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The SEAL's Little Virgin: A Naughty Single Father Novel

Page 15

by Blythe Reid

  “Listen,” I said after a couple hours of talking. “You should come with me tomorrow.”

  “Hell no,” Lexie said. “Didn’t I just tell you how much I hate Delta Pi?”

  “I know,” I said. “But that’s why you should come. I told you, I was a horribly sheltered child. I have literally no social experience. I could use a babysitter.”

  “Nope,” Lexie said. “I like you, Scarlet, but there is no way I will set foot in that house. Not a chance in hell.”

  “Fine,” I said.

  “Are you still going to go?” Lexie asked.

  She wasn’t pushing me one way or the other, but her eyes were anxious as she waited for my answer. I knew what she wanted to hear. She wanted me to say I wouldn’t step foot in that house either, but I couldn’t promise her that. Aside from the fact that I already told Bryan I would go, I wanted to see Lucien again. I knew he would be at the party, and I hoped I might even be able to get another kiss out of him.

  “I’ll think about it,” I promised her, but I knew I wouldn’t.

  She was my new friend, and I wanted to make her feel better, but I was excited about the party. It would be my first ever frat party. There was certain to be a ton of people, and I was eager to make new friends.

  Now that Lexie and I had met, I felt less lonely. I knew I would have at least one friend on campus, but more couldn’t hurt. Even if Lucien didn’t pay attention to me at all tomorrow night, at least I could use the party as a way to meet new people.

  “You’re totally gonna go,” Lexie sighed.

  “What?” I asked, surprised that she could see right through me.

  “You’re practically drooling with excitement,” she teased.

  “I am excited to see Lucien,” I admitted.

  “Lucien Wolfe?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” I nodded. “He was actually the first person I met here. Him and his friend Adam. They were on my plane from France.”

  “Wow,” she said. “That’s an interesting introduction.”

  “They’re nice,” I defended.

  “They can be,” she said. “But they’re Deltas. Worse, Lucien is their leader.”

  “President,” I corrected.

  “Whatever,” she said. “Just be careful.”

  “I will,” I said, using the same tone I always used with my mother.

  Lexie rolled her eyes. She could tell I was just placating her, but she didn’t care. We’d only just become friends, but I already felt like I could be myself with her. She was worried, without being judgmental, which was a nice change of pace.

  With my mom, it was all judgement all the time. Lexie just wanted me to be safe.

  We said goodbye, and I headed back to my grandmother’s house. As I thought about our time together, I smiled. Lexie was my first real friend in New York. Lucien was great, but he was my crush more than my friend.

  With Lexie, I could see us bonding more and more over time. I had a feeling we would share a lot of memories together, and I couldn’t wait. I hadn’t had a lot of friends back in Paris, and I hoped that by meeting Lexie, that would all change now.

  Her warning about the frat party weighed on me, but I tried to relax. The party would be fun. Enjoyable. It was just going to be a night of reckless abandon, but I wouldn’t do anything stupid.

  I knew Lexie’s warning was well-meant. She was being a friend. Still, I couldn’t pass up the chance to experience something new.

  Chapter 15


  Our first party of the year was under way, and I couldn’t have been more excited. As the President, I wasn’t obligated to bring a girl, but I invited a couple freshman just in case the other guys didn’t. When they arrived, they each hugged me and quickly disappeared to get a drink.

  I was thrilled to see so many girls there. Most of the brothers delivered. Everywhere I turned, a new girl was maneuvering her way through the room. I stood off to the side with Adam, watching over everything.

  “You going to dive in?” Adam asked pointedly.

  He eyed me with a smug expression that I wanted to smack off his face.

  “Soon enough,” I said. “I want to make sure everyone’s taken care of first. Besides, I can’t win two years in a row.”

  “True,” Adam said. “But you can defend your title. Even if you can’t keep the headdress, everyone will know you won.”

  “I’m sure I will,” I said with a shrug.

  I was concerned about winning, but I also didn’t want to give Adam the satisfaction of thinking he was right. My hesitation had nothing to do with morality and everything to do with my presidential responsibilities. If anything went wrong tonight, it would be on me. The fraternity was my job and mine alone. I was responsible, more than the other seniors and even the other officers. Before I dove in, I had to make sure the other brothers would behave themselves.

  “Better hurry,” Adam said. “A couple guys already look ready to make their move.”

  I glanced around and saw that he was right. Stephen and Andrew both had a girl on their arm. They were leading them toward to the bar, ready to ply them with more alcohol.

  To me, getting the girls drunk was just a notch below cheating, but it wasn’t technically against the rules. If that was how they chose to seal the deal, then that was their business. Me? I preferred my women sober enough to enjoy the pleasure I gave them.

  “Unless you changed your mind,” Adam said, pulling my attention back to him. “Maybe you finally agree with me. Maybe you think this entire thing is ridiculous and disgusting.”

  “Nope,” I said with a shake of my head. “I haven’t changed my mind, and it’s not disgusting or ridiculous.”

  “It’s both,” Adam said firmly. “These women deserve better.”

  “No one is forcing them to be here,” I snapped.

  “They’re drunk,” he said. “If they have sex tonight, it’ll be their first time, and then what? How do you think they’ll feel in the morning?”

  “That’s not my problem,” I said. “They can make their own decisions.”

  Adam just shook his head and walked away. He grabbed a beer and made his rounds. His job tonight was self-assigned. He was determined to make sure the brothers behaved. He didn’t want anyone acting like an ass and forcing themselves on the girls.

  If a brother was too drunk or too handsy, Adam sent them upstairs and banned them from the party. I didn’t approve of his tactics, but it wasn’t worth fighting. He had his opinions, and I had mine. They didn’t have to agree.

  With Adam gone, I began scanning the room for my conquest of the night. There were a few options, all young and attractive. A couple blondes caught my eye, but it wasn’t until I saw a flash of red hair that I did a double take.

  With a frown, I took a step forward and narrowed my eyes. There was a group of people standing by the fireplace, all with a drink in their hands. It was mostly guys with only one woman standing among them. The woman was a strikingly beautiful red head with emerald green eyes. I recognized her immediately. Without thinking, I hurried across the room.

  When I joined the group, I noticed that all eyes were on Scarlet. She was standing in the middle of the group, laughing and sloshing a bit of beer down her shirt.

  My stomach felt tight as I watched her. She looked pretty, but she was obviously drunk. I had never seen her drunk, and I wasn’t sure she’d ever had so much as a sip of alcohol before tonight.

  My jaw clenched as I looked at the men surrounding her. These guys were my brothers, my friends. I trusted all of them, but the idea of them taking Scarlet home filled me with rage.

  Trying to keep myself in check, I took a long drink of my beer and breathed slowly through my nose. As president, it wouldn’t have been right for me to steal a girl away from the others, but I longed to whisk Scarlet safely upstairs.

  The more she laughed, the more the guys stared at her with excitement in their eyes. They were all vying for her attention, and I knew she would end up w
ith one of them. The thought made me sick. I couldn’t stand the idea of her being with one of my brothers. When Bryan’s hand grazed her lower back, I knew it was time to act.

  “Hey, you,” I said, taking a step forward and claiming Scarlet’s attention.

  Her eyes found my face, and they lit up with joy. “Lucien!” she exclaimed. “Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you!”

  “What are you doing here?” I asked her, keeping the irritation out of my voice.

  “Bryan invited me!” she said loudly.

  She turned around and shot Bryan a playful grin. He smiled back until I shot him a glare. He quickly looked away and hurried off to flirt with someone else. I knew I wasn’t being fair, but I didn’t care. I couldn’t let one of these imbeciles take Scarlet’s virginity.

  “You’re drunk,” I said, placing my hand on her arm to steady her.

  “I’m not!” she argued.

  “Have you ever been drunk before?” I asked.

  “No,” she admitted.

  “Then, how do you know you aren’t drunk now?” I asked.

  My challenge was too much for her drunken brain to process. She blinked at me, her eyes blurry and unfocused. The sight made my heart ache in a way that surprised me. I’d never been into drunk girls, but I’d also never felt the need to protect them before. With Scarlet, that need was strong.

  “You’re drunk,” I said again. “Come on, come upstairs with me.”

  “Really, Lucien?” Tucker, one of the brothers, said. He shook his head angrily at me. “You’re just going to cock block all of us?”

  “Shut up, Tucker,” I snapped. “You’re drunk, too.”

  With that, I turned back to Scarlet and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. She leaned her head against me and put her arms around my waist. Holding her protectively against my chest, I walked her through the crowd and up the stairs.

  I caught Adam’s eyes as I passed, and he looked at me with a silent question. Unable to explain, I just shook my head and kept walking. I knew I would have to explain myself to Adam later, but now wasn’t the time. My main priority was getting Scarlet safely away from the horny brothers of my fraternity.

  We walked slowly up the stairs and down the hall to my room. No one was allowed upstairs during the party, so we would have privacy. As we slipped into my room, Scarlet’s grip on my waist tightened. It sent a warm feeling shooting through my chest. I didn’t recognize the feeling and it worried me.

  I never expected to care about Scarlet. She was just a girl I was trying to seduce. I never thought to invite her to the party because she was my own personal conquest. I didn’t want to share her with the Deltas, but that didn’t mean I felt something for her. Did it?

  I kicked the door closed behind us and sat Scarlet down on my bed. Walking over to my mini fridge, I grabbed her a bottle of water and put it firmly in her hand.

  “Drink,” I said. “It’ll help you,”

  “Thanks,” she grinned.

  She opened the bottle and took a small sip. When she closed the lid, she looked at me coquettishly. Her smile was flirtatious and sexy. I wanted to lean over and kiss her, but I knew it wasn’t the right time.

  Tonight wasn’t our night. All I wanted to do was save her from herself. I didn’t know her well, but I knew she wouldn’t want to lose her virginity tonight. Not like this.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked her again, my voice softer this time.

  “Bryan invited me,” she explained again.

  “You shouldn’t be here,” I whispered, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

  When I did, she grabbed my hand and pressed her lips to my palm. I inhaled sharply at the sensation. Her lips were soft and slightly wet from the water. They felt cold against my skin. I immediately felt turned on.

  “I want you,” she told me firmly.

  Her eyes locked on my face, and she leaned forward, her lips searching for mine.

  I pulled away quickly, stopping her. She frowned and sat back on the bed. Even her pout was sexy.

  “What’s wrong?” she demanded. “Don’t you want me?”

  “Of course, I do,” I said. “But tonight is not the night.”

  “Why not?” she asked.

  “It’s just not,” I said evasively. I wasn’t allowed to tell her the truth about this party, and I wasn’t about to break my own rules.

  “But I want you,” she said again. “I’ve wanted you since we met in Paris.”

  Again, she sat up and leaned forward. This time, I couldn’t bring myself to move away. I let her kiss me, and soon, I was kissing her back. Our tongues found each other, and I tasted the alcohol on her breath. It was enough to pull me back to reality.

  “I want to have sex with you,” she whispered, her voice so innocent. I pulled away, but it did little good.

  She climbed off the bed and crawled into my lap. I groaned and tried to push her away, but her lips were on mine quickly. Her drunk hands were fumbling with my shirt, trying desperately to pull it over my head. I moved her hands and pinned them to her side.

  “We can’t,” I said firmly. “Scarlet, you’re drunk. We can’t do this tonight.”

  The sadness on her face almost broke my heart. I could see her insecurities whirling around in her mind, and I wanted nothing more than to put her at ease. More than anything, I wanted to take her right there in my bed. I knew without knowing that it would feel amazing to bury myself inside of her. Having sex was for my parents. I wanted to fuck her up the side of a wall, lick at her sweet folds until she wet my face, slid my fingers deep into her ass only to watch her convulse. I didn’t want to have sex. I wanted to fuck. Badly. Holding back was going to be the death of me.

  She laid back on my bed and crossed her arm. She was trying to seem angry, but she only looked sad.

  “I want to.” She tried arguing, but it wasn’t going to get her anywhere. I was fighting a much bigger fight inside of my head.

  “We can’t tonight,” I said softly. I moved forward, positioning myself over her on the bed. “But, there are other things we can do.”

  “Like what?” she said, her eyes widening with interest.

  “Like this,” I whispered.

  I ducked down and slowly lifted her skirt. She jumped slightly beneath me, but she didn’t move. When I glanced at her for permission, she nodded eagerly. No panties. Fuck me. Her breathing became ragged and I wanted to suffocate the pretty thing in lust. Maybe she wasn’t as innocent as she played to be? I didn’t care. I wanted to taste her no matter what.

  She lifted her hips slightly, already ready for me. So fucking ready for me.

  She gasped when I lowered my face between her legs. My tongue found her clit easily, and with one lick, I felt her excitement rush. She was wet and writhing by the time I hit my rhythm. Her moans were uninhibited and full of wonder. It was music to my ears and fuel to my aching cock.

  Chapter 16

  With alcohol coursing through my veins, I felt more relaxed than ever before. Every bone in my body felt like jelly. My muscles were loose. My head was light and fluffy as I leaned it back against Lucien’s pillow. The fact that I was on Lucien’s bed didn’t escape my notice. Even in my drunken state, I knew this was a monumental moment in my life. For the first time, I was in a man’s bed.

  He leaned over me, his rustic scent overwhelming my senses. My desire to kiss him was strong as he moved his body over mine. He told me we couldn’t have sex, no matter how badly I wanted to. Instead, he said there were other things we could do.

  My mind was racing as he lowered himself to lift my skirt. My previously relaxed body came alive in an instant. I shook and shivered beneath him. His hands were all over me. I didn’t stop him. I didn’t want to stop him. Everything he did felt amazing, and when his tongue found my clit, the sensations were unlike anything I’d ever felt.

  I was no stranger to masturbation, but nothing I did to myself came too close to the things Lucien was doing with his tongue.
He licked me slowly, as if he was savoring the taste of me. I could barely breathe as he fell into a steady rhythm. With each stoke of this talented tongue, I gasped and panted. My moans were uncontrollable, they escaped from my lips without my permission. The alcohol kept my embarrassment at bay, letting me feel nothing but undeniable ecstasy.

  “You taste so good, Scarlet.” He pulled my pussy into his warm mouth and made a deep growling sound that had me crying out in please.

  “Holy shit,” I whined. “That’s so good.”

  Lucien didn’t hesitate. At the sound of my voice, his tongue sped up. He pressed it harder against me, and my legs began to tremble. I’d never had an orgasm before, so I didn’t know how it would feel, but I knew I was getting close. My body shook and my heart raced in my chest. Lucien licked me harder and faster still. I tangled my fingers in his hair and pulled gently, desperate for something stable to hold onto.

  My body rocked and jerked violently as waves of pleasure coursed through my body. I wasn’t prepared for the sensations that flooded through me. When I finished, I screamed out loudly. I didn’t have control over myself or my body.

  I collapsed on the bed. My breathing was ragged, and I couldn’t stop panting. When Lucien crawled up to lay next to me, I glanced at him with a weak smile.

  “That was…” I began, but I couldn’t finish my thought. The after effects of the orgasm were still working their way through my body, making me shake.

  “That was just the beginning. Next time, when you’re not drunk… it’s your turn.” His voice had me wanting more. So much more. He was going to turn me into the whore my mother worried all young girls would be. I had been worried up to that point too, but for the pleasure he provided… he could call me anything he wanted to.

  Lucien leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek. He grinned at me and then laid back down. Together, we laid on his bed and let the sounds of the party lull us to sleep.


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