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No Place to Vanish

Page 12

by Jaden Skye

  “Right now I’m feeling that I know much more than I want to,” Olivia replied as the plane took a quick dip, flinging them together.

  Olivia pulled back quickly and so did Wayne.

  “Give it a chance,” Wayne remarked. “You’ve been thrown into a hotbed. First losing your fiancé and then looking for a missing friend! It’s not usually so personal.”

  How it could not be? “Is it good to detach yourself, though?” she asked. “Become cold and heartless?”

  “It’s not detaching yourself, it’s being professional.” Wayne took exception. “It’s a skill you acquire. Lorna does it beautifully. She constantly accuses me of caring too much, not being professional. In fact, it gets on her nerves tremendously.”

  Olivia hadn’t thought of Lorna for quite some time and the sound of her name jarred her.

  “Is Lorna still on the case? I haven’t heard a word about her for a while.”

  “Barely,” said Wayne. “The department has lots of other things for her to take on.”

  Olivia caught the upset in his voice. “Are you guys having a hard time working together?” she asked lightly.

  “Very,” Wayne answered. “You nailed it. It’s really rough going right now.”

  It crossed Olivia’s mind briefly how odd it was that fate had brought her to Wayne’s side at this moment, to work with him on this case. He was getting a taste of something different. Olivia hoped that in the future Wayne could find a work partner better suited to him. He certainly deserved it.


  The plane had an easy landing and they caught a cab and got back into Key West in no time. As soon as Olivia was settled back at her hotel, she lay down on the couch and looked out the window. A sense of deep loneliness swept over her. Had she herself done what Wayne thought about Raine? Had Olivia ditched her life to run away to start another? It was a startling thought and she had to give it consideration. Was being a detective a life Olivia wanted for herself? Could she tolerate it even? What kind of future could it bring? After Olivia found out about Todd, she thought she never wanted another relationship. But, lying here on the couch alone now, she began to wonder. It would certainly be good to have someone to share all this with for the long term. In fact, right now, it seemed essential.


  The club Victor frequented was located under a cluster of old gnarled trees on a back road in Key West, in a less than safe neighborhood. Olivia decided to dress for the occasion, so she would fit in and not raise any questions. She slipped into a silky, blue, fitted dress and brushed her long, blonde hair until it shone. Then she threw a shiny top over her shoulders and left, just as if she were simply going out for an evening of fun.

  The club wasn’t hard to find. When Olivia arrived, it was rocking with music. Olivia made her way to the front door and entered easily. The place was packed, smoky and noisy, with people clustered close to each other, talking nonstop.

  Olivia went to the bar and immediately asked whether Victor was here. The bartender, a big, jovial guy, threw back his head and laughed.

  “Victor’s always here. Go to the room in back. There’s another bar there. He’ll be hanging at it.”

  “Thanks,” said Olivia. Acting as though there wasn’t another place in the world she’d rather be, she made her way through the crowds to the back.

  The back room was a little less crowded, but equally smoky and noisy. Once again Olivia went to the bar and was about to ask for Victor, when she saw a tall guy, who looked just like his photo, standing almost next to her. Olivia scrutinized him carefully in the dim light. He matched the photo exactly, with the long tattoo on his arm. In person he was even more good-looking, though. The only difference was the slightly threatening air he had about him, which Olivia hadn’t picked up on.

  Olivia walked over to him, smiling, “Victor?” she asked.

  Victor snapped to attention and looked at Olivia, scanning her from head to toe.

  “Yeah?” he asked, not impressed. Clearly, she wasn’t his type.

  “I’m a close friend of Raine’s,” Olivia said immediately.

  At that Victor narrowed his eyes. “She sent you to see me?” he asked, irritated.

  “I only wish she had,” Olivia replied. “Raine’s still missing. You’ve heard about it, I’m sure.”

  “Of course I heard!” he retorted. “I heard everything. What do you think I am, some kind of jerk?”

  Olivia backed off. This guy seemed like a living time bomb. She couldn’t find anything redeeming about him at all. Olivia would have to go slow questioning him.

  “Of course I don’t think you’re a jerk,” she quipped. “I know that you and Raine had a close relationship, and I just wanted to talk to you a bit.”

  That didn’t sit well with Victor, either. “I wouldn’t exactly call it a close relationship.” He rubbed one hand along his arm. “We knew each other. We hung out.”

  It definitely sounded like Victor was covering for something, thought Olivia.

  “I saw Raine here at the club when she was in Key West,” Victor continued. “I live here, have a house near the swamp.”

  “Do you work down here, too?” Olivia asked, wondering if he was some kind of drifter who lived off the women he found.

  “I certainly do,” he answered. “Have a woodworking shop in my house. I build cabinets, do repairs. People hire me regularly. Anything else you want to know?” His voice took on a threatening tone now.

  “We’re all very worried about Raine,” Olivia responded, trying to redirect the conversation.

  “There’s no point in it!” Victor burst out. “I’m not worried in the least. This is vintage Raine. She’s around somewhere, playing a game. Raine loves to play games of all kinds. She’s just upping the ante now.”

  Olivia only wished it were so, but standing here in this swarmy club beside Victor, she began to fear otherwise. What in the world had Raine seen in this guy? What was it that attracted her to him?

  “I heard you and Raine had a fight right before the bachelorette party.” Olivia had to prod him to say more.

  To her surprise, Victor grinned. “We had a fight like usual, not good or bad. It’s the way things were. She expected too much. I got tired of it.”

  “What did she expect?” Olivia felt agitated. For all she knew this was the heart of the matter. This fight could have been the beginning of her disappearance.

  “Raine expected everything of everyone else,” Victor surprisingly answered. “But what would she give you back in return? Not much, really! I told her in the beginning what she could expect from me! She wouldn’t take it, kept pushing the edges. I hate it like hell when women push the edges. Make you feel like crap for no reason at all.”

  Olivia felt disturbed talking to him. “Where do you think she is now?” she asked on a long shot.

  “I have no idea and couldn’t care less.” Victor tried to shrug Olivia off.

  Olivia wouldn’t have it. “Wait a minute, I have another question.”

  “Yeah, and why should I answer? Who the hell are you anyway?”

  “I’m a detective, working the case,” Olivia answered boldly. It was the first time she’d identified herself as a detective and it felt powerful to do so.

  “A detective?” Victor’s eyes opened wide. “You actually tracked me down here? Why? I already refused to talk to the police about this. There’s no reason I should. They have nothing on me.”

  Olivia wasn’t aware of that. “When did you last see or speak to Raine?” She plunged on, anyway.

  “I saw her right before the party when we had that fight,” Victor answered, despite himself.

  “You didn’t see or speak to her at all after that?” Olivia wanted to be certain.

  “I said I didn’t, and I don’t lie.” Victor’s jaw clenched. “Don’t pull me into this dame’s life. I don’t need it and don’t belong there.” Then he turned swiftly away. “And if you don’t mind,” he said over his shoulder, “the best thing you
can do for me right now is get lost. I’m meeting someone else here in a few minutes.”

  Offended and fascinated at the same time, Olivia backed off. She carefully blended into the crowd, so he wouldn’t see her. Who was Victor was about to meet? she wondered. Probably some other woman in town, out for a hot night. It was troubling that Victor was seeing someone else so soon after Raine had disappeared. And to top it off, he seemed to have no concern about what had happened to her. None of it computed with him or made the slightest difference. It was possible he’d even been seeing this other person before Raine disappeared. Was that what their fight was about? Olivia wondered. Did Raine find out about this other woman and get angry? Did Victor get rid of her to shut her up?

  Olivia craned her neck through the crowd to watch what Victor was doing and who exactly he was waiting for.

  In a few seconds he went to the other end of the bar, sat down at it, and ordered a drink. Their talk had obviously left him nervous and Olivia was glad to see that, at least.

  In a few minutes a slim woman in high-heeled shoes came toward him. Victor quickly turned toward her and stretched out his arms. The woman looked familiar. In the dim light of the club it was hard making out who she was, though. Olivia craned her neck and looked more closely.

  To Olivia’s horror, she saw Miranda rush to Victor’s side, fling her arms around his shoulders, and nestle up to him. Miranda and Victor? What in the world could it mean? Olivia was totally thunderstruck.


  Olivia ran out of the club and put an immediate call in to Wayne.

  “What does it mean that it’s Miranda that Victor was meeting?” she yelled.

  “Calm down, calm down,” Wayne answered. “Victor’s allowed to see whoever he wants. Raine’s a married woman, remember?”

  Wayne’s even tone calmed Olivia somewhat. “Yes, that’s right, I have to remember,” she said. “Why haven’t the cops spoken to Victor yet, though?”

  “He hasn’t been willing to talk.” Wayne was reassuring. “But he will. It’s all in the timing. You’re doing great, Olivia. You’re helping a lot. We have to go step by step. One piece of information builds on another.”

  “But what does it mean?” Olivia’s heart was still beating fast. “How could Raine’s close friend do something like this to her?”

  “We don’t know yet, Olivia,” Wayne repeated. “You have to calm down. Pretty soon everything will be obvious.”

  “You really think so?” Olivia asked.

  “Yes, I do,” he said softly.

  “But you said most missing person’s cases grow cold.” Olivia was confused. Her encounter with Victor had disturbed her more than she realized.

  “Most cases do go cold,” Wayne repeated. “I’m not saying we’ll find Olivia for sure, but I do think we’re on the edge of getting a lot more insight. Things will be revealed. I’ve contacted Raine’s friends, and also Sean and Raine’s father. They’re all going to be at the station in Key West, early tomorrow. First we’ll talk to each friend separately and then together in a group. Hopefully, we’ll get new information.”

  Olivia didn’t know if that was enough for her. “I don’t just need new information,” she shot back. “I need to find Raine and bring her home!”

  “I know you do.” Wayne’s voice was kind and soothing. “But that I can’t guarantee you. Just come to the station early tomorrow. You’ll be part of everything. We’re actually trying to get Victor to join us as well. My guess is he’ll show up sooner or later.”

  Olivia was repelled by the idea of Victor being there as well. “He’s awful. I don’t want to ever see him again.”

  “He’s a huge piece of the puzzle,” Wayne added. “We’ll be lucky to get him there. And we’ve got to approach him in the right way, or he’ll balk!”

  “Do your best,” Olivia agreed.

  Wayne laughed. “I always do my best, in case you hadn’t noticed.”

  “I have noticed,” Olivia replied right away. “You do a wonderful job, Wayne.”

  A long pause greeted Olivia on the other end of the phone. “Well, it’s certainly refreshing to hear someone say that,” Wayne replied.

  “Of course it is, and it’s true,” Olivia repeated.

  “Okay, get to the station tomorrow mid-morning.” Wayne turned businesslike again. “Raine’s friends will be pleased to see you. Once they’re all together in a room, we’ll put them under pressure and hope one of them will get really frazzled and let something rip.”


  The next morning Olivia had a long breakfast in her room before she left for the station. This was going to be a big day and she wanted to be ready for it. Finishing up her coffee, she couldn’t help but think of both Todd and Victor. On the surface they couldn’t be more different. Todd had been polished, charming, and sleek. He was smart, intelligent, successful. Victor was unruly, uncaring, and impolite. He didn’t seem to care a bit about the impression he made either, or what might be expected of him. Yet, deep down, Olivia wondered if Todd and Victor weren’t exactly alike. Both played around with women and thought nothing of it. Both left a stream of broken hearts in their wake. Was it because of Victor that Raine conveniently disappeared?

  Olivia put her coffee cup down, dressed carefully, and headed to the police station. The police would be interviewing each one alone before they were put together as a group. It would be fascinating to see them all together, thought Olivia. Especially to watch Miranda. Was she complicit in Raine’s disappearance? Olivia thought it was entirely possible now.


  Nessa was the first to jump up off the bench when Olivia walked into the station and rush over to her.

  “I’m truly happy to see you.” Nessa hugged Olivia warmly. “This is hell. Where is Raine?”

  Abby got up and came over to Olivia as well. “Each day that goes by is worse and worse,” she breathed. “Raine’s father is in the next room, pulling himself together. He’s completely wrecked by now. Sean’s on the way down separately. Should be here in a few minutes.”

  Olivia took it all in. Raine’s friends were definitely on edge. Pietra sat sullenly on the bench in the corner and waved to Olivia from where she was. Olivia waved back.

  “Where’s Sloane?” asked Olivia, noticing her absence.

  “She’s been in the bathroom since they finished talking with her.” Abby gave Olivia a knowing glance. “Who knows what went on there?”

  “What do you mean?” asked Olivia, startled.

  “Sloane’s complicated,” Nessa jumped in. “Always was, always will be.”

  “She’ll be out in a second, you can ask her yourself,” said Abby.

  Olivia looked forward to it.

  “I heard that Sean will be joining us when we all talk,” Nessa said then in a hoarse whisper. “That’s good. Very good. He needs to wake up.”

  “He’s doing the best he can do,” Abby interjected. “We all are. And the police know it.”

  At that moment Sloane walked into the room, threw a glance at Olivia, smiled, and walked to the bench, waiting for the group interrogation.

  “She looks okay enough, doesn’t she?” Abby whispered to Nessa then.

  “Looks don’t mean anything,” Nessa spit back, as Sean suddenly entered, strangely collected, wearing linen pants and a navy summer blazer.

  “Thank you all for being here,” Sean said to no one in particular, looking around.

  “There’s just Miranda inside now,” said Nessa. “As soon as she comes out with Wayne, we’ll begin.”

  “Good, very good,” Sean repeated, as if he were in total control.

  Almost as soon as Sean finished his sentence, Wayne and Miranda walked into the room. Looking calm and completely professional, Wayne gazed at everyone.

  “Okay,” Wayne said, as Miranda joined the other girls on the bench. “Chief of Police Arnold Tan will be joining us in a moment, and then we’ll begin. Good to see you, Sean.”

  Sean simply nodded.

  “I believe Raine’s father is expected as well,” Wayne added, looking at Olivia.

  “He’s in the next room collecting himself,” Abby piped up. “He needs some quiet first. This is a lot for him. He’ll come in later.”

  “That’s absolutely fine,” Wayne replied.

  Then, to the surprise of everyone, the door pushed open, and Victor entered gruffly.

  There was a rustle of surprise among all the women as Wayne immediately went over to greet him.

  “Thanks for joining us, Victor,” Wayne commented, as Nessa threw Miranda a sideward glance. “We certainly appreciate all the help we can get.”

  Victor grumbled something and threw a glance at Sean, who didn’t look back.

  Chief of Police Arnold Tan suddenly joined them.

  “Okay,” said Wayne then, pointing to a long table in the room. “You’ll sit around this table together, and we’ll get started immediately.”

  Everyone in the room got up then and took a place at the table without commenting. Olivia, Wayne, and Chief Tan sat at a small table opposite them.

  Chief of Police Tan opened the meeting. “As you all know,” he started, “up to now we don’t have anything specific. It’s not looking good. We don’t want the case to go cold. I’m hoping someone here can tell us something that will really help us.”

  Dead silence filled the room.

  “We’ve spoken to each of you separately,” Chief Tan went on. “Now that you’re all together, maybe something one of you says will jog a memory in someone else.”

  Olivia saw Sean glancing at Victor slowly out of the corner of his eye. Olivia wondered if Sean knew who he was. Victor did not return the glance, only sat in his chair looking out the window, a resigned look on his face.

  “Was there any possible warning that Raine was thinking of leaving on her own?” Wayne started the questioning.

  A brittle moment of tension filled the room.


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