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The Bride Who Bailed

Page 4

by Misty Carrera

  Drew stepped in, "You heard her. Get out, she doesn't want to see you anymore."

  Jake turned, I still had him by the ear and he yelped in pain. "Okay, I'm going, I'm's just..."

  "I do not need to hear whatever you're trying to say."

  "Fine," he said, twisting out of my grasp and heading for the door. He paused and turned as if he were going to shove someone, but apparently thought better of it, and left.

  "Well, that was fun, who is he?" asked Ashley.

  " Former fiancee, I guess. I mean I keep wanting to call him my ex, but we never got as far as getting married."

  "Because she walked out on the wedding, the ceremony, left him at the altar," added Drew.

  "You didn't?" she gasped.

  "I did, actually. He was lying to me, and I sort of called him out on it in front of the crowd, and it seems he's still not over it. I mean who would want to be married to someone who didn't want to be married to them? Anyway... Um, mind if I get dressed? I'm kind of uncomfortable wearing just this."

  "Oh, no, sure..." Ashley said. I admired that she wasn't asking a thousand questions about what I was doing at her brother's place, naked in the middle of the afternoon. Although there were so many weird things happening at once, maybe me being here was the least weird one?

  Drew followed a few minutes later after Ashley had left, and we dressed quietly.

  "So, Ash is dropping the kids off tonight, I was going to ask you to dinner, but I don't suppose you'd be interested in babysitting?"

  "Heh, you're on your own tonight, big boy!"

  He grinned at me, "I don't blame you. Not at all, so, where were we? I think we're supposed to be working on your consulting job?"

  "Right, let me see the IT department, we'll figure out how I can help."

  The IT department was being run by guys who appeared to be 12 years old. I was sure that they were good at what they did, it's just...they were so young.

  The problems were not all that complex, but would take some time to unwind. I quoted him a price for a month of work and we worked out the details of staying on the property.

  So, to recap, now I was, technically sleeping with my boss, and being followed by my former fiancee, who was shooting at me with a paint gun. Excellent. Good choices. I'd deal with all this tomorrow.


  After a good night's sleep I knew it was time to deal with Jake. I had some time before I went to work. He had to go home, this thing with Drew was probably nothing. A break from reality, a temp job at the beach, a gorgeous smile, nothing more...well maybe more for me, certainly nothing more for him. I was a short round-ish, computer expert. And he was a tall dark and handsome owner of a luxury resort. I knew my place.

  But Jake, we were done, he had to go.

  I started with the beach, then checked his room. No Jake. Maybe he was practicing with his paintball gun.

  I went to the desk. " Hi," I checked her tag, "Lila, do you remember the guy who was following me the other night? Have you seen him?"

  "No, not recently, I can leave a message that you're looking for him though?"

  "Thanks," I said, and scribbled my new work number for her.

  "Wait, is that him?" she indicated the front door.

  Jake was all pulled together, he was walking toward the door, with his arm draped around...Drew's sister. Well...huh.

  I stood back and watched while they walked through the lobby and toward the parking lot. He was smiling, and so was she. This was weird. Well, weirder. But if he was staying out of my way, really what did I have to worry about?

  Sighing I decided to head across the property to the office. The IT guys were deep in it, and befuddled enough to actually appreciate my help.

  "It's our reservations system. We've been keeping it running, and reasonably accurate," at this Peter, one of the techs, rolled his eyes. "But just barely," he sighed.

  "I've seen this, actually," I said, "give me half a day."

  By lunch time I had it mostly sorted out, and at least knew where I had to start. I got a sandwich from the bar and walked to the beach. I found a picnic table and sat, feet buried in the warm sand, and enjoyed my lunch. After months of planning a wedding I knew wouldn't happen ( I still felt kinda bad about that), worrying about what would happen next, worrying about what my family would think...I was exhausted. This job was right up my alley, I needed to bury myself in it for a while, not make any big moves.

  I tried not to think about Drew. I hadn't seen him in the offices earlier, although this was a big property and I wasn't surprised that he wasn't around. And what about Jake and Ashley, what was that about?

  Speak of the devil, there they were on the beach. With her kids. They were sitting on towels, splashing in the water, it all looked so cozy. I shook my head and went back to work.

  The week passed in a blur, working, learning the ropes, settling in. By Friday, I was loving being here, the beach, the warm weather. Even the job. Jake was still here, but surely he'd be leaving any day now? He should have been gone today in fact, but there he was, at breakfast, with Ashley. What was up with that?

  I didn't have time to figure it out though, I was on my way to work.

  As I pushed in the door to the office, I smelled his cologne before I saw him. My heart started hammering and I got that butterfly feeling. I wanted to kiss him, feel his hands on me, my nipples were stiffening. And I hadn't even seen him yet.

  "Hey," Drew walked past my doorway.

  "Hey," I answered, hoping he didn't hear the quaver in my voice.

  "Sorry I've been scarce, problems at the other property," he stepped closer, so close I could feel his breath on my face. I'd missed him more than I dared to admit. "I hope you have time for me tonight?"

  "Yeah," I whispered, and smiled up at him. Putting my hands on his lapels I pulled him in close, "I definitely have time for you." He leaned down and kissed me gently, sending shock waves through my system.

  "Great, I'll see you later, six o'clock good?"

  "Yes," I whispered, "good."

  Just then the phone rang. Drew slid his hand off my jaw, sending shock waves down my neck and spine, waves that pooled between my legs. His footsteps were muffled as he moved down the hallway, I liked him entirely too much, that was for sure. Today though, I didn't care.



  "Jake?" I sighed. "Aren't you going home?"

  "Aren't you?"

  "No, I have a gig here, short term, but it keeps me busy for a while. Keep me out of the line of fire at home."

  "Oh, well. Huh. Anyway...I am going home. I just need to talk to you first."

  "Ok, later? Maybe 4:30 ish? Meet me at the front lobby after I get out of work?"

  "Yeah, ok."

  "And Jake?"


  "Leave the paintball gun back at the room, ok?"

  Four-thirty couldn't come fast enough, I just needed to get this over with.


  As I entered the lobby I was hyper aware of every sound and movement. He was making me nervous, nothing had been normal since the day I walked out of the church. His following me, the paintball incident, hanging out with Ashley (wtf?), staying here and watching me. Lucky for me I didn't marry him because he was a much bigger flake than I could have thought. Which is crazy since I'd known him since we were 5.

  I spotted him just before he saw me. He had Ashley with him, of course. They went everywhere together these days. Not my problem, as long as he stayed off my back.

  "Hey. Cat, thanks for meeting me here. I'm flying out tonight, just so you know. You won't be running into me anymore."

  "Ok, I"m not sure what to say to that, but it's good to know."

  "There's something else. Well a couple of somethings, I guess. The first is that Ashley is coming with me."

  "What? She's what?"

  "Yeah, she's coming with me, she's bringing the kids, and we're getting marrie

  "Ooookay, you just met though, and Ashley, I don't mean anything by this but, isn't it a little soon?"

  "I need to be married, Cat. For the business, I won't inherit if I'm not married. And Ash and I, well, we're a good match. She knows about the wedding, and why you called it off, and she's ok with..."

  He broke it off as I was shaking my head, "I didn't know about the inheritance, was that a clause or something? When did that happen? And why didn't you tell me? And..."

  Ashley spoke up. "Look, I know it's fast, and a little weird, but he likes the kids, I like him, they need a dad, he needs a wife, it's perfect."

  "It doesn't really sound perfect, but, thanks for the head's up." First of all I didn't know how he'd stand that wine on his pillow every morning, but not my problem.

  "So, we're out of here. Take care Cat, we'll send for the rest of her stuff, and the kids stuff. Hey, no hard feelings, you're invited to the wedding!"

  I couldn't help myself, I laughed. I did. "Thanks, send me an e-vite and I'll let you know. Have a good flight, ok?"

  Watching them walk away I had to wonder if doing it that simply was the, couldn't be.

  Drew walked up behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. "What's up?"

  "Have you talked to your sister?"

  "Nooo...should I have?"

  "Sit down, I've got news."

  "What did she do now?" he was already shaking his head.

  "She's leaving town with Jake, and they're getting married."

  Drew shook his head, "Didn't see that coming. What should we do?"

  "Ya know, I think we shouldn't do anything. Well, not about them. It might work, it might not, we can't fix it. There's something we can do about us though."

  "Oh, yes?" A smile was spreading on his lips.

  "C'mon, I'll show you." I ran my finger tips along his arm and up to his neck and then I bent his head forward. Our lips touched and the heat was searing. He put his hands on either side of my face and held it tightly while his tongue swirled and dipped against mine.

  "Let's get out of here," he whispered.

  "Sure, we've got some things to figure out."

  "Yeah, like how long you can stay."

  "I'm not sure, how long do you want me?"

  "As long as you want to be here. I feel better with you around, I like having you here, and I hate the thought of you leaving."

  "Well, then... I guess I'll have to stay..."

  He took me by the hand and led me to his room.

  "Let me show you how much I want you here," he said as he pressed me back on the bed. He slid his hands down my breasts and my nipples perked up under the attention. He palmed my puckered nipples and the sensation in my pussy made me squirm with pleasure. I arched my back so that his knee was pressing on my mound. He was a quick study and gently rubbed his knee back and forth, increasing the pressure on my clit and making me mew with pleasure. I felt something else pressing against me too. Long and hard, he was obviously as excited as I was. I reached down and palmed his erection, and he moaned in reply. I slipped his zipper down and drew out his cock, wiggled down the bed and kissed the tip. He stopped what he was doing and took a deep breath and held very still while I licked along the length of him. Again and again. Suddenly he flipped me over and, gently removed the rest of my clothes. A condom appeared in his hand from somewhere and the next thing I knew he was plunging inside of me. I could feel the surge of the orgasm carrying me up, feeling him pulsing inside me as he came, I fell off the cliff of my own climax and felt the cooling wave as I came down from the sexual high.

  Later, as we drifted off to sleep, his hand tangled in my hair, he kissed me on the cheek and asked me again to stay. And again, I said I would.

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  "Sure thing," her assistant, said.

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  "Ms. Thorn, call me Luke, please," his voice was hoarse and raspy, he sounded hung over. And sexy, how could he do that just in a few words? She felt her stomach contract and her breath caught, Chelle was right, he was 'super hot'. She remembered that voice, she remembered everything about him. His chest had seemed like chiseled marble underneath his tight t-shirt, his arms were strong, and yet the skin underneath his biceps looked smooth and soft. She remembered wanting to kiss him there, wondering if he was ticklish... She blew out a sigh. But this was business, she was going to need to control herself.

  "I understand we have an issue regarding your little contract"

  "Mr. Drake, uh, Luke, well it's not an issue exactly. You agreed to perform here for the 4th of July weekend, which is our Summer Festival. I realize you signed it last summer, before your song hit the charts, but that's the chance you take right? It's just business."

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  He pictured her as he spoke, 'buxom' his Nana might have said. He remembered signing the contract, knowing it meant he could see her again. Her hand had brushed his when they were in the office together and if he thought about it he could still feel the heat of her skin. At least if she held him to it, he might get to see her again. Although he seriously doubted they'd be touching each other any time soon. He wanted this career more than anything, but a part of him, the part Harry said did most of Luke's thinking, wanted her even more.




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