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Nothing Changes Love

Page 15

by Jacqueline Baird

  Instinctively her hand stroked across her flat stomach, her feelings ambivalent. She had always longed for a child after her tragic miscarriage, she freely admitted, but in the circumstances...

  Restless, she jumped to her feet and dropping her glasses on the lounger she took a running dive head-first into the pool. The shock of the cool water was a balm to her overheated flesh. She swam a few quick lengths and then turned over on to her back and floated, her mind idly wandering over the past.

  Yesterday Jake had taken her in his power-boat to Capri. They had strolled around the town and Jake had ushered her into a myriad designer boutiques, and insisted on buying her a host of clothes: the bikini she was wearing now, and an extravagant evening gown he told her she had to have for a special engagement tonight. Another of his secrets!

  Sexually they were compatible, the chemistry between them explosive. Jake made love to her every day—sometimes he came to her bed at night, sometimes by this very pool. He just had to look at her a certain way, a touch of his hand; their passion for each other was insatiable.

  Ever since their trip to Pompeii, when Jake had talked about the loss of their child, they seemed to have developed a kind of rapport. They had long, interesting, sometimes argumentative conversations about music, art, the state of Italian politics, which was a subject one could debate a lifetime without running out of steam, Lexi thought with a grin. She could almost convince herself that her plan to win his love was succeeding, except for the fact that they still never woke up in the morning sharing the same bed. Lexi had not the nerve to ask why. She wasn’t sure she would like the answer.

  Jake never shared his thoughts, his inner self, as he had when they were first married. Though, her own innate honesty forced her to admit, she was just as guilty in that respect. Her pride and fear of being hurt contrived to prevent her revealing her own feelings.

  Things could be worse, Lexi conceded, though he had infuriated her about her car. Jake had arranged for it to be delivered back to the hotel, saying there was no way he would allow her to drive the ‘old wreck’ and, in any case, strictly speaking it belonged to the hotel. He might as well have said she could not go out without him, because that was what it boiled down to. But, to give Jake his due, he had taken her out every day. To Sorrento, Naples and some of the smaller islands, and they had had fun. Jake was a good companion when he wanted to be, she mused. But one major problem was the same as always—Lorraine. The woman was forever calling Jake, and he dashed off at the summons. Lexi knew it was business, and she didn’t really think Jake was still having an affair with Lorraine, mainly because she doubted that even Jake had that much stamina, given how often he and Lexi made love. But a nagging suspicion about the relationship haunted Lexi. There was something...

  ‘Aghhh...’ she screamed, a second before her head slid under the water. A hand had caught her ankle, pulling her deeper and deeper beneath the water, and then a strong arm wrapped around her and she was shooting back to the surface. Choking and spluttering, trying to sweep her tangled mass of hair from her face and at the same time dry her eyes, she screeched, ‘What the hell did you do that for?’ And tossing back her head, she looked up into the wickedly laughing face of Jake.

  Clasping her around the middle, he hauled her between his muscular thighs. His lips brushed hers and, grinning, he said, ‘Sour grapes... You looked so relaxed floating around, while I’ve spent the last few hours hot and harassed driving into Naples. When I got back and saw you from the window I couldn’t resist the temptation.’

  ‘Pig,’ she retaliated, whacking her hand through the water and splashing him in the face. He jumped back, his legs releasing her, and Lexi chuckled at his astonished expression.

  ‘You wanna fight rough, babe?’ Jake drawled in a mock American accent, before placing his hands on her shoulders and dunking her again.

  Lexi stayed under the water and swam between his long legs. Surfacing behind him, she flung her arms around his neck and tried to pull him over backwards. But his superior strength showed as he put his hands behind him under her stomach and flipped her high in the air and she found herself swung up and over his head in a somersault to land flat on her back in the water.

  ‘Had enough?’ Jake taunted, hauling her up by the front clasp of her bikini top.

  Treading water, she yelled, ‘You beast!’ It was all right for Jake, he was so much taller that he could stand on the bottom with no trouble, she fumed, and tried to splash him again. Their laughter echoed on the summer air, until Lexi let out a yelp as she realised Jake was waving the top of her bikini around his head. She folded her arms across her chest. ‘Pervert, give me it back.’

  ‘One down, one to go.’ Jake let out a war cry and dived on top of Lexi. In a tangle of arms and legs they sank to the bottom of the pool.

  When Lexi surfaced again, she was folded once more in Jake’s strong thighs, one of his hands supported her back so she was almost lying on top of the water and in his other hand he was proudly holding aloft both parts of her bikini.

  ‘To the winner, the spoils,’ he crowed triumphantly.

  Lexi’s gaze slid over his broad shoulders up the strong line of his throat to his proud head; his hair was plastered to his skull and he looked like a young boy again. Her heart squeezed in her breast, she loved him so. He must have seen something of what she was feeling in her eyes because he said her name.

  ‘Lexi.’ Jake pulled her up, his dark head bent, blocking out the sun, all laughter gone, as his mouth brushed hers.

  Naked in his arms, the water lapping softly around them, Lexi curved her slender arms around his neck, and, her lips parting, she kissed him back.

  He groaned, his hands catching her legs and wrapping them around his waist, as his tongue darted into her mouth in quick, searching thrusts.

  Lexi crossed her feet behind him and clung. His hands stroked round her waist and up to palm her breasts. She felt the force of his masculine aggression urgent between her thighs, only the flimsy fabric of his Spandex briefs and the tantalising brush of the water preventing his completing the act they both craved.

  ‘Jake, we can’t,’ she whimpered as his teeth nipped the rigid peak of one breast.

  ‘Lexi, we can.’ He trailed the words up her breast and over her throat, to find her mouth. ‘Trust me.’

  ‘We’ll drown,’ she moaned.

  ‘Only in each other.’

  Lexi felt his hands under her thighs at the edge of his swimming-trunks, pushing them down. She gasped, and tightened her grip on his shoulders as he reared up and into her in one swift movement, his hands gripping her waist, he held her impaled by his masculine strength.

  She had never felt anything so erotic in her life; the water gave a weightlessness to her limbs and the contrast of the cool water and the hot sun on her naked flesh, the driving force of Jake, her breasts buried in the soft, wet hair of his muscular chest, the muffled groans, the heady scent of flowers and sea air all combined to make it a tapestry of scent, sound, sight and sensational eroticism, culminating in a shuddering ecstasy.

  ‘We didn’t drown,’ she whimpered, still clinging to Jake’s neck as he half-swam and half-walked to the side of the pool and, lifting her up, he sat her on the edge, and then hauled himself up and proceeded to collapse flat on his back, his feet still dangling in the water.

  ‘I promised myself we would try that before we have to leave,’ Jake rasped breathlessly, and getting to his feet he added, ‘It was even better than my fantasy.’

  But Lexi had heard. She sat up, only then remembering she was naked, she bent her knees and clasped her hands defensively around them. ‘Leave? When are you leaving?’ she asked quietly.

  Glancing up, her eyes lingered helplessly. Jake, with water still trickling down his glorious golden body, was beautifully made. Thick black hair shadowed down his bronzed body to a flat stomach, powerful long legs, and a blatant masculinity that made her shiver with remembered delight. She looked up into his eyes and was stunn
ed by the flash of pain she thought she saw in their shadowed depths.

  ‘We—’ he accentuated the single word ‘—are leaving on Monday. I have to be in London for a meeting in the afternoon.’ He glanced at the waterproof Rolex on his wrist. ‘But for the moment I suggest you go and gild the lily; we have to go out in an hour.’

  ‘Just like that, no discussion?’ Lexi prompted. Rising to her feet, she walked to the lounger and picked up her shirt and slipped it on. Jake might be happy with his nudity, but she, stupidly maybe, found it difficult to behave naturally stark naked—a relic of her convent upbringing...

  Jake watched her with cool, assessing eyes and, when she turned back to face him, his hand reached out and long fingers tipped up her chin. ‘There’s nothing to discuss; you’re my wife, you go where I go. Don’t try to make a battle out of it, Lexi.’

  ‘I wasn’t,’ she told him steadily. ‘But I would like to be kept informed. It is my life you’re playing with,’ she couldn’t help sniping sarcastically. While in her heart she wondered how they could make love one minute and end up facing up like two strangers the next.

  As if sensing her dilemma, Jake’s hand slipped from her chin to her shoulder, his fingers squeezing her tender flesh. ‘You worry too much.’ His dark head bent and his lips brushed along her brow, rather like a father reassuring a child. ‘And be assured, I’m not playing. I’ve never been more serious in my life. But we’ll talk later, after the party.’


  ‘Damn, it’s supposed to be a secret. Your half-naked body never fails to scramble my brain,’ he offered with a chuckle. ‘Now, run along while I have a swim, there’s a good girl.’ And spinning her around he slapped a helping hand on her bottom. ‘Later, we’ll talk.’

  Lexi fumed at his pat and chauvinistic attitude, and, without thinking, she spun back around and, catching Jake completely off guard, she planted both hands on his broad chest, stuck her foot behind him and pushed. He hit the water with a very satisfactory splash, and Lexi, arching one elegant eyebrow, stood smiling down at the spluttering, enraged male and drawled sarcastically, ‘Have a nice swim, there’s a good boy.’ And, grinning, she ran back to the house.

  Later, washed and dressed in the designer gown Jake had given her, a strapless creation with a deep jade-green bodice that lovingly traced the swell of her full breasts, nipped into her slender waist and fell to mid-calf in shimmering handkerchief layers of multi-shaded green chiffon, she walked into the salon, and she was not feeling quite so brave.

  She stopped inside the door. Jake was leaning against the mantelshelf, his dark head bent over whatever it was he was turning over in his hand, and he looked drop-dead gorgeous... There was no other way to describe him. His evening-jacket was cream and with it he wore a white silk dress-shirt and a rich blue bow-tie; the jacket was hanging open to reveal a matching blue cummerbund, and his other hand, in the pocket of his pants, pulled the fabric taut across his muscular thigh. She couldn’t seem to drag her eyes away. Jake had always been a conservative dresser, but tonight he looked slightly flamboyant and all virile, powerful male.

  Lexi swallowed with difficulty. ‘I’m ready,’ she managed to say steadily, and watched as Jake lifted his head from his contemplation of whatever he had in his hand.

  His deep blue eyes blazed as he made no effort to hide his masculine appreciation, his gaze travelling with slow, sensual scrutiny from her mass of red hair clipped behind her small ears with matching pearl-studded combs, falling in a mass of curls over her shoulders, to her lovely, if rather wary face. She did not need much make-up, her softly tanned skin glowed with health, but she had paid special attention to her eyes, outlining their shape with a brown eyeliner, and a soft dusting of muted taupe shadow on her lids, finished off with a brown-black mascara to emphasise her long lashes.

  Lexi had no idea how stunning and slightly exotic she looked, and Jake’s continued silent survey was beginning to get to her. ‘I said—’

  ‘I heard.’ Jake cut in, his brilliant eyes lifting from the soft curve of her breasts to her face. ‘You really have grown up into the most seductive-looking woman it has ever been my pleasure to see,’ he drawled softly and, straightening, laughed, a low, husky sound, as Lexi felt herself blush from head to toe.

  ‘Surely you can’t still be shy?’ Jake grated softly, crossing the room in a few lithe strides. ‘Though I must admit blushing becomes you.’ And he reached out and caught her small hand in his.

  The contact sent a shock of electrifying awareness through her slim body. She had only to look at him to recall the hard power of his male body in hers, the wet satin skin beneath her seeking fingers. She raised her eyes to his; his hair was still damp and fell in a slight wave across his broad forehead. Her face burnt, her pulse quickened. It wasn’t fair that only one man should be so fatally attractive to her, when she knew, sadly, there must have been dozens of women in Jake’s life over the past few years. The thought rapidly cooled her fluttering emotions.

  ‘I want you to have this.’ Jake’s voice quivered along her nerves, and she looked down to where her hand lay in his in time to see him slip a diamond-encrusted gold ring on to her wedding finger.

  ‘What? Why?’ she stammered, staring in amazement at the glittering jewel, alongside the plain gold band. It must have cost a fortune.

  ‘Because it’s necessary for the wife of a man in my position.’ His dark eyes sought and held hers, something unfathomable in the indigo depths. ‘And, as I quickly discovered, a simple gold band was never really your style, was it?’

  Lexi stared back at him, speechless; he could hurt her so easily with one unkind slur.

  ‘Well! Do you like it, Lexi darling?’ he demanded hardly.

  She masked the flicker of pain in her violet eyes by quickly lifting her hand and admiring the diamond ring. ‘It’s lovely. Thank you,’ she said politely, thinking that if Jake had truly loved her a ring-pull from a beer can would have done.

  ‘So gracious, so polite. Oh, hell!’ Jake suddenly swept her into his arms, his mouth covering hers; she expected an angry ravishment, instead his lips moved over hers in an achingly tender kiss. ‘Sorry, Lexi, I swore tonight I would keep my cynical barbs to myself. Tonight is yours.’

  Lexi gazed into his serious face, her violet eyes wide and puzzled. Jake lifted her hand and kissed the glittering ring on her finger.

  ‘Forget what I said before. I bought you the ring because I wanted you to have it. Five years ago, it wasn’t your fault.’ He grimaced wryly. ‘You were so young and I swept you into marriage without giving you time to think. I didn’t think much myself at the time. I was thirty, a lot older and should have known better, but I wanted you. I saw you, took you, and I never even bought you an engagement ring. Then to cap it all I broke my promise to you.’

  ‘It doesn’t matter,’ Lexi murmured. He had finally admitted he was to blame for their separation, and somehow it gave her no joy.

  ‘But it does. Do you realise these past two weeks are the nearest I have had to a holiday in my whole life? You were right...’

  Startled, Lexi waited, sure she was about to hear something of vital importance to their relationship, but at that moment the doorbell rang, and the moment was gone...

  ‘Damn, the limousine is here. We’ll continue this later, Lexi,’ Jake said softly and taking her arm ushered her out of the house to the waiting car.

  ‘Why the chauffeur?’ she asked as she settled in the back seat of the huge car and Jake slid in beside her.

  ‘Because tonight, my sweet, we are celebrating, and I intend to drink champagne with my very lovely wife, and I don’t fancy risking the Amalfi Drive after downing a few.’

  The party was a total and utter surprise to Lexi, but a delightful one. Jake led her into the foyer of the Piccolo Paradiso, saying he had some papers to collect from Lorraine, and did she want to have a word with Anna on Reception while she waited for him? Lexi hid her dismay at the mention of the other woman and, totally unsu
specting, she crossed the marble foyer towards the reception desk, idly noticing the dining-room doors were closed, which was unusual. Still, it wasn’t her problem any more, she thought with a tinge of regret.

  Then suddenly the doors were flung open and a crowd of laughing, smiling faces swept into the foyer, all shouting, ‘Augurio!’ Lexi felt Jake’s familiar arm curve around her waist as she was swept into the dining-room. Moisture hazed her lovely eyes as she saw the banner over the small band-stand. ‘Good Luck, Long Life and Happiness, Lexi.’

  She was swamped with well-wishers. The whole staff of the hotel appeared to be present along with the guests; it made a huge glittering, laughing crowd. The champagne flowed like water and to her amazement she spotted Signor Monicelli.

  ‘Is Marco all right?’ she asked after hugging the old man.

  ‘Doing very well, thanks to your good husband,’ Signor Monicelli replied, adding, ‘Marriage suits you, Lexi, you look radiant.’

  Anna grabbed her arm and demanded to know if there were any more back in England like Jake. Franco, all the housemaids, the porters, even the kitchen staff insisted on congratulating her, and all the time Jake kept at her side.

  Someone shoved a glass of champagne in her hand, and before she knew it she was up on the stage being presented with an exquisite bronze sculpture of a sea nymph. Signor Monicelli made a brilliant and flattering speech, extolling Lexi’s virtues, until she was scarlet with embarrassment.

  Lexi held the beautiful bronze in one hand and stroked it gently with the other... A lump formed in her throat and she could hardly speak, one tear escaped from her hazed eyes. She swallowed hard, and then Jake’s hand clasped her waist, giving her his support, and she managed to make a rather tearful but heartfelt speech of thanks. ‘Thank you all, and I will never forget you.’


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