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The Dungeon Fantasy Club

Page 68

by Anya Summers

  That wasn't going to be a problem, as he propelled her body to orgasm after orgasm so that she was just this mindless mass of skin and bones, barely able to lift her head off the table. When her body shuddered and clenched around another orgasm, she whimpered as he withdrew from her body. He turned off the vibrating plug, pulling it from her rear and tossing it in a waste bin. Then he put a glove over his right hand, coated it in lubrication, and returned to her.

  "Remember to use your damn safeword if you need it, understood?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  And then he was pressing the entirety of his fist against the entrance to her pussy. Elise felt her body expand to almost painful proportions as he gently prodded, going further and deeper with every nudge. Her breath nearly strangled in her throat at the feel of him this way. Sweat beaded at her temples as pain and pleasure mingled as he worked his full fist inside her.

  She noted the stern concentration on his face as he pushed forward, watching her carefully for any telltale signs that he needed to withdraw. In and out, he thrust further until he was so far deep and embedded, Elise thought she would be split in two. She huffed a breath. It hurt. Like really, really hurt. She was about to use the safeword, had the word 'red' perched on her tongue. And then he opened his fist inside her. At his movement, pleasure unlike anything she'd experienced before bombarded her system like a tsunami. It swelled and rose so that she was near delirium. What was that? He did the movement again, and she wailed her pleasure loud enough she was certain people on the third floor had heard her.

  Tyler set up a steady rhythm as he fisted her, gently thrusting and opening his palm. The movements made the waves swell and rise until she was keening his name—or some amalgam of it—not even sure what she was saying as she burst apart at the seams. The deluge of pleasure made her shriek.

  Tyler withdrew his fist from her pussy and she felt bereft at the loss. The sound of a zipper being lowered reached her ears and then his cock entered her back channel, her body already so well lubricated and open, he glided in with no obstructions. If she could have moved, her back would have arched and bowed at the newest pleasurable onslaught to her senses. As it was, Elise had been propelled to cloud nine, and she didn't think she was ever coming down.

  And then he was pumping his hips, pounding his girth inside her back channel, setting a rapid pace for his own release. He leaned forward as he thrust and removed one of the nipple clamps, which sent scorching fire straight to her pussy. He sucked the abused bud into his mouth, lavishing it with tongue until the thudding volts of pleasure pain decreased. He had the most wonderful mouth, his fervent attention to her breast created a ripple effect of flutters in her pussy, clamping and adding to her pleasure. Then he did the same with her other breast, removing the clamp, and she screeched as she convulsed with another stellar orgasm rocketing through her system at supersonic speeds.

  Tyler stiffened and growled as he climaxed. His seed spewed into her rear in hot spurts. He pounded his hips until his own tremors ceased.

  Elise's eyes closed and she felt her head loll on her shoulders. She was actually supremely thankful that she was attached to the table, otherwise her body would have slid right off the darn thing into a puddle at Tyler's feet. She distinctly heard a round of clapping but it seemed far away, like it was on another floor or room.

  Tyler moved then, pulling out a warm washcloth and cleaning between her thighs before he began removing the restraints. He settled a blanket around her shoulders and carried her over to a couch in the arena, where he pressed a bottle of water into her hands.

  She took a small sip and laid her head against his shoulder, more at home with him than she'd ever been with anyone.

  Tyler cradled the warm woman in his arms. That scene had been a huge step, for both of them. He caressed her back with gentle strokes. He'd begun to envision her in the rest of his life, not just in his bed at night. He wasn't a fool. Tyler realized that she called Manhattan home, and enticing a woman away from the city that never slept would take some effort on his part.

  Except, he liked to think, after everything that they had shared, that they had built some real trust, and at least the beginnings of a firm foundation for a lasting relationship. He understood that within the confines of the club, they were rather insulated from reality. The club, as much as he liked it, was an escape from real life. He knew they could attempt to pursue the relationship in the real world and have it wind up belly up inside of a week.

  But for the first time since Ashley, he wanted to give it a try. His gut clenched at the thought of having Elise in his bed at the ranch, there in the early morning hours when he woke before dawn, giving her a swift kiss or a quick tumble in the shower before he set off for the day. Only to return at night, after a full day of managing the ranch, to find her waiting arms.

  "What did you think of the session?" he pressed, kissing her temple.

  "That was, gosh, I've never experienced anything like it."

  "Is it something you'd like to try again?"

  "Yes, but not right away. I think I might be a bit sore after that one. Let's make sure I can walk again first before we try something like that again."

  He chuckled into her hair and breathed in her scent. Lavender and wild flowers. "I wasn't saying we should go again tonight. But I'm glad it was something you enjoyed. I'm super proud of you, you know. You did beautifully."

  He tipped her head back and stole a swift kiss. He loved her smile, the way her happiness turned her eyes into deep emeralds, as she gazed at him in a way that made his heart stutter in his chest. He wanted more with her, so very much more.

  "We could do a whole lot more in my private dungeon."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I know you are leaving to return to Manhattan as soon as you are finished with Zoey's gown. I'd like to see you after that; have you come visit me on my ranch."

  She stiffened almost imperceptibly in his arms but he caught the movement. "Why? I thought you were just training me?"

  He scanned her face. "When we started that was the case, but I'd like to see more of you, outside of the club. You don't have to give me your answer tonight. Just promise me you will think about it and get back to me?"

  She nodded. "All right."

  She sighed into his shoulder and he took that as a good sign. Maybe they really had begun to build something here.

  "How about we get out of here? Are you well enough to walk, or do you need me to carry you?"

  "I think I can," she laughed as she went to climb off his lap, "although I might need a little help with that."

  A satisfied smile spread across his face as he helped her stand. If your woman is physically able to stand after sex without you helping her, as a Dom and as a man, you haven't done your damn job in bed. She wobbled and leaned on him, making him feel like he had lassoed the moon, as they walked to the elevator.

  "Why don't I take you back to my room and I can care for you there?" he offered.

  "Actually, I'm really wiped after tonight. Would you mind if I went back to my room and just slept? I have a long day tomorrow, with Zoey's final fitting and getting the dress complete for the magazine in a day's time."

  A shadow raced across his soul at her comment and he dismissed it out of habit. Pressing the button for the second floor, he escorted her to her door, gave her a light kiss, and ensured she was firmly ensconced in her room before he went onward to his.

  And if he felt that she had been more distant after their session tonight, since he'd brought up continuing their relationship after Scotland, he passed it off to the fact that she was still in subspace and not fully on this plane of existence.

  He wasn't a moron for falling for another city sub. Only fools shot themselves in the foot when they weren't looking, and the last time Tyler checked, he was no one's fool.

  Except sleep didn't come easy as he lay in his bed and replayed the scene again and again. What would he have to do to convince her to take a chance on a country boy?<
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  Chapter 11

  Elise woke in her bed the next morning unconsciously reaching for Tyler. When she encountered empty space, the events of the previous night came rushing back. She'd slept alone on purpose, shutting Tyler out. As much as it warmed her heart that he wanted to see more of her, that their relationship had morphed into more than just sex between them, in her heart, she knew it could never be. Men didn't keep broken women.

  And Elise was too far gone in love with him for it to be safe or wise for her to continue the relationship with him. She was the one who would end up bearing scars. The best course of action, for both of their sakes, would be to put her heart back under lock and key. Then she had to break it off completely. She hoped she was strong enough to do it when a part of her wanted to be selfish.

  A dull ache took up residence in her chest at the thought of the forthcoming break. When she'd initially gotten involved with him, had agreed to the arrangement, she hadn't expected that when the time came for them to move on, it would filet her heart into a million pieces. Tyler had come to mean the world to her; she'd begun counting on him to be there when she woke, to feel his steady and solid presence at her back.

  Ignoring the burning ache in her chest, Elise buried her troubled heart. She had far too much to accomplish today to wallow in self-pity. She rose out of bed feeling ancient as the pain in her heart created a corresponding stiffness and melancholy to her movements. However, she was the queen of avoidance, and buried herself in her work. Elise avoided eating, popping a Tums for breakfast for the first time in days as she headed to her work studio.

  The gown really had transformed over the last little while. There was this sweet spot when she was designing, when it all seemed to come together. She loved that moment, when possibility became reality. Elise was just finalizing a stitch when Zoey arrived for her fitting, the final one before not only the magazine, but the big wedding day. Elise would make the trip back over for the actual wedding. Declan was flying her over with Kara, Zeke and Chase in one of his private jets the day after Christmas. The thought of coming back here, revisiting what she'd found here, sent her stomach into a whirlwind. One problem at a time. She had to come back to make sure that there weren't any last minute alterations needed on Zoey's dress. And since she was designing the two bridesmaid's dresses, there would likely be a few last minute adjustments she would need to make there, especially since the maid of honor was apparently pregnant.

  She was pleased at the fit, and the signs that her hard work had paid off by the happy tears in Zoey's gaze.

  "I can't believe how gorgeous this dress is. Elise, you really outdid yourself. I love it."

  "Thank you. Now, let's get you out of this before we get tear stains all over it, we want to save those for the big day." Elise handed Zoey a tissue to dry her eyes, then helped her back behind the privacy screen.

  Zoey's happiness this morning was almost too much for Elise, like she was twisting the knife that already protruded from her chest.

  Once Zoey had left her alone in her workroom, Elise stayed put. There were some last minute finishing touches she had to add to the gown. It truly was a work of art, the finest dress she'd ever created, and she couldn't be happier with it. When the hour grew late, Elise texted Tyler.

  Can't make it tonight. Have to finish this dress. Go to the DFC without me. See you tomorrow.

  She even put in a smiley face to try and soften the blow. It was the first step in the break for her. She needed the separation, to stop depending on his smile and what a simple glance from him could do to her heart. It was far better that she start to end it now, slowly, hopefully without hurting him too much. He was such a good man that she ached. But he would never want her for keeps, not when he found out that she was defective goods.

  An hour later, Tyler strode into her workroom wearing a shuttered mask as he stood on the opposite side of her workbench. "Is everything okay?"

  Drawing up every ounce of strength she possessed, Elise plastered a fake smile over her lips while pretending to concentrate on her work like there was nothing wrong at all. "Yes, why wouldn't it be?"

  "No reason. I was just surprised that you don't want to join me for the evening, is all. After everything." Tyler wore an unreadable expression on his face, like he was hiding the fact that he was trying to peer into her heart and soul to divine the truth.

  She gave him a smile, praying it didn't look as brittle as it felt. "I just have to get this dress ready for tomorrow. With Modern Du Jour coming first thing in the morning, it needs to be perfect and ready tonight. I can't tell you what this article will do for my company, Tyler, and I need it to be perfect. I can't think of anything else right now but getting this dress done. Tomorrow, after the magazine people have finished with me and the dress, I'll find you."

  He studied her a moment longer and she held her breath, but her response seemed to appease him as he nodded. There was an air of expectancy, like he wanted to cross the small boundary she'd placed by not releasing her hold on the dress, and touch her, but thought better of it. "Tomorrow then. Have a good night."

  "Good night, Tyler. You do the same."

  And then he left her. As the door shut behind his large frame, Elise felt more adrift than when she'd arrived in Scotland, floating in an endless ocean of misery with a boat that no longer held its course or any clear destination.

  The next day, Elise rolled one of Mrs. Stewart's food trays laden with goods, including a bottle of bubbly, down the hall, practically dancing. The photo shoot with Modern Du Jour had gone better than expected. She couldn't wait to tell Tyler. Tonight was all about thanking him, for everything. And creating a memory of her time with him that she could pull out and remember whenever she needed.

  Elise knocked on his door, her belly fluttering as she put on what she hoped was a sexy grin.

  Tyler opened the door and stared. "Are we celebrating something?"

  "Yes, we are. Could you help me wheel this inside?"

  He helped her turn the cart and took over, rolling it toward the table in his room. He was dressed in leather pants and nothing else, primed and ready for the DFC. Elise had other plans. If this was their last night together, she didn't want to share him with anyone else. Selfish on her part, she understood that, but it would be the last time. And she didn't want to tarnish the memory of it with interlopers or a crowd. Tonight was for her to show Tyler how much she loved him.

  "And what is it we are celebrating?"

  He started uncovering plates and moving them onto the table.

  "You and me, and the fact that Modern Du Jour is going to feature my next line in their magazine."

  She went up on tiptoe and kissed him, pouring herself into the kiss. His hands went to her arms and then slid around her waist as he pulled her close. He broke the kiss and nibbled at her jaw.

  "I could get used to this."

  She almost faltered. She could, too, if she were honest.

  "This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't stepped in like you did, Tyler. You have no idea how much it means to me."

  "I didn't really do anything other than put a bug in someone's ear. You still had to do the work, and from what I heard from Zoey earlier today, you knocked it out of the park."

  His arms felt so good. She wanted nothing more than to revel in them, stay inside their solid warmth forever. But if wishes came true, she'd never have lost the ability to have children. Then again, if she hadn't, she might not have been brave enough to experience Tyler's world.

  "Are you hungry?" Elise asked him.

  "Not for food."

  "Me either, at least not for food." And she shrugged out of her robe, loving the way his eyes caressed her naked form. The appreciation in his gaze and the desire churning for her in their blue depths was intoxicating. No man had ever had the ability to turn her bones into molasses with only a glance, but Tyler's did.

  Elise sank to her knees before him, going all the way down into slave pose like he had taught her.

>   "Rise."

  She repositioned herself so that she still knelt before him but at his groin level. At the bulge she spied beneath his leathers, she licked her lips and gazed up into his eyes.

  "Please let me love you tonight, Master."

  Tyler tensed as heat flared in his eyes, and his look almost incinerated her on the spot. A corresponding passion engulfed her senses as she waited for his response. Would he give up control and let her show him with more than words what he meant to her?

  "Proceed," he conceded, standing still before her.

  Elise didn't hesitate. Primed and ready to begin, she undid the leather fastenings on his pants, pulling them down over his long muscular thighs and calves until they pooled at his ankles. He kicked them off and stood, towering in all his naked glory before her. His proud erection bobbed in front of her face, inviting her lips. Elise grasped his shaft, running her hand over the firm length of him.

  And then she closed her lips around him, sucking his cock inside. She loved the salty taste of his pre-cum as she tongued the head of his shaft. The skin was smoother than the finest silk. Elise established a rhythm and pace as she sucked his cock. Tyler's eyes became hooded as his desire grew more intense with her strokes. She gave him everything, pouring the full force of her passion for him, her love for him, and even the parts of her soul that belonged to him now, into what she was doing. She lavished his member with long deep sucks, where she hollowed her cheeks and then withdrew until she only teased the head with her tongue. All the while she kept her gaze trained on his, loving the way his abdomen clenched as she swallowed his length into her mouth, or how the muscles in his neck strained as she played with his sac, rolling the heavy globes in her hand.

  Tyler's hands threaded into her hair, holding her steady as he pumped his hips, increasing the tempo until he came, white hot jets of semen erupting in her mouth. Elise drank his cum as wetness dribbled between her thighs. Tyler removed his cock from her mouth with a popping sound before scooping her up off the floor.


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