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The Journal (Book 6): Martial Law

Page 16

by Deborah D. Moore

  “Everyone pitched in, Allex, even me,” Tom said. “Not that I wanted to lose my housemate, though I do feel better now that you are in town, close by and safe.”

  “The town ladies, led by Amanda, scoured the house a room at a time, and were finished in less than a day.” Jason gave his wife a squeeze. “And the men were more than happy to keep moving stuff until everything was here and in place, once I made some repairs. The only thing we didn’t change was the flooring. The hardwood is in good condition though, and I can refinish it later if you want.”

  “Everything in the cupboards and closets were washed before we put them away,” Amanda chimed in to reassure her mother-in-law. “Tufts’ litter box is in the laundry room for now. I didn’t know where you would want it.”

  Allexa nodded in acknowledgement, her throat closing when she tried to speak.

  After looking out the window to the backyard, Allexa found the back door and stepped out. There was her bird bath, with water running down through the miner’s pan, splashing into the chipped concrete bowl. Her miner had found her. A garden plot had been turned up and her few vegetables were in pots, waiting to be planted. She went back inside and turned to her family. “I don’t know what to say, except…thank you.” She wiped the tears away again yet they continued down her cheeks. “This is a lot to take in. I think I’d like to be alone for a little while.”

  “One last thing…” Eric opened the refrigerator and brought out a chilled bottle of champagne that Tom had found in his wine cellar. Rayn poured six glasses.

  “Welcome home, Mom,” Eric and Jason said together, raising their glasses.


  Allexa stretched slowly, running her sensitive hands down the soft cotton sheets, and opened her eyes. She focused on the unfamiliar ceiling, sat up with a jolt, and looked around. When her breathing returned to normal, she swung her legs over the edge of the soft bed and sat a moment. There was her dresser, and beside it was the brass hook that held her blue terrycloth robe. And she remembered.

  Tufts meowed from the doorway, bringing her back to someone’s need besides her own.

  “Breakfast time already?” she said to the cat. “I hope they remembered to bring some of your food,” she mumbled, making her way to the kitchen where the coffee was already brewed.


  Out of long habit from living without power, Allexa filled a large water jug from the tap and placed it in the freezer. Tonight, she knew the refrigerator would start to warm with the power off, and she would put the ice in to keep cool what little she had. In the morning, she would again rotate it, deciding some habits were good to keep.


  By noon Allexa had planted the rescued tomatoes, peppers, and green bean plants into her small plot. The paintings in the living room were rearranged more to her liking, her dirk was hanging in the hall now, and her underwear was back in the appropriate drawers.

  She was bored.

  Allexa grabbed the mail satchel from the Hummer and walked down to the Nuns Shoppe to check in with the sisters.

  “I’m so sorry to hear about Eric’s injury,” Sister Margaret said, her eyes shining with sincere sorrow.

  “As long as he takes it easy for a week or so, he’ll be fine,” Allexa said. “In all the excitement I forgot to bring you the mail we collected at Sawyer.”

  The nun scanned through the bag. “Not much correspondence, although I do see several magazines and catalogues. That will cheer everyone up!”

  “I’ve been meaning to ask how the mail is being delivered. Now that I’m back in town I could help.”

  “I do appreciate the offer, however, Sister Lynn has taken that duty. You know how much she loves to socialize with the townspeople.”


  “I don’t see why everyone is so worried about me,” Allexa said through gritted teeth. “I only want to dig up some of the herbs from my…the other yard.”

  “Your sons love you, Allex. We all do. And I don’t think you realize the scope of their anxiety when your house collapsed with you inside,” Tom said. “Give them some time to adjust that you are still as feisty and hardheaded as always.” He smiled. “And remember, it’s one of your own rules that no one goes anywhere alone. Harold volunteered to go with you, and I think he’s anxious to see what he might be able to dig up as well.”

  “Fine.” Allexa sat hard in the nearest chair with her arms crossed, scowling. “He better hurry, it looks like another storm is approaching.” Black clouds were circling to the west and approaching at an alarming speed.

  “I’m not sure we should be going anywhere, Allex,” Harold said, shaking a few raindrops from his jacket when he entered the town office. Without a sound of warning, the sky opened and a deluge of murky gray rain descended, filling the asphalt parking lot with muddy puddles. Moments later it stopped and the weak sun was shining again.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the sudden changes in the weather,” Allexa said. “Let’s go before it starts again.”


  “That squall must have hit only in town; this ground looks dry,” Allexa commented, emerging from her old Subaru. She opened the tall sliding doors to the big brown metal barn that was untouched by the tornado and found a shovel, a spade, and a couple of plant flats. “Spearmint is in the center of the yard, where the birdbath is… was. Oregano, thyme, and sage are at the other end where the greenhouse…was.” Her voice hitched slightly. She already missed all of it. She headed to the other side, near the garden.

  “What’s over there?” Harold asked.

  “Tarragon, chives, and catnip,” Allexa replied. “I’m sure Tufts will appreciate some of his stash.”

  “Your garden was really big,” he commented, admiring the fenced in area. “Are there any salvageable perennials in there? We might as well get all we can while we’re here.”

  “There are some strawberries, rhubarb, and horseradish I think we should take. I’m going to be selfish and take the asparagus for myself,” she said possessively and frowned. She wasn’t used to being selfish; every now and then it was good for the soul though.

  They dug and potted in silence for an hour, lining up the full containers near the back of the car. Allexa drew off some water from the nearly dry cistern and gave all the plants a light drink, then Harold carefully lifted each one into the back of the car.


  “What do you think of starting a new garden just for all the herbs?” Harold asked, unloading two of the pots they had filled at Allexa’s new home. “Maybe at the Inn, so Marsha has easy access for cooking?”

  “Good idea. Perhaps in the beds that held annual flowers. The ground is already turned, and I think it would look nice. I think I’ll keep the catnip though, and some chives for my yard,” Allexa replied. At the Inn she backed into a parking spot painted with yellow lines, silently laughing at herself for being so rigid. They emptied the back of the dark green car, with the exception of a few more pots. “You can handle this, right? I’m taking the rest of my stuff home.”

  Without waiting for him to respond, she left, leaving him staring after her.


  “I tried, Jason, I really did. Your mother doesn’t want to be involved with doing things with others right now,” Harold said. “I’ve seen this before, and it’s my opinion that she’s struggling with some depression. Not something unreasonable considering all she’s been through.”

  “I guess,” Jason replied. “It’s so frustrating for us. She’s done so much for us, always has, that we want to do for her now, and it’s not working.”

  “Your mother needs to be needed. She needs a goal, something to work at,” Harold said, wiping his hands on his work trousers. “Give her time. I’m sure something will come up.”


  Allexa sat at her desk in the township office, idly tapping a pencil against the spiral notebook. After breaking the lead tip for the third time, she tossed the pencil in the top drawer without sharp
ening it and wandered into the communication room where Emilee was involved with a very animated chat. She watched her granddaughter for a few minutes and felt a wave of pleasure at how the girl had grown in the last two years.

  “Who were you talking to?” Allexa asked when Emilee signed off and removed the headphones.

  “Oh, hi Nahna. That was my mom. If I had known you were here I would have asked you to say hello to her. She misses everyone.”

  “I’m sure she’s very busy,” Allexa commented.

  “She sure is. With all the flooding in Florida, they had to move the EOC to Atlanta! She still makes time for her weekly call to me though.” Emilee gave Allexa one of her brightest smiles.

  Allexa smiled in return, remembering the first time Emilee contacted her mother, Beth, on the ham radio. It was a joyous reunion for everyone. “I think it’s time for you to get back to class though.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Emilee scampered out the front door to her purple ATV and hurried back to school.


  “I didn’t know you were here, Allex,” Tom said, setting his notebook down on his wide oak desk. “I was out checking fuel levels.”

  “How are they holding up?”

  “We use by far more diesel than we do gasoline,” he replied, “but we still have a good supply of both, thanks to the monthly shipments from Sawyer.”

  “Good. I’m heading back home, Tom. Why don’t you stop over later for dinner? There are some things we should discuss about my trip with Eric,” Allexa said. She hadn’t yet had the opportunity to tell him about her “promotion.” She picked up her bike from where she had left it leaning against the building and pedaled slowly back to her house, never seeing what pulled into the parking lot shortly after she’d left.


  “Allex!” Sister Agnes called out when Allexa rode slowly past the Down Rigger’s building. “You have a letter from your sister.”

  Allexa leaned her bike against the building and joined the nun at the store’s office desk. “I guess I should have looked through the mail before dropping it off,” she said. The envelope displayed her sister’s flowery handwriting and she smiled, tucking the pink paper into her back pocket. Mail from her sister was very private and she wanted to be alone when reading it.


  Several military vehicles pulling into the township parking lot drew Tom’s attention away from his paperwork. Paperwork Allexa usually took care of.

  “What the…?” Two mossy green jeeps come to a stop, each with two passengers. The covered transport parked to the side and from the back, six soldiers emerged.

  Tom immediately stepped out of the low building. “What can I do for you?” he asked.

  One of them stepped forward and introduced himself. “I’m Captain O’Brian, United States Army, and we’re here to enforce martial law.”

  “We’re already under martial law,” Tom said.

  Capt. O’Brian stilled. He wasn’t military any longer and didn’t have any orders. This was the first resistance of any kind they’d come against during an initial contact. He thought fast. “Who are you?”

  “Tom White, mayor of Moose Creek. Again, what can I do for you?”

  O’Brian smiled. “Well, Mr. Mayor, the first thing we would really appreciate is something to eat and a place to bivouac. We’ve been on the road for some time now, checking and securing the citizens whenever we find pockets of survivors. It’s been a few days since we left the good people of Sidney and my men are tired and hungry.”

  “Of course. If you will follow me, I’ll take you to the Inn, where you will be fed, though it might not be much. Food is still scarce here.” Tom locked the office door and backed his car out of the parking area to lead the way.


  The ten soldiers pushed tables together in a corner so they could talk privately. Marsha Maki carried bowls and spoons to the men, while her husband Arnie set the tureen of soup in the center of the table. Returning with two platters of sliced bread, one for either end, she said, “This is all there is right now, but you’re welcome to it. There’s another storm moving in. I’ve been instructed by the mayor to offer you the five vacant rooms upstairs. There is a communal bathroom with showers on the same floor. Power is shut down promptly at nine o’clock.” She backed away and left when she saw two of the older men leering at her.

  “Stop it,” O’Brian growled. “We just got here. I don’t want you guys starting trouble right off the bat. Eat your dinner and be thankful for a hot meal.” He grabbed a slice of fresh bread and spooned the soup into his rank tasting mouth. He hadn’t brushed his teeth in days, ever since they were run out of Sidney and they had to leave precious supplies behind, including his toothbrush. He savored the warmth of the soup and longed for the days when the army took care of even the lowest ranking privates, like him.

  “Oh yeah, that’s right, Captain, you like yours younger. A lot younger,” one of the men laughed.

  “Shut up or I’ll kill you myself.” Although O’Brian whispered his threat, everyone at the table heard him and went back to eating the thin, hot soup.


  Allexa sat at her kitchen table and unfolded the battered pink paper from her sister. From the number of postal cancellation stamps on the front, it had taken a slow and circuitous route getting to her. She carefully opened the one sheet and read:

  She read the rest of the letter with a smile, since it was filled with idle chatter and family news. She pulled out a sheet of computer paper and quickly penned a reply. Folding it several times to create a self-envelope she set it aside, wondering when she might get to Sawyer next to mail it.


  Allexa set the bowl of homemade pasta on the table in front of Tom, who eagerly scooped some out onto his plate.

  “What’s the sauce?” he asked. “It smells good.”

  “A cream sauce made with powdered milk, flour, and chicken bouillon, plus a can of salad shrimp, and a couple of fresh green beans,” she replied, spearing one of the inch long pieces of beans. There had only been four, and cutting them small made them look like more.

  Tom looked up from his plate. “Harvesting beans already?”

  “Eric and Jason salvaged most of the plants from the greenhouse and split them between the three of us. I’ve got more planted, though it will be awhile before there’s anything worth picking.”

  They ate in silence for a few minutes. When Tom reached for another freshly baked and still warm roll, Allexa put her fork down.

  “I’d need to tell you about a few things that went on at Sawyer this last trip,” she began.

  “I figured there was something going on. What’s up?”

  “You know that during the trip Jim and I took last spring, he made me a lieutenant to protect me while on the military bases. My geeks created a classified file so my service looked kosher, and I accidently made myself a lieutenant colonel.”

  “Yes, it was an amusing story for the most part.”

  “This trip, for some reason, someone at the Pentagon issued orders and promoted me…to a full colonel,” Allexa paused while Tom coughed. “It certainly wasn’t my idea, Tom. I had to play along at that point to protect Eric. Sometime in the future, Major Kopley may show up here, and I will need to play the part.” She sighed, cradling her head in her hands.

  “Maybe you being a colonel now will help us with the military bunch that showed up this afternoon.”

  “What military bunch?” Allexa was alarmed. She had told, no, ordered Kopley to leave Moose Creek alone.

  “Shortly after you left the office they showed up, declaring martial law. I told them we were already under martial law, and set them up at the Inn.”

  “Why at the Inn? Most units travel with their own accommodations.”

  “With the current storm almost on top of us, they needed quick protection from the rain, Allex. And they were asking to be fed and I thought it was the polite thing to do.”

  “I suppose.” She chewed
thoughtfully on her lower lip. “I’ll meet up with them in the morning, after they’re rested.

  After Tom left, Allexa got in her car and drove the short distance to Eric’s house. The rain pounded heavily on the windshield, and she was soaked from the short dash from her car to the covered porch.

  “What brings you out in this downpour, Mom?” Eric asked, handing her a fluffy green towel he’d taken from the McMansion.

  “We apparently have new military in town. I need you to round up our remaining staff, Sanders and Ramirez, and of course Rayn, for a meeting. My house, at 0900 hours.”

  “You must be worried about this. You said 0900 hours, not nine o’clock.”

  “I am. Does Rayn know about my ‘promotion?’” Allexa asked.

  “Of course, Mom, she’s my wife. I don’t keep things from her.”

  “Okay, good. We’ll have to let Frank and Tony in on the deception so they can back me up if I have to pull rank. We know the only other colonel in the region is Jim.” She slipped her wet jacket back on. “Have you discussed a code with Emilee? Things could get messy in town if these new arrivals don’t accept us as being in control.”

  “Yes. She knows that if any of us mention Uncle Art, there is trouble, and she knows what to do from there.”


  Allexa made a large pot of coffee for the four that were showing up. Four, she thought. Five counting me.

  That was not going to be enough if this new troop had orders to take control. She paced the kitchen waiting for the coffee to finish brewing.


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