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The Billionaire's Carnival Baby (A BWWM Romance)

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by Tiana Cole

  The Billionaire's Carnival Baby

  Published By Tiana Cole, 2016

  ©2016 Tiana Cole

  All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are all productions of the author’s imagination.

  Please note that this work is intended only for adults over the age of 18 and all characters represented as 18 or over.

  Kindle Edition

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  Table of Contents

  The Billionaire's Carnival Baby

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Which Baby for the Billionaire?


  Also from Tiana Cole:

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  “Olá, minha beleza escuro.”

  Audra Dawn looked to see who was talking to her—the cheerful smile the dark man gave her made her feel good. It was a flirtatious Carnival smile, so she grinned back at him. She barely knew Spanish, and Portuguese could be incredibly confusing, but she’d managed to understand him. Although she’d only been in Ipanema for a day, she’d already heard that expression several times. The last time she’d found somebody who could translate it for her. “Hello, my dark beauty,” he’d said.

  The customs of this place were different. The man clearly needed her to buy something from his stall, but instead of starting in with some hard sell, he was flirting with her. Everyone flirted… and she liked it. In fact, she thought it wouldn't be hard at all to get addicted to the way Latin men flirted. It was flattering, even if insincere, or maybe especially because it wasn't sincere—no one took any of it seriously, and it was just to be enjoyed.

  As was this glorious day. It was a beautiful sunny day in late January. Better yet, tonight the Carnival Season officially began with the first parade of Banda de Ipanema—a street parade. There had been partying already, of course, but this was the big stuff. It was the costumed festival that ran through Fat Tuesday in early February. Fat Tuesday was Mardi Gras—the same holiday they celebrated back home in New Orleans. From everything she’d heard, here in Brazil they took their partying a lot further—it could be downright insane. It was a time of riotous celebration and Audra, along with thousands of other people, was definitely in a mood to celebrate. She was in a mood to cut loose.

  She’d arrived on a cruise ship called the ‘SEA DANCER,’ which had docked in Rio to let the passengers enjoy the celebrations. She was part of the crew, working below deck in the laundry, and had decided to indulge herself by taking three days off. A diligent worker, it had been several years since she’d allowed herself even one day off. Audra had taken the job in the laundry to earn money, and working other people’s shifts rather than taking days off helped her save. She didn't earn a great deal, but a job on a cruise ship meant she didn't pay for food or a room. She liked the cruise ship world, but was determined to get out of the loud, hot laundry room. When this cruise ended, she intended to go back to school and get the training she needed for a better job.

  A girl needed to cut loose once in awhile, however, and this was her chance—a truly awesome opportunity indeed. How many chances did you get to party in Rio? She intended to have some fun. After all, what happens at Carnival stays at Carnival, to borrow the old Vegas expression.

  The mix of people she encountered astounded her; they were of all races and colors, and now beginning to pour onto the streets in costume. There were women in bikinis adorned with feathered headdresses and sequins, along with men equally festive attire. Wanting to blend in, she had come to this vendor’s stall in hopes of finding a mask. Most of the tourists settled for simply covering their faces. The idea was that it was wild, crazy, and anonymous is what appealed to Audra.

  The cheerful man saw her looking through the overwhelming variety of masks and came around to help. He held up a mask that was white with floral designs and made to cover the face and cheeks. “Domino,” he told her. “Very popular.”

  It was interesting to think that the more popular the costume, the better you blended in. This wasn't the time to stand out unless you had a reason to draw attention to yourself. For most people, Carnival was about wearing a costume that would let them be an anonymous partier, and the thought of remaining unknown excited her. She could be as wild as she wanted, and didn’t have to worry about embarrassing herself. The mask this eager vendor had suggested appealed to her as it was so common.

  “Obrigado, eu vou levá-la,” she said, exhausting her Portuguese. It meant, “Thank you, I'll take it.”


  She took her purchases to the room she’d rented for her days off, since she didn't want to go back and forth to the ship. No, her intention was to complete immerse herself in Carnival and forget about her tedious job. The room was small, shabby, and had no air conditioning, but in the festive season, she was lucky to have gotten it.

  The spirit of Carnival was infections, and she wanted to do this right. With her new mask, matching costume she’d splurged on, and her room to act as a base, she would become someone else for one night—a free spirit. She would let herself take advantage of this magical time and place for just this short time. Soon enough she’d be back on the boat working in the laundry, and then home to New Orleans and school.

  She looked forward to getting back to New Orleans, though, even knowing money would be tight and school would be a hard slog. It would take time to get back up to speed, as she hadn't studied much in the three years she’d been working. Even so, she was focused and determined; school was the only way to get herself out of these crappy service jobs that were all she qualified for. Being poor certainly wasn’t fun, and she didn't intend to stay that way. So she’d go back to school, she’d buckle down and make a different life for herself. She'd worked to save the money, and she'd work harder to get the training.

  But for now, for one night, she was going to treat herself. For once she would let herself step into the fantasy that was Carnival; let herself feel alive. She had no plan other than that, but even that idea made her pulse race. She knew no one here, and yet this mass of people had come together for a sensational party. She would drink and dance to the sensual Brazilian beats, and experience the feeling with all her senses.

  I’m going to have me some fun.

  Audra showered, and when she dried off she examined herself in the mirror. It was a bad mirror, but she could see her legs, and she knew they were nice. She slipped on a pair of low heels she’d brought. She knew that they made her legs look even better and were still good for dancing without breaking her neck. Naked except for the shoes, she looked herself over carefully. Next, she put on the new, bright red silk skirt she’d bought. It felt incredibly sexy, this filmy red thing. It was positively indecent, her mother would say, and that was exactly what she wanted for the night. She looked at the panties she’d brought, but then decided she to go for extreme pleasure. She'd dance with nothing on under that skirt, and revel in the wicked feeling she of being bare assed.

  She got out her bright yellow sil
k scarf and wrapped it around her breasts. The lovely fabric felt so soft and nice, and the outline of her nipples showed through.

  Perfect, she thought with a smirk.

  She turned in front of the mirror, ready for the final touch. The mask she’d bought was exciting: around its edges, a few feathers made a seemingly random pattern that suggested disarray—a lovely disarray. She carefully put it on and admired herself once more. With it on, the serious Audra was gone and a slender black woman with this contrasting white and flora face stared back. She’d fit right into the street parties at the open bars of Ipanema. She’d be one of the cast, a multiple, which was even better than being anonymous, because she had a role. Seeing herself in the mask, she believed she now bore the face of a seductress. That, too, was right. Three years she’d worked steadily with no social life to speak of, and a sex life that was almost nonexistent as well. Her brain and body were ready to explode, and where better than Carnival?

  She put her ID and her credit cards in her purse and tucked some money in her scarf, feeling it snug against her breast. She’d leave her purse in the hotel safe for the night since it wasn't the kind of time for those things. They were the things of civilization, and tonight was about letting the wildness out through music and partying. A few dollars to buy some drinks should be more than enough.


  Myeisha was beat. Traveling with Kenneth Steele was stressful under the best of circumstances, and now he wanted her to go out.

  The billionaire always had a full agenda, whether it was business meetings or social events, and as his assistant, it was her job to make sure he showed up at the right place at the right time and that he’d been properly briefed. For all his business acumen, and he certainly had that, he could be a little flighty.

  This trip had been especially difficult. Well, Kenneth had been difficult. They were traveling on his yacht, and while she had a spacious stateroom of her own, they were in close proximity for most of the time. It quickly became clear that he’d added her to his list of desirable conquests, and possibly moved her to the top of that list. He'd always made it obvious that he was attracted to her, but he wasn't keeping the relationship as businesslike as she preferred. He’d insisted on sailing the yacht to Rio so he could be in Ipanema for Carnival, and that was fine by her. He had business contacts there, but mostly Ken loved partying. That was also fine with her, but then he told her he wanted her to join in the festivities.

  “It’s a night for losing who you think you are and enjoying the person you can be,” he told her. “We’ll wander the streets and soak up the party atmosphere.”

  “I don’t mind attending social functions with you for business,” she said, “but this… this is a bit much.”

  Myeisha wasn't a fan of events like Carnival. She didn't really want to ‘lose who she thought she was,’ as Ken had put it. At times it could be tough to hang onto that, and she’d worked hard to become the person she wanted to be.

  He was eager, however, filled with boyish enthusiasm, so throwing a wet blanket on his idea seemed cruel. She had no interest in ruining his time there. He’d even bought her a mask… a floral domino mask. It was rather attractive, and it seemed a shame to come to Ipanema during Carnival and not at least see some of it. Finally, to stop him from sulking, she agreed to go with him. “I'll go see what it’s like, but I reserve the right to bail out at any time,” she said.

  “Fine,” he nodded. “If that’s what you want. But believe me, once we’re out in the streets, out in the middle of it all, you'll love it. You won’t be able to resist Carnival. The partying is a vibrant force that gets into your bones. It’s Carnival, after all.”

  It was a warm day, so she put on a simple summer dress along with the mask he’d purchased for her. Ken was bare-chested and wore baggy black cotton pants with his black domino mask, making him look like a shirtless burglar more than anything. “We’ll have a fantastic time,” he assured her as they set out.

  Walking along the parade route for the Banda de Ipanema, surrounded by other costumed revelers, Myeisha didn't find the scene as compelling as Ken did. It was loud and exciting, and it was certainly easy to see how people were using the crowd and the anonymity of their costumes to lose themselves, but mostly she saw it as acting out—little more than an excuse to be drunk and lewd in public. Not that she was a prude, but it wasn't her kind of thing. Myeisha was a private person, unlike many of the women she saw, who wore costumes better suited to a strip club. It annoyed her that many men seemed to think the festivities gave them a license to grope her.

  The final straw was Ken. They had a couple of drinks together, and she quickly found that he was in an amorous mood. He slipped his arm around her waist and made several attempts to fondle her. She liked Ken, but from the moment she’d taken the job she’d promised herself she would keep a distance to ensure their relationship remained professional. When he tried to kiss her, she stopped his advances by pushing him back.

  “That’s enough. I’m going back to the ship,” she told him.

  “But Myeisha, it’s Carnival!”

  “Then you enjoy it, Kenneth. I’m not having a good time, and you gave me your promise.”

  “But I thought…”

  “You thought I’d get into the spirit and go to bed with you?”

  “I hoped you would,” he shrugged.

  “I appreciate the honesty. Now I’m going back.”

  With that, she’d left him standing there alone. She could imagine the shocked look under his mask, but didn't feel bad above leaving him. She’d warned him, after all, and he he’d have no trouble finding a willing playmate.


  Audra walked the street, dazed by the colors, sounds, the throbbing sense of excitement around her. She hadn't had to walk more than a block from her room to find a place where the crowds swelled rapidly and the bands grew louder. Everyone swayed to the music, dancing as they moved, and as she made her way trough the crowd she found herself being touched… and loving it. This wasn't like being groped in the subway, it was the physical counterpart to the perpetual flirting—men and women alike, all caught up in the moment, were giving their hands free rein to touch whoever passed close by them. They made contact, reinforcing the idea that they’d come to be part of this mass of humanity; this casual, sensual collision of excited bodies. After the endless news stories of riots and demonstrations, the very idea of a crowd like this, whose collective intent was joy, was exhilarating. The reality of it was exciting and sensual.

  The thrill of the chaos made her thirsty, so Audra stopped at an outdoor bar where a man dressed like a harlequin handed her a rum and Coke.

  “Drink up,” he said, then slipped his arm around the waist of woman dressed in a bikini and feathers and they waltzed away. That, too, was Carnival. Casual encounters. Everyone wanting everyone else to have as good a time as they were.

  The drink tasted wonderful. She sipped it while she watched a mad assortment of people dancing in the street in front of the bar. An outrageously fat woman, grinning happily, danced with two young men who looked like athletes. An old man in a top hat and cape danced with a young girl dressed like a princess. There was no rhyme or reason to any of it.

  Without cars, without the normal daytime happenings to interfere, people flowed out over that part of the city. The scene was surreal; wonderfully and gloriously unreal. Audra let it sweep her up, knowing she’d never have another chance to experience anything like this again. Even if she came back to Carnival in another year, it could never be as wild as the first time.

  She finished her drink and ordered another intending to watch, but halfway through it she found herself moving to the vibrant, insistent beat of the music. In its own way as intoxicating as the rum and punch, the music crept into her bones making her twitch. She watched the people dancing and felt that same pulsing, throbbing excitement tug at her.

  She danced in place for a time, but that wasn't nearly enough, and Audra simply couldn't move
alone any longer. She stepped out among the other dancers, let herself feel the ebb and flow of bodies around her, and let her own body synch to the sensual pulse of the Latin beats. Surrounded by masked and costumed dancers, she was on a stage yet caught up in her own private fantasy.

  The sensation was incredible and the warm night air was ripe with the lush smells of the party. Out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of a shirtless man in a black velvet domino mask and pants. He made no secret of the fact that he was watching her. All she could see of him was amazing body—powerful muscles that rippled when he moved, animating a coiled dragon tattoo on his right bicep and shoulder. He had a mane of golden hair and a pair of lustful green eyes showed through his mask. He looked at her as if he knew her, but how could that be?

  He moved smoothly out among the throng of dancers and her heart pounded. He was making his way directly to her. A woman in little more than a bikini and feathers brushed against him, and his hand trailed over her breast as she moved past. Audra felt a tremble of excitement. He came up to where she danced, gyrating, letting her hips move freely, and he was suddenly close enough that she could smell his masculine scent.

  “You came,” he said, his voice low, seductive. His hand touched her ass and traced the line of it through the thin silk. He would know she wore nothing underneath it, and that was exciting, too. She was certain he would sense it. What would he do about it?

  “Yes, of course,” she said, deliberately ambiguous.

  The truth was, even if he was making a mistake, even if he thought she was someone else, she didn't mind in the least. Confusing things was part of the fun.

  He moved with her, his large body making her feel small. Moving in front of her, letting his green eyes devour her through his mask, he put his arms around her waist and pulled her to him—her pelvis to his. Through his baggy pants she felt his arousal in the form of a hard cock. Sensing the serious passion of this stranger, this tactile representation of that fact that she, and the time and place, had aroused him, seemed oddly sexy. He was an erotic creature himself. Not just good looking, but confident, assured… very masculine indeed.


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