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Rapid Pulse: A Limited Edition Spicy Romance Collection

Page 51

by Gina Kincade

  Ava swallowed as the reality of the situation came crashing down on her. Part of her wanted to say yes, she’d be fine with waiting until tomorrow, but she’d been given an opportunity few—if any—ever received. She would make it to the arena today. After all, fate had intervened for a reason. She wasn’t about to blow it.

  Without another word, she followed the woman to the shallow end of the pool.

  “I am Mia, I will be your maid for today. If you are not successful at the upcoming viewing, you will be assigned a permanent maid who will follow you until you leave the Citadel. Now, remove that dress and get in the water. I will bathe you.”

  What the hell? Why couldn’t she do it herself? She was about to open her mouth to protest when Edmond’s words came back to her. Do as she’s told, and don’t argue. It was what she’d signed up for—or rather, what she would be agreeing to in half an hour. She knew going in that some things would be uncomfortable. She’d get through it. They were all women in the bathing room, after all.

  She pulled her dress over her head and dropped it to the floor at her feet, resisting the urge to cover herself. She’d have to reveal a whole lot more—to strangers, no less—before the day was through. From the corner of her eye, she spotted Bonnie already lowering herself into the water at the other end.

  “Dip under the water and wet your hair. I’d normally do it for you, but we have no time for the relaxation part of the bath,” the woman spoke softly, but her stern voice made it clear that she expected obedience.

  Ava dunked her head into the hot water, relishing the heat as it seeped into her bones. The day was warm, but she hadn’t had a bath in a week, and she looked forward to being clean again.

  As soon as she bobbed up, Mia was there, combing her fingers through her long tresses, lathering the strands with an aromatic floral shampoo. When the maid tugged a little hard, Ava didn’t say anything. Being brought in at the last moment had to have put the woman under more stress than she ought to have been.

  “Now, rinse,” she ordered.

  Ava did as she was told, making sure to get all the shampoo out in one shot, using as little time as she could to get it done.

  “Hold on to the side of the pool and let yourself float. I will bathe your body.”

  Heat that had nothing to do with the temperature of the water rose from her chest into her cheeks, but once again, she complied without so much as a peep. The woman immediately went to work, stroking every inch of her body with a soft cloth and fresh smelling soap. As soon as she swiped the cloth over a patch of skin, it tingled. The maid’s movements were quick and efficient, clinical even, but when her hands swept over Ava’s breasts, the tingling concentrated over her nipples, making them pebble almost immediately.

  Her heart raced as the woman’s hands drifted lower on her body. She washed first one leg, then the other, before pausing at the juncture between.

  “Relax and let me finish.”


  The woman sighed again. “It’s meant to stimulate your body. Just let it happen. You’ll likely have several orgasms before the viewing, which is what you want. The stronger your scent, the more likely you will be selected. Had you been here earlier, I would have had time to explain all of this to you. As it is, we must hurry.”

  Ava gripped the edge of the pool tighter and spread her legs. Again, the maid’s strokes were nothing but professional, but the tingling between her legs left Ava gasping.

  Ava didn’t open her eyes as the throb intensified. A soft moan came from somewhere to her right, and she knew either Bonnie or the other woman had just received the same treatment. She blocked it out, focusing solely on keeping her body under control. Surely, they’d allow her some privacy before the showing. She’d let herself come then.

  When she was certain she could do so without embarrassing herself, Ava opened her eyes. Mia, who’d spent the last several minutes silently cleaning her hands and nails, smiled at her. “I think we’ll make it in time. Let’s get you dried.”

  Now that the pressure was off, the woman looked almost friendly. “Thank you. I’ve never had anyone bathe me before. At least, not since I was a child,” she finally said, remembering her manners.

  “I wish you luck today and in the days to come. There are some very important people at the Citadel. You’d be lucky to be picked by one of them. Now, for the rules. Be sure to keep still. Only if a potential mate chooses to move any part of you can you do so, and only in the manner they direct. Do nothing yourself. Do not speak. At all. Do not attempt to remove your blindfold. Many males will be present in the arena, along with a few women. Any one of them is permitted to touch you in however they see fit. Of course, they will not be allowed to harm you. You cannot impede them in their assessment of you. Remember that. The herbs in the soap will continue to work on your body for hours, so my best advice is to relax and let it do what it does naturally.”

  Ava’s head spun. None of the information the maid was providing was a secret—it had been freely shared when she’d made her inquiries to the Citadel—but hearing it again so close to when she’d live through it was a bit much. The shock must have shown on her face, because the woman paused and took a breath.

  “You’ll be fine. No one has ever died from having multiple orgasms.”

  Out of nowhere, a giggle burst from her lips. “I’m sorry. I’m nervous,” she said as she twisted her fingers in front of her belly.

  “It’s okay. I think that’s it for the rules. Don’t take this the wrong way, but I hope I don’t get to see you tomorrow,” the maid said with a smile as she helped her into a soft, silky robe. The pink material clung to her body, making her feel sexier than she’d ever felt before. Mia then knelt and placed sandals on Ava’s freshly washed feet.

  To her right, Bonnie was getting her robe on, but past her, the third woman, the one she hadn’t introduced herself to, was sobbing and shaking her head.

  “Hey, it’s okay. Don’t you want to be mated?” Ava asked as she rushed over to comfort the other woman.

  The woman swallowed and nodded, wiping the tears from her cheeks with trembling hands. “It’s just so embarrassing. I can hardly stand it.”

  Ava gave her what she hoped was an encouraging smile. “We’re all here for the same thing. I’m Ava. It’s a little weird knowing that I’ll be coming in front of strangers, but it will be worth it in the end. At least it’ll feel good,” she said with a shrug.

  “I’m Clarice,” her new friend said, taking a shaky breath. “You’re right. I can do this.”

  “Absolutely. We all can.” Ava wanted to say something more, but Edmond burst into the room, his face flushed.

  “We’re late. You must sign the contracts and get to the arena,” he said as he gave her a quick perusal, then nodded approvingly, oddly, not doing the same for the other two women.

  “Good luck,” Mia called out after her as Edmond whisked Ava out the door.”

  Chapter Three

  It took everything in Ava’s power to keep from squirming in her seat as Edmond stood next to her. The slow throb between her legs intensified with the squeezing of her thighs. Edmond’s nostrils had flared. Had he scented her arousal? The heat that had bloomed in her cheeks earlier exploded once more.

  The Priestess pointed to the document she had slapped on the ornate table in front of her.

  “By signing, you agree to each stipulation outlined in the contract. I see your application lists that you only wish to be mated to a male. Both male and female prospective mates will have access to you throughout the viewing, but only the males present in the arena may choose to take you as his mate. Do you understand this?” the Priestess asked, the rush with which she spoke making her almost breathless.

  “Yes,” Ava muttered.

  “If more than one male shows an interest, they will come to a decision between them. Failing an amicable resolution, the one with the highest social standing will win the right to mate you. All decisions are final. Do you unde

  “Yes,” she repeated. Nothing the woman was saying was news to her. It was common knowledge outside the Citadel.

  “Once mated, you will spend three days here in your new mate’s assigned suite. If the male finds you lacking in that time, he may request training, at which time you will stay an extra seven days, or he may return you to our care and choose another. Again, this decision is his alone.”

  “Yes.” She didn’t want to think of the humiliation that would bring, but it was a risk she would have to take.

  “If all is satisfactory, at the end of the three days, the male will mark your skin with his insignia, and you will return to his home as his mate.”

  “I understand.”

  “Good. Now, sign here. You have to go.” The Priestess pointed to the spot on the contract.

  Ava took up the pen laying next to it, and without too much shaking in her fingers, signed her name. For better or worse, she was now a Chosen of the Citadel.

  As soon as the ink was on the paper, Edmond was on the move, ushering her out the door. Her legs could hardly keep up with the quick pace he set. “I don’t know if the other two will make it, but I’ll be damned if I don’t get you into that arena today.”

  The way he said it had Ava’s pulse quickening, but she pushed it aside. She had enough sending her nerves into a frenzy without wondering what he was going on about. “I appreciate all you’ve done. Thank you,” she said as she struggled to keep up, her sandals clacking against her heels with each hurried step.

  They rounded another bend, and at the end of the corridor, sunlight streamed through an opening.

  “We’ve made it. The gate is open.” Though it should have eased the man’s tension, if anything, he quickened his steps until they were jogging.

  A clinking of metal on metal rang through the corridor, and Edmond cursed. “Hurry,” he shouted as he grabbed her hand and started to run. Behind them, more footsteps sounded at an all-out run. Ava didn’t waste time looking back as she sprinted for the entrance to the arena. A wrought iron gate slid slowly from one side as it started to close. Whoever was behind her had to be either Bonnie or Clarice. Either way, they weren’t going to make it.

  Ava put on a burst of speed, making it to the gate, then came to a stumbling halt, half in and half out. “What are you doing? Come on,” Edmond said, his voice desperate.

  The tingling between her legs surged, making her moan. “I just need a second,” she said with a gasp. If she moved even a little, she would come right there in front of him. She’d ignored the tingling as she’d run, but now that she wasn’t moving, the jolts of pleasure bursting through her couldn’t be denied. She took a breath, then another as the sensation dissipated enough for her to move. Just as she took the last step into the arena, Bonnie came bolting past.

  “Thank you,” Bonnie called out as she was led to a station to her left.

  Edmond tugged on her hand again. “Come on. You can finish what you started once you’re on your station,” he said as though having a woman come—or almost come—by running behind him was an everyday occurrence. Maybe, for him, it was.

  The station, as he’d called it, was a platform with a thick cushion on the top—sticking out from the side, two levers and what looked like a crank. Ten feet to Ava’s right, another platform stood. On it, a woman with curly blond hair was already in position. The station had somehow changed, thrusting her chest out so that her breasts were on clear display. A black satin blindfold covered the woman’s eyes. Her hands clung to what looked like padded posts, but as far as Ava could tell, she wasn’t restrained. With her feet pressed heel to heel and her legs bent at the knees, she lay wide open, fully exposed.

  Ava looked around the arena. At least fifty people—mostly women—were presented in the same fashion. Some had black blindfolds while others had red, and a few had purple. The colors, she knew, denoted whether the Chosen wanted a male or female mate. The purple simply meant they would welcome either one. Her blindfold would be black.

  All the moisture in her mouth evaporated like the driest desert, and her knees shook. Maybe doing this wasn’t the best idea she’d had.

  “Up you get,” Edmond said as he put his hand out, waiting for her robe.

  Ava opened her mouth to object, but then she caught sight of Bonnie a few stations away and gathered her courage. As soon as the robe came off, Ava turned and hopped onto the station. There was no point in delaying it, and she sure as hell didn’t want to look at Edmond, much less hold a conversation with him, while nude.

  “Lie down and put the blindfold on.”

  Once more, Ava followed instructions. The heat in her cheeks rivaled the hottest sun. When her back came to rest on the soft cushion, she did as she supposed she should, bringing her feet together and grasping the pegs on either side of her with her hands.

  “Scoot down a bit and relax your legs some more,” Edmond said in the same tone a doctor would use. When she didn’t move right away, his hands came to rest on her hips, tugging her into position.

  She let out a little squeak. An instant later, his hands were on her inner thighs, pressing against them to have her open up more. She didn’t want to think about the view he had of her right then, but it came into her mind regardless. Thankfully, his hands were gone the second she was positioned to his liking.

  Soft ticking sounds came from the side, then at her back, the cushion moved. Her chest rose as the clicks continued. As odd as the position was, it wasn’t uncomfortable.

  “Beautiful. With any luck, I’ll have a bonus on my pay this week thanks to you,” Edmond said. Before she could ask him about it, his footsteps faded as he walked away.

  A minute passed, then another. The urge to squirm intensified as the tingles on Ava’s already throbbing clit deepened with the heat of the sun’s rays on her body. As much as she appreciated the moments alone with her thoughts, she couldn’t help imagining the men who would soon be walking along the circuit, examining women, touching them. A fresh wave of need coursed through her. As much as she’d resisted the urge to come up until then, her body was making demands she wasn’t sure she’d be able to deny for much longer. Maybe it hadn’t been such a good idea to hold back after all. One touch, and she would go off like a rocket.

  Rumbling voices drew her attention, silencing her mind and setting her heart to a galloping race. The viewing was about to start. As frightening as it was, she was glad to be there. Even if her mate turned out to be less than handsome, she would make a good life for them and any children they might have. As long as he treated her well and was willing to help her with her siblings, she’d be content. That was all that mattered.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, the viewing has begun. Make your way around the arena. Take your time. Sample them in any way you see fit, but remember, we are always watching. No harm must come to the Chosen,” a familiar feminine voice Ava couldn’t quite place rang out.

  Deep murmurs sounded, and footsteps neared. Ava couldn’t see through the blindfold, but each man’s shadow blotted out the sun for a moment as they came to her station, cooling her skin for an instant as they paused then moved on, not one of them lifting a finger to touch her. Ava lost count of how many times the males passed her by. She should have been grateful, but a lump formed in her throat, and her eyes burned behind the blindfold. It was the same thing all over again. Perhaps she wasn’t worth noticing.

  Soft moans sounded on either side of her, some getting louder with each passing second. “I’ll have this one,” a male called out from a short distance away.

  “This one is mine,” another man said.

  “I’ve made my choice,” the soft, husky voice of a woman called out.

  She would not cry, damn it. It was unheard of for a woman to be in the arena for only one viewing. She knew this. Many women remained at the Citadel for weeks before being mated. For all she knew, those who had been picked had been displayed for months already. This didn’t mean anything. She took a deep breath
and tried to relax. There was always tomorrow, and the next day if that didn’t work out.

  A huge shadow cast itself upon her then, sending goose bumps racing along her flesh and her pep talk out the window. The man stood there, unmoving for a few moments, and Ava couldn’t help but react. Knowing that the male could see every part of her had her nipples pebbling tight and a deeper throb pulsing in her clit. Right then, she didn’t care that there were so many people around. Her body was on fire. She would have begged the stranger to touch her and release the coiled tension in her body, but that wasn’t allowed. So, she did the only thing she could—she breathed through the need and tightened her hands on the pegs. One way or the other, she was going to make it through this.

  Chapter Four

  Damon strode alongside Axton as they made their way toward the female he already considered his. It had taken him all of three seconds with his dragon’s eyesight to locate her from across the arena. Some of the other men hurried forward like hounds on a hunt, but he had no need to rush. It didn’t matter if someone got to her first, he would stake his claim, and once he did, no other male would ever see her as she was now or lay a single finger on her body. Only one other male ranked his equal in the group, and he was already removing a buxom redhead from her platform across the way.

  “You can stop growling now,” Axton whispered as they neared the station.

  Damon raised his eyebrows. “Was I?” he grinned at his friend and settled the beast inside. Okay, so he’d been growling. If some of the men who had rushed headlong into the arena had figured out why and steered clear of his female, it only proved that they were smart enough not to anger the dragon. They were territorial and possessive beasts after all.

  Axton shook his head and glanced a few stations away for the fourth time since they’d stopped walking.

  “Go. If the woman’s yours, we’ll bring her home, too,” Damon offered. They hadn’t planned on taking more than one woman from the Citadel, but Axton worked his ass off for him and deserved the happiness of a mate.


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