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Rapid Pulse: A Limited Edition Spicy Romance Collection

Page 169

by Gina Kincade

  I’m tempted, but in the end I shake my head. “That might work for us, for a while, but I have the feeling it wouldn’t suit Stace. And besides, this feels different, James, at least to me. This feels like it has the potential to develop into...something.”

  He nods quietly. I’m not telling him anything he doesn’t already know. I surprise myself as much as James when I burst out, “I’m mad at her for not at least giving us a chance beyond that one night.”

  He briefly touches my thigh. “I get it, T. I feel the same way. But at least we’ve still got each other.”

  “True.” We’ve always had each other, and I know that will never change. I love James, and I know he loves me in return. It was just that this time, with Stacey, I thought maybe we might have the opportunity for something more. I hoped for so much. We sit in silence, sipping our beers and watching the sun go down. “It has to be her decision,” I continue at last. “If there’s any chance at all that she might want to see us again, she’ll have to come to us.”

  James shrugs, his eyes reflecting uncertainty.

  We need patience. It was such a brief encounter, but the effect of her presence—and now her absence—is ongoing, and it hurts.

  Chapter Eight


  I can’t believe it’s been two weeks since that night. Meeting Teale and James changed everything. It’s as if that night presented me with a crossroads decision for the future, and somehow I managed to choose the wrong path. Since then it feels as if I’ve been marching in the opposite direction to where I should be headed, but turning around would mean committing to something I’m not sure I’m ready for.

  How can one night of sex have such a lasting impact? It’s crazy. I hardly know them, and they certainly don’t know much about me beyond what I’m like in bed.

  I left the city to escape the judgmental looks and censure from everyone I know except my two sisters. Everyone. Without my sisters I might not be alive today. I didn’t let on to Teale and James, but my depression became so severe after the boys left that I ended up in hospital. It’s been a long hard journey since then to try and re-establish my place and my purpose in life. I set up here in Peaceton precisely because it is somewhere completely different from everything I’ve known in the past. I wanted to start fresh, among people who don’t know me at all. People who aren’t going to judge me.

  Logically, I know that one of the reasons my ex and my kids now live on the other side of the country is because I strove for perfection above all else. Because I chose image over reality. Because I cared, too much, about what the outside world thinks, to the detriment of my family’s needs.

  And now, I’m doing it again. Pushing Teale and James away because I’m scared about what people might think. I sit here in this rural location, living alone and working an online business that allows me to be part of society without direct face-to-face connection. Because it’s so much easier to liaise remotely than try to deal with real flesh-and-blood people. It’s the perfect life for a recluse, and until I met Teale and James, it was the perfect new life for me.

  But it isn’t, anymore. From the moment I met my sexy neighbors I began to fall for them both, and in that unexpected development I became someone more than a recluse. I became someone who has been given a rare second chance at life. Someone for whom the possibility of a loving relationship is suddenly no longer a pipe dream. But in order to explore that faint possibility for happiness, I’m going to have to face everything I’m afraid of. Do I have the courage to carry through with it? Do I have the inner strength to drop my guard and let them in? I don’t know. I simply don’t know.


  “Delicious as always, Jamie. We’re lucky to have your cooking skills for the fair every year.”

  I hand out another plate to those crowding our stall, and smile at the elderly woman who has just taken a second bite of my carrot cake. “Couldn’t leave it to Teale, now, could I, Rosie? You’d never raise any funds off of his cooking.”

  A burst of laughter breaks out around us and I slant a look toward Teale. He rolls his eyes dramatically before continuing to cut and plate up cake as fast as he can. We do this every year at the local community fair, and our stall is always popular. I like to think it’s my cooking skills that attract everyone, but Teale always says it’s ‘cos everyone is fascinated by the idea that two muscled mechanics can actually bake cakes and muffins. Well, one of us can, at least. Teale’s strength lies in serving them up. And eating.

  He starts to hand me another plate, but it drops out of his grip and falls to the ground before I can save it. I open my mouth to ask what the hell, but he’s staring over my shoulder as if he’s seen a ghost. From his reaction, I know instantly who’ll be standing there when I turn, but it’s still a shock when I see Stacey in the midst of the crowd around our stall. My heart kicks right up into my mouth and straight back down again. Holy crap. All I can think, when I see her trying to worm her way through to the front, is how good it felt to bed myself deep inside her accommodating body. I loved being inside her. It felt so fucking right. My cock twitches in an ill-timed reminder and I shift uncomfortably, trying to tamp my physical response back down.

  She’s so tiny it takes a bit of time to force her way through the crowd. Enough time that I can remind my lungs it’s okay to start working once again. “Um...” I swallow, unable to say anything, tongue-tied and praying for some kind of deliverance from this acute anxiety that flares the moment she reaches our stall table.

  Teale, as always, is ahead of me in that respect. He stops cutting cake and steps forward to position himself by my side. We stand arm to arm, a solid unit facing our nemesis across the stack of cakes. The woman with the potential to wound our pride, and perhaps our hearts.

  Stacey. Please don’t reject us again.

  She stares from me to Teale and back again, her mouth working convulsively, and though I can appreciate how nervous she must be, I heed Teale’s silent message to wait. He’s right. Anything that transpires from this moment forward has to come first from her, and we need to be patient so that our response will be the right one. For all of us.

  “I was wrong,” she says, and then swallows hard. “Can I...” She glances at the people around us and then back to Teale. “Do you mind if I announce it?”

  It? What does she mean? I turn my head just in time to catch the flare of joy that radiates from Teale’s fixed gaze. He gets it, whatever it is. He starts nodding, and his fingers interlace with mine behind our cake mix-crusted aprons. “We’ve never hidden who or what our relationship is, Stace. Everyone here knows, and we’re comfortable with whatever it is you’d like to say.”

  Oh! That “it.” Is she really... My heart starts pounding even harder, and sudden excitement rushes through my veins. I gesture for her to come around the table. When she’s finally standing between us, Teale and I each put an arm around her. As if they can sense something important, the crowd nearby falls silent. They’re ogling the three of us, curious at what’s about to happen.

  Stacey clears her throat. “I have an announcement.” There’s an edge of tension in her tone and I give her a squeeze of encouragement.

  Go girl. You can do this.

  “A community announcement, I guess, seeing as how this is a community fair.”

  Teale adjusts his grip. We’re both holding on so tight she’s never going to escape us now. We’re here for you. You’re not alone.

  “So. Yeah. My name is Stacey Gamble, and I think a lot of you know me as the ‘soap woman’.” She pauses to look down at the ground, and then lifts her chin, facing them all. “I want to thank you for welcoming me in to your community these past few months. Peaceton is a lovely place to live. I also want to let you know that Teale and James and I, well, we’re...” She stops, and then blurts out in a rush. “We’re kind of...seeing each other. Well, I hope we are, anyway.” Her face turns bright red as she speaks, but she’s still holding her chin high. I want to laugh at her awkward wording
, but I’m so fucking proud of her in this moment that the urge to laugh fades to nothing. Her rapid breathing flutters against me.

  “We are,” Teale confirms in a loud tone.

  I nod too, before leaning in to whisper in Stacey’s ear, “We’ve got you, babe.”

  She flicks me a quick glance. “I know,” she says, and I feel her arm creep around my waist. It feels right. She faces the crowd again. “I want to be with them...if they’ll have me...but I won’t do it in secret. Even if it breaks all the rules of what people think is right. So...” She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, then turns in our arms so that she’s speaking directly to us and no one else. “I’m falling for you both, Teale and James. I can’t choose between you, and in truth I don’t want to. I’d like to see where this goes, all three of us together, and I hope you feel the same—”

  She doesn’t finish. She can’t. Teale and I embrace her so tightly there’s no room left for words. I press a light kiss on the top of her head, as does Teale. We deliberately keep it chaste in deference to the crowd, but there’s a spark that flares between us at the moment of connection. Oh boy. This could be the real deal.

  I’m vaguely aware of cheering, and when we turn back to the crowd there’s a sea of smiling faces and clapping hands. I squeeze Stacey and she lets out a tiny squeak. “See?” I tease. “Not as hard as you thought, was it?”

  She elbows me in the ribs. “It was much harder than I thought, you damn rascal. They’ll probably be talking about us for the next ten years. But I’m so relieved. No more secrets.”

  “And...happy?” Teale’s tentative query floats quietly through the air and she nods vigorously. I’m nodding too, positive this big grin splitting my face looks stupid. I can’t help it. I can’t contain my happiness.

  “Oh yes!” Her smile breaks free at last and it’s radiant. “So very happy. It’s different this time. I’m not alone. I have you both by my side, and to be honest there’s no place in the world I’d rather be than right here, right now, with the two of you. I can’t wait to spend more time with you. Learn more about each other, and...see where this goes from here.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Teale says.

  “Sounds like a damn good plan.” Stacey punches me gently in the arm as I echo Teale’s words. He hands me a plate of cake, and then passes one over to Stace, and together, the three of us turn back to the crowd to continue our task of raising funds for the community. Together. I like the sound of that. Big time.

  DID YOU ENJOY BREAKING THE RULES, Jennifer Lynne’s ménage romance in her FORBIDDEN series? If so, please consider leaving a review at your place of purchase, and check out the full kinky series (including erotic tales about spanking, bondage and voyeurism) at her website. If you’d like to keep abreast of Jennifer’s writing news and never miss a new release, please sign up for her author newsletter.

  About the Author

  Jennifer Lynne is an award-winning author who writes short contemporary romance, sometimes sensual, often erotic, and occasionally with paranormal elements. When she’s not writing, Jen is working in the admin day job, running around after the family, pampering various cats, and trying to find a smidgen of time for her husband. She lives in Melbourne, Australia.

  Jennifer is published with Evernight Publishing, Red Sage, and formerly with Breathless Press. She has also been on an indie journey with the publication of her popular GODS OF LOVE romance series featuring erotic Greek gods and modern-day mortals in need of sexual healing.

  WANT TO CONNECT WITH Jennifer? She loves to hear from readers and fellow book lovers. She can be contacted via her website, or sign up for her e-newsletter to be in the running for regular giveaways, and never miss a new release.


  Other Titles by Jennifer Lynne

  Forbidden Series

  Marriage Games (A Spanking Romance)

  Alpha Submissive (A Bondage Romance)

  Watch Me (A Voyeurism Romance)

  Gods of Love Series

  Platinum Passion (Ménage à trois - MMF/MFM)

  Aphrodite Calling (Transgender romance)

  Sex Club Secrets (Ménage à trois - MMF/MFM)

  Immortal Seduction (Ménage à quatre - MFMM)

  Demon of Envy (Erotic romance - M/F)

  Latest stand-alone titles

  Crossing the Line (Ménage à trois - MFM)

  Tempt (Billionaire romance)

  Living A Lie

  by Willsin Rowe

  WARNING: This is an MM Romance story, containing an all-male couple.

  ©Willsin Rowe, 2017

  Edited by Sassie Lewis

  Cover art by Willsin Rowe

  Fledgling executive Nathaniel has landed his dream job at the big end of town. The first step up from his impoverished upbringing, it means he’ll be working under Zac, the son of the CEO. And Nathaniel’s unrequited high school crush.

  In a corporation notorious for its intolerance, the two men are hopelessly drawn to one another, risking their careers and even their livelihoods. But when the only kind of honesty that works is “brutal”, it’s easier to keep living a lie.

  Chapter One

  The hum and hiss of traffic washed over me as I walked the last block toward the enormous Scanlon Towers. Home of Scanlon Corporate Clothing. Seventy floors of steel, concrete and polished glass, hulking over the rest of the city, peering like a disapproving preacher. Not for the first time, I pondered what it would cost me to take that first step inside. My self-respect, perhaps. My pride. Hell, maybe even my soul.

  I scaled to the top of the marble stairs and studied my reflection in the glass entrance doors. My daffodil-yellow silk tie suddenly seemed to be clawing at my throat. I should have asked Uncle Ross to tie it for me when I borrowed it. My own attempt was laughable. Honestly, what was the purpose of a tie? They seemed designed to choke a man, to cut off all communication between mind and body. To use discomfort to halt progress. They were nothing more than stilettos for dudes.

  Watching the ersatz version of me in the glass, I grimaced at my own display of nerves. It was a tiny gesture, to touch my hand to the useless scrap of fabric. In my mind, though, it told every single person on the other side of those glass doors exactly how out of place I was. Downtown boy with fanciful uptown dreams.

  To cover my nerves, I slid my mom’s cell phone out and called her land line. While it connected I pushed my glasses back up to the bridge of my nose. Mom answered on the fourth ring.

  “Anthea Ritson.”

  “Hi, mom.”

  “Nathaniel? Aren’t you meant to be at work?”

  “I am, mom. At least, I’m...almost there.” Again, I found myself worrying at that knot around my neck.

  “Aw, sweetie. Don’t you listen to those doubts. You hear me? You’re every bit as good as any Scanlon. Better, even. You know what it means to have nothing, so you fight harder for everything. And stop fidgeting.”

  “How did you know?”

  “Natey, I’ve known you since before you were born. And I’ve loved you just as long.”

  Mom always knew what to say. It was all I could do to stop tears forming in my eyes. “Thanks, mom. It’s all down to you.”

  She laughed at that. “Oh, now that’s bullshit, Natey. I had your back, that’s all. You had the dream, you chased it. But thanks for saying it.”

  There was a short pause, and even through the phone I knew exactly what she was going to say. Almost word for word. I tried to head her off.


  “I just can’t believe you’d go work there. After what the Scanlon boy put you through.”

  “He didn’t put me through anything, mom. It’s not his fault I fell in love with him.”

  “Oh, I don’t think it was love, Natey. You were too young for that. But he broke your sweet heart.”

  Mom knew a lot of the facts, for sure. But she didn’t know the story behind it. And now was not the time to go into it. “I better go. Don�
��t wanna be fired before I even begin.”

  “Who will never stop loving you, Natey?”

  “You, mom. I love you, too.”

  “All right, sweetie. I’d say good luck, but it’s Scanlon who’ll need it. You’ll be running the place in five years.”

  I disconnected the call and took a calming breath. Slowly, I scanned up as far as I could see, taking in as much of the monstrous edifice as I could. Since high school I’d been in awe of this building, and this company. It was a great success story. But I couldn’t kid myself that my obsession with the place was truly all about my ambitions in the world of business.

  There was also that inconvenient little matter of Zachary Scanlon. Son of the CEO. Best friend at school. And the kind of unrequited crush that could do a man’s head in. Yeah, I had a couple dozen ambitions outside of the business world, and they’d all revolved around Zachary Scanlon’s mouth and body.

  Thoughts of Zac—his tousled blond hair and impossibly goofy smile—gave me a buzz that hit hard, both north and south. It got my insides churning with want, and my head spinning with fear.

  When the marketing job came up at Scanlon I knew I was the man for it. Of course, my feelings for Zac had been a real roadblock. After school he’d headed off to make a token appearance at one Ivy League school or another before quitting and taking up the role everyone expected. Head of some department or another at his father’s company.

  I’d taken my excellent results and hit the local business school. For those years I made every effort to keep Zac out of my thoughts. But knowing he’d be in the same building as me had made me more than hesitant to even apply for the position. I’d be putting myself in the path of temptation...and right in the firing line.


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