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Crystal: Starlatten Book One

Page 16

by Darby Cupid

  Without a backwards glance, Cadicus sends the knife flying at speed. It meets Dylan’s chest with such force, it knocks him backwards to the ground, where he lies motionless, blood seeping across his shirt like a sunrise.

  I scream as Jaik drops to Dylan’s side, shaking his shoulders and calling his name. I try to run to him, but I can’t. I’m frozen to the spot, unable to move.

  “Oh, you’re not going anywhere,” Cadicus snarls.

  I tear my gaze away from Dylan’s limp, bloodied figure, fighting back the sobs beginning to shake my body.

  “I think you can see now, there’s no point resisting,” Cadicus smiles. “If you hand over your amulet peacefully, I might just let you and Jaik live a little longer.”

  I can still hear Jaik talking to Dylan, trying to get a response, even though I know it’s no use. I’m numb. Doctor Oakstone. Dylan. My parents. All the innocent men, women and children aboard the Galastasia. Gone. It’s too much. Too much death and no hope. I reach for my amulet, ready to hand it over.

  As my fingers touch the smooth surface, I swear it pulses. Purple swirls through my body, as if refuelling me, giving me hope. A rush of regret wraps itself around my heart. If only I’d tried harder in lessons instead of pushing against tradition, refusing to learn to use my amulet properly. In just the last few days, it’s all become so much easier. The amulet is an extension of me. In a way it always has been – it’s been on my skin every day since I was born.

  I almost choke on the realisation. This is why the stones have to be cleansed when their wearer dies. Just as I’ve been learning how my amulet works, my amulet has been learning from me. Our connection is stronger, quicker. I thought I was getting better at using it, but now I realise it’s the bond between us that’s strengthened.

  Taking a deep breath, I embrace the now familiar deepening purple filling my mind and body. Narrowing my eyes, I concentrate on Cadicus. This is going to end. Now.

  “Oh?” Cadicus smiles, his amber eyes flashing. “You want to take me on?”

  I say nothing. Instead, I concentrate on the power pulsing through me and push it out towards him.

  He wavers slightly as though a strong breeze has caught him, a maniacal laugh on his lips. “You are no match for Cadicus Kain, Princess!”

  A cold grip wraps around my throat and the purple abruptly drains from me. The ground beneath me falls away as I’m lifted up into the air, my feet kicking helplessly, looking for something to grip. Even though I know it’s pointless, I lift my hands to try and prise the invisible fingers from around my neck.

  “Put her down!”

  I watch in horror as Jaik launches himself at Cadicus, who raises a hand as if swatting an insect, sending him flying across the room where he lands in a crumpled heap. I try to call out, but I can only splutter as I fight to get air into my lungs.

  Struggling to get to his feet amongst the crumpled bodies of his former captors, Jaik lifts his head and stares helplessly at me. He looks just like the terrified twelve-orbit-old boy I saw in his memories.

  Summoning every last ounce of strength, I use my amulet to call out to him. Jaik! You have to do something.

  I can’t.

  The reply comes back almost instantly, and I see the look of surprise in his eyes. You can! You didn’t think you could use your amulet, but you just have!

  He’s too strong, Crystal.

  My eyes grow heavy as the lack of oxygen begins to take its toll.



  My eyes sting with tears. I’m no stranger to violence, but it’s never involved people I care about. Not since my mother. This is all too much. My face and head throb with pain from where I’ve been sliced and punched. My leg sends shooting pains up my spine when I put weight on it. Cadicus is too strong. I’d tried to tell them. To warn them.

  I watch helplessly as Crystal’s flailing legs begin to slow. It’s like my mother all over again. I hadn’t been able to stop him then. What was different now? The agonising ache of loss twists in my gut, I double over in pain.

  Be strong, Jaik.

  As the barely-there message echoes in my mind, my amulet pulses against my heart sending warmth across my chest. What’s different now? I force myself to look at Crystal, hanging limply in the air. I’m not a scared little boy anymore, that’s for sure. I might not have had a lot of practise with my amulet, but at least I have it. I clench my fists as I realise Cadicus doesn’t know this fact. I have the element of surprise and, if I don’t try now, I know Cadicus will kill me anyway. If I’m going down, I'm going down fighting.

  Blinking back the weakness, I concentrate on the emerald stone against my skin, trying to recall the sensation from the storage container. It roars through my bloodstream, almost knocking me off balance with its force. As it swirls inside me, it refreshes my muscles, giving me strength. Concentrating the energy, I focus it on Cadicus, releasing it with an almighty roar. He staggers backwards, his eyes wide in shock. Crystal falls to her hands and knees, spluttering and gasping for air.

  Keeping my eyes firmly fixed on Cadicus, I stride towards him, the green light gushing and pulsing inside me. I remember my mother and the utter disregard he showed as he snuffed out her life. I’m not even thinking. The green light swelling inside me tells my body what to do. Lifting an arm, I raise Cadicus up off the floor.

  If I wasn’t so angry, I might have relished the look of shock on his face a little more, but all I can think about is the last seven years. The mental and physical abuse. The lies. Seven years of being made to feel worthless and unloved. Seven cold and lonely years, constantly hungry, not just for food but for human contact. It would have been kinder for him to kill me after my mother. Perhaps that’s why he didn’t. Cadicus Kain is never kind. He raises his own hand and I put one foot behind me to steady myself as he tries to fight me.

  I realise he’s trying to speak, but the grip I have around his neck is too tight. I almost lessen it, but there’s nothing he can say. There are no words I want to hear from him.

  Suddenly, the weight of holding him in the air lessens and I realise Crystal is standing beside me, her hand lifted too. Keeping my own hand raised, I step closer to him. His face is a picture of twisted rage.

  “It’s over,” I growl through gritted teeth.

  Cadicus holds my stare and for a fleeting moment, I think I see something, but before I can think, he turns his livid gaze to Crystal.

  Have you ever stopped to wonder why Starlatten is in charge?

  I glance between them in surprise as his message reaches us both.

  Have you ever stopped to wonder why everything is so peaceful? Are people really happy or are they scared? Scared of what will happen to them if they speak out?

  “Enough!” I shout out loud. I don’t want him in my head. In Crystal’s head. Nothing he can say will change what I’m about to do. Reaching up with my other hand, I rip the yellow amulet from his neck. “This ends now.”

  Without a second’s hesitation, I reach inside Cadicus Kain and snuff out his life, just as he did my mother’s.



  “We need to get the others.”

  Jaik’s voice pulls me from my thoughts and I look away from where Cadicus’ lifeless body lies at my feet.

  “We need them to send the message to the police,” he murmurs, his eyes still on Cadicus. “Then we need to get out of here. There’s no way we can explain this.”

  My eyes brimming with fresh tears, I turn and look at where Dylan and Doctor Oakstone lie, my heart swollen and numb.

  “I’ll go get them.” Jaik takes my hands and squeezes them, before pulling me into a hug. I can’t take my eyes off the bodies. “We’ll need to get Dylan out of here.”

  I pull back from the hug and open my mouth. I’m not sure whether it’s to question or protest. “Where would we take him?” I finally ask. Jaik has already gone.

  Standing alone, I survey the sea of bodies around m
e. Dylan. I pick my way over to where he lies, each step pure torture. Lying on his back, one arm drapes across his chest. The knife is still embedded in his beautiful torso and blood trickles down his arm, dripping in a steady rhythm to the floor from his elbow. Dropping to my knees, I trace the side of his face, gently pushing his dark blonde hair from his eyes.

  “I’m so sorry,” I manage to choke out. “I never… I wouldn’t…”

  Words fail me as my tears trace their way down my cheeks, weaving fresh pathways along skin tightened with dried salt from earlier tears. I lean forward and gently kiss his lips. They’re still warm. I linger as his breath tickles my skin. My heart stops.


  Frantically, I feel for a pulse. It’s faint, but it’s still there.


  I flinch as Linda’s shout echoes around the cavernous room, turning to see her sprint into the room, closely followed by Eddie and Jordan. They skid to a halt as they take in the room, a limping, bloodied Jaik just behind them.

  “Oh my god,” Eddie croaks. “Dylan?”

  I’m unable to speak as they stand, horrified, unsure of what to do next. Jaik spurs them into action.

  “Jordan? Untie Sera. She’s okay, just in a deep sleep.” He puts a hand on Jordan’s shoulder, shaking him gently. “Are you okay carrying her? Linda can give you a hand if you need it.”

  Jordan nods, his eyes on Oakstone’s body.

  Linda stands motionless, her hands over her mouth and tears streaming silently from her eyes.

  “What about Oakstone?” Jordan finally mutters, his eyes glazed.

  Jaik shakes his head. “Oakstone is linked to this. There are pictures of him all over Cadicus’ house. If he stays here, it’ll be clear he was murdered, and his family will get his body. I know it sounds harsh, but it’s for the best. Besides, there’s not enough of us to take them both.”

  I’m behind a thick window watching the scene unfurl. Everything slightly muffled and far away. I watch as Jaik’s words hit home and Jordan finally seems to see Dylan’s body. He doubles over, his hand over his mouth.

  Jaik tugs a dazed, pale Eddie towards us. I glance down at Dylan’s pallid body, noticing that my own clothes are now stained with his blood. There’s so much blood.

  “Eddie? I’m going to need you to help me carry Dylan’s body out of here.”

  “He’s alive.” I swear I mean to shout it, but it comes out as a whisper.

  Jaik doesn’t hear me and continues to give Eddie directions on how best to lift him, but it’s clear he’s not taking it in.

  I stare up at them and it’s like my ears have popped. Suddenly, everything is clear and loud and sharp again as I shout. “He’s alive!”

  They both stop and stare as my words hit them a little louder than I intended.

  Eddie drops to my side. “Are you sure?”

  I nod. “We need to try and save him. I’ll need your help, Jaik.” I try to force confidence into my words.

  “Well,” Jordan calls over as he finishes breaking the ties around Sera’s ankles. “Whatever you’re planning on doing, you need to be quick because the police will be here any minute.”

  Jaik holds his hand out to me. “Let’s give it everything we’ve got.”

  Taking his hand, I shove all other thoughts from my mind, focusing on the purple light once more, willing it to flow one more time. As I push it out through my hand, it mixes with Jaik’s green light where our hands meet on Dylan’s chest.

  I have no idea how to heal a wound this severe. With every fibre of Dylan we fix; it seems to strip away one of mine. As I grow weaker and weaker, I sway, struggling to keep hold of Jaik’s hand. Still, I focus the light towards the only boy I’ve ever loved with everything I have.

  Love. It’s the first time I’ve thought the word, but it’s true. We may have only known each other a few days, but I know I love Dylan with all my heart. I can’t lose him. I can’t. I screw my eyes tight and give it every last drop of energy I possess.


  Someone tugs at my hand. I try to ignore it.


  Angrily, I open my eyes to tell whoever it is that I’m trying to concentrate, but it’s Jaik, holding my hand with both of his. I blink, confused.

  A bemused smile plays on his lips. “We did it.”

  “What?” I gasp, looking down at Dylan.

  The knife lies bloodied at his side, the tear in his t-shirt soaked with blood, but the wound itself is a light pink scar. His eyes are still closed, but he’s breathing properly, and his eyes flicker behind his eyelids as though he’s dreaming.

  I make a sound that’s half laugh, half shriek as Jaik hauls me to my feet.

  “Can you walk?” Jaik asks, looking pointedly at my quivering legs.

  I nod, although I’m not actually sure I can. My eyes keep flicking back to Dylan.

  “Go! Go! Go!” Eddie shouts, bringing me out of my delirium.

  With the sound of sirens growing steadily closer, I take a few steps forward, my head spinning. Jordan rushes past me, Sera slumped over his shoulder and Linda follows close behind. Eddie and Jaik lift Dylan between them and follow suit. Tripping over my feet, I stumble after them, ignoring my body’s pleas to collapse. As we make our way out of the room, I steal a last look over my shoulder at the sprawled figures of Doctor Oakstone and Cadicus Kain. I hear the police cars screech to a halt by the entrance as we make our way out of the window at the back of the building and away into the still deserted streets.



  I can’t stop staring at my fingers. Splattered with blood, I still can’t quite comprehend what happened. We came back to Doctor Oakstone’s aunt’s house. No one could think of anywhere else we could go, but now it makes it all the more real that he’s not here with us. My eyes flicker to the heavily patterned chair he was sat in just a few short hours ago and my throat tightens. Such a clever, bright man. He survived death, only to arrive at the same end regardless.

  “We need to wake Sera up.”

  I blink at Jordan’s voice, sounding so far away, when in reality he’s sat beside me on the floor leaning against the sofa.

  “I don’t know how to begin to explain what happened,” he continues.

  I’m unsure if the statement is directed at me, as he’s staring into the distance. I look around the room in a daze. Jordan, Jaik, Eddie, Linda and I sit slumped on the floor, bloodied, silent and tearstained. He can only mean me or Jaik, and I’m the only one out of the two of us that has any idea how to wake her up. That is, if Cadicus did the same mindsleep technique I used when we kidnapped Jaik. I try not to think about what will happen if he’s done something else. Something I don’t know how to undo.

  Wincing, I heave my aching body over to where Sera’s lying on a makeshift bed using covers from upstairs, still gloriously oblivious to the hell we’ve just endured.

  Wearily, I place my hands on either side of her head and will the purple light to flow through me once more. The sheer exhaustion of it almost makes me cry out. As soon as Sera’s eyes open, I sink back down and wrap my arms around my knees.

  “What’s going on?” Sera asks, clutching her head as she sits up. “Where am I?”

  Jordan pulls himself over to her and clutches her to his chest. “I’m so glad you’re okay,” he breathes. “You missed a lot.”

  “I can see that,” she says. “Is he okay?”

  I don’t need to look at her to know she’s talking about Dylan, lying on the sofa behind me.

  “Cadicus tried to kill him. He almost died, but Crystal and Jaik saved him,” Jordan explains.

  “Oh,” Sera breathes, her eyes wide. “What about Oak—”

  “Oakstone’s dead,” I interrupt, my voice hollow. “Cadicus murdered him.”

  “There was nothing you could have done.”

  I stare at my knees, ignoring Jaik’s attempt to reassure me. I can’t bring myself to look at his bruise
d and battered face. Not yet.

  Sera takes a wary intake of breath and I know which question is coming next.

  “And Cadicus? What—”

  “No longer a problem.” Jaik cuts her off.

  Before I can stop myself, I look across at him, immediately wincing at the slash across his cheek and his swollen purple eyes and nose. “We need to fix your face,” I say, getting to my feet again. The room sways and I hold onto the sofa arm to steady myself.

  “You need to take it easy,” Jaik frowns, wincing at the movement. “My face will still be a mess after we’ve got some strength back.”

  I need to get out of this room. I’m not sure whether it’s the metallic stench of blood or the crushing weight of Doctor Oakstone’s absence, but I can’t breathe.

  “I need some air,” I mutter, before turning and stumbling towards the kitchen.

  I use the small back door to let myself out into the tiny garden and the crisp morning air. Slumping down on the cold, stone step, my knees send jolts of pain through my body. They smashed hard when I fell from Cadicus’ grip and I haven’t the energy to heal them yet.

  The sun has started to warm the breeze and I close my eyes, allowing the rays to caress my skin. I can’t relax though. Even though it’s all over, Cadicus’ last words have been playing constantly through my mind since we arrived back at the house. What did he mean?

  Adored by the people, the royal family have always ruled with compassion and trust. Ambassadors are elected by the people and meetings are held regularly within different cities for people to raise their issues. Elaini and Jetzia founded Starlatten after fleeing a cruel and murderous regime on their home planet. With this in mind, they swore never to travel down the same path, ensuring a planet in harmony with its people.

  If Starlatten is so bad, why do people still choose to live there? And as for Zarbilian being a prison; I shake my head as the words prick the inside of my head like spikes. He was clearly out of his mind. Cadicus was the delusional leader of an uprising who wanted power to spread fear and destruction. Was it just him? I groan as I realise, I never asked about the other race that have supposedly settled on Zarbilian. Who are they? What part do they have to play in all this?


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