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Rapid Pulse: A Limited Edition Spicy Romance Collection

Page 187

by Gina Kincade

  “You’re sexy as fuck. I like how you feel in me.” Her approval brought a healthy rosy hue to his cheeks.

  “Glad to please you, ma’am.” His voice sounded strained, but the tone was respectful.

  Still looking into each other’s eyes, Carol leaned forward, crawling up his body. This amount of foreplay usually rendered her drenched, but not today. So, she doubled the intensity of her stare to get more reactions from Richard that would trigger her own. A soft moan escaped his lips when her silk clad breasts brushed his cheek. He licked his lower lip and she braced herself for a flood invading her sex. Not so much as a few drops ran down her inner walls.

  What the hell?

  Something in her expression must have given her away, because Richard frowned. “Everything okay?”

  She nodded. She straddled his shoulders and brought her pussy down, inch by inch, until his full lips touched her curls. He blew cold air inside her, speared his tongue and licked her length once. Again, her body didn’t react with the deluge of juices she anticipated and she blamed her stressful last days.

  She reached behind her and fisted his dick, pumping him leisurely. Richard hissed and she looked down, smiling. “Do I make you uncomfortable?

  She almost lost it. For a flitting moment, Mark’s high cheeks and dark blue eyes replaced Richard’s concerned face under her and a raging wave of warm liquid flooded her pussy, dripping down to the top of her thighs. Richard lapped away at it, but she barely felt his tongue in her, wrapped as she was in disturbing visions of Mark Aikens pleasuring her. That wasn’t right, yet she couldn’t bring herself to stop them. It had been too long since she felt that good, since a warm human body brought her to the brink instead of her rubber toys. She craved that sensation of release, so she closed her eyes to better enjoy it.

  When she did, she closed her senses to the reality of Club Desire around her and Richard under her and surrendered to the fantasy of Mark in her bed. She pretended the silken tongue caressing her G-spot and the lips sucking her clit belonged to Mark. Her body reacted to that illusion with renewed enthusiasm, pooling more juices in her lower abdomen as her insides began to quiver. She gripped his shaft tighter, sliding her fist along his length, until a metal ring bumped against her finger. Opening her eyelids, she found out Richard had a piercing where his shaft connected with his balls.

  Illusion shattered, her body withdrew to minimal engagement, rendering Richard’s commendable efforts useless. He could eat her up until kingdom come, the stubborn pussy wouldn’t cooperate. That was a fact. Better put an end to his misery and take matters into her own hands.

  She cupped his cheek until he looked up at her. An unspoken question creasing his eyebrows. “That’s okay, Richard. You did well, but I’m not in the mood tonight.”

  “I’ll get you in the mood again, ma’am.”

  She smiled back and patted his face. It was a nice thought that wouldn’t come true. “Thanks for the sentiment, but it’s not gonna happen. Don’t worry, it’s all on me. You did nothing wrong. You were a very good boy, so much so I’ll take care of you. You earned it.”

  She crawled back on the bed and sat on her heels beside his narrow hips. She didn’t feel like giving him a blow job, that would be too intimate. She only wished to reward his good behavior, so she decided to go with a hand job. His pulsing cock indicated he was almost there. Her prediction was correct and a little more pumping sent his load shooting up in the air. She uncuffed him and sent him away.

  He stopped at the door and turned to her. “You sure?”

  She got off the bed and nodded. “Positive.”

  When the door closed softly behind him, Carol was left alone with her still neglected pussy. For the first time since she joined Club Desire, she didn’t get what she had come here for. Curiously enough, she didn’t feel frustrated or angry. In fact, this visit opened her mind to a few things she wasn’t aware of before or simply chose to ignore. Either way, the satisfaction she came looking for, the sex club couldn’t provide. She had already found it much closer to home, but refused to acknowledge it. Her only option was going after the source, the man who could make her come without touching her.

  “This means breaking all the rules, but Mark is worth it.”

  Chapter Five

  It’s been four whole days since Carol left for New Orleans. He should have gotten over what happened in her office that night they worked together. His body should have forgotten her touch. If anything, the sensory memories got stronger, tormenting him with what-ifs and daydreams that would never come true.

  It wasn’t for lack of trying, though. He went bar hopping every single night, hoping to hook up with somebody who would take his mind off the forbidden fruit. Nope. Nada. Zilch. He went home to his empty apartment, where he tossed and turned trying to escape Carol’s image until exhaustion won him over. Then, after a couple of hours of restless sleep, Mark would wake up to a monumental hard-on, no doubt resulting from the vivid X-rated dreams he had, starring his favorite boss. He would walk to the bathroom, legs curved like a cowboy’s, to jerk off in the shower. No matter how many times he repeated to himself during the day that he had no chance of having any kind of personal relationship with Carol, his nights turned out the same.

  Saturday night came and he went searching for that elusive person again. At his third stop, a hip bar on the Upper West Side, Mark believed his luck would change. The singles bar offered plenty of choices for him to sift through. His eyes latched onto a glorious mane of red curls, while anxiety grabbed him by his throat, making swallowing impossible and breathing, very difficult. When the woman swirled around, he was astonished to discover she was a he.

  Serves me right. I’d better quit looking for Carol everywhere.

  His eyes scanned the room again and settled on a stunning brunette sitting alone at the counter opposite him. She appeared oblivious to the chaos around her as she stared intently into a glass half-filled with an amber liquid. It resembled whiskey and, if he was right, she was drinking it straight. Tough girl, just the way he liked it.

  As if sensing his scrutiny, she lifted her face to find his eyes on her. Her lips curved slightly and she gave a curt nod indicating the stool on her right. An older man sat there. Mark didn’t get it. Maybe she meant the guy was harassing her. That didn’t seem the case, though. The man exuded boredom even across the room, making it clear he didn’t enjoy the place or the company. Then Mark realized the woman had indicated the man’s glass. It was almost empty.

  Grabbing his, he carved a path through the crowded place and got to the woman’s side just when her bored neighbor stood to leave. “Mind if I take this spot?”

  She grinned and replied, “Not at all.”

  Her voice rolled over his skin like velvet, while her subtle foreign accent added to her charm. “You’re not from around here, are you?”

  “A fairly safe bet, don’t you think?” She chuckled. “Or did my thick accent give me away?”

  “Yes, and not exactly.” He winked before adding, “I agree that there are more outsiders than New Yorkers in Manhattan. Feels like it, anyway. As for the accent, it isn’t thick at all. I’d say it’s a charming feature of your speech.”

  Her grin grew wider and she twirled a strand of hair around her finger. The gesture drew Mark’s attention and he wondered if it denoted flirtation or insecurity. He didn’t care, because he wasn’t looking for a dominant. In the past, he had had fulfilling experiences with women who weren’t into the lifestyle. It could happen. It had happened. A grand total of three times, maybe four. Not that he was counting.

  Still he gave it a try, but when his eyes zeroed in on hers and he spied her mellow nature on display for the world to see, his interest deflated like a week-old birthday balloon. The lukewarm embers in her golden eyes didn’t burn him. And Mark yearned to be scorched. He was searching for wildfire sparks like the ones he got every time he locked eyes with Carol.

  There she was again, sneaking into his mind when he le
ast expected, ruining his night. If he were to be honest, that was the reason he went home alone every night that week. Whenever he approached a woman that piqued his interest, she paled to a ghostlike figure compared to Carol and he walked away.

  Shaking his head in self-mockery, Mark squeezed the brunette’s hand that was resting beside her drink on the counter and whispered in her ear, “You don’t want to waste time with an ass like me. Believe me.”

  He turned around, intent on going home, but the ground fell from under his feet. Like an apparition straight from one of his nightly dreams, Carol stared at him from across the room. Seated at a table for two, she held her drink up in a silent salute and motioned for him to take the vacant chair opposite hers. His lips curved up in a wide grin when he approached the table and found a glass of red wine waiting for him.

  “Hope I got the year right.” She was establishing she had ordered the drink for him, as if he needed clarification.

  “I’m sure you did. The bartender knows me well.”

  “Your assumption being I asked for anyone’s opinion, correct?”

  God, I missed her. Apparently, so did his cock. It stirred to life at an almost painful speed.

  Sitting down, he leaned into her personal space and whispered in her ear, “I’d never assume anything about you.”

  He was done pretending, so the slight quiver of her shoulders and the hairs standing up on her arms were a welcome sight.

  “Good. Now drink your juice,” she commanded when he relaxed against his chair, but her sexy husky voice rolled over his skin like a caress.

  “I’ve got to say this. You’re amazing. You don’t need to sound mean to be authoritative. You’re a natural.”

  Her lips curved up and her eyes scanned his face, but she didn’t reply. Not for a while. When he began to feel uncomfortable under the scrutiny, she tipped her head to the left. “You know what, screw caution. Let’s do it.”

  His world tilted then turned upside down. Did he hear her right? Did Carol Sullivan, his lady boss, just inform him she was going to fuck him, in the most literal sense of the word?

  “Wait! What?”

  Did he say it out loud?

  “You heard me.” She cupped his nape and brought his head to hers as she leaned over the table. Their noses almost touching, she dropped her gaze to his mouth and enunciated her next words so he wouldn’t doubt her meaning, “Let’s get up, get a cab to my place and get dirty.”

  He almost came in his pants. She had the ability to turn him into a shivering adolescent with a couple of words. He could only dream about what she would do to him given the appropriate tools.

  On impulse, he dropped to one knee beside the round table, held her hand and bowed his head over it. “Your wish is my command, milady.”

  She speared her free hand through his hair, lightly scraping his scalp. He felt it right through to the tip of his throbbing cock. Leaning to whisper inside his ear, she promised, “I will fuck you so thoroughly you won’t remember your name.”

  They were out of the bar and inside a cab in record time.

  She barely finished dictating her address to the cabbie and Mark cupped her face in his hands, resting his forehead against hers. He licked her upper lip once, then her lower lip and gauged the effects. Her gaze focused on his mouth while she ran her palms up his arms, his back, then locked her fingers behind his neck. She waited. He slanted his mouth and covered hers in a chaste kiss intended to taunt. She didn’t bite his bait. When he withdrew and searched her eyes, she waited. He dropped his eyelids and grinned, pulling her face to an inch of his. He stopped and spoke into her half-opened lips, grazing them with his, his eyes returning to hers, “You taste so much better than in my dreams.”

  And he wanted more. He kissed her with the hunger that had built up since the last time they played. His tongue swirled around hers as she gradually stole control from him. He welcomed the change. Submitting to a dominant didn’t mean becoming passive. Any inflatable doll or rubber dildo would provide passiveness. For him, a great deal of it was putting his mistress’s needs ahead of his and surrendering his to her. He took pleasure in knowing his touch pleased her and if he pleasured her all the way to an orgasm, she would reward him. It was as uncomplicated as that.

  Except, nothing was that simple between Carol and Mark. He was aware of the possible ramifications of their little tryst tonight. He knew he could lose his job over a one-night stand. He couldn’t care less. Carol was worth the risk. His cock extended almost to a full erection just by kissing her. Granted, once she took over, the sweet kissing turned scorching hot make-out session pretty fast. Her hands were all over him, grabbing, squeezing and taunting his muscles. He reciprocated when his fingers snaked below her skirt and squeezed her round ass. He lifted it from the seat and onto his lap as she hitched his shirt up, not bothering to unbutton it, and clamped her mouth onto his nipple.

  “Oh, fuck!” He tried to thwart his cry and failed, but it was muffled by Carol’s mouth on his.

  He wished he could sink his dick balls deep inside her, but he didn’t want to put on a racier show for the cabbie. He resigned himself to the next best thing. As their tongues wrestled and her fingers tweaked his nipples, he reached between her thighs and hooked an index finger in the damp silk of her panties, moving it aside. Smearing the pads of two fingers in her juices, he inserted them up her pussy, rejoicing at the way her breathing hitched. Her tongue grazed the inside of his upper lip and her teeth sank on his lower lip when he crooked his index finger to tap a sweet spot on her front wall.

  Her body quivered from head to toe and she withdrew from his mouth, holding his shoulders at arm’s length and resting her forehead against his. He stopped moving his fingers, but kept them inside her, the warmth of her sex enveloping his hand, her pleasure dripping onto his palm. “I need a breather.” She stole a glance at the front seat before returning her intent gaze to his face. She smiled and his heartbeats thundered in his ear at the naughtiness in her expression when she confessed in a barely audible whisper, “I always thought I didn’t enjoy sex in public. One more rule you’ve made me break.”

  “Glad to help.”

  He leaned down to capture her mouth as he thumbed her clit. She exhaled heavily and grabbed his wrist, stopping the hand that was teasing her sex. “Better not. It’s tempting, but I don’t want to give the cabbie a woody.”

  “You did that when you hailed his taxi. You’re dressed to kill tonight. Your cleavage alone annihilated my inhibitions.” He tried to kiss her again, but Carol evaded his mouth, knitting her eyebrows.

  “I’m serious. Making out is fine by me, he must see that all the time, but coming on his backseat, I don’t think so.”

  He sobered up just enough to show her he meant what he was about to say. Fingers still buried deep in her wet pussy, he looked into her eyes and asked for something he wasn’t sure she was ready to give him. Hell, for all he knew about Carol, she might have never given it to another human being. “Trust me. I promise he’ll never know.”

  Her expression denounced a battle between conflicting emotions until curiosity mixed with something he couldn’t distinguish seemed to prevail and she offered him a curt nod. Without hesitation, he pinched a spot above her clit between his index finger inside her sex and his thumb outside her body. He closed his mouth over hers to conceal her moans as he pressed the sweet spot between his fingers. He shielded her body from the cabbie’s view with his broad shoulders. He cradled her between his chest and the seat as she shuddered in his arms, her pussy squeezing his hand, her lips softening under his. He released the pressure and waited for her tremors to subside before withdrawing his fingers from her warmth. He pulled away from their kiss just enough to lift his drenched digits to his mouth and suck her essence from them. Their eyes remained locked and their sighs mixed together in the quiet cab.

  She stole another glance at the driver and her face muscles relaxed. She focused her stare on Mark again. “Good to know you keep y
our promises.”


  “Preview was satisfactory. I can’t wait for the main show.”

  WHEN THEY GOT TO HER Park Avenue penthouse, the main show turned into a fuck-fest very quickly. They spent the night fucking their brains out in every room, including the cellar and the pantry. They started off by fucking up against the glass wall in the vestibule of the apartment, then proceeded to christen all ten rooms, except the playroom. Asked why, she had replied with a shrug, “You aren’t officially my sub. At least, not until we agree on the terms and sign anything, you’re not.”

  “I see.” Her nonchalant attitude didn’t deceive him. In fact, she fed his dreams by not saying she would never be his dominant.

  Her next words made his hopes soar. “Let’s reserve the playroom for a fitting celebration after we sign those papers. Agreed?”

  Instead of replying, he hoisted her legs to his waist, she locked her feet behind his back and giggled as he walked them to her room next door. The sound of her happiness made funny things happen to his insides and he tightened his hold on her butt. Good thing they had discarded their clothes throughout the apartment as they moved from one room to another. He was in a hurry to taste her.

  He knelt on the bed, still grabbing her ass cheeks, intent on laying her on her back, but she swiftly pulled away from his hands and slipped into Mistress mode. “Kneel on the floor, by the foot of the bed.” Her tone was gentle, yet offered no leeway for negotiations.

  He complied and she perched on the bed in front of him. “Good boy.”

  For a moment, she didn’t move or say another word, just locked stares with him. He thought she was studying his attitude or waiting for his next move, but it dawned on him she was giving him time to adjust to his submissive role. Up until that instant, they had dallied in the backseat of a cab, delighted themselves with a quickie up against a wall, but they hadn’t really fucked. They also hadn’t established their power dynamic. Both in the car and in the entrance hall, they chased a quick release as equal partners. As they got ready for a full-on fuck, establishing their roles was key to how things would play out between them moving forward.


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