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Control (Kenshaw Ranch Book 4)

Page 21

by Piper Frost

  “Fuck,” I huff, showing Grant the screen.

  “Y’all actually broke in?” He laughs. “God, I wish I could have seen that.”

  “We may have also ransacked her place once we figured out he's watching her with a fuck ton of security cameras.” I grumble, my heart starting to beat faster. This is real and this is real fucked up.

  “You broke in and you destroyed her house? How are y’all not in jail yet?” He shakes his head, bringing his beer to his lips.

  “We also carried her out the front door because she wouldn't go on her own free will,” I say, wincing.

  “So it looks like you broke in, ruined her place, then kidnapped her?” His tone is more than amused but I know he's processing what all this means. God, I'm still having a hard time processing it.

  “Yep,” I mutter, moving to the next message.

  I immediately regret it.

  Corey: You mother fucking cunt! I hope they gut you like the pig you are! I'll spit on your fucking grave when they leave you for dead you bitch! YOU'RE NOT LEAVING ME! EVER AF! AND YOU BETTER FUCKING HOPE THEY SLIT YOUR FUCKING NECK BECAUSE I'M GOING TO DO MUCH WORSE! You're going to choke on these divorce papers before I fucking sign them. I OWN you bitch! You hear that? You're NOTHING without me. No one will fucking love you like I do. No one has ever loved you! You've said it yourself your parents were more burdened by you! You need me and if you live through this, I'll consider accepting you back.

  I stare at the words on the screen for what feels like eternity. I can’t move. I can't breathe. Did he really talk to her like this? Blinking, I try to move to the next message but my thumbs won't work. Grant slides the phone from my grasp. I stare at my hands where the words were, my heart in pieces because of one small fucking text.

  Affton put up with this for five years. Five years!

  “Holy fuck,” Grant mutters, dropping the phone to the couch. “Tommy.” He shifts away from the phone like Corey's going to jump out of it and he shakes his head at me. “Dude, that's...” He groans. “That's not right. That man's not okay.”

  “I know,” I whisper, looking up at him.

  He's wearing the same look I probably am right now. Utter and complete shock that a man would text his wife that. Grant didn't see her bruises though. He didn't see the photo I did. I saw it all and I still can't believe it.

  “I had to get her out of there, Grant.”

  “I know.” He takes another drink of his beer. “What else is there? We already know we're working with a fucking psycho, so let's see everything.”

  I slowly pick up the phone, scared to death of what's to come.

  Douglas-Lawyer: There's a police investigation for your sudden disappearance. We discussed you'd lay low but not go through all of this. I'll give you a few days to contact me and explain. I've called several times but go directly to voicemail. You never mentioned anything more than wanting a divorce because he was verbally abusive. I'm not sure if I should step forward and help in the investigation. If you weren't a friend, Affton, I'd turn over everything we discussed. You need to contact me immediately if you're not in grave danger.

  “Shit,” I groan, dropping the phone back to the couch and standing, throwing my hands to the top of my head. “Grant, they're all going to come after her. And she's not strong enough yet to fight back. She'll get there, but not yet.”

  “You gotta respond to it,” he mutters, reading the screen. “Just, pretend to be her. That'll maybe call him off for a few more days until you can somehow let Affton know what's going on.”

  I groan and pace the room for a full ten minutes before grabbing the phone and typing out a quick reply.

  Affton Hart: I'm safe. Please don't worry. I will contact soon and tell you everything.

  I sigh and immediately turn off the phone after it's sent, dropping it to the coffee table.

  “I gotta tell the other guys,” I mumble and Grant nods.

  “I'm suddenly very happy I didn't go on that trip with you boys.” He stands after finishing his beer. “Hey, think Affton would mind if I slept in her bed?”

  “Go ahead,” I mutter, staring at the phone.

  This shit's gotta end.


  I hang my helmet on my bike and glance around the Kenshaw property. The kids are going insane in the field out back so I head out there, sure I'll find Bo and Brandt at the very least. We have to get this shit taken care of before it becomes a bigger problem. Those messages kept me up all night. I’m not here to show Bo what her husband told her in that text, because knowing him he'd get back in his truck and drive back to California just to put a bullet between his eyes, but they need to know we're not in the clear. They need to know we're very possibly going to need a lawyer of our own if we're ever found out.

  “Hey,” I call out, walking toward them. Brandt's got two kids on his back, running in circles while they scream with laughter. Bo's folding paper airplanes with Annie, Brandt's oldest. I walk up to him and chuckle as Brandt falls to the ground, letting the kids tackle him. “How're you two holding up without the women here?”

  “Cake walk.” Bo smirks before swinging his kid in a circle and I wait for his back to give out, but he seems fine.

  Watching them all enjoying their damn lives so much makes jealousy ping through me but I push it back. I'll get this eventually, and I'll get it with my girl.

  “Hey, we got some shit going down from what happened in California,” I say, shoving my hands in my pockets. “You think Donna and Garrison could keep an eye on the kids for a bit?”

  Bo looks at me and stands, quickly grabbing his kid who's running circles around his legs. “Come on!” he gets their attention. “Make a train. Annie's the leader. Annie sweetheart, find Grandma.” He starts lining the kids up one behind the other.

  “What's up?' Brandt asks, walking up to us out of breath. “Ice cream trip? I promised Bobby ice cream tonight.” He nudges me. “Best uncle ever, right here.” The thought crosses my mind that maybe one day I could actually be this kid's uncle and I can't help but smile.

  “You've given him more sweets than he's ever seen since Kinlee's been gone,” Bo bitches. “Tommy's got some stuff to tell us about Affton.” He watches the kids march away. “Talk,” he says when they're out of earshot.

  “I guess the cameras from the house were linked to the security company her husband used. They got all of us on video ransacking the place. I turned her phone on last night to a slew of messages from the lawyer, the husband...” I curse and kick the dirt as we walk. “We may have a legal issue on our hands, guys.”

  “No shit we will!” Brandt blurts. “We kidnapped someone after destroying her property,” he whispers. “How do we make it go away?” He glances at Bo.

  “I have to talk to Affton.” He swipes his hat off his head and runs his hands through his hair before releasing a grunt. “Fuck.”

  “She doesn't know I went through her phone. Maybe it'd be best if I told her first? Let her cool off that way she can talk to you with a clear head?” I'd hate to think she can't fix this. “It sounds like the lawyer's on her side, but with what we did and not letting her contact him at all he's even starting to push and threatening to go to the cops. I guess the video looks like a flat out kidnapping.”

  Brandt snickers. “It was pretty badass,” he says, grinning. “I've never been so badass before.”

  “Shut up, Kenshaw.” I shake my head. “This is real and fuckin' scary. I replied to the lawyer’s last threatening message. The cops have already been called guys, but I asked him to hold off legal shit, obviously pretending I was her.” This is a goddamned mess. She's going to flip when we tell her.

  “My sister's not stupid,” Bo mutters, rubbing the back of his neck. We're all nervous as hell right now. “She was leaving the asshole anyway so she'll know what to do...I fuckin' hope.”

  “Jo's gonna kill me when she finds out I’m going to jail.” Brandt's eyes go wide and he glances at Bo. “And Kinlee...” He laughs. “Enjo
y these last few days with your balls, bro.”

  Bo adjusts himself. “My balls are stayin’ put. Don't say shit to anyone until we talk to Affton, got it?” He looks from Kenshaw to me.

  “Loud and clear,” I mutter. I wanted her to come back and us to have all this fuckin' fairytale time just like pussies do, because I've been waiting for it my entire life.

  But now there's this. There's always fucking something.

  Spending time with the kids helps ease my anxiety. Then working my ass off makes the time fly by until the girls come home.

  “I shouldn't be this nervous, Ginnie,” I say, pacing the yard and waiting for Jo's truck to pull up and drop off Affton. Kinlee sent a text when they left so I know it's only a matter of minutes before she gets here and I'm not holding up well. I’m nervous as fuck.

  Ginnie trots around the yard ignoring me and I shake my head at myself. I need to find the confidence I had a few days ago before she pulls up to the house, even if I'm not feeling it. The texts from her husband have kept coming and they're not pretty. If that's the type of man she's lived with the last few years…hell.

  The truck pulls down my drive and a smile immediately lifts on my lips. Maybe it won't be so hard pretending I'm happy and not nervous. Because around Affton, I'm always happy. When the truck pulls up Affton pops open her door, hopping out.

  “There she is,” I say, walking over to help her with her bags.

  “Thanks, Jo!” Affton laughs. “It was a great week. We'll have to do it again.” She turns to face me and smiles, letting me take her bag. “Thanks.” She waves to Jo before following me.

  “You got a new best friend?” I ask, smirking at her as we head through the front door. Her telling Jo they need to do it again gives me hope I shouldn't have right now. Hope that maybe she's finally realized this life is just what she needs.

  “I thought it would suck, but it was actually really fun. I haven't relaxed like that in forever.” She's still smiling, and that's a good thing.

  “I'm glad you went.” I drop her bag on the floor and wrap my arms around her immediately. I've been waiting to do this for a week. “But I'm happier you're here.”

  “You missed me?” She chuckles, squeezing me. That's such a loaded question.

  “More than you know.” I pull back only far enough to look into her eyes. Those beautiful eyes that I've dreamed about staring into for years. Who would have thought being around her like this, finally, would turn me into such a sap? “But only because I knew how much you missed me.” I smirk.

  “You wouldn't believe it.” She chuckles and walks to the kitchen. “Hey, you think we can hit a grocery store? I thought maybe I could cook us dinner? We need” She shrugs but that comment doesn't seem as casual as she's trying to make it seem.

  “We do.” I nod. “I'll grab my keys. No smart man's ever turned down a pretty woman cooking them dinner.” After following her, I grab her arm to stop her fiddling around the kitchen then push my lips to hers gently. Any more and I probably wouldn't have the self control to keep it that simple. The look she's wearing is mixed with shock and lust, so all I can do is smirk at her and ignore the emotions rolling through me. “You want to hitch a ride on my bike?” I wiggle my eyebrows and she barks out a laugh.

  “My ass is too big for your bike, Tommy.”

  “Your ass is fuckin' perfect for me and my bike, Beany.” I chuckle. “But the groceries, however, won't fit. So the truck it is.”

  “Oo! Can I drive? Remember we used to tear it up on the back roads? Can I drive?” She's excitedly latched onto my side, pulling at my arm and my hand just brushed where I'd like my face. That country twang she’s worked so hard to lose over the last few years just slipped and I’m not sure she knows it. I’m also not about to point it out, because it’s hot as hell and my dick would be pissed if we never got to hear it again.

  “You gonna tear it up tonight?” I can't help but laugh at her excitement.

  She swipes the keys from my hand. “I don't know if I remember how.” Jogging ahead, she skips to my truck like all her worries before she left on that girls' trip have disappeared. This is the Affton I remember. This is the Affton I need to keep.

  “So what're you making me for dinner?” I ask, buckling my seatbelt. “Steak? Potatoes? Please for the love of god none of that tofu seaweed hipster shit.”

  Her head drops back as she laughs. “Whatever you want, southern boy. I eat things other than sushi, ya know.” She throws me a smirk.

  “I'm not certain what I want to eat is on the menu tonight,” I murmur. The look she gives me makes me smile. “I'll take burgers. You always could grill better than me anyway. Let's see if you've still got it. Oh! And mac and cheese. And mashed potatoes, thanks.”

  “Wow, that's hella unhealthy, Tommy.” She laughs. “I may be fat, but I haven't eaten like that in years. We always monitored our carbs.”

  My eyebrows shoot up and I have to blink a few times to lessen the rage that wants to spew out of me. She's never muttered those words before and I can pretty much bet the dead man put those fucking thoughts in her head.

  “You…what now?” I blink a few more times, trying to process this. “You counted carbs? Like... You didn't eat macaroni?”

  “No. Obviously I gain weight easily. I tried to stay healthy. Desk life.” She shrugs.

  Sure. Desk life and living with an abusive fuck head.

  “Well, I think you're fuckin' sexy as hell. No matter what, Bean.” I stop and watch her grip the steering wheel. “Will you eat mac and cheese and mashed potatoes with me tonight?”

  “God yes!” She stomps on the gas and takes the curve fast enough the truck bed drifts, making her laugh like the carefree Affton I remember. She's beautiful like this.

  “Buns!” I yell when we get in the grocery store. I'm fairly certain I just embarrassed her but I don't care because the pink hint to her cheeks and her giggles are cute as hell. “I like buns, Beany.” I grab the bag and toss them in the cart, wiggling my brows at her.

  “I remember.” We turn the corner and she crashes the cart right into Rachel. My ex. “I am so sorry!”

  “Oh!” Rachel's eyes take in Affton then her gaze flits to me. “Tommy,” she says. “How have you been?” Her eyes couldn't be any wider and her mouth is in this shocked 'o'.

  Shit. “Hey, Rachel. I uh...” I rub the back of my neck. “I'm good. Things are good, thanks. You?” I feel about three inches tall and only because of the look Affton's giving the two of us.

  “Good.” She looks at Affton again. “Hi, I'm Rachel. Tommy's...ex.” She laughs, putting her hand out.

  “Hi. Affton. Tommy',” she mutters, shaking Rachel’s hand.

  “We need meat,” I blurt, trying to get the hell out of here, but she's not leaving. Fuck small towns. “It was good seeing you, Rachel.” I say, holding onto the cart with a death grip while Affton steers around her.

  “You too!” she calls out as I speed us away.

  I don't know what to say to Affton. Do I have to say anything? I mean... I don't owe her that, do I?

  “Burgers, burgers,” I mumble, staring at the meat counter.

  Affton laughs and bumps me with her hip. “She's cute.”

  “She's okay. Not really my type,” I say, taking a deep breath. We ended on a good note and no hard feelings, so why do I feel so awkward right now?

  “Tall, thin, and beautiful isn't your type?” She cocks her eyebrow. “That's the first I'm hearing that.”

  I stare at her. At all of her. And shake my head because I was such a fucking tool back then.

  “No, Bean. It's never been my type.”

  “I kinda remember female being your type,” she mutters before smiling at the guy across the counter.

  “Yeah,” I chuckle. “All female.” My attention goes to him. “Meat? You have meat?”

  “” He laughs.

  “Burgers,” I say, clearing my throat and finding my footing again. It's insane ho
w easily I can get thrown off around her. “We need the best shit you've got.” I smile over at her and she's got a look on her face that I can't place and I'm not sure if I want to.

  We make it out of the grocery store with enough food to last a week. I’m not used to keeping food at the house. I eat out a lot or just hit up my dad's house. I feel bad that he lives alone so most night's if I'm not working I end up over there. There wasn't ever a reason to keep the house stocked.

  “You remember how to use that thing?” I laugh, watching her stare at the grill.

  “Listen, big country, it's a grill. I moved to a huge city, not Antarctica.” When she lights the burners, the flames whoosh out and she jumps back. “Shit!”

  “Fuck!” I grab her and yank her back as she rolls with laughter. Fucking music to my ears. “You sure about that?” I laugh, not wanting to drop my hands from her hips. “I can take over, Bean. All you gotta do is ask.”

  “Shhh. I got this.” She moves toward the grill with determination. “You.” Waving her hand at the patio table she says, “Drink.”

  I chuckle and pick up my beer, twisting it in my hands. I don't want to be drunk around her tonight. I don't want her thinking whatever happens tonight is because of the buzz.

  “Hey, so you said you wanted to talk about things.” I sit down and relax back in the chair. “So how about you cook. You talk. And I'll just sit here and enjoy the view?” I smirk. It's a damn good view.

  She looks out at the horizon then smiles over at me, not realizing I'm talking about her. She'll figure it out eventually.

  “Well, for starters, and hear me out before you shut me down. I need my phone, Tommy. My lawyer is probably losing his shit right now. Look at me,” she demands while I keep my eyes out on the horizon when my nice view started talking about shit I don’t want to think about. Why the fuck did she have to start out with the hard shit?

  “I hear you,” I say, taking a long swig of my beer. “How much about your situation did your lawyer know, Affton? Did you tell him everything?”


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