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No Place to Vanish

Page 16

by Jaden Skye

  Wayne stopped and watched Olivia. “The body’s gone,” he said quietly. “Looks like they’ve already taken it to the medical examiner.”

  Olivia was gripped with a feeling of missing Raine terribly. She started to cry softly. They hadn’t seen each other for such a long time. And now they never would again.

  “It’s good that the body’s not here,” Wayne whispered. “It means they’re all over it. There’s a ton of publicity on this case and they want to get news out quickly.”

  “The news is out already.” Olivia caught her breath.

  “I mean they need to let the public know whether or not this is a homicide,” Wayne said. “And if it is, they’ve got to make sure a killer is not still roaming around.”

  “They’ll know that right away?” Olivia felt chilled again.

  “Sometimes it’s obvious. Other times, not,” said Wayne.

  “Good thing you have Victor in custody,” Olivia added.

  “Very good,” Wayne agreed.

  “But you need hard evidence to convict, don’t you?” Olivia reminded him.

  “Yes, we do,” Wayne answered. “And most of the time the body has it for us. Now that Raine’s turned up, we’re in a completely different ball park.”

  Olivia and Wayne wandered around the swamp area and spent time looking over the rocks, mud, and twigs that lay around it. Wayne focused carefully on everything around. It was as if he almost hoped something had dropped out of Raine’s pocket that would tell him what had happened to her. But Olivia could think of nothing else but that her friend had washed up here, lifeless and alone. Her body had actually been a few feet away from where Olivia was standing. Was there some way Raine knew that Olivia was here now, trying to help her?

  Wayne took a few steps away from Olivia then and walked over to a heavy officer who’d been digging through the mud. The officer seemed to know Wayne, and the two of them talked confidentially. Wayne nodded his head a few times and Olivia wondered what he was learning. She’d find out soon enough. And soon they’d have to go back to the hotel and confront everyone there, friends, family, reporters, and especially Edward and Sean. The horror and finality gripped Olivia. Where would she go from here?

  Wayne shook hands with the officer suddenly and seemed to thank him. Then he walked back to Olivia.

  “It’s okay, we can go back to the hotel now,” said Wayne.

  Olivia looked at him searchingly. “You got what you needed?”

  “It’s a good beginning,” Wayne said. “Looks like we’ve got a definite homicide on our hands. He said it was pretty clear that Raine’s head had been bashed in with a rock.”

  Olivia began shivering tremendously. “My God, my God.”

  “It’s awful, I know it.” Wayne tried to comfort Olivia. “But it’s over now. She’s not in pain anymore.”

  “How do you know that?” Olivia bristled.

  “At least I hope she’s not,” Wayne said softly.

  “Okay, let’s go back to the hotel for now. More details will be filled in quickly,” said Wayne. “The hotel is where we’re needed now.”


  When Olivia and Wayne got back to the hotel the crowd gathered around it was even larger than before. Local photographers and assorted reporters from all kinds of venues were spread around, snapping pictures and talking to guests. Olivia wondered how Sean and Edward were doing. She could barely imagine. It all felt like a dream.

  Wayne led Olivia silently through the crowd, up to the lobby. The investigation was quickly tightening up. Wayne had been informed that Police Chief Tan would be there waiting for them. As soon as they walked in, he was right at the door.

  “Okay,” Officer Tan said grimly, pulling them over to the side. “Definitely looks like a homicide. Of course we have to get the official word from the medical examiner before we can give the information out. That will happen shortly. We also have to be sure we get the killer locked up! The people out there are now nervous.”

  “You got Victor,” Olivia commented.

  “Yes, looks like it,” Chief Tan replied, “but we don’t have enough on him yet.”

  “Has Victor been informed that her body has washed up?” asked Wayne. “How’s he reacting?”

  “Victor’s showing reaction, playing it dumb,” said Chief Tan. “He says Raine was fine when he left her.”

  “Left her where?” asked Olivia, disturbed. “Swimming in the water? No one saw her alive again after that.”

  “At least we can hold him longer now,” Chief Tan added.

  “Is there any evidence the body was dumped?” Wayne went on. “Are there any footprints in or near the swamp?”

  “Doesn’t look like it,” said Chief Tan, “but we’re not ready to say no definitely. If Raine was dumped, the killer was a professional who knew just what he was doing. He covered all traces from bottom to top.”

  “Important to know that,” mused Wayne.

  “It does look like it was a crime of passion though,” Chief Tan continued. “Her head was definitely bashed in by a rock. A violent death, fueled by rage and hate.”

  Olivia winced.

  “She probably had another fight with that low-life when they were swimming in the water,” Tan continued. “He lost it, bashed her, and let her dead body drown. I’m sure he never thought anyone would find her. Only the body washed up. It’s happened before. The body can have a mind of its own.”

  The scenario being painted chilled Olivia to the core. “How are going to prove Victor did that?” she asked haltingly.

  Officer Tan looked over at her. “That’s the question, isn’t it? We’ve got to get him to spill the beans. In the absence of that, we need as much supportive, circumstantial evidence as we can find.”

  “We’ve got plenty already,” Wayne jumped in. “Victor lied about when he last saw her. He said he never saw her after the night of bachelorette party. But she was last seen alive with him on the video the next night. There’s also a confirmed report they had a fight the night of that party. That was a day before she disappeared. Victor’s also dating Raine’s good friend Miranda.”

  “Yeah, that leads to motive!” Tan added. “Could be Raine became too much for them and he wanted to get rid of her to be with this other gal. Or Raine found out about him and Miranda and she and Miranda had a fight? For all we know Miranda pushed Victor to handle it and get rid of Raine for good. You’d be amazed how often something like that happens.”

  Olivia’s head began to spin as she went over her meeting with Miranda. Originally, Miranda had not told Olivia about Raine and Victor. She had to have known about it but had said nothing. It was Sloane who had mentioned Victor to Olivia. Miranda had actually sent Olivia in a different direction, trying to point suspicion at Sloane.

  “We’re going to have to really grill Miranda.” Chief Tan rubbed his foot on the floor. “She’s got to be plenty scared now, they all are. If Miranda’s got more on Victor, she’ll tell us, if we play it right.”

  Wayne turned to Olivia. “I think it’s best to let Olivia do this. It will be less threatening to Miranda than having the police pull her in. Olivia knows Miranda anyway. They met up in Miami.”

  “Good call,” said Chief Tan.

  “I want to speak to Sean as well,” Olivia blurted out, “and also Edward. How are they doing?”

  “They’re freaked out,” said Chief Tan. “Everyone is. It’s to be expected. Lots of friends and family are on the way down now, too. Including Sean’s pastor, Emory Harris. He’s known Raine and Sean for years. Harris has issued some kind of statement to the papers saying what great people Raine and Sean are.”

  “Did Harris also know about Raine’s gambling addiction and relationship with Victor?” Wayne was quick on the draw.

  “Doubtful.” Chief Tan shook his head slowly. “But who knows? It’s probably a good idea for Olivia to talk to the pastor, too. You never know where the final word comes from.”

  Olivia breathed deeply.
She was needed here now and she knew it. She had to straighten up, be calm and steady. She couldn’t afford herself the luxury of falling apart or grieving. A flash of steel strength shot up through her then, though she had no idea where it came from.

  “Okay, I’m on it,” Olivia said with such resolve, it startled both Wayne and Chief Tan.

  “Good for you.” Chief Tan smiled a second.

  “When is Miranda coming down here?” Olivia asked.

  “She’ll be here in about an hour,” Chief Tan replied. “Start with her first. Since she’s got something going with Victor, she’s the best bet. In the meantime, go get yourself some breakfast and rest. It’s gonna be a long day, you can bet on that.”

  “It already has been,” Olivia replied, “one of the longest of my life.” Yet to Olivia’s surprise she was ready to go full force ahead and handle whatever came along.


  About an hour later Olivia went down to the back patio of the hotel, which had been turned over to the investigation. Miranda sat on it, sobbing.

  “My God, my God, how did this happen?” she asked Olivia.

  Olivia went over and sat down beside her, feeling no sympathy, though.

  Miranda picked up on it immediately. “What’s the matter? You’re as cold as ice,” she proclaimed. “Don’t you care about what happened to Raine?”

  Olivia sat stonily, watching her. All this emotion could certainly be a camouflage and Olivia wasn’t going to get caught in it.

  “Don’t you care?” Miranda repeated.

  Olivia had no intention of proclaiming how much she cared. That was why she was here, wasn’t it? The way she cared was by being committed to getting the truth of the situation.

  “Answer me!” Miranda became more distraught.

  “Sure I care,” Olivia answered finally, “that’s why I’m going to find the killer, fast.”

  Miranda shuddered. “You’re absolutely, positively sure Raine was murdered?”

  “Positive,” said Olivia. “Raine’s head was bashed in with a rock.” Olivia wanted to make it as specific and graphic as possible.”

  Miranda balked. “Has it been confirmed? Do they have a suspect?”

  “So far, Victor is a person of interest.” Olivia wasn’t wasting playing games.

  Miranda paled. “I heard that he’d been taken in for questioning,” she said in a hushed tone. “I didn’t hear anything else.”

  “And we’re all also aware that you and Victor are in a relationship,” Olivia said flatly then.

  “We had a little fun together, nothing much.” Miranda tried to make light of it. “I wouldn’t exactly call it a relationship.”

  “Miranda, this is a homicide investigation now!” Olivia wanted to jar her. “Raine was also involved with Victor, as you know.”

  “I do know that Raine and Victor were involved.” Miranda pulled up to the edge of her seat.

  “How long did you know that?” Olivia wasn’t letting her off the hook.

  “I knew it for a while,” Miranda said haltingly. “It was a rumor.”

  “But you didn’t say a thing about it to me when we talked.” Olivia stared at her threateningly. “Why didn’t you tell me about it then?”

  “I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to spread gossip,” Miranda went on. “I couldn’t say exactly what was going on between them. Nobody could.”

  “You didn’t tell me because you were hiding the fact that you were sleeping with Victor as well!” Olivia felt the rage grow within her.

  “Listen, what is this? You’re acting like I’m the one under investigation.” Miranda was growing more anxious by the minute.

  “You are,” Olivia answered sharply.

  “What?” Miranda’s voice became shrill. “I’m not in a relationship with Victor! I hang out with him at times.”

  “Did Raine know about it?” Olivia zoned in.

  “I don’t know, I have no idea.” Miranda’s teeth began chattering.

  “Don’t lie to me!” Olivia stood up. “Raine is dead and most likely Victor killed her. And you’re standing square in the middle of all this.”

  Miranda shot up as well. “Victor didn’t kill her. He couldn’t have. Under all his bluff, he’s a gentle guy.”

  Olivia laughed.

  “You only see his gruff outside,” Miranda exclaimed. “But I know him better.”

  “How did you feel about the fact that your close friend Raine was also having an affair with this gentle guy of yours?” Olivia took it in another direction.

  “How far could their affair go?” Miranda became irate. “Raine was married. She was playing with him and Victor knew it! He was only a toy for her.”

  “Raine had a lot of toys, didn’t she?” snapped Olivia.

  “Yes, she did.” Miranda grew heated then. “Whichever ones she wanted.”

  Olivia wanted to shake Miranda and wake her up. “Listen, Miranda, Victor was seen up in Miami the day after he left Raine in Key Largo.”

  Miranda blanched. “Seen by who?”

  “It doesn’t matter by who!” Olivia was adamant. “He was at the casino. What was he doing there?”

  “I have no idea.” Miranda shrugged violently, as if tossing the information away.

  “You’d better tell me!” Olivia was relentless.

  “I don’t know, please believe me!”

  “Why should I believe you?”

  “Why shouldn’t you?” Miranda’s eyes filled with tears.

  “Because my friend is dead,” Olivia snapped. “Her head was smashed in by a rock. And if you don’t tell me everything you know, you’ll be an accessory to the crime. They’ll take you in next.”

  Miranda began trembling. “What are you talking about? How can that be?”

  “You’re close to Victor and you know more than you’re letting on. That makes you an accessory.”

  Miranda’s head hung then.

  “If you tell me every single thing you know, completely cooperate, it’ll go better for you. You won’t be implicated,” Olivia continued.

  “Implicated?” Miranda seemed unable to believe this.

  “If you don’t talk, you’re obstructing an investigation.” Olivia stared at her fiercely. “That’s a crime, in case you didn’t know.”

  “Okay, okay.” Miranda raised her hands over her face, then put them down and faced Olivia. “I knew that Victor was up in Miami the next day. He came up to see me,” Miranda practically gasped.

  Olivia was shaken. Had Victor and Miranda plotted this out together? “He came to see you the day after Raine was killed?”

  “Victor had no idea she was killed.” Miranda spoke under the heat of great pressure. “He told me that he went down to Key Largo with Raine to end the relationship, say good-bye. He was going to tell her it was over and then come up and spend time with me!” She stared straight ahead of her as she spoke.

  “Victor planned to say good-bye to Raine? How? By killing her?” Olivia was aghast.

  “That’s crazy and ridiculous,” Miranda shot back. “He just planned to end his relationship with her so we could really be together.”

  “You’ll testify to that under oath?” Olivia asked.

  “Of course I will, it’s what he told me.”

  “But you don’t know what happened then, do you?” Olivia plunged on. “Raine might not have taken so well to the idea of his saying good-bye. No woman likes to be discarded. They could have fought again.”

  “Anything could have happened,” Miranda flung back.

  “Did you help him with this?” Olivia had to ask.

  “How could I help him?” Miranda’s face grew twisted with fear. “What could I have done?”

  “Why was Victor at the casino then when he came to Miami?” Olivia wanted every piece of information.

  “He went there often.” Miranda could barely speak now. “He knew people there, played the tables.”

  “Victor went there to gamble the day after Raine went missing?�

  “He didn’t know she was missing then,” Miranda repeated, trying to protect him.

  “Or, did he go to pick up money that was due Raine?” Olivia’s mind was spinning.

  “You’re spinning webs.” Miranda was breathless. “I just know Victor went down to Key Largo with Raine to break up with her. Then he was coming to see me! We were going to be together forever! I have no idea what he picked up at the casino.”

  “That should do it,” Olivia remarked.

  “Do what?” Miranda was horrified.

  “That should help us to lock Victor up and throw away the key,” said Olivia.

  Miranda swung around then as if to flee, but Olivia rushed over and grabbed her.

  “You’re not going anywhere yet.” Olivia detained her.

  “You said I would be off the hook if I told you all I knew, though.” Miranda looked truly frightened.

  “You’re off the hook, but you have to give sworn testimony,” said Olivia, as she suddenly saw Sean walking toward them.

  “Oh, here you guys are,” said Sean, nervously. “I’ve been looking for both of you. “Nessa’s here and she wants to talk to Miranda. Abby’s here too, and Sloane.” Sean was rattling names off as though he were describing a guest list at a formal party. “The pastor has also arrived.”

  “How about your parents?” Miranda turned to Sean.

  “I told you, they’re out of the country,” Sean replied, in a monotone. “But I’m surrounded by friends and well-wishers.”

  “That’s right, you told me. I forgot,” said Miranda.

  Why did Sean tell Miranda that? Olivia wondered. When did they have a chance to talk?

  “What are you two doing on this patio?” Sean asked then, looking around.

  “The investigation has heated up,” Olivia plainly reported.

  “But they found Raine, didn’t they?” Sean said in a suddenly mournful tone. “It’s over, isn’t it?”

  “It’s not over, it’s only beginning.” Olivia had to pierce through the fog that seemed to be surrounding him. “It’s the beginning of the search for the killer.”


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