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Rapid Pulse: A Limited Edition Spicy Romance Collection

Page 18

by Gina Kincade

  “I am not your master now,” Nicholas told her. “I will be when you come out. I have something I need to see for myself, but I thought perhaps you’d like to talk to someone. Someone who isn’t Harry.” His smile was friendly.

  Julia sighed in relief this time and gave a small chuckle. “I didn’t expect to have a second week here,” she admitted freely. “I had gotten so used to Dominants taking one look at me, beating me for their own pleasure and then never looking at me again. I wasn’t prepared for the unbridled pleasure Harry gave me that first night. I didn’t dare dream he’d ask me to come back.”

  “Why not?” Nicholas asked. “Just because the others didn’t?”

  Julia thought before answering. “Not only that, but because it was too good to be true. It was beyond anything I had expected, the way he pushed me. I took pride in never needing to use my safe word, but he forced me to use it again and again. He pushed me as far as I could go and then proved to me I could go further.” She shook her head. “And to think he wants to keep me. It’s incomprehensible. What am I? Some decrepit human.” She slapped the water, making it splash.

  Nicholas chuckled. “You aren’t as old as that. He wants you for everything you just described. When Harrold came to us, he was restricted in everything he did. His family, his society, his wife, they all made sure his every action was accounted for, every word, every thought.”

  “His wife?” Julia asked, startled.

  Nicholas chuckled again. “Years dead, decades, though not when he left her. He'd had everything in his life dictated, so you would expect he would find submitting both familiar but unfulfilling, wouldn’t you?”

  Julia nodded.

  “He didn’t. He explained it to me once like this. He had everything taken away, but he’d never given any of it. He never gave his heart to his wife, though she claimed it. He had never given his time to his job, though it required it of him. He’d never given his concern to his parents, but they demanded he look after them as they aged and needed more material wealth to sustain them. When he came to Lynn, she didn’t take a thing. She offered him sex, she offered him pain and pleasure to make his taken hours more bearable. She offered him control over himself.”

  “Control?” Julia asked.

  “You know this,” Nicholas scoffed. “The control is always with the submissive. You have the ultimate power, the maximum control.”

  She smiled at her own safe word.

  “The Dominant can only take what you choose to give. He had the power to stop Lynn when she fed, when she stretched him, when she tested him by giving him to me. You could say he had control in his real life, as well. He could have stopped his parents, he could have shunned society, but here his control was so much more palpable, especially after the first time he used it. The way everything came to a complete halt surprised him, I think. I imagine he never really believed that power was his. He got a little giddy with it, and Lynn nearly sent him away for using it too freely. Instead, she gave him to me, and he realized that he might be put out of our house. He didn’t enjoy his time with me, but he endured it and that endeared him to Lynn.”

  “So he and Lynn...?”

  Again Nicholas laughed. “They did continue for a few years after his change, but as you will find, if you choose to join us, we aren’t so...possessive of one another as that. It would make things very awkward and difficult. No, we are testing you, in part, because you will be one of us. We would all share you and have you spend your time equally with all of us. You will cling to Harry most at first, of course, owing to your existing relationship, but to exist together, we need to be...freer than that.”

  Julia wasn’t sure she understood, but certainly much of what Nicholas told her made sense. “And, you still want your turn with me?”

  “Most definitely. Though, I think I already know most of what I need. You are an intelligent woman, if somewhat naive. That’s to be expected of a human who hasn’t lived more than a few decades herself.”

  Julia started. She was young. It hadn’t occurred to her as she’d always been so much older than the others, but she was young compared to the vampires. Their experiences far outweighed hers.

  “What else do you need to know?” she asked, water sloshing in the tub as she lifted her hands to wash her face again.

  “When you are ready, I will show you,” he told her and rose from the toilet, closing the bathroom door behind him.

  The ointment Harry had left her made Julia’s sore flesh feel much cooler. She sighed a little as she applied it, enjoying the healing sensation. She still had no robe, thought, and so walked out in only her skin to face the final vampire.

  Nicholas smiled at her. “Lie on the bed.”

  “Face up or down?” she asked, climbing onto the mattress.

  “Face up.” He brought soft ropes and slowly tied her forearms together and then secured either end of the slack to a bedpost. Using wide cuffs, he avoided the still red welts at her ankles from Terrance’s shackles and tied each foot to a bedpost, spreading her legs wide.

  Julia breathed slowly and easily, trying not to fear what might be coming. She was still so sore.

  Nicholas climbed onto the bed and wedged a pillow behind Julia’s head, lifting it. Then he set his cock to her mouth.

  She smiled before opening her lips for him. She bobbed her head as much as she was able, but he put a hand to her forehead, urging her to relax her neck and slid himself slowly in and out between her teeth.

  “Ummm,” she hummed, pressing her tongue up to him. This was easy for her. Harry had fucked her face many times, much more harshly. Nicholas pressed in until her throat closed, and then pulled out just before she could gag.

  After a few minutes, he pulled his moistened cock from her mouth and slid down her body, cupping her breasts around himself.

  She couldn’t help but wonder what he would do next. It seemed clear he was about to come on her breasts and she lifted her head, sticking out her tongue to touch his tip at each thrust.

  “Ugh, yes,” he groaned, thrusting a little further and touching her lips as he began to come.

  She didn’t catch all of it, and a chain of white beaded down her chest.

  “You liked that,” Nicholas told her. “And you like this,” he said, trailing a finger through the chain and spreading it to her nipples.

  “Yes, Master,” she told him. She loved getting him off. Truth to tell, even though it turned her stomach and made her want to brush her teeth for days, it had made her happy getting Jocelyn off, too. This was the part of being a submissive she enjoyed most. It was a part she didn’t get to enjoy often. More time was spent finding and trying her limits than in giving her Dominant pleasure. She wondered if she would be the same when she was a Dominant.

  Nicholas watched her face as the thoughts trickled behind her eyes.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking,” he demanded.

  “That I might enjoy being a Dominant.”

  He smiled broadly. “You will enjoy bringing your submissive pleasure, testing him. Yes. I think you will. I think you will be a wonderful Dominant.”

  His praise was so different from the abuse she’d taken from Will and Terrance. It was even stronger than Harry’s kind words. Harry’s opinion was colored by the time he’d spent with her. Nicholas only knew her today.

  “Now, I shall enjoy being your Dominant,” he promised, and bit into her neck beneath her ear.

  Julia pulled against her bonds, the fiery sting and the pleasurable after-effect blending. His tongue sealed the wound and licked down her throat, pressing into her.

  “Oh,” she murmured at the kiss.

  His lips trailed lower, biting over her collarbone, deeper this time, drawing more blood. The sting was sharper, but the thrill was sweeter too. Her pulse picked up and she wished she could rub her legs together. She did pull at her ankle bonds a little.

  Nicholas obliged by sliding a hand over her pelvis and down between her legs, rubbing very gently and teas
ing her open with cool fingers.

  “Yes,” she tipped her head back further, arching under him.

  His lips crossed to one breast, his tongue circling her nipple before flicking it. He blew across the tip and made her shiver and lift her hips against his hand. He pulled his fingers back slightly, only brushing her lips, not opening them any longer.

  She groaned a little in frustration, but he was biting her breast, not as Harry or Jocelyn had, not around her nipple, but beneath it, on the outside of her breast. He drank again, making Julia lightheaded. His nose came toward her armpit, tickling slightly.

  “You smell so fresh,” he commented, reminding her of Jocelyn. The memory didn’t sour her as it might once have. Jocelyn had treated her well, and she would not be sad to spend more time with her.

  “I hope you’ve kept well hydrated,” he moaned. “Your taste is divine.” He trailed his nose under her breasts until he was biting the other, making her rock harder against his hand.

  “P-please,” she begged, rubbing herself as much as she could on his fingers. “M-more.”

  He circled her clit once with a fingertip, and she saw spots in her vision for a moment. Perhaps she was lower on blood than she had thought.

  Nicholas continued to tease her with gentle touches and kisses between biting and feeding. The combination had Julia ready to explode if he would only give her something to come around. Her pussy would clench and spasm, but find no purchase.

  Finally, after nipping each of inner thighs and drinking there, Nicholas gave her what she sought. He licked her clit, making her spasm around him. He tongued her entrance, making her moan but not aggravating the burn. Then, he thrust his tongue into her and she climaxed at last, nearly passing out in the process.

  “Bleh. That ointment tastes terrible,” Nicholas complained. “I will re-apply it, don’t worry,” he promised, rising to her face. Her rubbed his nose down hers and put his lips within reach of hers for a kiss.

  She could smell herself on him, and agreed the ointment did not smell appetizing, but his lips were so near... She lifted her head very slightly and met his mouth, her tongue reaching for his and finding it.

  When she broke for breath, she had to ask. “What did you want to find?”

  “That,” he answered and began untying her. “That kiss. Not willing to let me inflict the scent and taste on you, but embracing it. You will be happy with us. I look forward to getting to know you.” He unclipped her ankles but left the cuffs on, getting the ointment instead.

  After he had applied it, he kissed her once more and left.

  Julia winced when she moved. Being held still for so long, all the bruises and aches had stiffened, making it harder to get mobile. She made her way to the cupboard that held the clothes she had worn to the House and her purse. She pulled out her cell phone and dialed.

  “Hello? Tracy? It’s Julia.” Her voice croaked in pain and weariness she didn’t have to feign.

  “Julia! What’s wrong? You sound awful.”

  “I was just bringing in the groceries and fell down my stairs. I’m all right, but I don’t think I’ll be in tomorrow. Let the boss know?” she asked her co-worker.

  “Oh, um, sure. He’s probably going to call, though.”

  “I know, but I can sleep in a little,” Julia said with a chuckle. She’d end up working from home. They wouldn’t give her a day off. Soon, they wouldn’t have a choice.

  “Okay. Rest up,” Tracy said before disconnecting.

  Harry was behind the cupboard door when Julia closed it.

  “Jesus! You scared me,” Julia murmured, clutching her chest. “So? Do I pass?” she asked.

  “I’m not going to answer that now. You aren’t going to work tomorrow?”

  Julia shook her head and began pulling out her clothes.

  Harry stopped her, closing his hands over hers. “Stay the night?”

  Julia sighed and released her clothes. Harry tucked them away and took her hand, leading her to the bed. He curled up behind her, his breath softly caressing her ear.

  Just as she was fading to sleep, she heard him say, “You are an amazing woman, Julia Giuseppe. I look forward to eternity with you.”

  She fell asleep with a smile fixed on her lips.

  Chapter Five: Home?

  Harry woke Julia with his lips in her hair. “Wakey wakey.” He didn’t, strictly speaking, need to sleep, but often cuddled and dozed with her when they were outside their Dom/sub roles. “I have to leave for work and I want to know you’re okay.”

  Julia yawned and stretched, wincing when his hardness rubbed where she was still raw. She also groaned as she sat up. She felt like she’d been beaten, which of course, she had. She was glad she’d begged off work today. Just then, her phone began chirping in the cupboard and she whimpered slightly.

  Harry chuckled and kissed her cheek. “You’re recovering from a very bad fall. I think perhaps you can’t reach your phone just now.”

  She smiled at his indulgence. “You have to work?” It wasn’t something she knew about him. Several of the vampires worked outside the House, inside offices where the sun wouldn’t harm them, but she didn’t know where, or what they did.

  “Yes., I’m an accountant. Boring job, but the work is periodically heavy, so I can take time off in slow stretches. The pay is good. I’ll ask someone to bring you breakfast.” He kissed her again, more languorously, his tongue exploring her mouth and making her long for the burning between her legs to be gone so she could delay him.

  “I’ll miss you. Good-bye.” She leaned her head into his, rubbing her nose on his cheek before he pulled away completely. She would be headed home before he came back. Sighing, Julia fell back onto her pillows, nearly tired enough to go back to sleep.

  There was a knock at the door and Julia expected one of the submissives to be bearing a tray. Vampires and submissives all worked different days, so there were always a few humans in the House; there were just more of them on the weekends. Instead, Sophia carried in her tray, dressed in a flowing, red robe, her hair pinned up loosely behind her head.

  “Good morning,” she said with a smile, setting the tray over Julia’s lap. She moved to sit behind Julia’s back, her legs straddling Julia’s.

  Julia looked behind her in wonder; surely she wasn’t expected to submit again today.

  Sophia’s fingers began to knead Julia’s shoulders and the human nearly melted into her plate of eggs. There were four of them, more than she would eat normally but she needed the protein.

  “That feels so good,” Julia moaned.

  “Good. Eat up, while it’s hot.” The massaging slowed, moving further down Julia’s back. She nibbled on the toast and eggs, worried her stomach might still be less than cooperative. She and Sophia both giggled when it suddenly growled. Julia ate with a little more fervor after that. She would straighten suddenly when Sophia hit tender points and droop as aches were released.

  Once her breakfast was finished, the phone was ringing again.

  “Oh, go away,” Sophia complained, scowling at the cupboard. “Lay on your stomach, I want to do your legs,” she instructed.

  Julia obeyed, happy for the healing hands. Sophia also fetched the ointment from the bathroom and re-applied more.

  Julia was dosing off as the room had gone quiet. She started awake as the cool fingers caressed once more over her sensitive skin.

  “Oh, I didn’t mean to wake you. Rest, Julia. You’ve earned it.” Sophia brushed and errant brown lock of hair from Julia’s cheek, and kissed it, and then slipped out the door.

  JULIA WOKE AGAIN AROUND noon and rushed to her phone. She had six voice messages and four texts. She sighed, but started going through them while she dressed.

  “Julia, I really need you to take a look at the Emerson file. I’m sure there’s something wrong with it.”

  “Julia, I know you aren’t feeling well, but could you call me back? I can’t seem to find my copy of the Bennett contract.”


  On they went. All stupid, little things her boss should have been able to take care of on his own, or Tracy would be able to answer if he would just ask her. The texts were much the same, though one was from Tracy, hoping she was feeling better. Julia smiled as she replied to that one, leaving the others until she was at home on her computer.

  On her way out, she ran into Will. She stopped dead, beginning to cower.

  “Good morning, Julia,” he said congenially, smiling broadly. “I hope to see you again this weekend.”

  He passed her by with a light touch to her shoulder. She didn’t move for a moment and several other submissives passed by her on their way to lunch. Then she turned, but Will wasn’t in the hall any longer. It had been an act. She had believed him, just as Harry had accused, but Will hadn’t meant it. Or, perhaps, he had, but her resolve to see through the encounter had given her worth in his eyes. He looked forward to seeing her again.

  Julia giggled and did a little dance on her way to the door. She earned a few chuckles from observers but didn’t care. She was going to join them, soon. They wanted her.

  Her smile faded swiftly when she flopped into the seat of her car. She cursed herself for being so stupid. Just because her bottom didn’t hurt when she was standing, didn’t mean she should just drop her weight on it. Wincing and shifting uncomfortably, she dug out her keys, started her car, and drove home.

  The first thing she did on her computer was craft her resignation letter. She grinned the whole time. Then, she answered the plethora of questions, which included a few more in her inbox, in terse quick notes. There was nothing wrong with the Emerson file, he was just in the wrong tab. Tracy had a copy of the Bennett contract and his should be in his inbox tray. The Johnson account’s cheque had cleared Tuesday, last week, if he would just open his books. And on, and on. She hit send before going to flop on her bed.

  Her phone rang, and she answered reluctantly. “Julia! What is this? You’re quitting?”

  “Yes, effective two weeks from today. You can find all your own filing from now on. Or, just talk to Tracy, damn it. She’s perfectly capable. Now leave me alone.” She hung up and then lie there laughing maniacally. She’d never been so blunt with her boss; it felt invigorating. The next thing she did, was send a text to her two dearest friends to set up a coffee date for the next evening. She couldn’t say goodbye, but she wanted to spend some time with them before she disappeared.


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