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Rapid Pulse: A Limited Edition Spicy Romance Collection

Page 70

by Gina Kincade

  They hadn't been in his room a second before he drew her against his chest and brought his mouth down in a hard, punishing kiss. Her gasp of surprise allowed his tongue to thrust deep into her mouth while his hands ran greedily over her body. His hands gripped her hips and pulled her against him fully, the hard length of his cock pressing into her stomach. He didn't let up kissing her. His tongue slid along hers in dance that mimics sex a little too much. So, much so that she could feel herself getting hot. It was overwhelming. Too much, too fast, especially after the way he had acted. This wasn't a kiss, though. This was a branding, pure and simple. It caused her temper to flare hot, but there was nothing she could do about it with his firm hold on her. Just when she thought she'd pass out from lack of oxygen, from the intensity of his kiss, he released her abruptly.

  Unprepared for this, Lucy wavered on her feet before commanding her feet to support her. She took a step back immediately, her breath still coming in harsh pants.

  Before she could move too far away from him, he reached out for her again. This time, he moved too fast for Lucy to react. He should have been too big to move that fast. He basically threw his weight at her. His arms came around her, trapping her arms by her sides as she felt her body tip backward. She hadn’t realized that she had been right in front of the bed when he tackled her. She landed on her back with him fully on top of her. He had caught most of his weight on his hands, but that was small comfort when she remembered why she was mad at him.

  His full-length was now pressed against her. She squirmed, trying to get out from under him, but she was no match for his muscled body. When he got one leg wedged between hers, she knew she was going nowhere unless he let her. She had been in this position many times in their dreams, and she usually enjoyed it. Today, it just reminded her of one more reason she was mad at him.

  Using his advantage, he spread her legs and pinned her with his hips. She pushed her hands against his chest and was startled by the warmth of his skin. Sometime, in the last few seconds, he had taken off his shirt, and she hadn't noticed. She swallowed a groan at the unfairness of it all. She was her angry with him, but her body didn't care. It was practically singing for him to finish what she had never allowed anyone else to. Despite the fullness of her dress, Lucy could feel his hard cock pressing into her softness. She went still. The feel of him there made her feel vulnerable, more vulnerable than she'd ever felt in her life. She denied to herself that she was excited as well.

  “Get off me,” she said, avoiding his eyes. She knew what she would find there.

  “Look at me.” It was a command she ignored. He blew air out of his mouth with force then proceeded to pepper kisses over her face. He inched towards her ear. She gave an involuntary shiver when he licked the curve of her ear and whispered, “I can do this all night. Look at me.”

  Hesitantly she nodded and turned her gaze to his. His dark eyes were hungry...hungry for her.

  “Get off me.”

  He gave a wolfish grin. “Not a chance. We’re just getting started, darling. Now,” he leaned further into her to get more comfortable, “why don’t you tell me why you left me without a word?”

  She shifted uncomfortably under him. Now that he had broached the issue, she felt embarrassed to talk about it. No! There’s nothing wrong with wanting more, she insisted to herself. Ryan watched the expressions play on her face, and she suddenly felt guilty when she saw the hurt he let show on his face momentarily before it was gone. She had no reason to feel guilty, she told herself. He was the one flirting with all those women, not her.

  Ryan moved, grabbing her wrists and pinning them up over her head. He transferred both wrists to one hand and held her as she struggled with this new position. There was a stubborn look about him

  To her shock, she realized that some very basic part of her trusted him at the deepest level despite the things she had heard him say and the way he had treated her. The revelation held her in place more surely than his hand on her wrists.

  He leaned forward and placed a light kiss on her forehead, then rained more tiny kisses all over her face. Lucy squirmed beneath the onslaught. Whatever she'd expected, it hadn't been tenderness. She remembered his warning about making him jealous. She assumed the warning came with consequences, but she hadn't experienced whatever the repercussions were yet.

  He placed a seductively gentle kiss on her lips, then trailed more kisses to her cheek. His lips were soft and gentle against her skin, and the kisses heated her blood. He trailed more tender kisses to the edge of her mouth, and she turned her head toward him without thinking.

  As his lips touched hers, she felt the heat that simmered underneath the surface between them. For now, she could tell he kept a very tight control over his passion, but that didn't prevent her from answering the hunger that she knew was just underneath, waiting for her to rouse it. He teased her with his lips then his tongue, giving her the passion she desired then taking it away. His tongue stole in and out of her, sliding and inviting. Soon, their kiss caught fire, turning hungrier. When Ryan finally gave her room to take a breath, his eyes were so dark that they looked black. His breathing was just as harsh as hers. And he was staring at her hard. She knew the expression on his face because she felt it mirrored on hers. She felt as though he had taken something from her that she would never be able to get back. She was as rocked at this moment as he was.

  He smiled at her as he placed a fingertip to her lips and traced them. Suddenly he reached for something on the bedside table. She only had a moment to gasp at the short knife in his hand before he grabbed the top of her dress and ripped it open, down the front, with it. The sound of the material coming apart in his was a shock. He pulled the ruined dress from under her and tossed it off the bed. Lucy then felt the cool air on her sensitive nipples. She gasped at her bared breasts. The way the dress had been designed, she hadn't needed to wear a bra. Now, she gasped as she thought of something else he would soon discover. She had worn no panties, as her way of flipping him off, even though he was not supposed to have seen it.

  “I loved that dress.”

  “I’ll get you another,” he muttered, sounding distracted.

  She felt Ryan’s eyes on her face. She nearly gasped again at the passion in his eyes. But when he looked at her breasts, he looked like a man who had long been denied food or water for days without end. He looked hungry. Her nipples hardened at his gaze. She watched him lick his lips as he stared at them. “Beautiful,” he murmured as though mesmerized.

  Pushing the fabric out of his way, he gasped when his eyes caught on her lowered half.

  "You naughty girl!" He growled. Closing his eyes, he took in deep breaths. "You don't know what you're doing to me. Keep those hands there, he commanded. Taking the knife again, he leaned over the side of the bed where he had tossed her clothes; she hears the sound of ripping cloth. He came up with a thin piece of the fabric in his hand. Dropping the knife back on the side table, he leaned back over her. Reaching for her hands completely, he bound them together and tied them to the headboard while she watched in almost a state of shock.

  “Ryan,” she whispered, a little afraid.

  "Shhh," he placed an overly gentle kiss between her breasts. Her heart was pounding furiously. He had to feel it when his lips touched her. Lucy felt his warm lips and shuddered. Her nipples were tight, and her breasts felt swollen. She tried to shut her legs, but he was between them.

  “This isn’t necessary,” her voice trembled as she spoke, and though she convinced herself it was fear, she knew, she was aroused. Being bound, her breasts thrust out, aroused her.

  “It is. You still haven’t told me why you ran out on me.”

  “I can’t tell you what you need to hear.”

  Ryan kissed along the curve of her breast, tracing it with his lips and tongue. When Lucy shivered in response, he muttered, “On the contrary, you will tell me everything I need to hear.”

  Lucy felt the warm trail of his tongue along the underside of h
er breast and swallowed a moan. It was so unfair. Her nipples had always been incredibly sensitive.

  He was intentionally avoiding them, leaving her in suspense, teasing her. The sensual torment was incredibly pleasurable and frustrating. She fought to dim the sensations, to somehow mute and control what was happening, but then the moist, velvety heat of his tongue rasped her right nipple, and she cried out. It was too much.

  He licked around her nipple. She was practically shaking now, the blood rioting through her veins. When he switched to her other breast and gave it the same thorough torment, she began to yank hard at the bonds holding her hands.

  He licked her nipple again and muttered, “So sensitive. I could play with these sweet nipples for hours. It feels so good, doesn’t it?” It felt like pleasurable torture. “I just want to give you pleasure, darling. Let go for me and feel it. Stop thinking.”

  Lucy shook her head from side to side. She wanted pleasure but what he was asking for it was too much. “Stop tormenting me. You know what I want.”

  Ryan opened his mouth and placed it over her nipple. The wet heat surrounding her nipple was almost too much sensation, but she needed more. She arched toward him. As if to reward her for her cooperation, he drew the tightened point fully into his mouth, sucking on it gently. Ansley bucked, her whole body reacting to that pressure. It felt so good. Better than she could have imagined. He sucked harder, and she moaned louder this time.

  Slowly, he released her nipple. “That drives you wild, doesn’t it? I’m going to find out everything that drives you wild.” He kissed over to her other breast. “I’m going to find every sensitive place, Lucy.”

  He sucked her nipple into his mouth greedily. She felt that pull all the way to her womb. It was too much. She tugged on the bonds harder and desperately begged, "Stop. Wait a minute. I...oh god stop just a minute..."

  "No!" And then he brought one hand up. As he sucked on her right nipple, the hand went to her other breast. Capturing it between his thumb and finger, he gently rolled and tugged. His mouth worked greedily, sucking her in rhythm with his hand. She felt like her whole body was burning. Her head went back, and her eyes shut tight. He was destroying her. Control was sliding away, and she tried to focus, to block out what was happening. Who was she kidding! She had given over control the moment she allowed stepped into his room, willingly or not.

  Her body was on fire, burning with need. “Please...”

  He swirled that maddening tongue around her nipple. “Tell me why you left me when you promised you wouldn’t.”

  Through the haze of desire, she clung to reason. “No...never promised...stop...”

  He nibbled and teased, but his voice sounded rough and strained. “Wrong answer.”

  He released her nipples and nibbled his way down her chest to her stomach. She knew where he was heading. And she needed him to slow down before she lost it completely. "Please. This...ohhhh that feels good Umm, I don't want you to..." Ryan's tongue probed her belly button, and she gave a strangled moan.

  His voice was hoarse. “Relax and let go. I want to taste you. And you want that too.”

  She shook her head. “No. I don’t want that. I want you to stop.” She tried to buck him with her hips, now that he was further down, but his large hands held her in place. It was the most intensely vulnerable she’d ever felt in her life, with Ryan there between her legs, holding her hips down as he looked down at her. She could feel his gaze and his hot breath against her soft pussy.

  “Liar. I’m never going to stop.” Then he slowly licked her inner thigh. “Stop resisting, Lucy. Think about what I can give you.”

  He licked her other inner thigh, even higher. “Tell me, why did you run away from me.”

  Lucy could feel those big hands holding her, could feel the whisper of his breath, hovering. Her body was all sensation, and her mind was shutting down. She struggled to think. "I can't. Let me go.”

  He said, “Wrong answer...again.”

  And then she felt a long, slow, swirling lick around her clitoris. She pushed her head back harder into the bed and yanked on the bonds wildly. They held tight. He placed a hot kiss against her sex and then she felt him groan. The vibration seemed to go right through her. She moaned helplessly.

  Each teasing lick was like a flame. The pleasure was so

  intense she thought she'd burn up with it. He sucked her clit gently into his mouth, and she moaned louder. The feel of his mouth and his tongue laving that swollen bud was too much. The tension inside her was coiling tighter and tighter. She ached. She arched until her entire body felt tight with it. She tried to pull back from him, but those big hands just pulled her closer.

  She couldn’t escape. He kept licking her, each lick and suck pulling her closer to the edge of pleasure and pain. She couldn’t stop him. She couldn’t stop the pleasure. It went on and on until she lost all sense of time and place. Her whole world had narrowed to that tongue moving between her legs. She whimpered, shaking and moaning. She could barely hold back the scream building inside her at the back of her throat. She needed to let go.

  She hovered there on the edge of climax. Finally, she reached her breaking point and begged, “Stop. Please. Oh god. Please. I need you.” She needed him to fill her, to fill that emptiness and thrust deep inside.

  Ryan raised his head, "Yes." She was never happier to hear one word. He moved upward until his hands were beside her head. She felt the broad head of his cock probing at her opening and nearly cried with relief. There was pressure. He was big, and she suddenly remembered his size. She was wet, so wet, but the broad head of his cock felt huge against her.

  She opened her eyes, and he was looking down at her, sweat beading on his forehead. He murmured harshly, "Relax for me, darling. Take me in."

  She gave a helpless moan, too incoherent to form any real response. He rocked back and forth, pushing into her, sliding deeper each time. Lucy tried to relax her inner muscles, but he was stretching her, relentlessly as he made his way inside.

  He paused, leaning down to kiss her mouth gently, although it looked like the effort cost him dearly. Slowly, he withdrew. She cursed him with every curse she knew. He better not leave her like this or she would have no control over what she did. He smiled at her glare. Staring down her body, then to the wet, sticky place between her legs, he began to stroke his cock. The sight aroused Lucy too much. She groaned.

  “Get on your knees,” he said hoarsely, his thick cock, wet with her juices, saluted her. She hurried to take him into her mouth, not caring about her taste on him. At this point, she didn’t care about anything but having him inside her one way or another. That was enough for now.

  When her full lips closed over the head of his cock, she closed her eyes, as near to bliss as he had let her. He gave a hoarse shout as she slowly began taking him all the way into her throat. She had never felt more aroused in all her life as she knelt before him and took his cock into her mouth. She was naked, with her hands tied behind her. She could imagine the picture she made. Her once artfully styled hair was in unruly curls around her shoulders. Regardless of her complaints about him, one thing was true; he needed her almost as much as she needed him. She was done questioning if he would ever love her. For now, she would let her love for him be enough.

  She only hesitated a brief moment before she took him all the way into her mouth until the tip of his cock reached the back of her throat. Her decision helped her along as she immersed herself in pleasuring him. For some reason, his arousal and pleasure at her doing this fuelled her arousal. She took him in, then out again. Faster and faster, again and again, deeper and deeper. Her eyes closed on a groan as she sucked him off, seductive moans erupting from the back of her throat.

  “Oh Jesus,” he muttered, as he grabbed the back of her head, tangling his fingers in her curls as she sucked on him. “Faster,” he gritted out, his breathing increasingly labored, “Make me cum, baby.”

  She sucked on him faster, concentrating on sucking hard on
his ruby red tip every time she pulled her lips to his tip. She sucked his cock up and down, faster and faster. Lucy could hear the slurping sounds she was making, the arousing way she kept moaning while she sucked him off. She couldn't help it. She looked up at him and found him watching the long, thick length of cock disappear into the warmth of her mouth over and over, again and again.

  He closed his eyes on a growl, gritting his teeth as he spurted his cum down her throat. He groaned as she drained his balls dry, frantically sucking him while her lips squeezed his length to everything.

  “Swallow it all, baby,” he said hoarsely, his hips thrusting toward her. His breathing heavy, he cradled her head close to him. He shuddered as she sucked one final time at his tip before letting him out of her mouth. She closed her eyes, feeling somehow replete just from pleasing him.

  “Have you been practicing, Lucy?”

  Her eyes flew open at the accusation, and she couldn't hide the hurt that blossomed on her face.

  “If I had, it would be my business, not yours.” She jerked away from him and to her feet. But he didn't let her get away as he dragged her to himself with a growl.

  “Tell me.”

  For a few seconds, Lucy was so angry at him she would have said the most hurtful thing in her head in response, but she remembered her promise to herself. Besides, something in his tone told her there was more to the conversation than control and revenge. There was a something in his eyes. Vulnerability? His features hardened once more before she could decide.

  “Only in my mind...with you.” She pushed against his chest feeling more alone as she admitted, “The sight of you, the feel of you near me. You’ve ruined me in my dreams and reality. How could I want someone else? Besides, you only need a doctor to confirm that I’ve never been with another man before.”


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