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Crystal: Starlatten Book One

Page 10

by Darby Cupid

  I look up from her hand to her face. Her dark eyes study me intensely and her lips shine with some sort of gloss I’m pretty sure would taste like strawberry.

  Tearing my eyes away, I turn around and survey the 2p machine, feeling in my pockets for change, desperate for a distraction. As I feed a couple of lint covered coins into the machine, her eyes bore into me as if deciding what to do next. I can imagine this is how a gazelle must feel when it knows it’s being stalked by a lioness. Before I know what’s happening, she pushes up onto her tiptoes and kisses me on the cheek.

  “For luck,” she murmurs.

  I’m lost for words. The spot where her lips touched my skin burns like acid. This is not how I’d envisioned today going. Not that anything that’s happened recently is anything I could have foreseen, but why not? Why shouldn’t I be happy that she’s kissed me? We’re both single and she’s hot. I mean, I know exactly why I shouldn’t and why it doesn’t quite feel right, but I push those thoughts aside before they can fully form.

  Chloe seems to sense my acceptance and leans into me, resting her head against my arm as we watch the coins make their way onto the retracting shelf of copper discs. Her hair smells of fruit and perfume and it floods my senses.

  “So, who’s the new girl?”

  I blink several times as her question jolts me back to the present. Crystal. “She’s, umm, Sera’s cousin from Europe,” I lie.

  She nudges me and grins. “I was worried she might be your new girlfriend.”

  My jaw tenses and I focus on the shelf of coins as it moves backwards and forwards. “No. Definitely not. Besides, she’s got something going on with Jordan.”

  Chloe laughs and strokes her fingers down my back. “Maybe you should talk to your friends more often.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, it seems pretty clear to me that Jordan’s with Sera,” she says, stepping back a little at my tone. “They were all over each other a few minutes ago.”

  My heart plummets and my mouth runs dry. The noisy arcade seems silent as I turn and look back across the room at the group. Blood pounds in my ears as I watch Jordan and Sera cuddled up together in the booth, looking extremely happy.

  As I turn back to face Chloe, however, something else catches my eye. Crystal stands near the grabber machines a couple of meters away, her face unreadable. I open my mouth to call out to her, but she turns and disappears into the crowd.



  My face burns hot as I push my way towards the entrance. Shoving open the doors, the cool night air makes me gasp. I make my way to a low wall and sit down, my face burning as my body shivers with ice cold humiliation.

  I really thought that Dylan and I had a connection, that he cared about me. How silly of me. How presumptuous! I don’t know how things work on this planet. Just because the inhabitants look similar on the outside, does not mean they work the same on the inside.

  Anger bubbles inside me, but I’m not angry at Dylan, I’m angry at myself. Angry for letting myself think it was acceptable to get distracted. A boy? My parents would be so disappointed. A future queen has far more important things to concern herself with. The now familiar wave of nausea swells in my gut as I think about my family. This is why I can’t afford to lose focus. Getting home is all that matters. Why am I here, laughing like everything is okay? Like everything is ‘normal’?

  Suddenly, everything is clear. I need to be back at Sera’s house with Dr. Oakstone. What is he working on? Has he found a way to get me home?


  I look up to find Dylan standing a few steps away. He opens his mouth to speak but then almost imperceptibly shakes his head and shuts it again.

  “We need to go.” I stand with renewed determination. “I have to get back to Dr. Oakstone.”

  Dylan takes a step toward me.

  I nod towards the entrance. “I’ll go tell the others.”

  He takes another step towards me, his eyes burning into mine.

  “What?” Annoyance nips at my edges as I force myself to maintain eye contact. “Why aren’t you saying anything?”

  As Dylan closes the gap between us, my heart thuds so fiercely it makes my body tremble. He hasn’t taken his eyes off mine for a second. I watch with a slight frown as we stand there, staring in silence. Finally, I’m unable to bear it and I open my mouth to speak. He speaks first.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry?” I echo. “For what?”

  “For being an idiot.” Breaking his intense eye contact, he studies the ground between us for a moment. When he lifts his head again, his cheeks are slightly pinker than before. “I saw you and Jordan together and I jumped to conclusions. Before you say anything, I know he and Sera seem to have got together and, well, that’s why I’m an idiot.”

  What to say to that? I chew my bottom lip as I consider his words. There isn’t really anything to say but at the same time I’d like to say so much. So many unspoken words hang between us like fine thread.

  “You don’t owe me any explanation,” I say. “Besides, your pretty friend doesn’t seem to think you’re an idiot.”

  The spiteful words escape my lips before I even really knew I was thinking them. It seems the pang of jealousy I’d felt when I saw Dylan and that girl together reached the surface and erupted without warning. I force myself to meet Dylan’s eyes again, half expecting to see the disgust I feel for myself mirrored in his eyes. Instead, I see pain and sadness.

  “Crystal,” he shakes his head in disbelief. “It’s been, what? Three days since we found you? So much has happened, it feels like a dream. My entire perception of the universe has shifted and I’ve seen things I couldn’t have dreamed of.”

  I stare at the gritty ground, my head pounding in time with my heart. Has it really only been three days since I crashed onto this planet?

  “Crystal?” Dylan says, his voice soft but edged with urgency. “I need you to listen to this, because I don’t know if I’ll be able to find the courage to say it again.”

  I drag my gaze from the ground, forcing myself to look at him, taking in his full lips and the strand of hair falling across his eyes.

  “I’ve never met anyone like you,” he breathes.

  “That’s because I’m from another planet.”

  “I mean, someone so easy to talk to,” he continues with a slight shake of his head. “I feel like I’ve known you for a lot longer than three days. I honestly can’t explain it. With everything that’s going on at the moment, it seems ridiculous to even consider…”

  He reaches out and gently traces the side of my face with his fingers and the muscles in my legs turn to liquid, causing me to fall forward towards him.

  Without hesitation, he takes hold of me in his arms and places his lips on mine. I melt into him, inhaling his scent as my heart explodes at the softness of his lips.

  After a second or two, we pull apart and I swallow, catching my breath. He watches me, concern etched on his face.

  “This is insane,” he breathes. “We shouldn’t—”

  “I’ve never really done something I shouldn’t,” I interrupt. “So maybe that’s a good enough reason why we should.” I give a small smile and reach up to brush the hair from his eyes. I’ve been longing to do that since we met.

  He holds me tighter and moves his hands up my back into my curls. I sigh as he kisses me again and as the kiss deepens, I wonder how I have the strength left to stand.

  When we finally pull apart, flushed and slightly sheepish, Dylan pulls me close and I lay my head on his chest.

  “Let’s get the others and go see what Oakstone’s up to,” he murmurs into my hair. “I want to get answers for you.”

  I sigh into his chest. “Thank you.”

  “I’m glad we found you.”

  “I’m glad you found me too.” I look up to find his eyes dark with emotion as he leans down and kisses me again.



  Sitting on a tall chair in the kitchen, I sip cautiously at a cup of something called ‘coffee’ which Linda has insisted helps to wake you up. She slept at Sera’s house last night too. I’m not sure I need waking up. My heart hasn’t stopped racing since Sera told me that everyone was on their way over and should arrive any minute. I can hardly contain my excitement at seeing Dylan, but at the same time I’m terrified. What if he’s changed his mind? The whole thing is completely insane. What if it was all a dream? Or worse, a trick? I inhale deeply and concentrate on the warm brown liquid.

  “Oakstone’s still out cold,” Linda announces from the doorway.

  Worry wraps its cold hands around my throat. “Should I try and heal him some more? Do we need to call for human medical assistance?”

  Sera chokes on her mouthful of coffee.

  “Human medical assistance?” Linda pulls herself up onto a chair, giggling intermittently. “That’s brilliant!”

  “Don’t worry, Crystal.” Sera reaches out and pats my arm reassuringly. “He was up really late working on the laptop, and he didn’t really sleep the night before either. I think he just needs to rest.”

  I nod in agreement. The poor man has been through quite an ordeal. I know all too well what it’s like to have lost everything, forced to put your trust in a group of strangers.

  The doorbell sounds and I jump out of my skin. Sera slides off her stool and goes to answer it. The next few moments are agony as I clasp my cup and listen intently.

  After an eternity, the door swings open revealing Jordan holding Sera’s hand with Eddie and Dylan behind, deep in conversation.

  “Here’s to another day of adventure!” Jordan announces as he leaps up onto a stool beside Sera.

  “Coffee’s just brewed,” Linda announces to the new arrivals. “Help yourselves.”

  Jordan catches my eye and closes one eye at me while smiling. I smile back in an attempt to hide my confusion. Why does he keep doing that?

  “Good morning.”

  My senses are swept up in a mix of mint and freshly baked bread as Dylan’s arms wrap around my waist, his lips brushing my neck. I inhale and try not to fall off my stool with happiness.

  “Good morning to you too,” I murmur.

  “Right!” Jordan booms, slapping his notebook down on the table. “Let’s bring this meeting to order.”

  “Whoa!” Eddie interrupts. “Are we seriously going to ignore what’s going on here?”

  I look around, my confusion mirrored on everyone else’s faces. “What do you mean, Eddie?”

  “You two!” Eddie waggles his finger at me and Dylan. “What is this?”

  My cheeks grow hot as Linda laughs and elbows her brother. “You’re such a moron,” she chides. “What does it look like?”

  Eddie frowns and mutters into his coffee.

  “Erm, Jordan?” Linda coughs. “I have something I’d like to start the meeting with, if that’s okay?”

  “I was only joking, Linda.” He raises an eyebrow at her serious tone. “What’s up?”

  Something’s wrong. I know I don’t know Linda well, but I know her well enough to see that she looks extremely nervous. “Are you all right, Linda?”

  “Okay.” Linda takes a deep breath and sets her cup down with purpose. “I have a confession to make and you’re not going to like it.” She turns and faces her brother. “Especially you.”

  Eddie claws his hand over his face. “For crying out loud, Linda. What have you done now?”

  “Remember when we went to look for Green Eyes and you and Jordan lost me for a while?” Linda fiddles with the edge of the table, her dark fringe hanging over her eyes. Despite her golden skin, she seems unusually pale. “Well, I wasn’t exactly lost,” she continues. “I found Green Eyes.”

  Everyone erupts into a chorus of raised voices and exclamations. Flinching at the sudden roar of noise, I find myself speechless as I watch the group leap from their stools and surround Linda, bombarding her with questions and berating her for her recklessness.

  “Let her talk,” I plead, but my voice is lost amongst the chaos. I try again, louder, but with no success.

  Frustration fizzes in my limbs and I slip off my stool and shout at the top of my voice. Still nothing. In desperation, I find myself looking around the room for something, anything, to get their attention.

  I spot a jug of water sitting on the counter and inspiration strikes. Focusing on my amulet, I allow the purple warmth to flow through me, filling me with purpose. I lift the water clean out of the jug and move the trembling sphere of liquid across the kitchen, holding it high above the squabbling group of friends.

  Wrinkling my nose in concentration, I begin to spin the orb around and around, faster and faster. As it spins, I loosen my hold, just enough to allow tiny drops of water to spin out and rain down on them.

  Sera notices first.

  “Hey! Why is it raining in my kitchen?” she shrieks, trying unsuccessfully to cover her hair with her hands.

  I keep my attention on the shrinking sphere until the last few drops of water spin out, landing with tiny splashes around the room. As the purple retracts, I exhale. The shouting and arguing has stopped, I note with a smile. I look at the group and gasp, my hand flying to my mouth. My friends stand shocked, silent and bedraggled, regarding me with looks of confusion and annoyance.

  “Sorry,” I mumble, biting my lip. “You were all shouting and I couldn’t get you to stop.”

  Jordan frowns. “I don’t suppose your weird and wonderful powers can dry out my notebook?”

  “I really am sorry.” I shake my head. “I didn’t think there was that much water.”

  “Let’s take this outside,” Sera suggests, tying her damp hair up in a ponytail. “The sun is shining and we might dry off a little faster.”

  As we make our way towards the glass doors leading to a seating area outside, I finally summon the courage to look at Dylan. He and Eddie seem to have taken the worst of the downpour. The water has darkened his hair and his t-shirt clings to his chest and stomach in a way that makes my heart skip a beat. I take a step towards him, hoping he’s not too cross.

  “Are you okay?” I reach up and run my fingers through his damp hair, tracing a drop of water as it runs down his cheek, tingling with the thrill of being allowed to touch him.

  “Second shower of the day and it’s not even lunchtime!” He grins and pulls me towards him.



  “Eddie, mate. Sit down already.”

  I’ve been watching Eddie pace up and down the long patio, periodically shaking the droplets of water out of his hair, for the past five minutes. I’m worried about him. He can be so intense sometimes. Especially when it comes to Linda. They have a super weird dynamic that I still don’t fully understand even after twelve years. With a reluctant grunt, Eddie pulls up a chair and sits beside me, folding his arms.

  “Go on then,” he says to his sister. “Tell us the tale of your lack of responsibility.”

  Linda shoots him a withering look before addressing the group. “Like I said, I found Green Eyes. He was down one of the alleyways and I confronted him.” She pauses, looking warily at Eddie, who’s staring at a fixed point on the ground. “His name is Jake,” she continues. “He didn’t know what an amulet was and said I was crazy when I suggested he might be from another planet, but he wants to meet you, Crystal.”

  My stomach twists and annoyance bubbles into anger. I’m about to speak when Eddie jumps to his feet.

  “Are you kidding me?” he barks. “Of course, the strange psychopath wants to meet the mysterious girl from another planet! Of course, he told you he’s not from another planet! Why didn’t you just give him all our social media passwords while you were at it?”

  “Eddie,” Jordan soothes.

  I shake my head, in disbelief. “To be honest, Linda, he’s got a point. You seem to have given him a lot of information that could put Crystal in dange

  “What exactly did you find out about him, Linda?” Eddie continues, batting away Jordan’s attempts to pull him back down to his seat. “What does he want? Why was he watching us? Why did he attack you? Was he behind Oakstone’s attempted murder?”

  Linda has turned a curious shade of green and if I wasn’t so disappointed, I might have felt sorry for her.

  “I didn’t get a chance to ask,” she mumbles. “You and Jordan came looking for me and I knew if you saw him, you’d overreact. I arranged a time for us to all meet up and left.”

  When Crystal stands, I let her hand slip from mine, realising how tightly I’ve been holding it. She walks over to Linda, placing a hand on her back.

  “It’s okay, Linda. You found a piece of the puzzle, which means we’re closer to finding answers than we were yesterday. Thank you.”

  Eddie rolls his eyes. “So, when and where are we meeting this hardened criminal? Midnight in his secret lair?”

  “Stop being such a jerk, Eddie,” Linda bites back, tears forming behind her fringe.

  As much as I wish she’d involved us sooner, Crystal’s right. She was only trying to help, and this is the first lead we’ve had. Even if it’s a dangerous one.

  “When are we meeting him, Linda?” I ask, trying to keep the worry from my voice.

  “Midday at Crestfield park.”

  Everyone but Crystal looks at watches or pulls out phones.

  “Are you kidding me?” Eddie exclaims. “That’s less than an hour from now!”

  I stretch, placing my hands behind my neck. “If we’re going to make this meeting, we need to leave in half an hour at the latest. Which means, we need to start thinking of a plan. Quick.”

  After twenty minutes of intense discussion, we’ve settled on a plan. There are a lot of ifs and buts, but we’ve got a back-up plan too. It’s going to work. It’s a good plan. Why do I feel like I’m convincing myself?


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