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Rapid Pulse: A Limited Edition Spicy Romance Collection

Page 58

by Gina Kincade

  I clicked reply:


  OK. OK. I give. I have no interest in a husband or children at the moment. I'm young and also just looking for someone to hang out with. I love Seoul's night life, so maybe we can go get some bibimbap and a beer sometime.


  I thought about the rice and vegetable dish and my stomach instantly began to growl. I really needed to order some food. I pushed the laptop onto the couch and padded to the kitchen to find the number of the delivery place I wanted. A quick call to the lobby was easy. They translated my order and it was on the way. MMM...bibimbap was by far one of my favorite Korean foods. I did tell them to hold the kimchi; it always made my loft stink for days. Even after it was gone the smell lingered like a ghost.

  Food handled, I slipped on some pajama pants so as to not scare the delivery guy when he arrived, then went back to the couch. Seoul's twinkling skyline was breathtaking in the daylight and even lovelier in the dark. I gazed at the lights for a little while before settling back in with my computer.

  His response was waiting for me:


  I would love that. Tell me when and where and I will be there.


  P.S. You aren't a serial killer are you?

  He made me laugh via the internet, and I hoped he could make me laugh in person. Guess we'd see.


  Meet me tomorrow at the Monkey Beach in Habunchan and we can see where the night takes us.


  His response was brief.

  See you there. 8pm.


  I smiled and sat back. I hoped this went well. It was about time I did something with a man that wasn't Jeremy. Despite how annoyed he could make me, he still had the power to knock the breath out of me with one look. I needed to get over that.

  Chapter Three

  She wore those shoes again. Those shoes that made me want to run my tongue up her calf. I think every woman has a pair of those shoes and for some reason Tonya seemed to only wear them to work. I wished she would stop. I wished I could stop wanting her and move on.

  I could see her in her office on a conference call. Her hair hung loose around her face, reminding me of the times when I would use that hair to control her. The feel of it wrapped around my fingers was imprinted on my memory forever.

  Ever since Mr. McGregor sent her here I couldn't get any work done. All I could think about was how close to me she was, and then my thoughts would spiral to the gutter.

  I needed to speak to her again. I picked up the report from my desk and headed toward her office. I could hear Camille's voice and I realized Tonya was on Skype with her. I entered slowly so she would notice me, but she didn't even glance up. Most of the morning had been filled with reports, but now that the afternoon was slowly shining through the windows, I needed a break. I closed the door behind me, sat down and regarded her across her desk.

  She still held me captive with just a look. I could feel the air squeezed from my lungs. It was exactly like the first time we met; the day I walked into that board meeting, the one I was definitely not supposed to be attending.

  Everyone had turned to stare and I had stood frozen, transfixed on her. I'm sure everyone assumed it was her presentation I was admiring, but no. That woman could make a pencil skirt look like lingerie. I backed out of the room quietly, but the moment the meeting was over she was on my ass quicker than I could run away.

  She accused me of ruining her presentation, and then told me I had to take her to dinner to make up for it. Okay, the brief was in front of the entire board of trustees, but she was Tonya McGregor, so no one would have fired her for my interruption.

  The way she dragged me out of the building by the elbow and forced me into her was love at first beating.

  She softened up over time, but the way I felt only grew. Every minute I spent with her, I wanted her, and every second away, all I thought about was her. I guess most would consider me whipped, a sap, but how many men would kill to have the attention of a woman like Tony?

  The flash of cleavage as she shifted behind her desk took me back to the first time we had sex. It wasn't the longest romp we ever had, but it was fun, exactly how it should have been. A week after we started dating we went back to her place and I laid her out on her dining room table, chairs thrown to the ground, skirt hiked up around her waist. She had a way of making me want to put her on top of things, including myself. The curve of her back as it bowed in pleasure, the sigh she made after she came, all things that would forever be etched in my memory. I got hard just remembering the trail of marks her teeth left down my neck that time, the one of many to follow.

  I caught the last part of her conversation, and that drew me from my reverie; apparently she had a date for tonight. I wanted to scowl, but kept my face blank. I needed to get back on equal footing with her.

  "Oh gotta go Cami, I'll talk to you later. Love you."

  She hit the end button and finally looked up at me, those blue eyes capturing me from the inside out once again.

  "I brought this report your father wanted you to sign." She eyed it, and then took it from me carefully, reading the title page. It was a lame excuse but it got me here. I walked around the desk and leaned in. She could smell me and I knew it; my cologne had always been a huge turn on for her.

  I wanted her yesterday, and I wanted her today. It was tomorrow she had the objection to.

  "Tony, I want you." I whispered in her ear. Her shiver was enough to give me the green light and I captured her earlobe gently between my teeth.

  "Tell me you don't want me and I'll leave."

  I licked the lobe and bit it again. Then I moved down her neck. Her perfume aroused my senses, turning me on even more.

  I spun her chair around so she faced me. She didn't move, but merely watched me, waiting to see what I would do. I reached down and lifted her by the hips, picking her up, depositing her on the edge of the desk. The exact place she'd been when we stopped yesterday.

  I slid my hands up her body to her face and captured it. Slowly I leaned in, making eye contact, waiting for her stop me, and I kissed her. Kissed her exactly as I wanted to since I saw her this morning. I knew she was the woman for me because no other woman had ever made me feel this way, never aroused me with just a glance.

  Her mouth tasted like cherries. I kissed her hard and long. When I released her mouth I leaned my forehead against hers, still holding her face.

  "I thought you said it was over," she whispered.

  "I just can't seem to stay away from you. I even moved across the globe and we somehow made it back to each other."


  "No, don't. I am not going to talk about it again. I promise."

  She seemed to relax at my words and I pulled her into my body. Her legs automatically wrapped around my hips. I could lay her back and take her right here, and no one would know, no one would care.

  I ground my erection against her center and she gripped the back of my suit jacket hard. I moved my face to her neck, planting tiny kisses along its column. Each breath I could hear coming from her in a pant.

  "I want you to think about me."

  "Ok," she said, distracted.

  I pulled back and ran my hand down over her breast. I held myself in check. I wanted her more than anything, but even more than that; I wanted to make a point. Just like there was no other woman for me, there would never be another man for her. She arched against my hand, throwing her head back. I could feel her heat through my pants. I kneaded her breast once more before sliding my hand down her body. I stopped at the hem of her skirt, allowing her the chance to say no, but she grabbed my hand and placed it on her thigh, where her skin was exposed. Clear enough for me. I ran my fingers along her thigh until my hand met her damp panties.

  Staying upright when I wanted to get down on my knees and taste her was difficult. I reminded myself of the point I was trying to make here. I touched her through her und
erwear and she jerked against my hand, now holding on to my arms in a death grip.

  I massaged her clit slowly through the wet fabric and soon she was grinding herself against my hand, her breathing heavy and erratic.

  I leaned in, so she could rest her forehead against my chest. She had to hear my heart beating as fast as hers. I held her head with the other hand and continued my ministrations. I didn't go inside her panties, I didn't need to. I knew exactly how to make her come against my hand just like this. I knew she was getting close. I whispered again.

  "I want you to think about me..."

  "Uh huh," was the only response.

  In a few moments more she groaned, and I could feel her body twitching against my hand. I slowed and gently massaged her, bringing her down from the high. She lifted her head and looked at me.

  "I want you to remember how easily I can do that when you let him touch you tonight."

  As soon as the words were out I released her completely, left the office, headed back to my own, and closed the door. I started to shake from repression of my own needs. I clicked the lock and grabbed a towel by my bar. I was already releasing myself on the way to the couch. I gripped my dick in my hand as I sat down. The image of her body wrapped around mine came to mind easily as I touched myself with short easy strokes. It didn't take long before I came, the scent of her body finally causing my release. I could smell her on me now, on my suit, and my hands. Clean-up was quick, and I unlocked the door before sitting behind my desk.

  My point had been made; I knew tonight she'd be thinking about me when she was with him, the man who didn't deserve her.

  Chapter Four

  I was ready to leave after Jeremy's display of control. I couldn't think of anything else to call it.

  He must have overheard me talking to Camille, and he knew I had a date tonight. He always wanted to show me how much better my life would be with him. The man knew how to use his hands and after years of being off and on he definitely knew how to touch me. What he didn't know was that his touches meant nothing. I cared for him, and once upon a time I was in love with him, but not anymore. He made it clear we would only be together on his terms and they weren't terms I was willing to accept.

  I grabbed my bag and headed out the door, my heels clicking on the marble as I paced in front of the elevators. I hadn't decided exactly how far I would go with Steve, but I definitely wanted to get home, so I could be groomed for anything. I also had to joint-Skype Camille and Lucy so they could yay or nay my outfit for the evening.

  My driver whisked me through the city faster than usual, and I barely even looked at the sights as he drove. All I could think about was a new experience, a new adventure, and I was so happy to finally be getting rid of Jeremy and his clever hands.

  Once inside I ran to the closet. I had about three hours left and about ten hours' worth of grooming to do. I hit the shower first, divesting myself of all unwanted hair, washing the day away in the process, definitely not contemplating Jeremy and how I would have let him drag me to the floor this afternoon. I hated that I wanted and loathed him so much at the exact same time. Once finished in the bathroom, I sat at my vanity and fixed my makeup. Just as I was finished, my Skype rang and I ran to my laptop, still in my underwear.

  "Girls," I shouted the word out when I saw them. Of everything about the U.S., I missed them the most. Lucy was looking stunning today – no surprise, since she was a fashion designer in NYC—and Camille looked effortlessly flawless. She was a wine buyer for a prestigious restaurant chain out of L.A. but also made her home in NYC. We all met one night at a bar and had been best friends ever since.

  "When do you get to come home?" Lucy shouted into the computer screen.

  "You don't have to shout Luc, we can all hear you," I told her.

  "Well......," she demanded.

  I hung my head. "I don't know. I guess whenever my father lets me come home."

  'I don't know why you are staying, just come back. Luc will give you a job," Camille said.

  I smiled at them. Despite my father's temper and weird rules, I was supposed to inherit The McGregor Firm and I would, no matter what it took.

  "Would you leave your wine, Cami?"


  "Then don't ask me to leave my job. Despite my father and my differences I love my job and I won't give it up."

  "Fine, so...who's the guy?" Luc asked.

  "What do you mean, who's the guy?"

  "Oh come on...don't give us that crap, you're wearing your 'get lucky' panties, we all know you have a date and it better not be with Jeremy."

  I felt heat flood my face, thinking about Jeremy's hand against me. I wished I didn't want him.

  "I took your advice Cami. I went online and found a nice, very sexy guy to take me out tonight."

  "Oh? What's his name?" Luc asked.

  "His name is Steve and he looks so much like Tom Hardy I wanted to hump my computer screen when I saw his picture, especially the shirtless one he sent." I could eat that boy up. I sent a silent prayer to any and all powers that be to make my date go well.

  They giggled and I thought about the last time we were all together. We took a trip down to Pennsylvania wine country, toured some vineyards, and ended the night in Harrisburg. Even the classiest hotel the city had to offer couldn't come close to New York, but with all of us together, it was magic. We ordered room service, gossiped, and stayed up all night, as if we were teenagers having a sleep over. Well, except with a large amount of wine.

  Every moment of that trip was seared into my memory. I replayed every smile, laugh and hug whenever I missed them.

  "I need to come home. I'm going to talk to my father tomorrow. I miss you guys too much. Cami, when do you get back?"

  She looked down at her desk. "Next week."

  "Fingers crossed we will all be back in the city in no time. I know what I can say that might change his mind, and if I can't, I know what to say to Jeremy to make him beg my father to take me back."

  "You need to stay away from him, Tony. He's got it bad for you. I don't want either of you to get hurt again."

  "Don't worry. I'm handling him." More like he is handling me.

  "Let's talk about the clothes," Lucy interjected.

  Oh, right. I totally forgot I wanted their approval for my outfit. I ran to the bed and grabbed what I had thought about and bounded back to the computer, my breasts barely contained by the lace cups of my bra.

  I tilted the computer screen back so they could see the dresses up against my body as I modeled each one. The first was a black dress with a lace cutout in the back. Next, was a white dress which had a pleated skirt. Finally, the last dress was a red sexy number that hugged every curve tightly, not that they could see that with me just holding it up.

  "Wear the black one" They both said it in unison, and then burst out in a fit of giggles and virtual high fives. I shook my head and set the other dresses aside.

  "Black it is then. Well, I need to get ready. Love you guys. I'll talk to you tomorrow; let you know how it goes."

  They both blew kisses at me and hung up. I slid my fingers down the monitor, already missing them. It hurt my heart to be away from them for so long.

  I hopped up, adjusting my bra back in place, as I went back to the bedroom to pick out my shoes. I paired the dress with some bright gold sequin pumps and matching clutch and I was out the door. As my driver drove me back through the high walls the city created around the car, my nerves began to climb. I hadn't been on a proper date in a while.

  Korean nightlife isn't like American nightlife. Neon signs are everywhere, bars lined up in one large area as opposed to single bars here and there, like a mall for bars. The glow of the signs illuminates the area and the people rush past in throngs all dressed to impress.

  I made my way inside Monkey Beach and sat at one of the tables that surrounded the dance floor. We would have to go somewhere quieter to talk, but I wanted to see how he reacted to this place. People came to Monk
ey Beach for the dancing and to get drunk (they literally sold alcoholic drinks in buckets). The floor is lined with neon lights and the bar hands out glow sticks with every order.

  I watched the Koreans dance around me, completely apathetic toward the white girl in their midst. Mostly they just ignore me unless I did something wrong, in which case they yell in Korean. I can never understand them, so it's never a big deal. I do accounting for many high profile Korean celebrities, but most of the country speaks English so I've never had a problem.

  I sat at the table with my bucket. It wouldn't be hard to locate my date when he entered, thanks to the fact that the club was the size of a shoe box and it was still pretty early. Even so, his entrance dazzled me.

  He was hot. Like, take me here and now sort of hot.

  I was in trouble.

  I surveyed him as he made his way to the bar. He hadn't seen me yet. I watched him move. He had a sexy confidence, and he definitely knew he was good looking. He wore dark jeans, converse and a T-shirt: glad I dressed up. Oh well, surrounded by a culture who wears tights and shorts everywhere, I was safe from fashion judgment.

  He noticed me quickly enough and I watched him walk toward me. I never actually got that sentiment, men smoldering, until that moment, and he did a damn fine job of it. I wanted to lick him to see if my tongue would sizzle. Once he sat down with his own bucket I looked him over again, it just couldn't be helped. He was a head taller than me sitting down. I racked my gaze up and down his body.

  "Finished yet?" He leaned in and yelled in my ear. He had an accent, Australian, and I almost came in my panties.

  "Not quite," I yelled back, never letting my gaze leave his long lines and hard muscles.

  He chuckled and sipped his drink, letting me look my fill. Finally, I had to make conversation.

  "Let's go. Your place," I grabbed his hand and practically dragged him out the door to the car.

  "You have a driver?" He asked while I shuffled him into the back of the black Lexus.


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