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A Night of Flame and Blood

Page 18

by Elisabeth Huerta

  Wouldn’t it be a shame if something happened to her, he said. Why, why would he say that? What was he planning on doing? Whatever it was, I had to stop him. He was planning on doing it soon, I could feel it.

  I inched out of my room and headed across the hall to Rebecca’s. It was later than I thought, the whole house was in darkness, everyone had already gone to sleep. I gently opened the door to her room, hoping that the door did not creak, and poked my head in. Rebecca was sleeping on her bed. Her hair was splayed wildly across her pillows. She wore a peaceful smile on her face, it made her look more beautiful than ever.

  This is how I always wanted to see her, with a peaceful smile on her face. I would not let anyone, not even Derik take it away. With one last glance at my sleeping sister, I closed the door and tiptoed back to my room.

  I took off my cloths—sleeping in jeans was not the most comfortable thing to do—and slipped on my cotton pants. I needed to sleep, I felt exhausted. I had already slept for a couple of hours, but it felt like nowhere near enough. I was completely wiped out. As soon as my head touched my pillow I was out.

  And that was when the floodgates opened and suddenly my dreams turned into a frenzy of nightmares going from Michelle’s murder to the murder of so many other people I did not know.

  The scenery would change. At one point I was in a room with grimy brick walls and no windows. I was with a woman who was no older than twenty. I did not know who she was, but I felt drawn to her. Her pale green eyes were frightened, I wanted to comfort her, but she ran away from me. No, not away from me, but away from someone else. She was running towards the door when a man blocked her path and grabbed her forcefully by the arms. I did not have time to look away when he grabbed her slender neck and twisted it.

  The brick wall dematerialized in front of me and was replaced by soft purple ones. I was in a little girl’s bedroom her bed was filled with unicorn teddy bears and she had a big castle play set next to her bed. I watched as a tall woman with strawberry blond hair entered the bedroom.

  “Samantha.” The woman called. “Where are you Samantha?” The woman searched around the room before her piercing gaze settled on the bed. She crouched down next to it and reached underneath. I watched as she pulled out a screaming little girl from underneath the bed. The little girl was precious, she had wild curly blond hair, and plump pink cheeks. Her whole face turned beet red as she continued to yell.

  “Now, now, Samantha.” The woman admonished. “That’s no way to act in front of a guest.” The woman smiled gleefully at Samantha. “Now, I really hate to do this.” She said, not sounding at all sincere. “But I just have to. You see you’re going to grow up and be a seer, and I just can’t have that now, can I.”

  “Let me go.” Samantha cried, as the woman tightened her grip on her.

  “Now Samantha, I just told you I can’t do that. You are going to be pretty dangerous to me when you are older, so it’s better we settle this now before we get into that mess.”

  I had to look away. I knew what was about to happen. I heard one last scream from Samantha before she became deathly silent. I knew she was dead.

  On and on the dreams came as soon as one ended the other began. I nearly drove myself crazy watching death after death. They were all younger than twenty. Men, women, children, I watched them all die.

  When I woke up the sun was higher in the sky than usual. I noticed my room looked more peaceful when sunlight shined through it. The blue of my walls looked brighter the room looked more open, welcoming. It was hard to believe how many murders I bore witness to in this very tranquil looking room.

  I needed to get out. I stumbled out of my bed and rushed down the stairs. Rebecca was sitting on the couch watching TV when I passed her. I made a beeline to the kitchen and saw my parents sitting down on the table casually talking to each other. They both looked up when I came in.

  My father looked at me sternly. “You didn’t by any chance sneak out last night, did you?” He asked.

  “What?” What kind of question was that?

  My mother looked at me apologetically, but my dad continued talking. “What do you mean what? Do you realize what time it is?”

  I had not really thought of it. “No, what time is it?”

  “It’s one pm, Brianna. So, unless you were asleep for fifteen hours, where did you go?”

  “I didn’t go anywhere.” One pm. Holey crap, how long was I asleep.

  “Brianna.” My dad warned.

  “Jose.” My mother interrupted. “I told you I checked in on her last night. She was in her room.”

  My dad turned to my mom. “And you’re sure she was there the whole time.”

  “Well, I don’t know if she was there the whole time. But when I checked on her, she was meditating or something. She didn’t even hear me when I called her.”

  “Yes, you mentioned that.” My father turned towards me. “So, were you just pretending you could not hear your mother, Brianna? And what’s with this meditation, you haven’t done that before. Have you been doing drugs?”

  “What? No, I was in my room the whole time. And can I please get something to eat, I’m starving.” I had not eaten since yesterday during lunch. That was a full twenty-four hours ago.

  “You wouldn’t happen to have the munchies.” My dad asked suspiciously.

  “Enough! I am not doing drugs okay, dad.”

  My dad was going to say something else, but my mom cut him off.

  “Here, Brianna, why don’t I serve you lunch. I made spaghetti.” She got up and went to the stove, where a boiling pot of spaghetti sat.

  “Yeah, serve her lunch.” My dad said from the table. “Since she apparently missed breakfast.” He mumbled.


  “Sorry.” He said, quietly.

  “Here you go, Brianna.” My mother said, passing me the plate of spaghetti.

  “Thanks.” I sat down in my usual seat, close to my father, but he still refused to speak to me. Instead, he busied himself with his own food.

  “Dad.” I pouted once he finished his food. “Don’t you love me anymore?”

  “Don’t you do that.” He told me. “Don’t you play that card with me, mija.”

  “Dad, why won’t you believe me?”

  My mother looked in amusement at both of us from the other side of the table, but otherwise said nothing.

  My dad turned to look at me, his face was resigned. “Mija, I love you to death. Don’t you forget that. It’s just that you’ve always gotten up early. The only one who’s ever gotten up this late was Rebecca. And she only did that when she snuck out.”

  “Pa, am I Rebecca?” I raised my eyebrows at him. “You think I have invitations to go party it up with people.”

  “You don’t need countless of people to party it up. Frankly, I’m more concerned about a party of two than a party of a hundred.” He looked at me meaningfully until I got it. Did my dad just warn me about sex?

  “Jose!” My mother cut him a look.

  “Fine, fine. Apparently, I can’t talk anymore. The boss is forbidding me.” He stood up and kissed me on the forehead. “I’m going to the living room since I’m not wanted in the kitchen.” He said playfully to my mom before walking out.

  My mother shook her head. “That man is going to be the death of me.” Her eyes turned curiously in my direction. “Were you really up in your room all night, Brianna?” She asked me timidly.

  I exhaled, frustrated. “Yes, mom. I was really up in my room all night.”

  She looked at me sheepishly. “Sorry, I had to ask, you know. Maternal instincts can’t be turned off.” She shrugged. “I was worried that you went out. You know, with that girl’s murderer still on the loose. But you are a good girl, right, Brianna?”

  I ate the last bit of spaghetti from my plate before I answered. “Yes, mom. I’m still a good girl.”


  I got up and placed my plate on the sink. Taking a quick breath, I left the sink and he
aded toward the door. My mom gave my arm an encouraging squeeze when I passed by her.

  I walked through the living room and plopped down next to Rebecca on the lime green love seat. Rebecca glanced once in my direction, but otherwise did not acknowledge my presence as she watched the reality show on TV. I glued my eyes to the TV screen, but my mind was not on the show. It was elsewhere.

  I thought about the murders. They were all seers. Every single one of them were killed by a heartless demon. But where were their guides?

  Weren’t the guides supposed to protect them? It did not seem like they were doing a good job if seers were dying. I thought of Samantha, her sweet baby face so frightened as her life ended. Where the hell was her guide when she died?

  I felt the blood boil under my skin. Why the hell were we even issued guides if they were not doing their jobs? They were useless.

  I stood up abruptly, startling Rebecca, but I did not pay attention to her. I needed to vent my anger somehow. I needed to scream it out.

  I walked away from the couch and ran up the stairs. My parent’s door was slightly ajar as I passed by it. I managed to see my dad sitting in his recliner reading the newspaper. I only saw him for a second while I passed his room and headed for mine.

  Inside, I went to my bedside table and grabbed the cell phone I placed on top of it. I scrolled through my short list of contacts before I found the one I wanted and dialed.

  He would have to pick up, I chanted. He needed to pick up. He was the only person I could ask questions and would be able to answer without looking at me like I was crazy.

  When the phone stopped ringing an operator answered. “The number you are dialing has been disconnected—“

  I hung up the phone. He really left, Daston was really gone. I made a brash decision and quickly changed into some sweat pants and a clean t-shirt. There was only one other person I knew Daston talked too. It was the only time I had seen him mildly civilized with a person—other than the time he came over to meet my parents.

  I did not know if she knew anything, but it was worth a shot. After all, Daston did say that he went there often.

  Rachel might have seen him, if not today then yesterday. I was going to have to visit her at the diner.


  The diner was fuller than it was the first time I came here. It was Saturdays, and for some reason people ate out on Saturdays instead of cooking. As soon as I went inside, I noticed three couples waiting on the cushioned bench which marked the waiting area. I craned my neck, and stood on my tippy toes, looking for Rachel, but to no avail. I could not spot her.

  I saw many other waitresses, carrying their burden of plates on their arms, dashing between aisles of tables. None of them was the red head I was looking for. I walked up to the hostess. It was a woman around my height who looked to be in her late twenties. She had unnatural platinum blond hair that fell below her shoulders.

  I made sure to keep my eyes on her podium instead of on her when I approached her.

  “Excuse me. Do you know if Rachel is working today?”

  “Rachel? She’s on her break right now.” I could not see her face, but her voice sounded slightly annoyed.

  “Do you know when she’ll be back?” I asked timidly.

  She exhaled roughly. “She should be coming back soon. Are you going to want a seat? I am not your informant. I can put your name down for a seat, or you can leave.”

  I was almost tempted to lift my face up and glare at her. To see her frightened face would have been worth it at this point, but instead I took a deep breath, and put my name down for a seat.

  I sat close to a couple who were so consumed with sucking lips, they did not notice me staring at them. I was not staring at them because I got a kick out of seeing them practically do soft porn in public. It was the act of kissing that had me mesmerized. They were so close to each other. Theirs bodies almost intertwined while their lips furiously dominated each other. There was something about the act that seemed so intimate, so private, that I felt guilty for gawking at them.

  When they were called to their table, I almost missed them. Well not them, just the act of what they were doing. Which made me feel like a creeper, but it was interesting. They were doing an act that by all means was private, in a public setting without a care in the world.

  I tapped my foot against the tile floor and leaned back against the bench. Twenty minutes slowly ticked by until I was called for a table.

  A waitress waved me over and I started to follow her when the sound of a door opening reached my ears and in came the woman I was waiting for. I stopped right in the middle of the aisle and stared at her. She looked beautiful with her long flowing red hair waving down her back. Her creamy skin looked painted on, and her light rosy cheeks gave her whole face color. I had almost forgotten how beautiful she was.

  She looked towards my direction and her whole face paled. She stepped forward hesitantly, without taking her eyes off of me. I guess I should have expected this. We did not exactly end on good terms the first time. I think I really scared her.

  “Miss?” The waitress who was leading me to the table called from behind. She beckoned me to keep following her.

  “I’m coming.” I said automatically.

  Instead of taking the steps to my table, I walked towards Rachel. She froze as I got close. I smiled pleasantly, to show her I did not mean any harm, but it did not work. She still looked at me like I was hell incarnate.

  I stopped when I was right in front of her. I took the fact that she did not run away as a good sign.

  “Rachel.” I smiled again. “I’m not going to do anything. I just wanted to ask you a question. I could do it right here if you want.”

  “Miss?” The other waitress called from behind. “Your table, miss. There are other people waiting to be seated. If you don’t sit down soon, we’ll have to give it to another person.”

  I waved her off and concentrated on Rachel. She flinched. “Can I please ask you one question?”

  She slowly nodded her head.

  “Excellent.” I gave her a friendly smile. The next words out of my mouth tumbled out in a rush. “Have you seen Daston these last couple of days?”

  She shook her head no. “Th-the last time I saw him was when he came with you.” Rachel replied nervously. Her eyes darted around the diner before they settled back on me. “Except, there was Thursday.”


  “Yes, no wait, yes on Thursday. Two days ago, I saw him walk in at his usual time.” She said nervously. “But he wasn’t alone. It was strange. The only time I saw him with someone was when he brought you.”

  I could barely contain my curiosity. “With whom did you see him?”

  “It was a guy. He was tall, pale skin; had messy black hair and dark eyes to match.” She ticked off.

  Messy black hair and pale? “Did he happen to have a long trench coat?” I asked.

  Recognition lit her eyes. “Yeah, he did actually.”

  I could not breathe. It took a while for my breath to return. “Do you know what they talked about?” I asked breathlessly.

  She shook her head. “No, but it didn’t look like a very pleasant meeting. Daston looked angry, and he didn’t even wait for the food. He stormed out, leaving the dark haired guy behind.”

  “He did.” I said, surprised. Daston and Robert had an argument. And apparently Daston didn’t like something Robert was doing. What would cause Daston to be angry at Robert? And since when did they talk?

  I quickly thanked Rachel and turned away. I kept thinking, Daston was here with Robert. They were here right after I last saw Daston. I needed my questions answered now more than ever. But I did not have anyone to ask them to.

  I walked dejectedly out of the diner. I slouched as I walked forward. My whole frame shaking from the sheer force of Daston’s abandonment.

  He said he would teach me. Instead, he left me when I needed him the most. What was I going to do about Rebecca? Her voice in m
y vision send chills down my spine. She was in danger, and I needed to protect her.

  What was I going to do about Derik? He was going to try to harm Rebecca. And what about the demon? Why did Daston talk to Robert? They have never talked to each other before.

  Robert had been talking to an awful lot of people lately. People he has never uttered a word to before.

  I quickly got into my car and drove away, leaving the diner behind me.

  Chapter 18

  I stayed in my room the rest of the day. I had my legs crossed in the meditation pose. My eyes were closed, and I kept whispering Derik’s name over and over, hoping that would give me a glimpse into what he was planning. It did not work. All I saw were the back of my eyelids. I saw the red in them slowly fade to darkness, signaling the lowering sun.

  Frustrated I jumped up and stretched my muscles. They were stiff from the position I put them in.

  I was not getting any better at this seeing thing. I could not summon them at will like I was supposed to.

  I paced back and forth in my room and rubbed my temple. I was getting a headache. The only plan that formed in my head was to talk to Robert, but he was working with Derik, I could not trust him anymore. As hard as it was for me to say it, Robert was my enemy now. I could not fraternize with him, but I also could not let him suspect that anything was wrong. I would have to act like nothing was wrong. Any suspicious behavior on my part and Robert would tell Derik.

  How could I fool the person who knew me better than anyone?

  I guess I just had to wing it. Do this my way. No plan, just some serious Rebecca stalking. I would have to inconspicuously act like her shadow from now on. And practice big time with this seeing thing. As well as fool Robert that everything was alright so that Derik won’t know I’m onto him.

  No big deal, right? Except that I officially hate my life now.


  Sweat stained my body as I awoke in the middle of the night. Another murder streak invaded my dreams. There were so many demons, and so many seers being killed by them. The demons seemed so powerful it did not seem like we seer’s had a chance.


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