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Reclaim: Books 1-3

Page 56

by J. A. Scorch

  "You'll do no such thing. I want you and Sergeant Mishina back here ASAP. Understood?"

  Teve paused for a moment. "Yes, sir. Right away, sir."

  "Miller Actual out."

  The connection severed a moment later. Teve handed the e-slate back over to Hensley and said thanks.

  "Tough call?" the lieutenant asked.

  "Yeah ... " Teve trailed off. He didn't want to get into detail about the Zeal base with Hensley. "Unfortunately, Miller wants Mish and I back home straight away. We'll have to leave you all to it, I'm afraid."

  Hensley gripped him on the shoulder. "We'll be all right, Sergeant. That base will be in UEF hands by sundown. I appreciate the assist, believe me, but we've got this covered."

  "Thanks, sir," Teve said. "Give em' hell for me." He moved past the lieutenant and headed toward Mish. She wasn't going to take Miller's order well, so he just came out and said it. "Command wants us to head home."

  "Now?" she asked, pushing off the debris she was leaning against to stand all the way up.

  "Afraid so. That's not all: there are no SF soldiers out here backing the regulars. They're on their own to take on whatever is waiting between here and the Zeal base."

  Mish swore loud enough for the entire city to hear. "I'm not going. Command can kiss my ass. We're needed out here."

  Teve kept his voice down. "I couldn't agree more. If these soldiers move forward and march toward that base, they're as good as dead."

  "That's why we are going to stay here and fight," she said. Her nostrils were flaring with every word out of her mouth. The bloodlust was back, layered with Command rage. Teve had no hope of changing her mind.

  "Mish," he said leaning in close. He sensed his forehead touching hers, but there was something strange about her. She almost seemed to be another person than the smart and tough soldier he had known all these years. "Is everything okay?"

  Her dark eyes closed for a moment before they opened wide and stared up into his soul. "You know I'm not okay. Everything is messed up. All I know is that we need to kill as many of these aliens as possible."

  Teve placed one hand around her waist. He wanted to pull her in tight and kiss her more than anything else in the world, but he needed to maintain some level of professionalism in front of the platoon.

  "Do me this one last favor, Teve," she said. "Fight with me. We probably won't make it, but I'd rather die out here by the sides of our people than to crawl back to base to please Miller."

  Teve shook his head with one hand on his forehead. Her words were getting to him, forcing their way to his mind. "Okay," he whispered. "We'll do this. It's not like Miller can come grab us or anything."

  A smile ripped across Mish's face. He hadn't seen her do that in a long time.

  Teve turned away from her and headed over to Hensley before the platoon moved out toward the Zeal base.

  "Lieutenant," Teve said. "Mish and I seem to be a tad lost. I was wondering if you could confirm that we should head in that direction?" He pointed directly at the Zeal tower and gave Hensley a wink.

  The lieutenant seemed confused at first but soon understood. "Why yes, Sergeant. You should head in that direction. Although, I've never been that good at reading a map."

  Teve smiled. "I trust you, sir. Mish and I will be heading in that direction in a few minutes. If our paths should intersect, so be it."

  "Thank you," Hensley said.

  "Don't mention it, sir. By the time Miller works out what we're up to, it won't matter anymore."

  Hensley concealed his thoughts and slapped Teve on the arm before he called out his orders to the platoon. The soldiers all fell in line and headed out toward the Zeal base. Mish took point without asking while Teve stayed at Hensley's side for the moment.

  "Best not to mention our presence over the comm. I don't want you getting pulled into the politics of this BS mission."

  "Consider yourselves a pair of helpful ghosts, Sergeant. Just back our play, and we'll make it to the Zeal base in one piece."

  Teve stared ahead to Mish. "We've got you covered. I'll make sure Mish doesn't compromise your strategy."

  "Hey, let her," Hensley said. "She looks hungry to me. I wouldn't want to get in the middle of her and the next Stilt we come across."

  Teve laughed and shook his head. "Yeah, you're not wrong. I've never seen her—"

  The ground pulled him down in a hurry. He clutched at his head without thinking as something stabbed into his skull. He let out half of a muffled cry as a pain so intense took over his body.

  "What the hell is going on?" Mish asked as she arrived at Teve's location in a flash. "Did he get hit?"

  "No," Hensley said. "We were just talking, and he fell all of a sudden. It's like something has—"

  "Bradley," Teve yelled out as he spotted Mish. "He's here. I can see him. And he's in danger." Teve jumped to his feet as the pain eased up a touch. "I have to find him. He's close by."

  Teve started to leave and headed in the opposite direction of the Zeal base without thinking.

  "Where is he going? I thought you two were going to help us?"

  Mish grabbed Teve by the wrist to slow him down. "What are you doing?"

  Spinning around to Mish and Hensley, Teve's eyes darted back and forth between the two soldiers. "My brother is here and in danger. Help me find him, and we'll help you take that base."

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Porter felt the ground moving beneath his feet. His body seemed to be frozen in place as the world shifted around him and rolled away. He could hardly move a muscle in his body except for his eyes. It wasn't until an external force nudged his head that he saw the Stilt dragging his stiff body by the leg along the wet, dirty ground of the city.

  He tried to speak and ask questions that would never be answered, but his lips failed to move. The Zeal had paralyzed him.

  Porter's eyes snapped about in their limited range to try and discern what was happening. He was being transported through the city in a direction he couldn't tell. The last thing he remembered was heading out of the church to find Teve.

  The thought sent a panic down his spine, not that he could really feel anything. He was about to find his brother after all this time, but the Zeal had other plans.

  Some movement began to free up in his neck, hands, and feet. Whatever kept him frozen like this started to wear off. He only hoped he would regain enough sensation to escape the grip the Stilt had on his body.

  As Porter's neck freed up, he was able to turn his head enough to see the two of them weren't alone. Three other soldiers remained limp beside him, each being dragged by a Stilt. The four aliens had retrieved their trapped prey and were taking their finds back home as if they were going to feast on the bodies.

  The other three UEF soldiers had cuts and bruises on their faces, and all appeared to have been in a fierce firefight with the aliens.

  Porter felt his jaw unclench along with some more functions in his body. Pain shot down his leg as he felt the grip of the Stilt in front of him. The tall creature was facing the other way, not that it had eyes. It still seemed better than to have the thing standing toward him for some reason.

  The closest UEF soldier beside him caught Porter's eyes and shook his head as if to warn him not to move. The other two seemed to be frozen solid and unaware of their fate.

  Porter could feel his battle armor being dragged across the sharp ground as he tried to think of a way to communicate safely with the other soldier. Short of shouting out loud, he couldn't think of anything better than to continue to stare at the corporal. It wasn't until the Stiltz had finished dragging them all to their final destination that Porter realized how screwed they really were.

  In a small clearing surrounded by pancaked buildings, Porter spotted another four soldiers, bringing up the total of paralyzed people to eight. The Stiltz placed them all against a debris pile facing outward. The creature carting him took no care at all when he threw him against the heap and adjusted Porter's head to
face back to the group of eight Stiltz. He had no idea what was about to happen next, but one thought seemed more likely than anything else.

  A blade-covered hybrid appeared from the shadows and moved with purpose to the first person in the lineup. Porter was at the opposite end of the eight and could see the hybrid as clear as day. The half-human, half-Zeal abomination crept up to the first UEF soldier: a young female private. She'd regained some sensation in her body as Porter saw her turn her head away from the foggy breath of the hybrid that lurked above her.

  Its razor hands reached out and grabbed her by the chin, instantly cutting her soft skin. She winced but resisted shouting out in pain, not letting the monster know she was hurting inside.

  After a moment of contemplation, the hybrid released her from his grip and moved to the next person. Porter almost let out a sigh of relief before one of the Stiltz shot the girl several times in the chest and riddled her body with iron bolts. She didn't get a chance to yell out in pain as the life faded from her eyes.

  This was nothing but an execution.

  Porter dared to move his head ever so slightly around to see if there were any way out of this mess. The eight Stiltz were more than he could handle even if he were wearing better armor and was toting a heavy rifle. He thought about running away but doubted his legs would allow him to escape. Plus, he'd be leaving behind all of these UEF soldiers to save himself.

  There was no other choice to make other than to give up and die or die trying to fight back. Porter had no idea who among the remaining seven could actually give out any form of resistance. Before he could communicate the thought, another soldier was put down permanently.

  Porter couldn't wait for the rest of them to fall. He turned his head toward the soldier next to him and spoke as softly as he could. "We have to fight back ... Are you with me?"

  The soldier took a few seconds to answer. "Yeah, screw it. These two in front. On three. One, two, three."

  The soldier jumped up a half second before Porter and rammed his body into the nearest Stilt. Porter attempted the same foolish move and went for the creature's legs. The solid metal layer of protection every Stilt wore stopped them both in their tracks. Porter felt a hand come out and smash him to the side in one smooth stroke. The other soldier wasn't so lucky.

  The Stilt raised him off the ground and brought him over to the hybrid for inspection. After a brief study, the hybrid dismissed the man and gave the go ahead for the Stilt to execute. Porter tried to look away as the corporal received a bolt to the head at close range. The body dropped to the rubble in a heap. Porter was next.

  "Come get me, asshole. I'm right here," he said to the monster while leaning back to grab a piece of concrete by his knees. "I'm ready for you."

  The hybrid stood over Porter and stared down at him with a look that almost registered as loathing. Its hands came out to clutch at his chin. Before a single razor blade touched his body, Porter made his last desperate move. He swung the block of concrete out and smashed the hybrid across the face. Its defenses stopped the chunk from doing any damage other than the impact force of the sudden blow. As the block turned to powder in Porter's hand, he swore he detected a smile coming from the hybrid.

  The creature shrieked in Porter's face, half deafening him as it raised it razor-covered hand to slash him to pieces. Porter protected his face with both arms as he leaned back and away from the strike that would kill him.

  A burst from a distant X762A1 rifle rang out. Its HE rounds struck one of the Stiltz in the back and threw it forward. Porter witnessed the spark of bullets through his splayed fingers. The hybrid swung around, unable to ignore the sudden attack. More gunfire flooded the small clearing.

  Porter dropped to the ground and yelled for the other soldiers to do the same. Some followed his lead while the less capable had no choice but to remain frozen in place as all hell broke loose.

  The hybrid screeched out with a multi-layered voice as it flexed and flared, declaring to the world it was about to kill those who dared to disturb it.

  Clutching the dirt as he scurried away, Porter left the range of the hybrid while more bullets struck the Stiltz. He couldn't see where the UEF were firing from, but if they kept killing the aliens, he had a chance to escape.

  When he was a good few meters from the hybrid, he dared to glance over his shoulder and immediately regretted the decision. The move must have gotten the creature's attention as it spun around and charged at Porter. It swept its arm down and plucked him from the ground in one quick grab to drag him along the terrain away from the fight.

  "No, no, no," he said out loud as the row of dying Stiltz began to shrink away. He could see the UEF in the distance, slowly closing in on the Zeal, ending the execution line in a matter of seconds. A hand leaped out and struck Porter in the face, slicing open his cheek in multiple places. He felt the blood begin to seep down his face, prompting him to lean back and away from a possible follow-up attack.

  The gunfire grew louder as the UEF moved in to finish the last Stilt. The first soldier was a fast-moving woman who didn't slow down for anything despite being ten meters ahead of the next gunner.

  The crazed soldier began to fade into the distance as the hybrid dragged Porter into a building. He knew at that moment if he didn't get someone's attention in the next few seconds he was a dead man.

  Chapter Thirty

  "Where is he?" Teve yelled out ahead to Mish as she arrived at the line of dead Stiltz.

  She responded with one raised hand and a shrug, keeping her rifle low but ready for action. A single yell came from the left side of the bloody scene echoing through from one of the damaged buildings.

  "Bradley?" Teve whispered, not knowing if the utterance came from his brother or not. He charged off despite the dangers that may lay ahead and saw Mish follow his lead.

  "Through there," he yelled, pointing to the building. Water was flooding down from the destroyed levels above, spraying Teve and Mish as they moved inside. Teve held his rifle in tight to his body as he kept one eye squinted down the sight. In short, quick moves, he checked every possible danger point in the narrow and cracked hallway ahead, spotting multiple routes that Bradley could have gone down. He was about to shout out to get a fix on his brother's location when he heard a disturbance above.

  "We need to go up," he said to Mish. She acknowledged in silence and followed him to the stairs at the end of the hallway. Teve could see she was hanging back slightly to support him and to allow him to be the one to find his brother first.

  As they reached the first step leading up the long, straight stairwell, more noise echoed down from above, causing dirt to break away from the ceilings.

  Teve took a deep breath to steady himself. He had no idea what he would find. All he knew without a doubt was that Bradley was here. He charged up the creaking, wooden frame two steps at a time with Mish hot on his tail. He held his rifle high, ready to shoot any aliens that might be waiting to ambush them.

  When Teve reached the top of the stairs, he swung his weapon and body around to check the next long hallway. At the end stood a figure in the shadows, filling the frame of a large, punched-out hole in the side of the building. It was a hybrid.

  Teve felt his heart drop when he saw that the creature was holding a man in its deadly grip by the throat as it gazed back at him. The man was on his knees.

  Mish arrived a second later to see the same thing. She pointed her rifle directly at the hybrid's eyes.

  "Don't shoot," Teve said as he lowered her weapon ever so slightly. "Not yet."

  "Okay. So what's the play?" Mish whispered.

  The hybrid was standing vicariously at the edge of the hole, teetering on the brink of the drop. It was then that Teve realized the person in its grip was being held over the side. All the hybrid had to do was let go.

  "We need to do this right," he said.

  "Are you sure that's your brother?"

  He took a moment to think with closed eyes. Inside his mind, everythi
ng was a clear picture. Bradley was standing there, calling his name the way he did when they were younger. When his eyes popped open, he took a confident step forward. "It's him. Let's do this. You take out that thing; I'll grab Bradley. Just wait for my signal."

  Mish stepped in close behind Teve. Her weapon stuck out at his side and was trained on the monster's head. Teve listened to her controlled breath as she focused all her ability on killing the hybrid. She wouldn't miss.

  With no other way but forward, he shuffled down the hall at a slow rate. The hybrid reacted by holding its victim further out into the open, dangling his feet in the air.

  "You don't want to do that, my friend," Teve said to the snarling beast as if it could be reasoned with. "Just put him down, and you can have a shot at me instead."

  The hybrid's warning increased in volume. Its razors flared and fluttered in anticipation for a fight as its body lowered into an attack posture. The prisoner in its grip was brought back inside and tossed down on solid ground with confidence. The monster would get to its first catch of the day after it dealt with the minor problem in front of it.

  "That's right. You don't want him; you want me instead." Teve lowered his rifle and held one arm out to egg the hybrid on. The half-alien responded by stepping forward with a wide stance. It wanted to play.

  "Come get me, asshole," Teve said a second before he lifted his rifle up high and shot a full burst into the ceiling above. Pieces of the level's decaying concrete fell from overhead and hit the hybrid square in the face. Its human eyes were vulnerable and exposed to the environment despite its razor armor. As the creature desperately tried to remove the dust particles from its face, Teve charged toward the silent man on the floor beside the distracted hybrid as he threw his rifle over his shoulder.

  Teve ignored the shrieking beast and focused his attention on scooping up the man into both arms in one go before he leaped out of the building. As gravity pulled them toward the ground, Teve twisted his body around to point his back at the surface below. Time seemed to slow down as he gripped Bradley tight in his arms and waited for the concrete to come flying up into his body. He could hear every bullet Mish fired at the hybrid on the floor above. Its armor wouldn't be able to fend back her rage.


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