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Rapid Pulse: A Limited Edition Spicy Romance Collection

Page 160

by Gina Kincade

  Her arms instinctively slid around his neck and held him just as fiercely. Suppressing tears that threatened to shatter her, she whispered, “How?”

  Tyler set her back on her feet, smiling down at her. “I finally got my shit together, thanks to Josh.”

  Malea’s gaze shifted to Josh, who looked curiously at them. She just smiled and let her gaze drift back to Tyler. “I can’t believe you’re standing here.”

  “I can’t believe you.” He smirked, giving her a once over. “You look different, Lea,” he said, tugging on a long lock of straightened hair.

  “Four years is a long time.”

  Still smiling, he nodded. “And you look all grown up.”

  She rolled her eyes. Yes, she was younger than he was, and maybe back when she was barely twenty, she appeared a bit younger than his twenty-five years.

  “Well, I’m legally in the bar this time,” she joked.

  Laughing, he pulled her to him once more before they both took seats at the high-top table.

  Jenna’s gaze drifted over them as she pointed at the newcomer. “So you’re the infamous Tyler?”

  Tyler winked at Malea. “You’ve been talking about me?”

  She shrugged and grabbed her drink. “Maybe a little,” she admitted before taking a sip of the refreshing minty concoction.

  She lifted her gaze to Josh, who was still eyeing them curiously. Shaking his head, he commented, “I knew your name sounded familiar, but he always calls you Lea when he talks about you.”

  She grinned and looked to Tyler. “You’ve been talking about me?” she asked, echoing his words.

  “All the goddamned time. Josh knows you were the only one who stood by me... then you disappeared. Now I know where you went.”

  She bit her lip and tilted her head. “I couldn’t stay there any longer,” she whispered.

  He nodded. “I don’t blame you.”

  Sighing, she looked to Josh. “Small fucking world.”

  Josh nodded, lifting a bottle of beer to his full lips and tipping it back, his gaze remaining on the reunited friends.

  Chapter Four

  It was like a dream, her best friend and the man she’d pined over for years was standing in front of her, his hands resting on her hips as they swayed to the music. Even more dreamlike was the hard body pressed to her back as Josh moved along with them. When the song came to an end, she reluctantly moved back to the table and slugged down a gulp of her drink. Jenna was back behind the bar. The night had picked up, and the crowd was thickening as they passed the midnight hour. Trent and Ollie both stood as she returned to the table.

  “We’re heading out. Your purse and drink are your responsibility again, Miss Malea.” Trent winked, kissed her cheek, and said good-bye to the guys.

  “Have a good night.” Ollie leaned in close to her. “Stay out of trouble.”

  Malea grinned. “Always.”

  Sliding back onto her stool, she set her attention on Tyler. “So are you convinced? Are you going to move to NOLA?”

  Ty smiled. “I already moved. Josh and I are searching for a place. His tiny, one-bedroom apartment doesn’t quite work for two of us.”

  She looked to Josh’s guilty face. “You said you needed help convincing him to stay.”

  He had the good sense to look embarrassed as he grinned at her. “I stretched the truth to keep you here.”

  Malea shook her head. “You know, I still have some of your stuff,” she admitted, looking back to Tyler.

  He tilted his head and arched a brow. “I told you to sell it all, to help pay for the rent when I got locked up.”

  She shrugged. “I didn’t feel right about it. Anyhow, what are you guys looking for in a place?”

  “Something simple, at least two bedrooms and two baths. Something close to here would be nice, but we can’t be picky, since we only have five days to find a place.”

  Shocked by the tight timeline, she repeated, “Five days?”

  “Yep,” Josh confirmed. “I couldn’t sign another year-long lease, so I gotta get out.”

  Malea nodded, finished off her drink, and hopped from her stool. “I have an idea. Come with me.”

  They exchanged curious looks, grabbed their coats, and followed.

  Malea stopped at the bar and caught Jenna’s attention. “We’re heading out.”

  Jenna grinned like the Cheshire Cat. “With both of them?” She wagged her brows.

  “Don’t start. Have a good night.”

  Jenna winked, watching the threesome exit her bar.

  TEN MINUTES LATER, Malea slid the key into the lock of her front door. Turning the knob, she pushed the door open and hit the lights. Shrugging out of her jacket, she tossed her keys into the bowl on the table and hung her jacket on the coat rack.

  “Come on in,” she said, heading to the living room.

  Flicking on the lights, she was again greeted by Bastien’s kissing noises. “Hey, boys,” she called, earning her a “hello” from Bastien and a meow from Jabba.

  “Holly crap, is that Jabba?” Tyler asked, moving to the couch and picking up the fat tabby.

  “It sure is.” She smiled as the tabby purred and head-butted Tyler’s cheek.

  “I think he remembers me,” he said, scratching under Jabba’s chin.

  She laughed. “Of course he does. You guys want something to drink?”

  Tyler set the cat down, and he and Josh followed her into the kitchen. She pulled a couple of bottles from a cabinet and set them on the island bar with shot glasses. Tyler reached for the Patrón Silver and poured them each a shot.

  Shooting it back, Josh smiled at Malea. “Is he the cause of your love for Patrón?” he asked, nodding his head towards Tyler.

  Malea took her shot and nodded. “Yep. Now let me show you guys something.”

  They followed her up the stairs, both watching her closely. “Lea?” Tyler said her name in question. “Where are you leading us?”

  “Does it matter?” Josh muttered.

  Glancing over her shoulder, she smiled at them. “Just wait.”

  She stopped at the first of three doors, pushed it open, and turned on the lights. A nearly empty room greeted them, only a few random boxes sitting in the open closet. She moved into the room and disappeared through another door. The guys followed her through a large bathroom and into another spacious, empty room.

  “They’ve been empty since I moved in... I never really knew what I wanted to do with them. I figured one would end up being my office since there’s a guest room downstairs, but my room is huge and all I need for an office easily fits in there. They’re yours if you want them, permanently, or while you look for another place.”

  Tyler grinned. “Almost like old times. I’m totally down.” He looked to Josh questioningly. “What do you think?”

  Josh nodded. “I think this could be fun.”

  “Do you have to clear it with your landlord?”

  Malea shook her head. “Nope, this baby is mine. I’ll even give you one hell of a deal on the rent.”

  Ty grinned and slung an arm around her shoulder. “This is cause for celebration.”

  “I see lots of Patrón in our futures,” Josh quipped.

  Ty laughed and shoved his shoulder. “And you’re gonna love it,” he said before bounding out of the room and down the stairs, calling for Jabba.

  Malea looked to Josh, who shook his head. “Do you have any idea what you just got yourself into?”

  “You’re the wildcard in this situation. I know damn well what he’s like to live with.”

  Josh’s lips curled in a sinfully sensual smile. “He’s the saint—I’m the sin.” He winked and headed out of the door.

  Heat pooled low in Malea’s body... what the fuck was she stepping into?

  Chapter Five

  “Remind me again why I’m stuck making your damn bed?” Malea asked as she climbed over the king-sized mattress to tuck the soft sheet in against the wall.

  Josh laughed. “
You said you wanted to help,” he called out as he and Ty headed back down the stairs.

  It was true.

  Josh and Ty had stayed the past couple nights, bringing loads of boxes in, but it was the last day before Josh had to be out of his place, and now they were moving in his and Ty’s furniture—which she learned was all in a storage unit not far from Josh’s old apartment.

  Blowing a loose lock of hair from her face, Malea grabbed the flat sheet and kept making Josh’s bed. Rolling off the edge, she reached for the bedspread and finished her project as the boys brought in a large, six-drawer dresser. Taking a seat on the freshly made bed, Malea watched as the two men maneuvered the heavy piece of furniture into place, biting her bottom lip as their muscles strained and flexed under the weight of the solid oak piece.

  Finally setting it down, their gazes landed on her.

  “What?” she asked innocently.

  Both men shook their heads as Ty reached for a pillow laying on the wood floor and chucked it at her face. Catching it, she stretched out on the bed and tucked it under her head.

  “I am done helping,” she said with playful petulance.

  Josh arched a brow, and then looked to Ty. “I’m sort of enjoying that sight.”

  Ty groaned. “Mm, I think I’m jealous. Time to haul my damn bed in,” he said before heading out of the room.

  Malea forced the air in and out of her lungs, trying not to read too much into the comments.

  She wasn’t sure what she had gotten herself into. Over the past few nights, she had more than she’d ever dared to hope for. It had been as if no time had passed since she last spent time with Ty, and Josh was a breath of fun and fresh air. She was truly having the time of her life. She only hoped her heart wouldn’t fuck it all up.

  THE BOYS WERE ALL MOVED in and settling into their new space. Malea opted for ordering in rather than cooking for their first official night at the house. Sprinting up the stairs, she stopped by Josh’s door and peeked inside. He lay on his bed, arms folded behind his head.

  “Hey,” she said softly, drawing his attention.

  Lifting his head, he smiled at her. “Hey, what’s going on?”

  “Just ordered some dinner. I need a shower, but there’s cash on the entry table. Will you listen for the delivery guy?”

  He smiled, one side of his mouth lifting slightly higher, giving the smile a sexy twist. “You sure you don’t need help in the shower instead?”

  Blushing because she couldn’t help it, she shook her head and fought for the strength to respond with her own bravado. “Not this time, I’ve got a detachable showerhead. It hits every spot I need.”

  Josh clenched a fist over his heart and threw his head against the pillow. “You’re a tease,” he accused jokingly.

  “Just honest,” she called out as she headed across the hall to her room.

  Quickly showering, Malea twisted her wet hair into a messy bun on top of her head. Pulling on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, she layered some mascara on her lashes and gloss on her lips before heading downstairs.

  Ty and Josh stood at the island, serving up plates of the Creole cuisine she’d ordered. Spice and warmth filled the room, causing her stomach to growl.

  Ty grinned, not looking up from the bowl he was filling with gumbo. “Hungry, Lea?”

  She shrugged and took a seat on one of the stools at the island that separated the kitchen from the dining room. “Famished—you two ran me ragged.”

  Both grunted at her. Ty slid the bowl of gumbo to her while Josh set a plate with salad and bread next to it.

  “Well, eat up then. We can’t have you wasting away.”

  With their own plates made, they joined her and dug into their meals.

  “I’d like to point out that you passed out and napped on my bed while we finished bringing Ty’s stuff in,” Josh noted before taking a bite of his seafood gumbo.

  “Your bed is damn comfortable.”

  He grinned. “I know—how do you think I keep it warmed?”

  She smiled and shook her head. “I’m sure the ladies are jumping in it for other reasons.”

  “Question for ya,” Ty said as they continued to eat. “Why is there no TV in the living room?”

  She smiled. “I can’t believe it took you this long to say something about that.”

  “Well, it’s a little weird, but I figured I could wait a few days before trying to change something in the main area of the house.”

  She shook her head. “We can put a TV in there... I really only watch a couple of hours a week, and I do it in my room. Most my free time is spent reading.”

  “Isn’t that still kind of like working... it’s sort of research, right?” Josh asked.

  “A little.”

  “So we know you’re a writer... but what do you write about?”

  “I write romances,” she answered, but she kept her gaze locked on the bowl of food in front of her.

  Ty grinned. “Yeah, I know that, but what kind of romances?”

  “What do you mean? Like are they historical or paranormal?”

  “That and how romantic are they... is it word porn?”

  She scoffed, feeling her face heat slightly. “They are paranormal, and they are... graphic.”

  “Really?” Josh chuckled. “Maybe we should skip the TV and you can just do a reading for us.”

  “I don’t think so.” She took the last bite of her bread and stood. Moving into the kitchen, she loaded her bowl and plate into the dishwasher.

  “So what are your plans for the rest of the night?” she asked, leaning her hip against the counter.

  “We were both thinking beer and TV... but we don’t have ours set up yet.” Ty grinned at her.

  She sighed. “Fine, you two can invade my space.”

  “I was wondering if she was ever going to let us see her room.”

  Rolling her eyes, Malea headed out of the kitchen and up the stairs with Josh and Ty following behind. Pushing her door open, they were greeted by dark walls, a large canopy bed—adorned with black-and-red satin bedding—antique furniture, and a large window dressed with red silk and black sheer fabric.

  “So not what I was expecting,” Ty noted as he entered the room. “You have changed,” he said, making his way to the bed and flopping on the soft covers. “Do you really have a TV in here?”

  Nodding, Malea walked to a massive, carved armoire and slid open the cabinet doors, revealing a large, flat-screen TV. Grabbing the remote next to it, she tossed it to Josh. “Make yourselves comfortable. I’ll be back.”

  “Where are you going?” he asked as he settled on the bed.

  To hell... Her mind was out of fucking control thanks to the sight of the two of them eating up most of the space on her bed.

  “I’m full and ready to not be wearing jeans,” she said, snatching some clothes from the chair near the door to her bathroom.

  Chapter Six

  With a deep breath, Malea exited the bathroom dressed in yoga pants and a tank top. Moving to the bed, she stopped and stared at Ty expectantly.

  “What?” he asked, setting his beer down on her nightstand. She smiled, seeing they’d both grabbed coasters from the kitchen.

  “Scoot.” She gestured with her hands for him to move over.

  He laughed, sat up, and hauled her over him, depositing her smack dab between the two of them. “That’s your spot.”

  She wasn’t going to argue—this was a sandwich she was fine being the filling for.

  “When do you guys have to get back to work?” she asked, reaching for the throw blanket at the end of the bed and snuggling into the warm microfiber.

  “Our next job isn’t until after the twentieth.”

  “Right on... Do you want to go to a Krewe Ball on Fat Tuesday?”

  Josh arched a brow in surprise. “Who’s Krewe?”

  “De La Fontaine. They do a huge masquerade ball every year. Jenna and I have been attending since I first moved here.”

masquerade ball?” Ty questioned. “Really?”

  She smiled. “Yes, really. Trent and Jenna are going, and I can add you two to the guest list. It’ll be fun... a night of debauchery all funded by the De La Fontaine’s.”

  “I’ve heard they go all out... I think it’s fancier than you’re letting on.”

  “Maybe a little, the women get all dressed up in ball gowns, the men are usually in tuxes or suits, and everyone wears masks. There is dancing and an open bar. They usually have entertainment of some kind... I don’t know what they are doing this year, but it’ll be fun.”

  “Well, I’m in,” Josh said. “I’ve always wondered about the Krewe Balls.”

  They looked to Ty expectantly.

  “Come on, Tyler, please.” Malea nearly begged.

  “Fine... I don’t own a suit though.”

  Malea patted his thigh. “That’s okay; the place I bought my dress from has suits. We can go get you fitted tomorrow.” Looking to Josh, she asked. “What about you? Do you need a suit too?”

  Ty scoffed. “He looks like a hard ass, but he’s preppy at the core. I bet he has a couple of suits in his closet.”

  Malea sized up the man next to her. In the long-sleeved shirt that hid his tats, he simply looked gorgeous. There was no sign of the edge that made her believe his comment about being sin. “Oddly enough, I can imagine you in a suit.”

  “I clean up rather well.”

  Malea laughed. “I have no doubts about that.”

  SUN FILTERED THROUGH the drapes of her room. Malea stretched, her back arching and pressing her chest against a hard body. Stilling, she cracked her lids and was greeted by the chiseled features of Josh’s handsome face. His dark hair fell across his cheeks and forehead, and a soft smile pulled at his lips.

  “Morning, gorgeous,” he mumbled.

  Malea smiled and croaked out her own, “Morning.”

  A heavy arm fell over her side, pulling her back against another hard chest.

  “Go back to sleep, Lea... it’s too early.”


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