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Control (Kenshaw Ranch Book 4)

Page 28

by Piper Frost

  “What are you doing?” I can't help but laugh, but I shouldn't. He's standing in our hallway listening to us fuck.

  “Not much, what are you doing, Affton?” He smirks at me and nods to the bedroom. “Having a good afternoon?”

  “I...” I start to laugh and walk toward the bathroom. “You're gonna get evicted,” I tease, walking into the bathroom and before I close the door, I watch him walk into Tommy's room and I shake my head.

  Those boys are really comfortable with each other and I don't know why it turns me on so much. I wouldn't have been so loud if I didn't like the idea of what he was doing, because I knew he was still here.


  When we walk into the tattoo shop I smile seeing Kaydence.

  “Hey! I didn't know you were coming in!” She’s bubbly and beautiful as ever.

  “Grant's talked me into a tattoo.” I nervously chuckle.

  She rolls her eyes. “Grant's trouble, watch that one.”

  That's the truth.

  I smile. “Are you leaving?” I frown. I just spent an afternoon with all the girls and kids a week ago, but I wouldn't mind seeing them more often.

  “Yeah, I had no idea you were coming. I have to get to work.”

  “Call me later. I want to come see Bobby during one of his riding lessons.” She teaches my nephew to ride a horse and watching him turn into a little cowboy is one of the cutest things ever.

  When she hugs me we squeezes tight.

  “Have fun.” She walks over to Chase and kisses him so I put my attention on Tommy and smile.

  “I'm nervous as hell,” I admit.

  “We don't have to do this. You want to try it out on me first? I think I got some blank spots somewhere.” He searches his arm and chuckles.

  I start to laugh hard. “Yes,” I quickly say before he can take it back.

  His eyes fly to mine and the small smile on his face starts to falter. ”Oh,” he says, forcing a grin. “Great!” He claps his hands. “Perfect. Okay. Let's do this.”

  I squeal in excitement and when he walks to his station I run over to Chase. “I'm tattooing Tommy!”

  “Holy fucking shit,” Grant says, following after Tommy.

  “Sooo, I can draw a little, but I need some help,” I tell Chase who's glaring at me.

  “Affton, I love the excitement but this shit's permanent. It's not a kids playground.” His eyebrows dip. “Barns!” he yells, walking over to Tommy's station. “You tell her she can ink you?”

  “I did.” Tommy nods. “Beany's getting a tattoo today, so she's going to ink me and realize how it's nonsense to be so worried about her first time.” Tommy's still wearing that deer in the headlights look that he got when he realized his empty offer was taken up, but I'm doing it.

  “It's not a kid's playground,” I mock Chase in a nasty tone then push around him. “Gear me up!” I clap in excitement then grab Grant's arm and yank him to the corner, whispering in his ear what I want to tattoo on Tommy.

  He’s boxed me in against the wall and pulls back to stare into my face until he starts to laugh and when I grin and look over at Chase, he's staring at us with his eyebrows high.

  “Right. I'm heading upstairs.” Chase's eyes flick between me, Grant, and Tommy and he shakes his head. “Y’all kids have fun.” He laughs his way up the steps.

  Tommy's sitting in the chair he's wiped down at least six times and Grant pushes on my shoulders, seating me on the stool, but I notice I've conveniently come face to crotch with him so I push him back a step. I pull on the latex gloves and watch as Tommy exhales a breath, closing his eyes. I almost feel bad, but I would never hurt him. I grin up at Grant and bite my lip to keep from laughing.

  “Don't look when he puts the picture on,” I tell Tommy and he nods.

  Grant places the green bean he helped me draw and I stare at it, wondering how pissed Tommy will be because it doesn't go with his other tattoos. I glance from the picture to Grant a few times. He would know best.

  “What're you waiting for?” Tommy blurts.

  Grant kicks his chair and laughs. ”You pussying out, Barns?” Grant's eyes are on mine and he gives me a brief nod.

  “No,” Tommy says. “I'm just antsy for the roles to be reversed, that's all.” He huffs and rests his head back on the chair, his eyes still closed tight.

  Grant shows me how to turn the machine on and I jump but start to giggle. I don’t know what the hell I'm doing and when Grant tries to walk away, I quickly grab his arm and look at him like he's insane. He sighs and smirks, grabbing another chair and wheels it behind me. His thighs open to get closer and I pause while his arms slide around me.

  “Are you sure, babe?” I rub Tommy's hand and he nods, but when he opens his eyes noticing Grant's close proximity, he doesn't close them again.

  “Are you sure, Beany?” It's a loaded question, for sure, but he doesn't look as pissed as I thought he would. I know I'm not mad about this current situation.

  These aren't the thoughts I need in my head when I'm about to tattoo my boyfriend though, and I try to focus, but when Grant moves my hand to start and with his breath on my neck, I accidentally shudder.

  “Stop!” I blurt, knowing I'm going to gouge a chunk of skin out of Tommy's arm.

  “You're fine, Affton,” Grant says. “I wouldn't let you fuck this up. He'd never let me live it down.”

  “I trust you, asshole.” Tommy looks at Grant then to me. “I trust you too, Bean, but you've never held a machine before so just do what he says, alright? It'll be fine.”

  I nod, not in love with this idea anymore because the subtle throb in my clit is drawing most of my attention while Tommy stares me in the eyes and Grant’s breathing over my neck. Grant grips my hand and pushes closer, he's pushed up against my back and I keep flashing my vision from Tommy to his arm. The machine buzzes and Grant pushes my hand down to press into Tommy's arm. Him against my body. Tommy staring at me with an expression that tells me exactly what's on his mind. My pussy throbbing for what I know my boyfriend likes. My attention is not on actually learning how to do this. I'm too turned on to learn anything except my body right now and when Tommy's other hand keeps rubbing up and down my thigh like that, I start to regret the situation we're in. Only because I'd like less clothes to be involved.

  “See, it's not that bad,” Grant says, so close to my ear his breath is warm on my neck and I feel the prickle of goosebumps rise on my arms.

  He scoots that chair even closer and his thighs clamp my hips a little tighter. I lock eyes on Tommy and I'm no longer in control. Grant's doing the tattoo with my hand while I envision what Tommy did to me the day Grant watched. He knows what's on my mind. The smirk on his lips tells me that much and his hand slides higher up my thigh. He really trusts Grant not to let me fuck up this tattoo right now. These two are insane! But before I think I'm going to explode from this, it's over. Grant's done and Tommy now has an adorable green bean tattooed on his arm and a soaking wet girlfriend that wants to fuck him in his tattoo shop.

  We need to leave.

  Grant's hand comes to my arm and he pushes his lips to my cheek, not too long but just quick enough to tell me he knew exactly what he was doing.

  “All done,” he murmurs, then backs off and I feel cold where he was just pressed against me.

  “Can I look now?” Tommy's excited smile is real this time.

  “Look.” I smile and slowly stand, worried my inner thighs are going to be drenched. I quickly adjust my skirt while Tommy looks at his arm and I glance at Grant who's got a smug look on his face. I shake my head. “You mad?” I meekly ask Tommy.

  Tommy's smile reaches his eyes when he finishes inspecting it. ”You put a green bean on me?” He starts to laugh, stepping over to me and cupping my face in his hands. “You branded me!” He laughs louder, then slams his lips to mine. With him up against me I can feel his arousal from whatever that was back there. He groans into the kiss, snaking his hands to the back of my head. “I fucking love it, Beany,
” he whispers finally, breaking the kiss.

  I jump when Grant’s hand touches the exposed skin on my lower back.

  “This your spot?” he asks, his fingers trailing along my flesh.

  I push harder against Tommy, but not to get away from Grant. Why do I find it sexy as fuck that Tommy wants Grant involved? Whatever the reason, I’ll never get tired of the expression Tommy wears each time it’s on his mind. His eyes are locked on mine but the second he hears a noise from Chase, he lets me go and Grant drifts across the room like it never happened.

  Fuck my life.

  The only good thing about the games these boys play is I'm no longer nervous for this tattoo.

  “I need to use the bathroom,” I quickly tell Tommy and he points down the hall.

  After Tommy inks the script 'I belong to me' under my breast, I stand in the mirror, covering my nipple to stare proudly. My eyes hit his reflection.

  “It's sexy as fuck, Bean,” he says low, wiping the chair off. “Almost better than my green bean.”

  “Hey, the green bean's got nothing on that,” Grant chimes in, nodding toward my chest. “Nothing.”

  “That green bean is the best tattoo you have, because I did it.” I grin and grab my top but Tommy stops me from putting it on to rub ointment on the fresh tattoo. I glance up and Grant's staring at us and I feel my cheeks heat up, looking away.

  “You comin' back to our place tonight, Grant?” Tommy asks without even looking at him. He looks at me as if he can read my mind, and smirks. “We can grab a few drinks.”

  “Yeah. I’m down.” Grant steps into the hallway and disappears to the back of the shop.

  “You alright with that?” Tommy asks, handing me my shirt.

  “What are you asking me?” I want him to voice exactly what he wants so I can mentally prepare myself for a night I'm sure I'll never forget.

  He chuckles, stepping so close to me I can feel his breath on my neck. ”Affton,” he whispers in my ear and my skin prickles with excitement. “Do you want Grant to come back to the house to watch me fuck your brains out with my magic dick?” He's trying to be so serious, but ending it like that leaves a grin on his stupidly handsome face.

  “You should say yes,” Grant says, walking back into the room. “It's a no lose situation.”

  “Dude,” Tommy blurts, throwing him a look. “Out.” He points to the back of the shop and Grant chuckles, leaving us alone again. “So?”

  “I...” I look away, nerves making me jitter. “I want that, but...this is about me and you, right? Not Grant. You trust Grant, and I'm not saying I don't, but I don't want Grant thinking he has any right to me when you're not around.” I just have to get that off my chest because I want to do this, but I want it with my boyfriend. Not Grant. He just so happens to be who my boyfriend trusts.

  “Matthews!” Tommy yells, never taking his eyes off mine. Grant strolls back in the room with a beer in his hand.

  “Sup? We leavin?”

  “We need ground rules.” Tommy finally glances over to Grant.

  “Understandable,” he says. “Like, no docking? Nothing goes in Tommy's ass?”

  I start to laugh. “Let's not pull all that off the table yet,” I joke and Tommy looks at me with his eyebrows high. “I'm kidding,” I assure and rub his beard. “Kidding,” I say again but wink at Grant.

  Grant barks out a laugh and walks closer to us. “Seriously. What type of rules you talkin'? I hate rules.” His eyes flick between the two of us. “I mean, Tommy, man, it's almost stupid you think you need rules with me. She's been your girl since day one. I'd never fuck any of this,” he waves his hand between us, “up.”

  “Just listen, idiot. This ain’t about you, and it damn well ain’t about me. It's about her. What she wants, and what she doesn't. Number one rule, you can't touch her if I'm not around.” Tommy's so relaxed talking to his friend like this is more a business meeting than what we're actually discussing.

  “Deal. Easy. Got it.” He looks at me. “No offense.”

  “Offense taken,” I scoff.

  “Number two, if she doesn't give us verbal permission, everything's off the table.” Tommy looks at me now. “I have to hear you say it. Say what you want. If you can't tell me, then I refuse to do this, Bean.”

  “Say what? That I want your cock in me while Grant waaaa...” I freeze when Chase's head pops into the room.

  “I'm heading out, guys,” he says, his eyes flying between the three of us. The room falls into an awkward silence for a moment before Grant speaks up.

  “I'll lock the door behind you,” he says, stepping out and following Chase.

  Tommy's trying not to laugh and I can feel the color in my cheeks rising.

  “Oh my god.” I shove Tommy's chest and he laughs, backing away from me. “Let's go home and discuss this.” I fan my face and quickly grab my purse.

  Grant runs after us on the way to the parking lot. “Assholes! You guys were going to leave me!”

  “Let's go, Phyllis. The lady wants to get back to the house.” Tommy smirks at me then plops the helmet on my head.

  “Let’s not keep her waiting then.” Grant hops in his truck.

  “Ready?” Tommy asks.

  “Yeah.” I can't make eye contact. I want this, and I feel guilty.

  When we get to the house, I smile at Tommy but keep walking to the bathroom, trying to calm my nerves. I need a few drinks. As I walk to the kitchen, they stop talking and I'm trying to remain casual so I pick up my cellphone but Tommy quickly pulls it from my hand. That's probably best; I don’t need anymore added stress right now.

  “Hey, are you sure about this, Bean? You know all you have to do is say you're not comfortable with it and it's off the table, no feelings hurt. Last thing I want you to feel is pressured into anything.” His hands are on my arms and his eyes look genuinely worried. I'm still getting used to a guy looking at me like he cares.

  “I want this,” I assure. “This stays between the three of us right?” I quickly ask and look from him to Grant. “Because if my brother caught wind, I'd probably be buying Tommy's casket.” I frown at him before bursting into laughter because now's not the time to bring up my brother.

  “Absolutely.” Tommy pushes his lips to mine hard before pulling back the slightest. “Matthews,” he says, walking back into the room. “One final part to the rules and regulations.”

  “Hit me,” he says, taking a pull of his beer.

  “She ain’t yours, dude.”

  “Fuck you! I know that!” Grant's eyebrows push together and he looks almost offended.

  “I know you know that, but it's gotta be said. That's my girl,” Tommy says with more feeling than I'm used to from him. “Mine. Not yours. Not ours. Mine. What we do is because I trust your stupid ass, but she's not your girl and she never will be your girl.”

  “Listen, I just like to do kinky shit. And it only makes sense to do it with you two, well, because...” He trails off and gestures between him and Tommy. “I'm not here to lay claim to anyone or anything. I'm just here to have fun, promise. You know me, man.”

  “Good.” Tommy takes a drink of his beer and relaxes back on the couch, his hand finding my thigh as he looks at me. “Good?”

  “Good.” I nod and drink my glass of wine as quickly as I can manage.

  “Great,” Grant growls. “So how's this work? One fucks one watches?”

  Tommy looks at me and shrugs, raising his eyebrows in question like it's my answer to make. I mean, I guess it kind of is.

  “Yeah,” I whisper and glance at Grant before shifting to stand. “Just give me a sec.” I walk into the kitchen and refill my wine glass, drinking it down quickly.

  Thankfully Grant's attractive, which makes this decision easier, but I've never done this and it hasn't been on my bucket list until Tommy. Up until a couple months ago my bucket list only consisted of surviving. I take a few more sips of wine then walk into the living room. Even though there are no neighbors, I pull
the curtains closed and look at them. I'm not sure how to go about this. I'm not comfortable undressing in front of Grant. Not because it's Grant, but because...just because. Tommy barely gets me unclothed in the light.

  “Okay.” I exhale a shaky breath and try to keep smiling.

  “Okay,” Tommy says, setting his beer down and standing. He takes my hand and pushes his lips to my knuckles then pulls me in and presses his lips to mine. “Here or bedroom?” he whispers.

  “Right here,” I quickly answer, not ready to share our space with Grant.

  He smirks and kisses me again, this time deeper and more urgent than last. His hands move to my ass and he growls, pulling me to him. I can already feel his hard length as it presses against me. His fingers flick over the fabric of my shirt, pebbling my nipples and making me gasp. He chuckles, pushing his hand to the back of my neck. When Tommy tries to remove my shirt, I stop him, frozen in his glare. His eyes narrow and he gives his head a small shake, trying to tug it off again but I hold tight.

  “Take the fuckin' shirt off, Affton,” Grant blurts. “I'm not doing this if you're not naked. Completely.”

  Tommy's jaw twitches as he glares at me, his fist still tight around my shirt. The only way around this is to back out, but I don't want to do that. I believe Tommy's attracted to me, I often remind myself that I've been this size since we were younger and he's been having sex with me since then, but that doesn't mean I feel beautiful about it anymore. I put on a good show and still wear the clothes that show off the pride I pretend to have, but that's only because I've made an image I want to stand up to.

  I look over at Grant and he sighs.

  “I've thought about what those tits and that ass look like since we were younger, Affton.” Grant sighs, shaking his head.

  Tommy laughs and snaps his head back to him. “Dude, I know, right?”

  “She's hot!” Grant boasts, pointing toward me. “You don't see a lot of that here! You’re hot. Now...strip.”

  Tommy smirks, attempting to pull my shirt off again. Forcing myself from stopping him, I allow him to pull it over my head but my arms instinctively start to rise to hide my chest. He stops me. I didn't wear a bra today and not once did I think something negative about myself, but now I'm in this situation and the degrading things Corey used to spew at me have me losing my cool. I'm about to call the whole thing off until Tommy pushes his lips to mine. I kiss him back and the second I feel Grant standing at my back my body starts to heat up.


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