so you can begin to get a feeling for what it will be like when I do take you here. Especially since I'm larger than most, I want to begin the process of stretching your back hole."

  At his words, she moaned. The erotic images he presented made her quiver. He pushed a finger into her rear and she bit her lip at the stretching sensation.

  "Take a deep breath."

  She did as he ordered and as she did so, the tight muscles preventing him from entering her channel relaxed and his lube-coated finger slid all the way in. Tingles spread and her body stretched to accommodate him as he thrust and prepared her for the butt plug. Then he withdrew his finger and she felt the cool tip of the plug pressing against her rosette. He pressed it forward, past the taut circle of muscle as the cylindrical plug widened toward the base. There was a pop and then the plug slid all the way in.

  Elise trembled at the whirl of sensations bombarding her body. Her back channel was on fire, sending volts of pleasure straight to her pussy, which throbbed and ached in time with her rear. And then Tyler fitted his cock at her entrance. With a single thrust, he seated himself to the hilt.

  "Ahhh," she wailed at the fullness. The plug had tightened her pussy, making Tyler's cock even more snug as he began thrusting. He held onto her hips as he drove his length inside in pounding rams.

  The dual sensations of Tyler's cock and the plug put Elise on another planet, one filled with nothing but desire and pleasure. Her world boiled down to the rigorous fucking he was giving her. His hand swatted her right butt cheek as he pummeled his length into her quivering depths. And then he delivered a series of spanks against her rear, reddening her cheeks, the sharp sting morphing into a fiery maelstrom that reverberated through her system, making her pussy clamp around Tyler's cock and her ass thump and clench in time around the plug.


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