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One Last Chance_A Small-Town Romance

Page 26

by Nancy Stopper

She laughed. “Not until just now. Man, you are too easy. I can read you like a book. I knew the minute I spoke to Joey that you guys had something up your sleeve. A few well-chosen words and—”

  “Have I told you recently that I love you?”

  “Not in the last thirty seconds, no.”

  “Well, I do. I love you.” Their lips met as her arms snaked up his chest and linked behind his head. Her fingers tickled the back of his neck, the warmth spreading through him as she played with his hair. He kissed her again, heat sweeping through him as their tongues tangled.

  As much as he would like to, they couldn’t sit here making out like teenagers. Besides, there was a conversation still to be had. He broke the kiss and slid away from her. He couldn’t form a coherent thought when she touched him. “So, about the election…”

  “How does your manager think the race is going?”

  “Pretty good. He says we don’t have anything to worry about.”

  “But obviously you do, or we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”

  He sighed. He hated having to discuss this with her. “It’s Watkins. He pulled me aside at the station yesterday. He’s making our relationship an issue. If I can’t protect you, how can I protect the town?”

  She leapt from the bench, fire in her eyes. “What? How can he say that? Yesterday wasn’t your fault any more than it was mine.”

  Her logical reasoning didn’t matter to Watkins and the people who only listened to sound bites. Politics dealt with perceptions, not reality. “Whether or not he’s right doesn’t matter. All he has to do is imply I’m unfit and bring you up. It puts you in the spotlight. I don’t want you to be affected by his slander. He’s out of line, but there is nothing stopping him.”

  “I am a part of this race because you are. I love you and I stand beside you. If that means he throws a few tomatoes my way, so be it. I can handle him. I think you should know that by now.”

  His strong Rachel. Of course she could handle anything tossed her way. She’d gone toe-to-toe with him a number of times and had stood up to Shane. “I know you can, but you shouldn’t have to. You didn’t sign up for this election. I did. I’m more than happy to pull out right now in order to keep you out of it.” If she got hurt because of him, he’d never forgive himself.

  She planted herself in front of him, feet wide and hands on her hips. “You will do no such thing, Sawyer Truman. You are good for this town, and this town needs you. That blow-hole can spew all of the lies he wants. The people of this town know the truth, and I don’t think they’ll be swayed by the likes of Leon Watkins.”

  “As long as you’re sure.” What was he saying? Of course she was sure. A few slanderous remarks from Watkins would never frighten her. Hell, she was probably stronger than half the force.

  “I’m sure. I can’t wait to watch Robert swear you in as the next sheriff of Oak Grove. That title has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?” She slid onto the bench and snuggled up against him.

  He pressed his forehead to hers. “God, I love you.”

  She smiled. “I know.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  RACHEL KNOCKED AROUND the bedroom while she got ready for work. Chloe was resting in her bed and Sawyer was at the station, and for the first time in days, Rachel had a few minutes of peace and quiet. Since Shane’s attack, Sawyer, Joey, and Lucas had gone out of their way to protect her. Annoy her was more like it. She could never be alone. Sawyer “happened to be free for lunch” when she headed to work, or Joey “needed to talk to Sawyer… in person” at quitting time. Or the most absurd, Lucas “had to check the smoke detectors in Sawyer’s house” when Sawyer had to put in a few extra hours. At least Lucas brought dinner while he smothered her. As much as she loved her brothers, and Sawyer, she was going to explode if she couldn’t have a bit of time to herself.

  Enough was enough. Tonight she was going to ask, nope, tell Sawyer he’d better back off. Yes, he meant well, but she might as well be back in the trailer with Shane. But no one had seen that creep since he’d approached her down the street from Sawyer’s house.

  Chloe had come home from the vet the day after the attack and now rarely left Rachel’s side. They’d even had to move her dog bed into Sawyer’s room. Poor girl, she’d been the one hurt, and here she was, trying to protect Rachel.

  The phone rang just as Rachel dragged her J.J.’s T-shirt over her head. She answered without looking at the display. “Hello, Sawyer.”

  “How’d you know it was me?”

  “You mean, other than your ring tone? How about the fact that I’m getting ready for work and you’ve called every day this week at this time… or came home from lunch.”

  “Uh, that’s why I’m calling. Sort of. I’m working a case and I can’t get away. Can you call Joey?”

  “Sawyer, I don’t need an escort.”

  “But what if—”

  “Look, this is getting out of hand. I’m not a child. I’m a grown woman who can take care of herself. If you can’t see that, then we have bigger problems than my crappy ex. I can’t live like this anymore. You’re suffocating me.”

  He grumbled under his breath. “I can’t help how I feel.”

  “How about how I feel? Doesn’t that matter? Just because you think it’s for my own good does not mean it’s the right thing to do. Dammit, you’re no better than Shane.”

  His gasp echoed through the phone.

  She shouldn’t have yelled at him. No matter what he did, nothing was as bad as Shane’s abuse. “I’m sorry, Sawyer. I shouldn’t have said that. This isn’t like when I was with Shane. But I’m strong and I can take care of myself. Remember, the only thing we can control is our own actions. If you can’t keep this insane need to protect me under control, then I don’t know if this relationship is going to work. I will not live in that kind of situation again.”

  This time there wasn’t a breath from him.

  “Aren’t you going to say anything?”

  “I don’t know what to say. Now that I’ve finally got you, I don’t want to lose you. I don’t know how else to act.”

  “You need to figure that out. I can’t keep having this conversation. Listen, I’m already running late. I have to let Chloe out and head to work. I’ll call Joey when I leave and you when I get there. Will that make you happy?”


  “And Sawyer…”


  “We’re not done talking about this.”

  “Okay.” He hung up without even saying I love you. She must have really pissed him off. Good. It was about time he got mad about something. Maybe now they could have an honest conversation about how to be in a relationship.

  She shoved her shirt into her tight jeans, turning in front of the mirror. Not bad, not bad at all. The T-shirt fit well, maybe a bit too well. But she had nice boobs, and the T-shirt hugging her curves should be worth a few extra dollars in the tip jar.

  “Chloe, come on. Let’s go out before I leave.”

  The dog leapt from the bed, scurried down the stairs, and charged out the door. Rachel waited on the deck while Chloe sniffed around the grass before finding a good place to take care of her business.

  Chloe chased a butterfly and Rachel smiled at the bright, sunny day… until her skin prickled. She scanned the yard. Nothing appeared out of place. This was Sawyer’s fault. His paranoia was getting under her skin, but she refused to let that happen. She wouldn’t live her life in fear. “Chloe, come on, girl. I gotta get going.”

  Once Chloe was safely back in the house, Rachel headed to work. She’d barely gotten a mile down the road before she remembered her promise to call Joey. If she didn’t, Sawyer would send out the National Guard for her.

  “Are you on your way, squirt?” Her brother’s voice contained none of the worry that laced every word Sawyer spoke these days, but that didn’t mean the concern didn’t linger.

  “Yep.” She glanced at the clock as she rounded the corner. “I’ll be there i
n about ten minutes.”

  “See you soon.” He clicked off and she threw her phone back into the console.

  She cranked the music and opened the windows. The breeze blew in her hair. She sang along to the song on the radio. This was the life she was meant to have, enjoying an early fall day with the windows down and a bounce in her step.

  Last night, Sawyer had woken her in the middle of the night. He kneaded her breast until she stirred and turned into his arms. His breath was warm on her face as he lowered his head and kissed her. They had made love slowly. For those few minutes, she forgot about Shane, and her biological father, even Sawyer’s smothering behavior. She enjoyed just being with him, sharing something private and intimate. When Sawyer poured his emotions into making love, she could almost forgive the times he refused her the independence she needed.

  She pulled into the parking lot at J.J.’s and headed around the side to the employee parking. Just the other night, she and Sawyer had huddled around the heat of the fire pit in the middle of the patio out back, cuddling close and enjoying an after-dinner drink. Before long, Joey’d have to close the patio for the winter. But for now, the lingering scent of wood smoke hung in the air.

  She released her seat belt and shoved her cell phone into her wrist wallet.

  “Get out of the car, bitch.” A big hand shot through the open window and yanked the keys from the ignition.

  Shit. Her heart raced and her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth. She tried to cry out but the words wouldn’t come. Where had Shane come from? What was he doing here?

  Rachel fumbled for her cell.

  “Oh, no, you don’t.” Shane snatched the wallet from her hands. He yanked open the door and dragged her out, wrenching her head back and tangling his fingers into her hair. When he hovered over hers, spit flew from his mouth and landed on her nose and lips.

  She swiped at his smelly saliva. How dare he. Shane was not going to hurt her again. “What do you want, Shane?”

  “I want to have that talk that your goddamned boyfriend interrupted when he came flying to your rescue.”

  “Fine. Come inside and we’ll talk.”

  “No way. I do that and that cop you’re screwing will arrest me. I’m not going to jail again. I can’t even stay in one place very long cuz those goddamned deputies he sicced on me keep following me everywhere. We’re going someplace private.”

  The icy tone in his last statement sent a shiver up her spine. She glanced at the building. The back door was ten feet away. If only someone would come outside.

  When she started to scream, Shane smacked his hand over her mouth.

  “Don’t even think about it, bitch.”

  He pulled her by her hair toward the woods. She clawed at his hands and his fingers dug in tighter. She kicked, but each foot fell short of her mark. She had to find a place to hurt him or Lord knows what would happen to her. She punched toward his face, but he jerked his head back and laughed.

  He dragged her behind some bushes where he’d hidden his car. No wonder she hadn’t seen it when she’d pulled in.

  She stilled her mind and focused. Sawyer.

  Her silent pleading had worked in the past when Sawyer had suspected something was wrong. Maybe he would hear her now.

  Shane shoved her toward the backseat of his car and she landed on the floor. The smell of stale beer, grease, and cigarettes assaulted her. Her stomach churning, she gritted her teeth and breathed through her mouth.

  “Don’t be getting any grand ideas of escaping, you hear me? Where we’re going, there won’t be anybody to help if you do.”

  She trembled like a scared cat. White spots appeared in front of her eyes, and her head swam. She couldn’t pass out. Not now. “Please. We can talk about this.”

  “We will. Somewhere else.” He slammed the door.

  She fumbled for the door handle but it wouldn’t open. Her mind raced. Calm down, Rachel. You’ve got this. Think.

  What had Sawyer taught her about self-defense? Nose, throat, gut, groin, instep. She repeated that sequence in her mind. She scanned the floor around her for anything to wrap around Shane’s throat.

  Shane hopped in and the car screeched over the pavement. When the vehicle fishtailed out of the parking lot, her back slammed into the seat, her head smacked the door and she couldn’t fight the darkness that overcame her.

  I love you, Sawyer.

  RACHEL OPENED HER eyes just as Shane stopped the car. She blinked a couple of times but all she could see out the window were the tops of trees. Where were they? She scrambled off the floor and pulled at the door handle. Nothing.

  In the past, he’d rarely planned anything, just going where he wanted when he wanted. But he’d planned this attack. Cold ice froze her spine. This wasn’t good.

  The door opened and Shane’s hand again twisted in her hair. “Get out.”

  She scrambled to her feet and the sunlight stung her eyes. Just as she raised her hands to shield her, Shane grabbed her wrists. He twisted her arms behind her back.

  She kicked, but her right foot only connected with air. He cackled.

  “Shane, stop. You’re hurting me.”

  “Shut up.” He pushed her and she stumbled.

  She stomped at his instep and he easily stepped aside.

  He laughed and yanked her against him, his hot breath moistening her neck. “Keep trying all you want, bitch. You ain’t gonna hurt me.”

  She lifted her knee toward his groin. He released one of her hands to protect himself. Finally, an opening. She swung her free arm and smacked the side of his face.

  “Bitch!” He slapped her.

  The sting of his palm burned her cheek. Just like that, she was back in the trailer. She covered the hot skin and wavered. Sawyer, please. Come find me.

  Shane dragged her toward him and she dug her heels into the gravel.

  His face hovered above hers, a sneer on his lips. “Don’t try that again.”

  She stuck her chin out. “Or what? I’m not that weak girl you beat up before. I’m strong now, and you can’t do anything to me.”

  “You think so, huh? I’ll show you what.” His huge hand wrapped around both of her wrists and jerked. Hard. Stabbing jolts radiated up her arm. She stumbled forward, struggling as he dragged her toward a dilapidated cabin across the field. Where was she? At least if Shane had taken her somewhere familiar, Sawyer could find her. He’d never know to look here.

  “You remember that son-of-a-bitch uncle of mine that died last year? He left me this piece of shit. Even worse than the trailer, but your pansy-ass boyfriend don’t know about it. So we’ll have plenty of privacy.”

  Knife-sharp pain ripped through her arms. “Shane, you’re hurting me.”

  “Shut your mouth.”

  She kicked again—a useless swish through the air. As he pulled her closer to the cabin, her shoes dragged behind her as she struggled to get her feet beneath her.

  She couldn’t strike out at him, but she wasn’t going to make it easy for him. If he insisted on pulling her, she wasn’t going to cooperate. She threw herself onto the ground.

  “Get up. What are you doing?”

  “If you want me in that cabin, you’re gonna have to drag me, because I’m not going willingly.”

  He smacked her again and then grabbed under her arms and shoved her the rest of the way. She struggled, jerked at her hands, dug in her heels.

  No use.

  Shane pulled her up the single step, flung open the door, and shoved her inside the cabin. She scrambled away from the door as he slammed it, shutting the two of them in.

  The stench of waste assaulted her. Who could live like this? Shane was probably too drugged out and drunk to notice the urine stains on the mattress.

  She covered her nose and mouth.

  Shane stalked to the icebox. He opened a beer and flung the cap at her. Nothing new there. One of his favorite pastimes.

  In only a few steps, she could be out the door and running across the
yard while Shane stood across the room, drinking. He’d pocketed the car keys, so stealing that wreck he called a vehicle wasn’t an option… but she could run like Sawyer had taught her.

  Sawyer, please. Come find me.

  Her silent pleas kept her sane while Shane ranted and raved, going on and on about how Rachel had ruined his life. He became more and more agitated the longer he spoke.

  While he was ranting and stalking back and forth across the cabin, she crept backward. One step.

  Shane didn’t notice.

  She moved again.

  Still nothing.

  Closer and closer to the door. Only a few more steps to freedom.

  “Where the hell are you going? I told you, we’re going to talk. And you’re not going anywhere until we do.” Shane stomped over and tossed her toward the table. She hit the floor again. Sharp pain shot down her arm and through her back.

  She grabbed her shoulder. “Ow!”

  Shane towered over her, his feet straddling her. Shit. She’d let him get the upper hand. What was she going to do? He dropped down on all fours above her, sweat dripping off his greasy hair. He lowered his head until his face was over hers, his putrid breath making bile rise in her throat. She’d never been more scared in her life.

  Chapter Thirty

  SAWYER’S PHONE RANG. Whoever was on the other end could call back. He’d procrastinated over these reports for long enough. He had to finish them now. But he just couldn’t concentrate. He shoved aside the crime scene photos.

  He flopped back in his chair and swiveled back and forth. Rachel was right. He hadn’t been giving her space. After the atrocities he’d witnessed inflicted on women and children in Afghanistan and the domestic assault cases he’d handled through the sheriff’s department, he’d seen things he couldn’t forget. By asking him to stop protecting her, she might as well erase his army and police training. And ask him to turn off his heart.

  The phone rang again. They could leave a message. As soon as the ringing stopped, his gut churned. He’d asked Rachel to call him. Maybe he should have answered. The clock read twelve-thirty. She should have been at work half an hour ago.


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