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Alexander: Memoirs (A Vampire In Love Book 1)

Page 18

by May Freighter

  “I won’t know unless you ask what it is you seek,” Alexander finally said.

  Lucious inclined his head and indicated for Alexander to sit. Once he did so, Lucious spoke in a tired voice as if he had recited the same lines a thousand times. “My sire’s murderers, I want them found. The Council does not deem this a priority and, therefore, my claim for assistance has been dismissed by those we are supposed to trust. Because I cannot sit still, I have been seeking out informants who may shed some light on this dubious situation.”

  “Were you lovers?” Alexander inquired.

  “What does it matter?”

  “I am curious. It would be strange to go on such a rampage without a deep connection of some kind.”

  Lucious’ eyes narrowed. “No. My sire and I did not have a romantic relationship, nor did we wish for one. She was the closest thing to family I’ve had, and I feel it is only right to avenge the woman who gave me a new life to live.”

  Alexander lifted his hands in defence. “I did not mean to imply anything bad.”

  “Are you curious about any more pointless things or will you get to work?”

  “Where was she killed and how? I will need details, witnesses, hunters you have already…looked into.”

  Lucious reached into his coat’s pocket and retrieved a wad of folded pieces of paper. He slid it across the desk to Alexander. “Full details are in there. I must know what your form of payment is before I hand it over.”

  “I won’t take payment. I owe my life to you.”

  Lucious frowned. “I believe you have already paid that debt when you mended my wounds.”

  “Then consider it as expanding my list of friends,” Alexander said with a smile.

  Lucious rose and stared into Alexander’s eyes, sending a chill through him. For a youngling, who appeared no older than thirty, this man was frightening to the core. His eyes held no emotion as if it was erased. Does such a man have any friends left in this world?

  “I would rather pay you,” Lucious admitted.

  Alexander pushed his doubts and worries aside. He may be mad, but he wanted to befriend Lucious. He did not want to let him go and not see him again. Without him, life seemed rather dull. “If you do not wish for my services to be free, then how about you do an errand in return?”

  “What kind of errand?”

  “There is this woman I cannot find. She is as elusive as you. Anyway, she runs her mystical shop one night a month at a different location in London each time, and it is never the same one. I heard that her prophecies always come true, and I wish to speak with her.”

  “I will see what I can do,” Lucious said.

  “Oh, and her name is Madame Zafira.”


  Madame’s Parlour, Cambridge. December 5, 1918.

  The Great War ended mere weeks ago, taking many lives of the innocents. Humans were too fragile, and Alexander’s logic proved more solid as the years flew by. London became unstable. The economy suffered as did his business. It was destroyed in one of the Zeppelin raids. Fifty-one bombing raids were conducted during this war, and the British were in the middle of discussing the need to build their own Air Force after an armistice was achieved.

  What bothered Alexander was that the vampires in Europe became unsettled. A lot of them had migrated to Asia, leaving Eliza’s territory. Because of that, she had become eager to host parties to try and extinguish the worries of her people.

  Alexander did not attend such gatherings. He was too concerned about the lack of communication with his sire. He planned to visit Maxim over the years, but the fighting prevented him from abandoning his work and Tanya in this unstable environment.

  A week ago, Lucious arrived in Alexander’s temporary office in Cambridge. Lucious had been successful in finding Madame Zafira who fled to America the moment the fighting began and returned promptly upon its end.

  They stood in front of a Victorian mansion on Church End.

  Alexander adjusted his black tie and lifted his sleeve to check his watch. It was ten minutes before their appointment.

  “You seem nervous,” Lucious commented in a bored tone.

  Alexander arched a brow. “Wouldn’t you be nervous if, with one look, a woman could tell your future?”

  “Not particularly. I hate mysticism, and witches are not my cup of tea.”

  “Madame is not a witch. She is a vampire that is highly regarded by the American Council.”

  “I do not care for details, and I am still wondering why you had to bring me along.” Lucious glanced at his watch. “Should we knock?”

  Alexander shrugged. “I heard the door opens at the time of the appointment and no earlier.”

  “Blasted mystics,” Lucious snapped and rubbed the back of his neck. He scanned the surrounding area and folded his arms across his chest as he rested his back against the wall.

  Twenty minutes went by. Alexander checked his watch for the dozenth time and sighed. “I guess she’s not at home.”

  Lucious grumbled something under his breath and pushed away from the wall. He banged loudly on the door, making the harsh sound travel through the mansion.

  They heard light footsteps coming towards the door, and Alexander did his best to hide his nerves by clasping his hands behind his back and straightening his posture.

  “I’m coming, I’m coming,” a woman complained from the other side.

  The door opened. A tall, lean woman with tanned skin and dark-brown eyes that seemed black in the moonlight stood before them. Her messy raven curls cascaded down to her shoulders, brushing her tight black dress.

  “May I help you, gentlemen?” she asked in an overly sweet tone.

  “We have an appointment with Madame Zafira,” Alexander said.

  She kept staring at him as if he had not said anything and shrugged. “Whatever gave you that idea?”

  Lucious glared at the woman. “Is she here or not?”

  “She is, but what brings two vampires here?”

  Alexander felt a chill run through his body, and her attention shifted to him. Her steady gaze seeped into his soul as if searching for answers. He tried shaking off the feeling. This woman was also a vampire, but he could not place her energy or her age.

  “I have some questions for her,” Alexander said.

  Her eyes darted to Lucious. “And what is it you seek from her?”


  The woman smiled, stretching her red lips over her pearlescent teeth. “I like you, boys. Come on in.” She waved for them to follow.

  Alexander paid little attention to the dark interior as she led them through the hallway and into a fire-lit living room.

  She sat down behind an empty desk and folded her hands under her chin. “So, what can I do you for?”

  Lucious snorted. “Why did you pretend to be someone else?”

  Zafira smirked. “I did not pretend. You never asked me if I was the woman you were looking for.”

  Alexander chuckled. It was certainly an oversight on his part. He bowed his head lightly and sat in the offered leather chair across from her. Alexander spent the next two minutes studying her energy with his mind. She was hiding her true potential from them, so it was hard to pinpoint her powers, if she had any.

  “Ask what it is you wish to ask,” she said.

  Alexander leaned back in his seat, attempting to look relaxed and at home, although he felt far from it.

  In the meantime, Lucious collapsed on a recliner and crossed his legs at the ankles. He picked up a newspaper and began flicking through it. Sometimes, Alexander wished to be like him—a strong exterior with a stone cold heart.

  “I have lost contact with my sire once the Russian Empire collapsed. I wish to know if Maxim is alive and well,” Alexander explained.

  Zafira placed her hand on the table, palm up. When he frowned at the gesture, her expression grew annoyed.

  “Do you have anything of his?” she snapped.

  “Oh!” Alexander hande
d her a golden pocket watch that Maxim had sent him twenty years ago. “This was a present from him.”

  “But has he touched it?”

  “Most likely.”

  Madame Zafira lifted the watch by the chain and studied it with intense scrutiny. She set it down on her desk, placed her palm over it and closer her eyes. Slowly, she drew in a breath. The air in the room grew heavy with her buzzing energy as she released the hold on her mental shields.

  Alexander was certain by the level of energy that quickly filled every available space in the room, and by the way Lucious’ body tensed out of the corner of his eye, that she was over five hundred and had an ability of some sort. What ability that was remained a mystery.

  Zafira opened her eyes. They had a faint orange glow.

  At first, he thought she was looking at him, but her eyes began to move as if she was watching a monochrome motion-picture. In a rush, she said, “Deep into the mountains they go with darkness on either side of them. The air is blessed with the witch’s tears, stinging faces of those who are not welcome. A man—vampire—is holding on to a girl. Her willowy form is shivering from the cold. Every time he offers her clothes, she pushes them away. She screams to be released.”

  Zafira blinked rapidly and the glow in her irises receded. “A man who held this watch before you is alive. I just saw his future.”

  “What kind of future is that?” Alexander frowned, not certain he understood the events she was describing.

  “I see visions of the future, that is all. Also, you would have felt your sire’s death if he had passed away. Very few have a bond where they cannot feel the passing of someone so important.” She glanced in Lucious’ direction.

  Lucious continued to read the paper which shielded his entire face and most of his torso.

  Alexander nodded. “I have another question.”

  Zafira shook her head and stood. She sashayed over to Lucious, swaying her hips from side to side. Once she arrived, she lowered his paper and looked at him. “You will become my lover soon. I have seen it.”

  Lucious’ eyes narrowed on her, and he put the newspaper aside. He rose to his full height, towering over her with his six-foot frame. Sparing no more attention to her, he side-stepped her and headed for the door. “I will wait for you outside, Alexander. I am sick of the rubbish that comes out of her mouth.”

  Zafira smiled. “We will meet again.”

  Dark Night Bar, London. May, 1920.

  Alexander observed the dancing humans in his prestigious bar from the balcony. Dim lights illuminated the round tables that were pushed up against the long rows of sofas. Humans mingled, exchanging rumours and whispers while vampires lurked in the shadows, seeking their prey for the night.

  He breathed in the air filled with energy, life, and a mixture of perfume from the dancers that moved with the flow of jazz music. This was what he was good at, providing entertainment while earning money.

  Tanya peered into his booth through the thick red curtains. Her blonde hair was cut short and curled at the ends and her knee-length golden dress sparkled every time it caught the light.

  “You look great,” Alexander commented with a pleased smile.

  She grinned and gave him a twirl. “I bought it last week. The shop assistant assured me that this is the latest fashion in America.”

  “It suits you. Now why were you looking for me?”

  She glided to the edge of the balcony and, in mock amazement, said, “Aren’t the bar lights just right? I picked them well.”

  “Tanya, what is it you want? You certainly did not come here to talk about the lights or boast about your interior design skills.”

  She sighed and drummed her manicured fingernails against the balcony’s railing. “I know he doesn’t like me, but I can’t help it. I mean, I’ve tried being sweet, I’ve tried being playful, I’ve even tried to seduce him, but he seems indifferent to my advances.”

  Alexander pondered her words. He did not see Lucious glance at any one woman with an intention of having a relationship. His goal was clear, and the thought of Tanya pursuing him endlessly without her efforts bearing any fruit hurt Alexander’s heart. Keeping her from getting hurt was also not something he planned on doing. She had her own life and, now that she had finally gotten over Anton, Tanya should be the one to decide on the matters of love.

  “I think that he is not interested in any woman so do not be so hard on yourself,” Alexander replied.

  She looked at her hands and picked at her nails. “I can’t help it. He pretends to be tough and ignorant, but I sometimes catch him staring into space with such a hurt expression that tears at my heart. The torment he is going through, he won’t share it with anyone. I know it won’t be easy, but I want to try and get to know him.”

  “He is not someone you can get close to through long conversations or seduction. I have spent many years talking to him, and he has only one thing on his mind—to find those responsible for his sire’s death. I would advise you to spare yourself the pain and move on, yet I feel that you will disregard my words anyway. So, all I can do is wish you well in this endeavour.”

  Tanya perked up and hugged Alexander. She pulled back and smiled at him with almost childish glee reflected in the depths of her blue eyes. How could I deny her anything? She was a woman who spent years by his side, learned business faster than anyone, and became a designer for his new ventures. She was invaluable to him. Regardless of the outcome, he would be there as her sire and as her rock.

  Tanya separated from him and adjusted his tie. “There is one other matter. The Council wishes to gather local vampires for some reason. We cannot get out of it.”


  Dark Night Bar, London. Late May, 1920.

  Tanya walked into Alexander’s room with Lucious in tow. Both of them were dressed for the masquerade ball Eliza had planned out.

  She asked, “Are you ready?”

  Alexander fixed his bow tie. “Why do I have a bad feeling about this event?”

  Lucious, dressed in black, nodded. “When Eliza decides to do something this grand and audacious, I begin to feel the same way.”

  “Oh, both of you are too negative. It is only a party the Council is hosting,” Tanya chided and ran her gloved hands down her beaded lavender gown.

  “You are right. Although, I find it a little daunting that we could not refuse this invitation. What is Eliza planning?” Alexander voiced his thoughts.

  “Whatever it is, it is never good,” Lucious mumbled and left the room.

  Tanya looped her arm through Alexander’s. “Do you think he will agree to a dance with me tonight?”

  Alexander chuckled. “Why not ask him instead?”

  She nibbled on her lower lip, smearing her lipstick on her teeth.

  Alexander kissed her on the forehead. She had tried her hardest to look pleasing to the eye tonight. Her makeup was well done with the eyeliner making her eyes seem larger and more intriguing. She even used rose blush on her cheeks.

  “Do not ruin your hard work by worrying. Tonight, we are attending the party where I am certain you will receive many invitations to dance,” he said, and they headed for the front door.

  Once outside their house, Alexander opened a car door for Tanya and then slid into the passenger’s seat next to Lucious who was behind the wheel. The smell of new leather remained strong in the vehicle. And with the constant sunlight heating the ground for the past few weeks, he was unable to take the car out during the day, which forced Alexander to spend more time in the office than he’d wished.

  With the turn of a key, the engine sprang to life.

  Alexander blocked out the journey and thought of the possible reasons why Eliza wished for them to gather at the Council building.

  Twenty minutes later, they parked in a long line of cars. The Council members resided in Scotland for the duration of the war. Now that they had returned, they moved to a much grander accommodation that stood out like a sore thumb in South London

  As they got out of the car, Alexander could already feel the mix of different energies in the air. Some of them were uncomfortably overbearing. Instead of participating in the pointless show of power, Alexander held his mental shields locked tight and scanned the vampires who made their way through the archway.

  None of the Council members were present to greet their guests, yet Alexander recognised Vincent’s childe, Levile, accepting invitations at the door.

  Out of his jacket’s pocket, Alexander retrieved their invitations and handed them to Levile who scanned them with disinterest and permitted them entry.

  A nervous feeling budded inside Alexander as they progressed indoors. Levile did not study the invitations intently before adding them to a large stack. Is he not bothered about security or is there more to it?

  Next to the doorway, a bald, muscular man dressed in a red tuxedo and a mask of a wolf held out three masks for them to take: an eagle, a fox, and an owl.

  Lucious grabbed the owl.

  Alexander pulled the eagle mask over his face, leaving Tanya with the fox.

  She grinned at them, obviously excited about the ball that Alexander could not seem to get in the mood for.

  After they passed the extravagant reception hall, they were guided by Chopin’s Spring Waltz that combated the cacophony of conversations.

  “…so grand. I should take notes,” Tanya said.

  Drawn out of his reverie, Alexander eyed his childe. “I’m sorry?”

  “I said, this place is so grand, and I should take notes.”

  Alexander gave her a curt nod and grasped Lucious’ sleeve before pulling him aside and out of the flow of people. He motioned for Tanya to head into the ballroom.

  Lowering his voice to barely above a whisper, he said, “I cannot shake this bad feeling.”

  Lucious said nothing at first. The mask covered most of his face, leaving only his mouth and chin uncovered. “The fact that this is an event that cannot be missed already means that Eliza is planning something. What that is, we will not know until we go in. So, if you will, remain alert and pray to whomever you believe in that Eliza has not gone insane.”


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