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The Dungeon Fantasy Club

Page 89

by Anya Summers

  "You're going to get spanked until you apologize not only to me, but to everyone at the bar for your rudeness. Do you understand, Roni?"

  "Lay another hand on me, dickwad—" Her threat turned into a yelp as his hand cracked across her bottom with a solid thwack.

  Hunter gave three hefty swats that made her gasp and burned her backside. When she didn't say anything, just gripped the rails of the stool, he lit into her behind. He butt burned with every wallop and stroke of his hand. But she refused to give him the obedience and submission he was asking for. He could rot in hell for all she cared after this stunt.

  She attempted to ignore the electric sensation every time his hand connected between the globes of her ass and struck her pussy. Her body responded to the magnetic pull and transcended the punishment, even if her heart and mind refused to bend. Even as shame mingled with her fury, she defied him.

  Moisture dripped between her thighs, her nipples pebbled as her desire rose, and still she didn't bend. She lost count of the number of swats to her rear. She could feel it blistering ruby red from his discipline. A part of her took it, because deep down, that part of her felt she deserved it after what she'd kept from him—and was still withholding from him.

  At the thought of Colin, her tears began to fall, and still she said nothing. As much as she had once loved Hunter, in this moment, she hated him for pushing her body this way. Their passion had always burned brighter than the sun. His command of her, even as he tanned her butt, sparked longing that churned in her belly.

  That was when she realized the spanking had ceased. Hunter whispered in her ear, "Just say the words, Roni, and your punishment is over."

  "Let me go. I'm sorry. Please let me go."

  She folded, not because she wanted to, but because it would be best to evacuate herself from this situation and retreat. Coming to the DFC had been a horrible idea on her part. At this point, she wanted to escape the club and quite possibly the manor. But for now her room would do the trick, where she could lick her wounds and reassess the situation.

  Hunter drew her panties up into place and lowered her skirt until it covered her enflamed rear. Then he unhooked her restraints, one by one, and placed her on her feet. The dratted man helped her stand and wiped her tears with his thumbs. Veronica steeled herself not to cave to his ministrations.

  With his hands cupping her face, he said, "Now that that's over, come to one of the private rooms with me."

  "No… Sir." She added the last bit as an afterthought. His touch was making it harder to resist. She craved him.

  "Roni, your body needs release after that. Come with me, now. I can take care of you; you know that we were always good together that way." He had caged her at the bar, and his nearness made her toes curl. The man was her own personal kryptonite, making her weak when she needed to be strong.

  "That may be, but I don't want it from you, Sir. Please leave me be."

  With that, she shoved him away from her with all her pent-up fury, buying herself a few feet of space. It was all she required to jettison past him and head toward the service elevator. She raced as fast as she could in the stupid stilettos she'd been admiring not an hour ago.

  The door swished open when she pressed the call button and she hurried on, pressing the button for her floor, trying to will the doors closed. But the bloody man was faster than the mechanics, catching the door before it slid fully shut, and stepping on board with her. The doors sealed behind his back and enclosed them together. Alone. Never a good thing when she was with him. Especially not when her emotions were in a chaotic riot.

  "Roni," he began as the elevator ascended.

  "No. Haven't you done enough to me in one day? Why can't you seem to get it through that thick skull of yours that I don't want you? And just because my body might be saying yes, it's the rest of me you need to contend with."

  "I don't buy that. There's more than that between us, always has been."

  Thank goodness her cousin believed in such efficiency, she thought, as the lift opened on her floor and she high-tailed it out. She wanted to curse and rage at him because he was correct. There always had been more than simply heat and scratching an itch. But she hadn't been what he was looking for, and he had tossed her love aside like yesterday's garbage. As much as there had been between them; when he'd set her love aside like it'd meant nothing to him, like she'd meant nothing, a piece of her soul had broken, and she'd never really gotten it back. Ever since, she'd gone through the motions of living like she was the walking wounded—who, no matter how hard she tried, would never be whole again.

  Colin had filled the majority of the gaping wounds Hunter had left her with. And for almost ten years, that had been enough.

  Hunter trailed her, hot on her heels. She could feel his body heat radiating behind her at his nearness.

  "Roni, wait," he said, chagrined, trying to catch up with her.

  Veronica reached her door when her fury exploded and she rounded on him. "I did that once, remember? It didn't work out so well."

  "Christ, Roni! I told you it was a publicity stunt set up by the studio."

  "Oh, really? So those paparazzi photos I saw in the tabloids of the two of you kissing on the beach, were those a publicity stunt, too? Hunter, we may have had something once. And yeah, seeing you again is bringing all of those old feelings to the surface, but I'm no longer a fresh-faced collegiate willing to buy what you're selling."

  "What I did and who I did them with after you told me to never contact you again are none of your business. Besides, what did it matter to you? As far as I knew, you never wanted to hear from me again… just because your pride was injured."

  She laughed then as she gripped the handle to her door, but instead of sounding joyous, the brittle, anguished tenor of it filled with her heartache and bitterness rang in the hall.

  She glanced at him, feeling the weight of all their decisions bearing down upon her. "You think it was pride? Pride? You jackass!"

  She angrily swiped at the single tear trailing down her cheek and said, no longer able to hide the devastation he had wrought, "You broke my heart."

  "Fuck, Roni, I—"

  She shook her head and pushed her door open, unwilling to hear his rebuttal or protestations of innocence. "Just leave me be, Hunter, for both our sakes."

  And then she entered her bedroom, shutting and locking the door behind her before he could stop her. She leaned her back against the wood and heard him standing on the other side for a moment before he muttered a curse and strode away. History repeated itself; like always, he didn't fight for her. He never had.

  The door to his room slammed shut and she crumpled to the floor.

  Chapter 4

  Veronica stood, pretending to appear unaffected by Hunter's presence in the conservatory. Declan and Zoey were adorable as they practiced their rehearsal for the big wedding ceremony the next day. Katarina Roberts stood next to Veronica, who was grateful for the distraction. She and Kat were old friends; fellow subs who'd met when they were both still newbies in the lifestyle. It had been ages since they'd seen each other, mainly because Veronica lived fairly off the beaten path, while Kat traveled the globe, performing with her ballet troupe.

  As the pastor gave a rundown on the upcoming ceremony, Veronica caught Zoey shedding a few tears. Zoey's sister Ophelia, in her duties as maid of honor, sniveled a bit, as well. There seemed to be a bit of a waterworks epidemic as Veronica spied the other bridesmaid, Lucy, dabbing at her eyes with a tissue.

  Veronica was so happy for Declan; even as she battled against her past ghosts, she'd never seen her cousin look happier. After everything he'd been through over the years, it did her heart good to see that sometimes it did work out.

  Just not for her.

  Glancing around the conservatory, all decked out in swaths of ivory silk, Greek columns, and trees, she noticed there was a plethora of testosterone present from all the Doms in attendance. If she weren't so torn, she might actually have a good t
ime. They all seemed to be pairing up. Declan with Zoey, the first of the DFC Doms to take that fateful walk down the aisle.

  Veronica wondered who would be next. Tyler, with his sub, the willowy beauty Elise, standing in the protective circle of his arms, in a comfortable embrace where Veronica could see how intertwined they were with one another. Zeke and Chase, whom she didn't know all that well, created a united front with the petite brunette Kara; each man had an arm around her waist and they made a beautiful threesome.

  Jesse, with his rakish charm, winked at Lucy, who was probably the most gorgeous woman Veronica had ever seen not gracing the pages of a magazine. Her gaze stuttered over Hunter, who stood off to the side of the altar with his trademark hunky smile that caused her breath to catch, damn him. At the front, next to her cousin, Jared was standing as best man. Tobias Ford was also a groomsman, and from what Veronica had heard, he was engaged to Ophelia. There should be laws against having this much beefcake present in one place. Every man here was a specimen of exemplary manhood in his own right.

  Then there was a friend of the Mills sisters, Will Evans, who was a hulk of a man as he towered near Veronica and Kat. The man was a frigging giant, he had to be at least six and a half feet tall. He reminded her of the men who participated in the Scottish games—keeping their heritage alive by tossing trees—with his thickly muscled build. He was just mammoth.

  Delilah Gregory, the opera singer she'd heard about, stood up and sang Ave Maria. For the first time in a long time, Veronica felt inadequate as Delilah's gorgeous voice filled the air. Everyone in attendance were these impressive individuals who owned billion dollar businesses, were famous chefs, singers, or actors, and then there she was, a mom, a column writer for her local paper, with a circulation boasting twenty-five hundred, and a waitress and bartender at her family's pub.

  Was it any wonder she'd never been enough for Hunter? He could have any woman in the world. He'd taught her not to want things beyond her means. And that reality was a far harsher beast if a person wasn't careful. Veronica couldn't stop her gaze from all but caressing his form as he stood there, looking all dignified in black slacks and a dress shirt.

  Hunter caught her staring at him. Their gazes clashed, stirring up the frenetic, pulsing energy that had always flowed between them. During that long ago summer, Veronica had believed in her heart that she and Hunter were destined to be together forever. That one day, Hunter would get down on one knee and ask her to be his.

  Listening to the pastor, Hunter's gaze fixed on her, memories surged in her heart. The world fell away and it was just the two of them. As if on a movie reel, the past bloomed between them—of the two of them on the beach having a picnic, at the standing stone, sneaking some of her Da's prized whisky from one of the nearby distilleries as they necked under the light of the summer Milky Way.

  It was all too much. When the wedding rehearsal finished and he started to approach her, Veronica shook her head, breaking contact with his gaze and steering herself with Kat into the formal dining room for the rehearsal dinner. She made sure Hunter was at the opposite side of the table, and sat down with Kat and Will.

  Declan's wonderful cook Mrs. Stewart had cooked a veritable feast for the rehearsal dinner. There was an assortment of appetizers already on the table. Everyone helped themselves to the vast selection, from cheese boards, to pan-seared scallops, and crusty steaming loaves of French bread.

  An army of helpers served the main course: a slow braised lamb shank with roasted garlic mashed potatoes, smoked shiitake mushrooms, and sautéed baby carrots in a red wine glaze. The event was animated with merriment and tête-à-têtes.

  Every so often, Veronica would glance in Hunter's direction as she listened to Will describe the latest in technology innovation, or Kat as she talked about the latest director's faux pas with the ballet company. Hunter was a natural with people. There was a reason he'd become such a beloved actor of the silver screen. Maybe someone like him wasn't meant to belong to one person, but to the world, for what they were able to provide.

  Declan rose from his seat at the head of the table, getting everyone's attention.

  "First, I want to thank you all for making the trip here to help celebrate our wedding. It means the world to us that you have done so. Second, I'd like to raise my glass to Mrs. Stewart and the purveyor of our excellent meal. You have outdone yourself. Thank you for making tonight so special for us. Zoey and I can only hope you will be with us for many years to come. And last, to my bride on the eve of our wedding. Zoey, I never knew how empty my life was before your unorthodox entry into it. That I had been waiting all this time to meet my best friend. But I thank the heavens every day that they sought fit to bring me you, and would give up everything I have just for another day with you. I love you more than you will ever know, and am honored that you have chosen to marry me. So, if you will all raise your glasses and toast my Zoey."

  Throughout his speech, Veronica's gaze had been drawn to Hunter. She'd felt every word of her cousin's impassioned declaration for his fiancée. Hunter had once talked about their relationship that way. He glanced at her with an unreadable expression on his face, but an understanding in his eyes that slashed at her heart.

  A chorus of cheers erupted around the room as Declan finished his toast. "Cheers."

  Sorrow battered Veronica and she tore her gaze from Hunter's.

  "Let's eat," Declan said to the room as he resumed his seat.

  As conversation ebbed and flowed between Will and Kat, Veronica focused on the meal. She responded when prompted, but was lost in misery of her own making. It was her fault he affected her this way. If she were honest, she'd used Hunter and the pain their relationship had caused her to build a wall around her heart.

  In the past ten years, the only person to breach that wall had been her son. Throughout the entire meal, Veronica was aware of Hunter watching her. Maybe she should give in to the heat that was always present between them. It was not like it would make things worse. In fact, it could finally offer her the closure she'd always needed. Over the past ten years, she'd built him up so much in her mind that maybe the reality of him would pale in comparison to the pedestal she'd inadvertently placed him on.

  "You are coming to the bachelorette party, right?" Kat asked from Veronica's right.

  "Yes. It should be fun. It will give us a chance to catch up, and I'm dying for a girls' night. I don't get many of those at home." She'd jumped at the invitation to the bachelorette party. Veronica didn't have girls' nights back home. She couldn't with her son.

  "Hooray. I'm so glad I will know someone," Kat murmured.

  "Me too. How long are you staying in Scotland, by the way?"

  "Not long. In fact, I fly to Los Angeles on the third to join the company for a two-month engagement at the Music Center."

  Will interjected, "Where will you be staying in LA? I'd be happy to show you around a bit."

  The meal ended shortly afterward, with the London Symphony Orchestra musicians departing the dining area first. At a signal from Jared, the Doms, including Will apparently, departed en masse for Declan's bachelor party in the club. Hunter gave Veronica a lingering stare that stole her breath as he departed.

  It was the kind of look that made smart girls make incredibly dumb decisions. Like the one she had begun to toy with during dinner.

  "Now that the boys have vacated the area, it's time for our own little private party," Lucy proclaimed. "Everyone go get your suits on, and we'll meet at the pool."

  Veronica and Kat went up together, waiting for the other to get changed into their bathing suits.

  "So, how's Colin?" Kat asked as they descended to the pool room to the sound of feminine laughter.

  "He's good. Getting bigger by the minute."

  She glanced around as they made it to the pool area. No one was in the water, they were all reclining on loungers and chairs. A table had been arranged, draped with ivory linen and heaped with appetizers; delicacies for them to munch on thr
ough the night. After the veritable feast, Veronica was certain she wouldn't be able to eat a thing. At least, not yet.

  "Can I interest you in a Bellini?" Lucy asked. Zoey's best friend and bridesmaid flashed a gregarious smile as she held out two champagne flutes.

  "Why not?" Veronica conceded, accepting a glass. She normally didn't do fruity drinks, having been raised with a number of whisky distilleries nearby, she was more familiar with sterner stuff. But for tonight, the fizzy peach nectar would do.

  "Thank you." Kat took a sip. "God, that's good."

  "Grab yourselves a seat. Once everyone is here, the games will begin," Lucy commandeered, and directed them with an efficient flourish. It made Veronica chuckle thinking of her with Jesse. She'd put him through his paces, but he needed it. He had for a long time. He was a good Dom. They'd done a scene together the last time she'd been to the manor. Granted, that had been two years ago, and nothing more than scratching an itch on her part. There'd been no lightning bolt connections. Lucy would be a handful for Jesse. Then again, he had always been in need of a little direction.

  "We will." The two of them claimed one of the lounge chairs.

  It put them next to Elise and Kara.

  "Hey, Kara, Elise, have you two met Katarina?"

  "Yes, we did at dinner, briefly. Hello, again, so glad you joined us tonight." Elise smiled and took a sip of her champagne.

  "No, I haven't." Kara smiled and held out her hand. "It's nice to meet you, Katarina. You're the ballerina sub Chase told me about, right?"

  "Guilty. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to see Zeke and Chase so happy. I have a hard enough time finding one Dom to play with. I don't know how you do it with two!"

  Kara looked for all the world like the cat that ate the canary and said, "It's a filthy job, but someone's gotta do it."

  Lucy stood up amidst the group. "Can I get everyone's attention?"

  Zoey's sister Ophelia stood too, wearing a black bikini displaying the slightly rounded bulge of her abdomen, and joined Lucy in the center.


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