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Bait: Alpha Billionaire Romance Boxed Set

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by Colleen Charles

“Thank you for the warning,” I said as I stared Mindy down. What kind of woman did she think I was? Some cheap, loose floozy affected by a pretty face and a fat bank account? Guess again. There’d been a lot of confusion from the moment I’d set foot in this office, but one thing wasn’t at issue. I would not be physically attracted to Nolan Banks. He was everything that was not my type.

  “I think I can handle myself.” I didn’t want to make any enemies this early on the job, but these Banks employees could try the patience of Job.

  I clicked out of the job search and snapped my laptop closed. The file in front of me contained information about the Grant Project. A second file had information on the ex-girlfriend pregnancy fiasco. I blew out a breath and took a peek inside. Listed in the file was Sarah Jane’s attorney’s information and a brief summary of her claim. After I scanned the data, I learned several things about Nolan Banks.

  Banks Realty had sent Nolan to Vegas on a three-month stint to close a hotel deal. That same hotel had hosted Sarah Jane’s friend’s bachelorette party. Nolan and Sarah Jane had several dinners while he was in town. One thing led to another and they had sex, according to the summary. Apparently, unprotected sex that resulted in pregnancy. Sarah Jane claimed Nolan Banks to be the only man she’d had intercourse with in the past year. She wanted a million dollars to keep the baby a secret. No mention of child support or anything else. One million dollars and she’d sign a non-disclosure.

  Red flags popped up all over the place. Nothing about any of it made sense. There was nothing in the file that confirmed the pregnancy. No doctor’s statement, nothing about paternity tests. Were they just supposed to take this girl’s word that she was pregnant and dole out a million dollars? Did Banks Realty have that much petty cash on hand? If so, they should be doing a lot more non-profit work and give it away to people far more deserving than some Vegas tart who couldn’t keep her legs together.

  I flipped open the laptop again. The first thing I did was request a background check on Sarah Jane. My previous employer had the best investigator at our disposal. Luckily for me, the private investigator and I were still friends, and she would do anything for me. If there was any dirt to be had on Sarah Jane, she would find it and report back to me by tomorrow morning. This could save me a trip to Mississippi.

  I spent the rest of my first day concentrating on bringing myself up to speed on the Grant Project. At five o’clock I called it a day, congratulating myself on staying out of Jasmine’s way.

  On the cab ride to my apartment, I had time to digest the realization that my new job description included glorified babysitter. Despite the excitement of the possibility of heading up the Grant Project, the majority of my time would be spent corralling Nolan into good behavior. I wondered if he cared about anything enough to temper his wild ways. Probably not.

  But I also had the grim determination that no matter what Jasmine’s first impression included after today, I’d show her how good I was at my job. My father had brought me up to believe that I could overcome any obstacle. I now had the opportunity to do some good with low-income housing. To really make a positive difference in the community. As long as I kept my eyes on the prize, I knew that I could make that happen. I could be the forerunner, charting a course in a whole new world of providing services to low-income families.

  Nothing would stand in my way. Certainly not a selfish man-child like Nolan Banks.

  Chapter 2

  How many times could a guy mention my roommate’s name in one hour? Forty-one to be exact but hell, who’s counting?

  After the first day of surviving the depths of Satan’s lair, I’d rushed home to tell my roommate and best friend, Melissa, all about it. Unfortunately, I’d forgotten that I’d agreed to go out with her co-worker, Eric. Who obviously wanted to get into her pants. Melissa was a great friend and roommate, but she could be seriously lacking in common sense.

  I despised blind dates, but Melissa thought it was her mission to find a soul mate for me. She believed everyone should be in a great relationship like her and her boyfriend, Kyle. They’d been the ‘it’ couple for three years and worked together at Amhurst Bank. Eric was the new guy at the bank they thought would be perfect for me. So here I was at VK Steakhouse with a stranger, listening to him wax poetic about another woman. A more attractive woman with an effervescent personality.

  Man bait.

  At first, I thought it was cute. He seemed to like Melissa and was saying some thoughtful things about my best friend. Then I thought he must be nervous and didn’t have any other topics to talk about because she was the only thing we had in common. I soon realized that Eric had a crush on her. A big one. If Kyle knew about it, he’d smack this douche upside the head.

  “You know, the other day Melissa made the best coffee. Usually, the receptionist comes in early and makes the coffee, but she was sick. So Melissa did it.”

  He paused to take another healthy sip of his wine, a little droplet escaped and dribbled down his face. I resisted the urge to wipe his mouth with a napkin, spank his ass, and send him to time out. Instead, I took the opportunity to try and change the subject again. Not that I didn’t love my roomie to death, but enough already. I wanted to talk about me. And Banks Realty. Sometimes conversation was the best way to process a bad day.

  “I started a new job today. It’s at a real estate company and—”

  “Hey, you know Melissa used to work for a real estate agent.”

  Are you fucking kidding me?

  My first real date in over a year and Melissa set me up with this buffoon? I was beginning to think she had ulterior motives. Like, she knew Eric had a crush on her and wanted to deflect him off on me so Kyle wouldn’t find out. I was on to her. And I was pissed.

  “Yeah, apparently the legal director is a real bitch. She tasked me with finding out if our boss had knocked up some girl in Vegas,” I said as I talked over him. Revealing privileged information. Outrageous privileged information. It didn’t matter because he wasn’t listening. “So instead of tracking down the Banks baby mama, I decided to Google for a new job. Do you know anyone who’s hiring?”

  Eric tapped his finger on his lips. “You know, I think Melissa may know someone that’s looking to hire an assistant.”

  “I have a law degree,” I deadpanned.

  He looked at me, really seeing me this time. “Oh, yeah? So you’re a lawyer?”

  I. Give. Up.

  I could say something that I would probably regret later. Some snarky, mean comment that would make him feel two feet tall. But, really, what was the point? The buzzing of my cell inside my clutch brought my focus off the zingers I’d like to fire at him.

  I saw Nolan Banks Realty pop up on the caller ID. What in the world — or should I say who in the world — was calling me from work? Let’s see … take the call from my boss from hell or stay here on this date from hell? From the frying pan into the fire.

  “Hello?” I answered, holding up my finger to let Eric know that I would be right back. I’m sure he wouldn’t care if I allowed him time alone to indulge in his fantasies starring Melissa. I left the table and escaped to the ladies’ room.

  “Hello? Charlene? I need you to return to the office ASAP. We’re having an emergency meeting,” Jasmine said, panting on the other end. Then she hung up.

  Okay. What kind of emergency would she have at nine o’clock in the evening? Walking back to the table, seeing Eric on his fourth glass of wine, probably thinking of Melissa splayed over his cock in the reverse cowgirl made me not nearly as annoyed by this after-hours summons as I probably should be.

  “Sorry, Eric. Work emergency. I need to go.” I threw a twenty on the table to cover my portion of dinner.

  He glanced up with a stricken expression. “You don’t have to ...”

  Yeah, I did.

  “Have a great evening.”

  I kept walking and didn’t give him a chance to respond. I would have a talk with Melissa later about this. No more blind dates. Eve

  Chapter 3

  I flashed my security badge at the reader when I reached the doors of Nolan Banks Realty. Stepping inside the office, I was just as impressed by the beautiful design as I was the first time I’d visited for my interview with Jasmine.

  The exotic cherry wood flooring, whitewashed exposed brick walls, glass and chrome modern furniture, and sophisticated artwork pulled the elegant theme together. It was absolutely breathtaking. Kind of like the man himself if the five-foot tall portrait in the great hall was any indication.

  I could hear voices as I rushed to the conference room. There were five people situated around the table looking like they’d never left the place. Suits were rumpled and tired faces stared back at me.

  “What took you so long?” Jasmine huffed as I took my seat. She had two large cups of coffee on the table in front of her. Each one perfectly situated on a cork coaster.

  “I got here as soon as I could.” I tried to get a read on what was going on, but no one said a word as I settled into my chair. “I was in the middle of a crowded restaurant when you called.”

  “Hot date?” Callum winked at me from across the table.

  I rolled my eyes in greeting. The fire breathing dragon took a sip of her coffee and glared. I didn’t think it would be wise to engage her further in this losing battle of willpower. She was the one who was damn lucky that I even showed up. If it wasn’t for that loser blind date, I would be at home in my silk pajamas watching Damages or Scandal on Netflix while eating bad Chinese food and drinking a bottle of Red Velvet Cupcake wine.

  Jasmine began circling the table, slamming copies of the latest NY Daily Mail in front of us. The photo on the front page featured Nolan Banks with his arm around supermodel Talia Summerlin with the caption REAL ESTATE MOGUL TIES THE KNOT IN TUSCANY?

  Her eyes zeroed on mine as the rest of the staff scanned the article. “Do we have a prenup in place?” she asked me.

  What? Was this woman crazy? Today was my first day. I have no freaking idea if Nolan had a prenup drawn up. How was this my problem? “Um, I don’t know.”

  “Our boss gets married on a whim and you don’t know if he called to have you draw up a marital agreement?”

  “No, he didn’t call me,” I said through gritted teeth.

  Everyone looked up at the sound of a throat clearing as Nolan Banks entered the conference room, all arrogant bravado and cheeky self-confidence. His Armani suit enveloped his muscular frame like a second skin. A wave of heat washed over me. He was just as handsome in person as in pictures. Dark wavy hair just a tad too long for an executive, brown eyes that held a mischievous twinkle, dimples that popped when he smiled, and biceps. Biceps that strained against the expensive Italian wool. Yep, he was definitely swoon worthy and I could see why he made women forget their own names.

  “Well, good evening. I wasn’t expecting to see everyone still at work. My flight just got in an hour ago.”

  I expected the supermodel to pop in behind him, run around the room showing off her huge canary diamond as she gushed about how their Tuscan elopement had been so romantic. But nope, it was just Nolan Banks looking confused as to why his staff was still at the office at ten o’clock on a Thursday evening.

  Jasmine pointed to the offending newspaper. “You got married?” It was more of an accusation than a question. Like, how dare he not get permission from the legal director before he tied the knot?

  Nolan glanced at the paper and let out a guffaw. “Hell, no! How many times have I told you not to believe everything you read?” He looked around the table like it had just hit him why we were all here. “All of you know me better than that,” his slow drawl continued.

  “Well, that’s a relief.” Jasmine gathered up the papers and threw them in the nearby trashcan.

  I paid forty dollars on a cab to rush here only to find out there was no actual emergency? I half-hoped the story was true so I could justify the expense.

  “I just came by to get the papers on the Grant Project. Mr. Raminsky and I finalized the proposal before we left Tuscany.”

  “The prices on vacant land in that area have already tripled in the last year,” Callum pointed out, scooting his chair closer to the table. He looked eager to change the subject from supermodel fiasco to actual business. “The sooner we can close on the property the better.”

  Callum was the head of legal finance so I was surprised to see him here. What did a sham marriage have to do with real estate deals? Unless it affected Nolan’s bottom line, I didn’t see any reason for him to be here.

  “You must be the new girl.” Nolan interrupted Callum, directing his focus on me. He swept his heated gaze over my entire body. Like he actually saw me. As a woman. All of a sudden, I felt flushed and I brought a hand up to cover my heated neck.

  I looked up. “Excuse me?”

  “I’m Nolan Banks.” His outstretched hand took mine. We shook hands; his touch was firm and welcoming, causing tingles to course through my body. I’d never had such an immediate physical reaction to a man. Especially not one I didn’t respect.

  For once in my life, I was rendered speechless. What was my name? Oh, God. I know I used to have one. I’d been given it at birth. Name. Name. “Umm …”

  “Charlene de Monaco. That’s a lovely name.” Nolan stared at my chest, and my hands hovered again, covering the exposed area above my blouse.

  How did he know my name? I looked down. Oh yeah, I was wearing my security badge. Duh. I finally found my voice. “It’s Charlie. Nice to meet you.”

  “You’re an attorney?”

  I nodded.

  “Then we will be working together on the Grant Street project.” His eyes lowered to my lips, then back to my eyes.

  As soon as I clean up your paternity mess.

  “I’m looking forward to it,” I said, managing not to spit out the words.

  “We have a few hurdles to jump first. How about we have lunch to discuss strategy? I’ll bring you up to speed on the project.”

  Only if I decide to stay here.

  I exhaled. I did want to stay here, but only for one reason. I wanted more than anything to work on a project that could make a difference in other people’s lives. Growing up with a single dad, struggling to make the rent every month, I could relate to needing a place to lay your head. But all this drama that seemed to surround Nolan … I wasn’t sure I could handle it.

  He took my silence the wrong way. “I promise I don’t bite. Unless it’s on the request list.”

  Jasmine gave a huff, which either Nolan didn’t hear or chose to ignore. Probably the latter. Everyone else around the table was staring at me, waiting for my answer. This was really uncomfortable. He leaned back, crossed his arms and winked.


  Did I just agree?

  “I’ll swing by your office around noon tomorrow.” He turned his attention to the rest of the staff. “Everyone go home. False alarm.” Nolan smiled and left the room as fast as he’d entered, glancing at his phone.

  I watched as the department heads filed out of the conference room one by one. I gathered my purse and followed suit. Jasmine grabbed me by the arm.

  “What happened with the paternity suit?” she asked.

  I tried to pull my arm away, but she held on tight. “I’ve got my private investigator looking into it.”

  “You were supposed to be on a plane tomorrow, heading to Mississippi to figure it out.” Jasmine dug her pointed nails into my flesh. “I don’t think you understand how important this matter is to the company. We can’t let some twit drag Nolan into a big paternity suit.”

  I snatched my arm away. “I’ve got it under control.”

  “I hope you’re right,” Jasmine practically spit at me as she stormed out of the room.

  Chapter 4

  Squeezing my eyes shut for a second, I leaned back in my ergonomically correct chair. It was the only luxury item in my office. If I was going to sit my butt in a chair for twelve hours a day, I
needed some level of comfort or my back would launch a peaceful protest.

  I stretched the tight muscles of my neck and upper back. Today had started off just about as well as yesterday. As soon as I got to the office this morning, thirty minutes earlier than the day before, I was met by Jasmine. She was her usual grumpy self, asking me to help man the phones today because the receptionist called in sick.

  As soon as the words, “I have a law degree,” started to leave my lips, Jasmine disappeared like a thief at dawn. Most of my morning was spent fielding calls while trying to prepare closing documents on the latest real estate deal.

  “Ready for our lunch?”

  A deep baritone broke through the silence. I jumped in my chair as I squeaked, “You startled me.”

  A hint of amusement crossed his face. “Did I catch you napping on the job?” Nolan leaned on my desk, his biceps stretching the arms of the grey dress shirt he wore. The cuffs were folded over a few times. How the hell did he manage to look so sexy even in a cotton button down?

  “Um, I was just thinking...” I scrambled for my laptop, keying in a few strokes. “I need to get some more details from finance about that project we’re closing on next week.”

  Nolan’s smile grew wider as he looked over my shoulder at the screen. “Ten Ways to Boost Your Resume? Are you thinking of leaving me, Miss de Monaco? No woman has ever left me.”

  Oh shit. I closed my laptop. “I’m sorry about lunch,” I started, changing the subject. “I’m supposed to stay at my desk, but we can order out?”

  “Why?” he inquired and look down to my feet. “I don’t see any chains.”

  “Because Jasmine said I had to help man the phones this morning. The receptionist was sick.”

  His eyes narrowed. “I see Jasmine strikes again, which makes me very unhappy. I’m going to get a bad business reputation to go with my raunchy personal one.” Nolan stepped around the desk and peered into the hallway, just as a young girl was walking by with an armful of magazines. “We’ll get one of the interns to answer the phones. Which is what she should have done in the first place.”


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