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Snow, Jenika - Breathless: A Story of Dominance and Submission (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition)

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by Jenika Snow


  “Ms. Marshall?”

  That voice, Dorian’s, so deep and commanding, washed through her and made her instantly dizzy. She closed her eyes and willed her heart to slow down. As she listened to him speak, she had to sit down because her legs became unsteady. She hung the phone up and stared at the chipped Formica counter.


  Her son’s small voice drew her out of her thoughts, and she smiled down at him. Both of their lives were about to change. They had chosen her. Out of all the women they “interviewed,” she was the one they wanted to entertain them. The guilt was still an emotion that came into play, especially as she stared at her baby, but she couldn’t deny that the money she would earn would help her and Lennon out immensely. Yes, their lives were certainly going to change, but only for the better.

  * * * *

  The one thing Lalita was thankful for was that Lennon hadn’t cried when she said good-bye. He had actually been happy to spend time with his auntie Mary. She now stood in front of two massive oak doors that were attached to a monstrous mansion. The building looked like it should be on a hilltop in Scotland, not an hour from the place she called home. She put her small suitcase in her other sweaty hand and knocked on the door.

  A limo had picked her up and dropped her off in front of the mansion. The driver hadn’t said two words to her, but it didn’t matter because she doubted she could have held a conversation anyway. She took a step back and waited as trepidation pounded through her.

  The door opened a moment later to reveal Kane, one of the two younger-looking males she had met only a short time ago. His light blond hair and bright blue eyes made him appear as young as she assumed him to be. Although she was most likely older, his physique didn’t indicate this, as he was taller, more muscular, and definitely all male. Her mouth went dry as she watched his eyes travel up and down her body. Despite the emotions coursing through her, she felt her pussy start to become moist and tingle.

  “Lalita.” He all but purred her name as he stepped aside and gestured for her to enter.

  He took her bag and placed his hand on the small of her back as he led her farther into the house. There was so much heat coming from that one small touch that she thought she would burn alive. The interior was just as magnificent as the exterior. Marble flooring, shining dark wood, and a crystal chandelier were just a few of the amenities that made up the foyer. Never had Lalita seen such beauty. Her small and cramped two-bedroom apartment looked like a Cracker Jack box compared to this place.

  “Lovely, isn’t it?” Kane’s deeply whispered voice brushed across the shell of her ear.

  She shivered and turned to look at him. They were stopped in the middle of the foyer, his height causing her to crane her head back to see into his face. “Yes.” Was that her voice? All breathy and sensual? She swallowed and took a step back.

  “This way.” The playfulness that had just graced his features disappeared as he ushered her into a large living room.

  The other five men stood in front of a large fireplace, and although it wasn’t lit, their body heat seemed to warm the entire room. She had had plenty of time to think about what this whole situation meant and entailed, but she couldn’t deny that standing before six powerful and masculine men, knowing what she would be doing with them, was an aphrodisiac that caused her pussy to become even more saturated and her nipples to harden.

  “Please, have a seat, Ms. Marshall.” Dorian gestured to one of the plush chairs.

  “Lalita. Please call me Lalita.” She didn’t think there was any reason for them not to be on a first name basis. After all, her main job here was to make sure each and every one of them was well satisfied. She sat down and stared at Dorian. His expression showed nothing, but he nodded in agreement.

  “We will set down some ground rules first. You have already signed the contract, so these shouldn’t be new to you, but I want to make sure everything is clear while you are employed by my associates and me.” He took a step back and leaned against the mantle just as Torryn stepped forward and spoke.

  “While you can always say ‘no’ to any of our requests, you must know that by doing so you are forfeiting any and all money.”

  She knew everything they expected of her, had gone through what they expected of her with a fine-tooth comb. Some of the things hadn’t shocked her, but there were several that had her eyes growing wide and her mouth going dry. She nodded her understanding and swallowed. Torryn stepped back, and Kane started to speak.

  “While here, you will be expected to make sure each of us is satisfied. Although we will initiate acts ourselves, you are expected to take things into your own hands from time to time. We should never be left wanting.”

  Aleck was the next to speak, the youngest-looking of the six, and almost-innocent seeming. “You will have your own room on the second floor, as will each of us. Any night is fair game for us, although we aren’t ignorant to the fact you will need a day of alone time to do as you please.”.The other five men stood behind him, so they didn’t see him smile or wink at her. He was definitely the more easygoing out of the six.

  When Michael stepped forward, Lalita took an involuntary step back. Whereas Dorian seemed to be the leader of the group, there was a dark, mysterious quality about Michael that drew her to him as well as frightened her. “Your pussy is to always be shaved and oiled. If it is not, we reserve the right to punish you as we see fit. You must also be ready to accept us. If you are not, we will assume you no longer wish to fulfill your part of the deal.”

  “We aren’t slave drivers by any means, but we do expect certain things while you are here.” Zakary spoke loud and clear, his dominant voice brooking no arguments.

  She knew what punishment they spoke of. She had read all about the dominant and submissive roles they expected her to adhere to. Lalita knew she could pull off the submissive role to a tee. Hell, she had been Brad’s doormat for longer than she cared to admit.

  “As part of the agreement, you are not to turn any of us down. Condoms may be used at any of our discretion, but it is not required.” Dorian’s voice was like an auditory orgasm, and she fought back the tremors of arousal. All of their voices did something to her, but Dorian’s voice had this certain tenor that seemed to caress each of her nerve endings.

  “You are expected to stay here the entire time. At the end of the contract, you will get the amount offered in full.” Dorian leaned casually against the mantle, his dark gaze settled on her. “Are the rules clear, Lalita?”

  The way he said her name was like a slap on her clit. She took a deep breath and nodded. None of what they said was a surprise, but the intensity with which it was said was.

  Everyone was so still and silent for so long that Lalita’s nerves started to unravel. Michael took a step toward her and ran his finger down her neck. She was sure the touch hadn’t meant to be sexual, but the way his calloused finger smoothed down her throat and stopped at her pounding pulse sent a warm gush of fluid to slip from her pussy.

  Michael leaned in so that their lips were mere inches apart. “You will be shown to your room and have an hour to get your belongings in order and to prepare yourself.” The air in Lalita’s lungs stilled as his words finally penetrated her mind.

  “You have brought a bag, although I believe it was stated that you were to bring nothing. Everything you need for the next couple of months is already in your room.” Dorian’s words had her turning her head away from Michael’s almost-hypnotic gaze. As she watched Dorian push off the wall, she felt Michael step away from her. Already she was needy and wanting whatever they could give her. Dorian stopped in front of her and picked up her suitcase. He held his hand out for her to take it.

  It was true she was told not to bring anything, but there were some things a woman couldn’t leave home without. She expected the other five to follow, but as Dorian and she left the room, no one else joined them. Neither of them spoke as they made the journey, which Lalita was s
tarting to feel was to the very gates of hell itself.

  When they reached the top of the stairs, he started pointing out each of their rooms. She wasn’t surprised to see that all of the men would be staying on the same hall as her. Hell, that brought a whole new meaning to the word “easy access.” When Dorian led her into her room, she couldn’t help how her mouth dropped open in awe. Navy blue and black silk adorned the bed. The dark satin curtains and fixtures looked like they belonged to a queen.

  “The dresser and armoire hold what you are expected to wear while here. The bathroom is over there,” Dorian pointed to a small door off to the side. “I’ve already set out what you are to wear for entertaining tonight.” He pointed to the bed. She turned and looked at the scraps of lace and silk that lay atop the plush comforter.

  Before she could utter a word, she heard the bedroom door shut. Lalita stared at the closed door before sitting on the mattress and looking at her surroundings. She had no idea how she was going to satisfy all of them when she apparently hadn’t been able to satisfy one man. Brad had made it perfectly clear she had been the worst lay he had ever had. There hadn’t been anyone in her life since Brad, which meant a whopping five years of nothing sexual. Lalita just hoped she could physically handle six strapping men.

  As she thought of them, Lalita couldn’t help but picture their hugely muscled frames and brooding good looks. There was no doubt in her mind that their cocks were just as impressive as the rest of their bodies. The very thought had her pussy clenching in fear but also becoming wet in excitement. Brad had been anything but well endowed, and the very thought of taking on all six men was something that sent a shiver of awareness through her.

  It was nice that they had given her a little bit of time to herself, but she realized that that time also had her thinking of every fear that this little endeavor entailed. Nervousness and anxiety clashed inside of her, and she knew that if she fucked this up, she wouldn’t only be screwing her life over, she would also be hurting her child’s.

  There was no sense in worrying about what could or couldn’t happen. Pushing those thoughts aside, Lalita explored the room first, starting with the huge armoire. She walked up to it and gripped the carved brass handles and pulled it open. Shock and amazement held her temporarily paralyzed. Dozens of lacy, barely-there outfits hung from silk-padded hangers. Her hands shook as she lifted them to run her fingers through the exquisite material. Some were more traditional, but there were others that downright scared the shit out of her. Leather straps, clamps, and strips of silk hung from some of the more racy pieces and had her throat drying. How in the hell do they expect me to wear some of these things?

  She closed the doors, knowing that the less she analyzed them, the better she would be. The smell of lavender and lemon filled her senses, and she ran her fingers over everything before stopping in front of the only window in the room. The sun was starting to set and washed everything in muted hues of pinks, yellows, and oranges. Her room overlooked a beautiful courtyard and even an impressive hedge maze. The colors of the flowers and the brightness of the green grass were a cacophony of stimulation to her senses.

  Knowing she only had a limited amount of time, Lalita decided she better get the primping out of the way. True, they had already chosen her for the job, but she still needed to look her best if she planned on keeping them satisfied and ensuring her position here. She went into the bathroom and switched on the light. Pristine white tile surrounded her, along with a bathtub that she didn’t doubt would fit all seven of them. Heart thundering behind her ribs, Lalita undressed.

  Chapter Three

  As Lalita stood in just a towel, water slipping down her exposed limbs from her recent bath, she couldn’t help the paralyzed feeling that slammed into her at that exact moment. As she reached for the outfit they expected her to wear, her bedroom door opened, which had her turning around in surprise. Michael stood in the threshold, his eyes trained on her with so much intensity she had to take a step back.

  He didn’t say anything, just stepped farther into her bedroom, shut the door behind him, and moved toward her. He looked like some kind of wild animal stalking her.

  “The others don’t know I’m here, so we’ll make sure to keep this our little secret.” His voice, so deep and baritone, surrounded her.

  His appearance was the same as the others, tall, dark, and extremely handsome, but the way he presented himself was as if he knew he could have her at any moment and planned on doing just that.

  He stood a foot from her and reached out to grip her towel. Although she was so nervous, she let the material fall to the ground unceremoniously. As she stood there completely nude, nipples hard because of the chill in the air, she was acutely aware of the scorching look he gave her.

  Michael curled his hand around her neck, brought her close enough that her bare breasts pressed against his solid chest, and kissed her like she was oxygen and he was suffocating. Stunned wasn’t even the right word to describe how she felt at that moment. For a split second she stood there stiff, not knowing what to do from his unexpected advance, but when he swept his tongue along her bottom lip, she instantly melted into him.

  She opened her mouth and met his tongue with hers. He tasted spicy and addicting, like nothing she had ever experienced before. It was exhilarating. For several long minutes they continued to kiss, and although she wished he would have touched her body, he kept one hand on the nape of her neck and the other on her shoulder. He was just as aroused as she was, because his erection pressed insistently against her belly.

  When he stepped away, Lalita swayed on her feet. She felt drugged. He gave her body a once-over, smirked devilishly, and turned around and left. Lalita stared at her now-closed door for a long moment, not able to get her brain to focus enough to know what she was supposed to do next. Her cunt was soaked, and her nipples were so hard and sensitive she had to grit her teeth in frustration. Was this all part of their master plan? To tempt her but not deliver what she really wanted? If so, this was going to be one hell of a long time here.

  When she was finally able to get herself composed, Lalita took a deep breath and adjusted the miniscule thong she wore. Her bedroom door closed softly behind her, and as the silence surrounded her, she could hear the pounding of her heart. The stairs stood in front of her like an omen of what was to come. Taking those tentative steps toward them, her knees wobbled. Not only did they expect her to wear five-inch heels, the outfit they’d picked out didn’t cover her ass, pussy, or even her tits. She admitted it held no real purpose other than visual pleasure, but knowing little more than scraps of lace wrapped around her body had her feeling more sexual than she ever had.

  She descended the stairs cautiously, knowing that with her luck she’d trip and seriously hurt herself, which would put her out of commission. Loud male laughter broke the silence, and she stepped onto the landing. Her breasts bounced with every step she took, and she stopped right before she entered the room where all the noise came from. Another deep breath did nothing to calm her nerves. She glanced down at herself once more and groaned internally.

  The lace and leather straps wrapped around her abdomen and pushed her breasts up. Her nipples were hard, poking straight out as if they sought a mouth. She could see her bare pussy, could even see the swell of her labia and the pinkness of her flesh. The bath, and especially Michael, had done nothing to calm her nerves, instead racking up her arousal higher until her body felt itchy and tight.

  The deep male voices that were only a few short feet from her went straight to her clit. These men were strangers to her, yet here she was, about to walk in practically naked and fuck their brains out. This is it, Lalita. Go in there, rock their worlds, and earn the money that you and Lennon need.

  She stepped around the corner and found she couldn’t take another step. A fire was lit, and all six of them milled around casually. Square-cut glasses filled with amber-colored liquid were in some of their hands while others held long-neck bottles of bee
r. Dorian glanced toward the open doorway as if he sensed her, and all conversation ceased. A few muffled coughs sounded, and she found the strength to take another step into the room. She could see each and every one of their eyes roaming over her body, and the thought alone had her pussy tingling and becoming even more saturated. Knowing she had men such as these, men who were gorgeous and physically perfect, made her feel sexy, wanted, and even needed

  “Holy. Fuck.”

  Those two words, uttered deep and scratchy, had her darting her attention to Torryn. Cheeks heating immediately from the obscenity, Lalita couldn’t help but notice the massive erection that was pressed against his slacks. The need to shift nervously under his gaze was almost unbearable. Although Torryn was the first to speak, Zakary was the first to approach her. She held her ground as he made a slow circle around her. Eyes lowered, Lalita was almost afraid to look at him as he “assessed her.” The feeling of fingers trailing along the exposed skin of her arm caused her to shiver.

  “Look at you now, all pretty and ready for us.” Zakary spoke close to her ear, his warm, whiskey-scented breath trailing along her senses and making her feel weak with need. His finger lifted her chin, and she was forced to look into his deep green eyes. His youthful appearance didn’t deter from the fact that he wanted her or that he knew exactly what he was doing.

  He moved in closer and pressed his body flush with hers. His arms wrapped around her, and she felt the hard length of his cock press against her belly. Hands shaking, she didn’t know if she should play the good submissive and wait for his orders, or if she should lift her hands and touch him as well. The idea of running her fingers over his body enticed her, but in the end she kept her hands at her side.

  When she licked her lips, a nervous habit she was coming to find out about, Zakary’s gaze dropped down to the movement and his lids grew heavy with arousal. Lalita felt his hands smooth up and down her back, and her flesh tightened. When the tops of his fingers skimmed her ass, she felt herself tense, not from fear, but from something darker and needier.


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